Forager Guide

Forager: Skills Guide (Updated) for Forager

Forager: Skills Guide (Updated)


This guide is now updated and this guide contains the following: What skills to take What skills are important What skills to ignore Skill path to take


I’ve played the game vigorously on release, also played it when it was showcased on humble bundle. The game is very simple, very easy and relaxing. In 15 hours of play I’ve unlocked every achievement and pretty much completed the game. So here is my experience on what skills to unlock to get things done fast and quickly.

EDIT: I’ll be updating this guide to match with the current version of the game. A lot has changed and some skills have become more viable compared the old ones.

Foraging Skill Tree


  • Allows beet and wheat to spawn
  • Cotton spawns more often
  • One of the necessary skills to get before you can branch out to different skill trees.
  • This skill is not that important but necessary to get to more important skills.
  • Unlocks bows and arrows
  • Enemies drop coins when killed
  • Game is still easy after the updates even the harder difficulty didn’t post much of a problem.
  • Can be ignored in a classic game but on hard mode it should be unlock early on for ballistics.
  • Unlocks ballistas
  • Bow shoot triple arrows
  • Very useful in hard mode, it helps clear out enemy spawns during night time and clears out enemies on islands.
  • Can be ignored in a classic game but on hard mode it should be unlocked early.
  • Gain 50% more loot from enemies and bosses
  • Good unlock late in the game but early on it can be ignored.
  • Gain 4 inventory slots
  • Gain 25% more exp from plants and crops
  • Next to unlock after foraging, it is part of the mains skills to get. The bonuses are not game changing but it is necessary to get.
  • Unlocks fishing rod
  • Fish traps catch things 50% faster
  • Next to unlock after getting gathering, it is part of the mains skills to get. An important unlock as fish will be one of the main sources of food and healing, while sand is use for glass to make bottles to capture bugs.
  • Unlocks cookpot
  • Unlocks sugar, mayonnaise and cheese
  • Fish and meat will be our main source of healing and food for early to late game.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Gain exp when eating things
  • Gain 20% more energy when eating
  • An okay unlock during late game but that is it.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Unlocks windmill and sprinklers
  • During my new playthrough in hard mode I only unlocked this for feats and quests.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Rocks drop 40% more minerals
  • Extremely useful and should be unlocked after getting fishing, part of the mains skills to unlock. Game changer as it increases all drops from rock type resources.
  • Allows you to eat minerals and gems to restore energy
  • Waste of a skill point do not bother should be Ignored.
  • Farming structures work 25% faster
  • Farming structures don’t add a lot to progression and speeding up production don’t add a lot.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Spawns a friendly companion
  • Not a terrible unlock it helps out when it can.
  • Can be ignored.
  • All rocks drop coal
  • Another extremely useful unlock since coal is used in a lot of crafting and is used 100% of the time.
  • Another part of the main skills to get but you can choose to skip this but its not recommended.
  • Rocks drop gems 10% more often
  • Increased chance to find rare items when digging by 30%
  • Another useful skill it is your choice to unlock this early on for money or when you start crafting items that need gems.
  • Unlocks quarries
  • An okay skill to unlock late game but some biomes contain tons of rock type resources and will suffice during gameplay.

