Florence Guide

Florence - 100% Achievements Guide - Chronological Order for Florence

Florence – 100% Achievements Guide – Chronological Order


This guide explains how to obtain all of the achievements in the game Florence in chronological order. In other words, this guide will help you obtain each available achievement in one play-through of the game.


There are 12 Achievements you can earn in the game Florence. The intention of this Guide is to allow you the play through Florence one time and obtain each Achievement.

I’ve put together a chart (see below) that provides a high-level overview of the first time each Achievement can be earned during the game.* The rest of the sections of this Guide are organized by Florence’s six Acts. Each section provides an in-depth explanation of how to earn each Achievement available in that Act.

Florence – Chronological Overview of Achievements

Game Section
Act I, Chapter 1
(1) Not Now
(2) Influencer
(3) Bad Accountant
Act I, Chapter 2
(4) Indecisive
(5) Oops
Act I, Chapter 3
Act II, Chapter 4
Act II, Chapter 5
Act III, Chapter 6
Act III, Chapter 7
(6) Quick Cleaner
Act III, Chapter 8
Act IV, Chapter 9
(7) Overruled
Act IV, Chapter 10
(8) Necessities
(9) Family Photo
Act IV, Chapter 11
(10) <3
Act V, Chapter 12
Act V, Chapter 13
Act V, Chapter 14
Act V, Chapter 15
Act V, Chapter 16
Act VI, Chapter 17
Act VI, Chapter 18
(11) Let Go
Act VI, Chapter 19
Act VI, Chapter 20
(12) Complete

*Disclaimer: Some Achievements can be earned at multiple points throughout the game. For example, if you missed earning the Bad Accountant Achievement in Chapter 1, then you can earn it later in Chapter 12. This Guide only provides the first time each Achievement can be earned (rather than every time), however, to avoid cluttering it up with repetitive information. That said, if you do miss any Achievements during your initial play-through, you will have the opportunity to replay individual Chapters and earn any missed Achievements.

Act I (5 Achievements)

Chapter 1 – Adult Life

Achievement: Influencer


  • When Florence is on the train looking at photos on social media, ‘like’ each of the photos by clicking the heart button (see Screenshot 1, below), rather than ‘reblogging’ them by clicking the arrows button.

Screenshot 1: Florence ‘liking’ a social media post

Achievement: Not Now


  • When you get a phone call from your Mom, hang up on her 5 times (see Screenshot 2, below).
  • Note: You cannot progress through this section until you answer the phone. So, after you’ve hung up the phone five times, you must answer the phone.

Screenshot 2: Florence hanging up on her Mom

Achievement: Bad Accountant


  • When Florence is working, click a pair of different/mismatched numbers three times (see Screenshot 3, below).
  • Note: You cannot progress through this section until you correctly match each of the numbers. So, after you’ve incorrectly matched three pairs of numbers, you must correctly match the numbers.

Screenshot 3: Florence mismatching a pair of numbers

Chapter 2 – Memories

Achievement: Indecisive


  • When decorating either the boat or the butterfly, press the palette five times (see Screenshots 4 and 5, below) to change the colors. After doing so, you’ll have earned this Achievement and can press the arrow to move on to the next scene.

Screenshot 4: Clicking the palette to change the colors (Before)

Screenshot 5: Clicking the palette to change the colors (After)

Achievement: Oops


  • While solving each of the three math problems, first provide a wrong answer, and then provide the right answer.
  • You cannot progress through this section until you provide the right answer to each math problem. So, after providing the wrong answer, you must provide the right answer.

