Baldi’s Basics Plus Guide

Full Baldi's Basics Plus Guide Part 2 (v.0.3.4) for Baldi's Basics Plus

Full Baldi’s Basics Plus Guide Part 2 (v.0.3.4)


Part 2 of the Full Baldi’s Basics Plus guide, overviewing all the events, structures, field trips, and everything else. Now updated to 0.3.4 as of 3:46 PM on July 4th, 2021.


As said in the description, this is part 2 of the previous guide I made for this game. I felt the other one was getting too long so I decided to make this one. This guide will (hopefully) be shorter and will go over the different events, structures, field trips, and more! Part 1 can be found here. One more thing, I’m not the developer.


Fog Machine Malfunction

The Fog Machine Malfunction event will happen randomly and will limit the vision for everyone. However, fog does not affect hearing. Baldi will still hear you, but everyone has limited vision.


The Flood Event will happen randomly and will fill the school halfway with water, slowing down everyone. Whirlpools will appear in the water, and if sucked in, you will be unable to move and then get teleported to a random location on the map. After this, the whirlpool will disappear.

Broken Ruler

The Broken Ruler event will happen randomly and Baldi’s ruler will break. This will make him completely silent for a few seconds. Eventually, his ruler will regenerate and everything will return to normal. Baldi also cannot get you while his ruler is broken, he will just follow you around until his ruler returns. He can still take your apple, the greedy man.


Lights-Off is an event that has not been added yet, but will turn some lights off. It acts similar to the Fog event.

Mystery Room

The Mystery Room will rarely appear and the door will appear in a hallway. Inside the Mystery Room, the room is completely black with an item in the middle. This is the only place the Dangerous Teleporter can spawn in.


The Party will be located in the Principal’s Office. A random item will spawn in the middle of the room, but will despawn when the event is over. Most characters will get distracted by the party and head towards it.

Test Procedure

The Test Procedure event will close all the Lockdown Doors after a 10 second timer. Not every door will close at the same time, but every door will close. The doors prevent you or any character from passing through the hallway but the doors can be opened manually by a button nearby.

Gravity Chaos

Gravity Chaos is an event which will spawn some 3d shapes in the hallways. You, the player, get put on the ceiling, and no characters can interact with you, unless they are on the same level as you. If you or another character touches a 3d object, it will flip them to either the ceiling or floor, whichever is the opposite of what they were currently on.

Structures and Devices #1

Math Machine

The Math Machine will randomly appear in a classroom and number balloons will spawn in the same room. It is similar to the puzzles from the game Sonic’s Schoolhouse, where you have to grab the balloon to solve the question. If you put the correct balloon into the machine, the balloons will start popping, Baldi will say “WOW!”, a notebook will appear, and you will gain 25 You Thought Points. Baldi will also stop moving for a bit, and encourage you! If you get it wrong, the machine will buzz, attract Baldi, and you will lose 5 You Thought Points. Either way, you will still get a notebook.

Noise Phone

The Noise Phone will make a noise similar to Baldi’s Least Favorite Tape and is a one time use. A quarter must be used on it for the phone to work. It is located randomly at a dead end. There is a short cooldown between uses.

Tape Player

The Tape Player requires Baldi’s Least Favorite Tape to use. When used, the tape will make a noise similar to the Noise Phone and will distract Baldi. The Tape Player can be found in the Principal’s Office. There is a short cooldown between uses.

You Can Think Pad

The You Can Think Pad is the Math Machine of Baldi’s Basics Classic. You would need to answer 3 questions, but the last one on every notebook past the first one is corrupted. The You Can Think Pad only appears in Baldi’s Basics Plus as the Pause Menu and the Map.

Drinking Fountain

The Drinking Fountain can be found in the Hallways and when left clicked on, it refills the Player’s stamina. It can be used as many times as you want.

Structures and Devices #2


The Elevator is the room you start in after starting a new game of Hide and Seek. The green tubes on the right represent your lives, or the amount of tries you have in that run. There are two buttons presented to you, PLAY, and SAVE + QUIT. Play will start the game, and save and quit will save your progress and quit the game. After clicking play, you leave the elevator. After beating that floor, you go into the elevator and the intermission screen shows up. You will get a different amount of You Thought Points, depending on how you did on that floor. Johnny’s Store will appear in the doors when in the elevator.