Economy Skill Tree

  • Gain 40 coins
  • First unlock to expand land and get more resources. Very first main skill to get before getting other important skills
  • Unlocks market
  • A good unlock once you get the main skills (View main skills to get section to see prioritizations)
  • Reduce market price by 15%
  • I rarely buy anything in the market, mostly sold things.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Markets sell more items
  • Market restocks time is reduced by 50%
  • I rarely buy anything in the market, mostly sold things.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Unlocks vaults
  • A useful unlock after getting the main skills as it paths to alchemy and banking but more on alchemy.
  • Unlocks banks
  • A useful unlock, money is important as it allows us to gain more land to get more resources.
  • Your choice to unlock once you have all the main skills.
  • Gain exp when selling items
  • Items discarded from your inventory are sold instantly instead
  • A useful unlock, you gain a lot of experience when selling high value items.
  • Can be ignored though because exp is accumulated over time, this just makes that process faster.
  • Crafted items sell for 25% more coins
  • You don’t want to sell crafted items as the low value ones don’t give a lot while high value items are too important to just sell.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Unlocks slot machines
  • High returns with cheap cost when used but not useful.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Items may be sent to vaults from your inventory
  • Vaults may have locked item slots
  • Its not hard to walk to a vault and locking items is only good for filtering and organizing.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Banks generate coins 50% when adjacent to other backs.
  • Useful unlock but requires a few more skill points in economy.
  • Can be ignored
  • Purchasing lands are 30% cheaper
  • Useful unlock but requires a few more skill points in economy.
  • Can be ignored
  • Unlocks lighthouses
  • Double light radius in the dark
  • Overpowered skill due to lighthouses.
  • Your choice to unlock early by getting gambling early.
  • A good way to cheese the game to gain tons of resources.
  • Structures have double health
  • Structures cost 25% fewer resources
  • Vaults have more inventory slots
  • A good unlock as it allows you to build even more buildings that are useful
  • Requires a lot of investment in economy, should be unlocked during late game.
  • Structures automatically repair themselves
  • A good unlock in hard mode but that is why we have ballsitas to avoid structures getting injured. Prevention is better than a cure.
  • Can be ignored.
  • Lighthouses have double area of effect
  • Mining Rods have double area of effect
  • Power Plants have double area of effect
  • Ballistas have double area of effect
  • A useful unlock since most of the structures mentioned are extremely useful.
  • Unlock when you’ve invested enough on economy skills.

Industry Skill Tree


  • Unlocks steel
  • Unlocks glass
  • Gain XP when building structures
  • Second to unlock after economy, allows you to level up quickly early on since you’ll be building a lot of structures.

  • Unlocks leather
  • Sewing stations work 25% faster
  • An important skill to get, to get the necessary equipment for bonuses and allows you to get better backpacks

  • Unlocks boots
  • Unlocks gloves
  • A useful skill to unlock as this items give you move speed and attack speed bonuses
  • Unlock when all necessary skills are unlocked

  • Unlocks amulets
  • Gems sell for 20% more coins
  • An extremely useful skill unlock it after getting textiles. It boost resource drop by a lot.

  • Unlock carpentry stations
  • Structures cost 25% less wood
  • Not as useful even with the bonus, as carpentry station is only used for decorations.
  • Can be ignored

  • Unlock hammer
  • Unlock royal steel
  • Unlock royal clothing
  • An important unlock as this allows us to move to the next level of structures and equipment.
  • Unlock when you have a lot of gems as royal items need gems.

  • Furnaces and forges operate 25% faster
  • A good unlock as some items take a long time to create.
  • Your choice to unlock if you feel like production is slow.

  • Unlocks power plants and nuclear tier items
  • An okay unlock once you have a lot of resources available for use.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks masonry tables and braizers
  • Structures cost 25% less rocks and bricks
  • An okay unlock as this allows you to add walls to your base but ballistas and your pickaxe is enough.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks factories
  • Another important unlock as this allows you to make endgame materials.
  • Unlock when equipment start requiring this endgame materials or unlock it early for mining rods.

  • Unlocks locomotive and railroad
  • A fun way to move around the map but not useful.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks emp grenades and drones
  • Industrial structures work 25% faster
  • A good unlock as drones are helpful and are infinite but requires a lot of resources to build.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks flower press
  • All structures have 10% chance to craft double items
  • A good unlock the bonus is useful but that is it.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks offshore drills
  • Offshore drills may gather sand for free
  • 25% chance to find coal when digging
  • Oil will be needed at some point in late game for plastic but that is it.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks mining rods
  • Crafted items collect themselves
  • One of the important structures you will need to clear out islands and help you reduce a lot of grinding resources.
  • Resources destroyed by mining rods are placed automatically in your inventory or vault.
  • Unlock this if you want to rush mining rods, it may take time but it is worth it.

  • Mining rods and droids deal double damage
  • An okay unlock as this speeds up gathering of resources but that is it.
  • Can be ignored.

Magic Skill Tree


  • Earn 25% more exp
  • A great skill to unlock, it is your choice if you want to unlock it early on

  • Unlocks swords
  • Increase base damage by 1
  • Your pickaxe is enough for most over world enemies.
  • Only unlock when you want to start raiding dungeons.

  • Recovers energy when killing enemies
  • Infinite energy and no need to eat food other than for healing. Very useful but not necessary.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Deal 25% more damage to bosses
  • Useful but not necessary.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks Cauldrons
  • After the update for mining rods, bombs are now a viable way of clearing out islands early in the game, also a must for speedrun game mode.
  • Unlock once you start getting clusters of resources on islands.

