How to play as the Empire! Thanks for Reading =)
Hiiiiii to all!!!!!
- Don’t you hate when the Rebels raid your worlds?
- Don’t you hate when the entire galaxy is corrupted?
- Don’t you hate when the Consortium destroys your Death Star?
Well, Say no more, in this guide you’ll learn how to defeat the Rebel Scum in the Blink of an eye( Not literally, I mean i am good but not that good)
The Galaxy awaits you
General Tips
If you’re here, it means you have liked my guide enough to keep reading, thanks buddy!!
Death Star Tip: For the love of god don’t put the DS in corrupted space for long periods of time…Or iG-88 will destroy the Death Star Thanks for paricipating!
Space Tips
-The AI will retreat if you destroy their space station, use it to your favor , if you want a quick conquest rush the space station and viceversa
It is safe to auto-resolve a battle when you’re only fighting a space station
-The Rebels will spam X-Wings and Y-Wings to the point of insanity.
Keep that in mind and prepare yourself with a Tartan Cruiser!
-The Broadside Cruiser is your best ally, you’ll be able to destroy the enemy fleet from a safe distance, but they need a scort fleet
-Mantain at least one Tartan Cruiser and one acclamator in your fleet, this will help you in your fight against the Rebel starfighters
-Put a unit in the square of your fleet,that unit will be a recognition unit, this will allow to deploy your fleet as you wish in the fleet
-Remember, you will get fighters for free with the Empire, overwhelm the space stations and capital ships with them, if you use your capital ships first they will get destroyed easily.
Neutralize Ackbar with Boba Fett whenever it’s possible, his flagship, the Home One is one of the most powerful ships in the game.
Ground Tips
-Bring Ships capable of an Orbital Bombardment and with a Hangar to the Orbit of the Planet
In EAW, you have the ability to bomb the enemy and in most cases it will turn the tide of the battle
Bombing Run Art
Source: [link]
Orbital Bombardment
Source: [link]
-The Local Population can be loyal to you or your enemies, have that in mind when you’re invading
-Build Turrets in your way to the Enemie Base or when you’re defending a planet, they will be saved on the map permanently, that can easily turn the tide of a battle
An example of this is the Anti-Air Turret, if the Rebels invade with Speeders, their initial wave of attack will get absolutely destroyed
-Use heroes in the Ground Battles, it’ll minimize casualties in a brutal scale!!!
-You should have a garrison in worlds bordered by the Rebels, this will dissuade Rebel Raids for a while
Administration Tips
-It is not necessary to build space stations all over the galaxy.
Build them in worlds where an enemy attack is realistic and if you have enough credits, build them as a second line of defense to said worlds
-Eliminate the Corruption as quickly as possible, if you don’t do it, the Consortium will be able to bypass your defenses and attack your inner worlds
-Don’t sacrifice resources on planets that are on salients or those difficult to defend
An example of this is Kashyyyk, the local population( the Wookies) is no joke, defending the planet is a headache, having to fight the Wookies AND the invasion force, Good Luck!!!
On the Galactic Map, the situation isn’t better, the planet is a salient and you shouldn’t invest too much resources trying to defend it
-In contrast, conquer the enemy’s salient whenever you have an opportunity, like in this image
Galaxy Map
Galactic Starmap by Skyblufox on DeviantArt
Blue: Empire
Red: Rebels
Yellow: Consortium
As you may have noticed, the Empire is the only faction with all of its planets connected, so you’ll be able to send reinforcements easily unlike the Consortium and the Rebels.
The Empire is sorrounded in a full circle and it’s suffering from overextension….but, don’t fear!!
You have a superior fleet and technology at the start of the game, use it wisely!