Act II (No Achievements)

Act III (1 Achievement)

Chapter 7 – Inspiration

Achievement: Quick Cleaner


  • Clean Krish’s room in under 15 seconds
  • To clean Krish’s room, you must click on 17 items, listed below:

    List of Items to Be Cleaned Up

    1. Window
    2. Bed
    3. Poster
    4. Shelf over the dresser
    5. Cans/Bowls/Toilet Paper/etc. on the dresser
    6. Action figure on the dresser
    7. Open dresser drawer
    8. Orange shirt
    9. Cricket bat
    10. Red sneakers
    11. Open box with crumbs spilling out
    12. Black boots
    13. Yellow backpack
    14. Skateboard
    15. Sock (1/2)
    16. Sock (2/2)
    17. Open guitar case

  • I’ve also included below a screenshot of Krish’s ‘messy’ room indicating each item you must click on (Screenshot 6), and a screenshot of Krish’s ‘clean’ room depicting how it should look when you’re done (Screenshot 7).
  • Personally, this Achievement took me a few tries because I needed to familiarize myself with where each item to click was. I also found that using a mouse (rather than a trackpad) helped improve my speed and accuracy.

Screenshot 6: Krish’s ‘messy’ room

Screenshot 7: Krish’s ‘clean’ room

Act IV (4 Achievements)

Chapter 9 – Groceries

Achievement: Overruled


  • Lose the fight to Krish.
  • At the start of this Chapter, Florence and Krish are having a conversation. The scene is framed in a black box and you must piece together each of Florence’s responses to progress through the section (see Screenshot 8, below).
  • Later in the Chapter, the exchange escalates into a fight – the black box disappears and you can match Florence’s conversation puzzle pieces together at the same time as Krish ‘speaks’ (see Screenshot 9, below). At this point, don’t do anything (i.e., stop matching Florence’s puzzle pieces). Krish will keep talking for a short time, after which the scene will transition to Krish and Florence sitting down facing away from each other, and you will have earned this Achievement.

Screenshot 8: Florence’s and Krish’s conversation

Screenshot 9: Florence’s and Krish’s fight

Chapter 10 – Moving In

Achievement: Necessities


  • While setting up the kitchen, keep both jars of Marmite/Vegemite.
  • In the kitchen, there is already one jar of Marmite/Vegemite (on the bottom shelf next to the Nutella). Krish also has a jar of Marmite (among other things). Put both jars of Marmite in the kitchen (rather than in the Storage box) to earn this Achievement (see Screenshot 10, below).

Screenshot 10: Keeping both jars of Marmite/Vegemite

Achievement: Family Photo


  • While setting up the shelf in the room after the kitchen, keep both family photos.
  • Florence’s family photo is already on the shelf. Krish also has a family photo (among other things). Put both family photos on the shelf (rather than the Storage box) to earn this Achievement. (see Screenshot 11, below).

Screenshot 11: Keeping both family photos

Chapter 11 – Happy Together

Achievement: <3


  • When Florence is on the train texting Krish, reply only in heart emojis.
  • When texting Krish, Florence has the option to use four different emojis, one of which is a heart. Regardless of what Krish says, only send messages with the heart emoji to earn this Achievement (see Screenshot 12, below).

Screenshot 12: Florence replying with heart emojis

Act V (No Achievements)

Act VI (2 Achievements)

Chapter 18 – Let Go

Achievement: Acceptance


  • Complete this Chapter without making Florence stop walking.
  • For a bit more context, this Chapter first depicts Florence and Krish walking side by side. As the Chapter progresses, Krish (literally) fades away until he disappears and you just see Florence walking by herself. At that point, the checkmark will appear in the lower righthand corner, and you can click it, move on to the next Chapter, and earn this Achievement!
  • Note: If, after you start the Chapter, you click the screen while Krish is still there, however, Florence will stop walking (see Screenshot 13, below), Krish will stop fading away and catch up to Florence, and the Chapter information will reappear (see Screenshot 14, below). To complete the Chapter, you must let Florence walk without clicking the screen.

Screenshot 13: Florence stopped

Screenshot 14: Krish caught up; Reappearing Chapter information

Chapter 20 – Moving On

Achievement: Complete


  • Complete the game.
  • This is the last Chapter of the game, so, by completing this Chapter, you’ll have completed the game and earned this Achievement. Congratulations!