  • Increases dodge chance by 15%
  • An okay unlock gives you the chance of surviving longer but it is not necessary.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Buffs last 50% longer
  • Gain exp when using potions and scrolls
  • I only used buffs when the game gives them to me and rarely craft any potions or scrolls.
  • Can be ignored

  • Gain 2 spirit orbs
  • Unlocks spirit forges
  • An endgame unlock as this allows you to make certain items to allow you to progress fast. Not necessary early in the game.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks inscription tables
  • I rarely used scrolls and rarely crafted.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Potions and scrolls cost fewer resources to craft
  • I rarely used scrolls or potions and rarely crafted them.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks Void steel
  • Allows to use cauldrons to transmute steel into gems
  • Only unlock during endgame as void steel is an endgame material.

  • Unlocks sigil maker
  • Shrines recharges twice as fast
  • Sigil maker allows you to make boss item spawner. Very useful to farm gems, money and exp.
  • Your choice to unlock when you have enough materials and can kill bosses easily.

  • Unlocks expert scrolls and potions
  • Unlocks dye and dye remover
  • I rarely used scrolls and potions and rarely crafted them.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks shrines
  • Shrines are useful but not necessary
  • Can be ignored.

  • Magic structures work 25% faster
  • Rarely crafted magic items and most items are for endgame in my opinion at least.
  • Can be ignored.

  • Unlocks cosmic steel
  • Starfalls happen more frequently
  • Important unlock for endgame since cosmic steel is an endgame material.
  • Unlock when equipment needs cosmic steel.

Main Skills To Get

These are in my opinion the best skills to get at the start of your game. Once you get them you can start branching out to different parts of the skill tree. Make sure to look at the skill path example section for a more in depth skill tree to take.


  • Instantly gain 40 coins
  • Forges create 4 extra coins every time
  • First to unlock to quickly expand and gain more resources to progress. Very important more land means more resources.

  • Unlocks steel and glass
  • Gain XP when building structures
  • Second to unlock, build a few structures to immediately level up to get another skill point.

  • Allows beet and wheat to spawn
  • Cotton spawns more often
  • Third to unlock nothing important here just need to get to the other important skills.

  • Gain 4 inventory slots
  • Gain 25% more exp from plants and crops
  • Fourth to unlock, inventory slots are good and exp bonuses are always good.

  • Unlocks fishing rod
  • Fish traps catch things 50% faster
  • Fifth to unlock, fish and meat will be our main sources of food and healing later in the game. The bonus is great as this allows you to gain more resources.

  • Rocks drop 40% more minerals
  • Sixth to unlock, great bonus as it allows all types of rocks found in the game to drop more resources.

  • All rocks drop coal
  • Seventh to unlock, probably the best skill to get since coal is used 100% of the time through your whole playthrough and allows you to avoid burning wood for coal.

  • Unlocks vault
  • Eight to unlock, not as important but it helps and will allow you to unlock alchemy for bombs.

  • Unlocks cauldrons
  • Ninth to unlock, very important allows you to make bombs for faster farming of resources and will be used a lot before getting mining rods.

Skill Path Example

After the changes towards the skills here is a skill path that you can take to easily progress in the game. This path is good for classic mode and It may still take some time to progress but it will shorten it by a margin.

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6

Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11

Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16

Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

Before the update mining rods were the priority but after the changes in the crafting recipe it is now a late game structure and not anymore a priority. So we will prioritize something else and that will be alchemy specifically for bombs. Bombs are cheap to make and will take out most resources in one hit, very useful for clearing out clusters of resources early in the game or in speed run mode.

Why industry over foraging? You can easily level up by getting industry then building a few structures, much faster than getting foraging as you don’t need cotton early in the game.

Why are we getting gambling? The optics skill specifically, lighthouses are powerful build them near you when farming resources as it will increase the resource drop and they are cheap to build in most cases.


I love the game played it for 15 hours straight had my ups and downs, when I realize some skills were more important than others. At one point because I didn’t know mining rods were that useful, all the islands that I unlocked was overrun with resources, had to use bombs to clear it out then after a few minutes, it was chuck full of resources again. At that point I unlocked mining rods and my God it made my life 100 times easier. In conclusion there is a lot of skills that give better bonuses that would last through out your game and it is your choice which one to unlock.

EDIT: Took 3 days to update the guide, Thank you for all the people who liked, rated and favorite this guide. Hope this helps all or old players playing this game.

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