Source: [link]
Overextension is not a problem at the beginning of the game but if you don’t attack with your superior fleet, the Rebels will start catching up with your Tech and you won’t like to see an angry Ackbar invading Illum with a Massive Fleet
And with that in mind, Let’s see how to conquer this massive galaxy…
The Plan
Okey, plans are useless, but planning is indispensable so in a nuthhell:
- Create a solid economy by building Mining Facilities
- Fortify all imperial worlds with Stormtroopers garrisons
- Start Researching Tech
- Amass your fleet
- Conquer the northern part of the map with said fleet
- Build Mining Facilities in your new worlds like like there wasn’t a tomorrow
- Build more ships
- Invade the Eastern part of the Map
- Build Mining Facilities
- Take your time for the next offensive, the Consortium and the Rebels will start fighting for the remaining resources
- Use this time for the Construction of the Death Star II and the Imperial Star Destroyers(Lord Vader included)
- Invade the South-East part of the map, Why? Because it has important planets, Mon Calamari, Honoghr, Nal Hutta and The Maw unlike the South-West, wich has Poor planets( Dagobah, Hoth, Tatooine) or planets difficult to conquer like Naboo
- By this part of the game, you are unstoppable
Phase 0: Setting the stage
The Key with the Empire is Quantity, not Quality.
Imperial Forces are dispersed around the galaxy, start recruiting Stormtroopers in all of your worlds, this will stop Rebel Raids…for a while.
Start building Mining Facilities in Fresia, Myrkr, Felucia and Coruscant,
Fresia, Myrkr and Felucia are worlds sorrounded by Imperial planets, it is safe to invest in Mining Facilities
And Coruscant is your capital, it has a lot of slots and it’s safe to invest there, Why? Because it’s your capital!!! If you have enemy forces in your capital….You’re in serious problems
“Coruscant with Mining Facilities”
Instead, use Byss as a military base
Be careful with the Rebel Alliance, the AI always attack Ilum and Eriadu first, Keep that in mind and build a few ships over there!!!
Phase 1: Beginning the Northern Offensive
Amass the fleets from Alderaan, Byss, Coruscant, Fresia, Myrkr and Felucia into one single fleet, this fleet is going to be your most valuable asset in the Early Game, just behind the Emperor
Meanwhile, take Boba Fett and invade Korriban, you’ll lost if you auto-resolve but it won’t kill Boba, Spam Boba until you conquer Korriban
Take your Fleet and destroy the Rebels at Korriban
Remember…The Rebel Forces are divided at the start of the game, you have the advantage with your massive fleet, it might take a few tries but it’s achievable
Then, invade Yavin 4, win the Space and Ground battles and establish an Economic World(Use the Emperor in the Ground Battles).
*Economic World: Worlds that only have mining facilities, nothing more
Repeat the same process with the rest of the planets
Dathomir is hard to defend, build a few structures!
End of the Offensive
With your new worlds and their mining facilities, you will get a massive boost in your economy, you’ll be able to build Quality ships
Like the Victory Cruiser!!!
Also when your Tech improves, you will be able to massproduce the best units , like the Death Star, the Executor and all the AT-AT’s you want!
Phase 2: Attack in the West
Phase 2 is a combined assault in the Western Regions of the Galaxy, this assault will weaken the Consortium and in a minor extent, the Rebels
This Assault will buy you time to militarize, build the Death Star, Get Darth Vader , start constructing Imperial Star Destroyers; you have a solid economy but it is not enough to settle in a defensive mode
The Rebels and the Consortium will be too weak to attack you, so they will fight over the remaining planets and resources, Sit and enjoy!!!
“Divide and Conquer”
but don’t forget…
“Unite and you’ll rule”
Phase 3: Attack the South East
After building Mining Facilities in your newly conquered worlds, let’s focus on the South East
By this stage of the conquest, you are THE mayor galactic power and it’s hard to lose, but not impossible.
With Tech 5, Huge tons of Credits, the Death Star and the Executor(Lord Vader) are at the reach of your hand
The South East is a rich sector, the most important planets are:
The Maw: The Empire can produce Tie Phantoms by conquering it
Mon Calamari: You can produce Capital Ships
Kamino: Free Infantry
Honoghr: Pro-Imperial population and the Empire can produce Nogri assasins
Nal Hutta:It has like 10 slots for construction
Bothawui: Reveals Information of nearby systems
Destroy Shola!!!! Remember the Geneva Convention is not a thing in Star Wars!
Phase 4: All-out Attack
What is a Strategy? Use everything you have and destroy them!!!!!! You have 4/5 of the galaxy! You won’t lose!!!
Congratulation, You’ve won
You have read all!!!! That’s awesome!
Have an awesome day!
Thanks for Reading!