Vending Machines

There are two, I have shown the BSODA one to save on space.
The Vending Machines are found in the Hallways, faculty rooms, or mainly in the Cafeteria. Using a quarter on the Vending Machine will either give you a can of BSODA or an Energy Flavored Zesty Bar, depending on which vending machine you use. After using a Vending Machine, that machine is now out of stock and cannot be used again.


There are multiple, I have shown the Classroom door to save on space.
The Doors are structures that allow access to room from Hallways. The blue door, as shown above, is the classroom door and detention door. The big yellow doors are the swinging doors, and are found in the Hallways, the Cafeteria, the Playground, the Outdoor Area, and the Library. The brown doors are school faculty doors. The green door with question marks on it is the Mystery Door.

Lockdown Doors

A description of the Lockdown Doors can be found under the Test Procedure Event.

Conveyor Belt

The Conveyor Belt is a structure that can move any character either faster or slower, depending on which way they are moving. The Conveyor Belt can be used as a way to regenerate stamina while still moving. The Conveyor Belt cannot be found on Floor 1.

Structures and Devices #3


The Rotohall is a device that takes up a corner of two Hallways. Nearby, there is a button that can be pushed to rotate the room.

School Rules

Follow these to prevent getting sent to detention.


The Buttons can be used to close the Lockdown Doors, change the direction of the Conveyor Belt, or rotate the Rotohall. They can be found on walls in Hallways or rooms.


There are two, I have shown the Blue one because it is the only one that can be used.
The Lockers are small storage compartments on the walls. The Red ones have no purpose other than decoration, but the Blue ones can be hidden in. Hiding in a locker prevents characters from finding you, but it makes noise so Baldi knows where you are. Using the WD-NoSquee spray on the locker can prevent Baldi from hearing the locker. Using the Phone or the Tape Player can also prevent Baldi from hearing the locker. You can get sent to detention if the Principal sees you leaving a locker. If you enter a locker while Baldi or the Principal can see you enter it, they will stay there until you leave. Items can be used and stamina will now recharge while hiding, as of v.0.1.5.

Number Balloons

There are multiple, I have shown 0 because why not.
Number Balloons are found in the room that the Math Machine is. They can be picked up by interacting with them. They are used to answer the Math Machine’s question.

Camping Field Trip

The Camping Field Trip

The Camping Field Trip can be accessed by entering the Bus. There is a 50% chance you will get the camping trip. If you do get it, Baldi will give you instructions on how to play. If you still need help, this guide is for you. First, there will be three campfires, each with a number on it. Once the instructions finish, sets of firewood will fall from the sky, each with a math problem on it. You need to switch the campfires by clicking between the two you want to switch to match each problem with its respective answer. You get three tries before you lose. Eventually, Baldi will add another campfire. I hope you like math, because you are going to do a lot! You need to solve 10 sets of questions to complete the field trip.

  • Firewood – Used to replenish the fire.

  • Baldi – Watches you.

Farm Field Trip

The Farm Field Trip

The Farm Field Trip is completely different than its old version. In the new version, you need to drag animals through a farm and into the barn. The maze is randomized each playthrough and will change every 5 rounds, and there is also a time limit that doesn’t change unless you miss a level. The number of animals that spawn will increase every round.

  • Nothing

  • None

Water Treatment Plant Field Trip

The Water Treatment Plant Field Trip

Because this field trip is not in the game yet, there is no picture of it.
The Water Treatment Plant Field Trip is a field trip that has not been added to the game yet. You will have to keep digester domes from collapsing.

Wild West Field Trip

The Wild West Field Trip

Because this field trip is not in the game yet, there is no picture of it.
The Wild West Field Trip has no information revealed other than it will be set in the Wild West.

Field Trip Items


Baldi’s Bus
The bus used to take you to the field trip. It is found in the outdoor area and is used by walking into it.


The Campfire is the main goal of the Camping Field Trip. Bring firewood to the fire to prevent it from going out.

Firewood is used to refuel the campfire. It falls from the sky and has math problems on it.


There are no items to be found in the Farm.


Thank you all for reading this guide! I hope this guide helped you understand some of the items in the game. If you haven’t read the other guide, I recommend you check it out here. Making this guide also taught me a few things about the game. I give a lot of credit to the Baldi’s Basics Wiki[], which helped me get all the information I needed. If there are any mistakes or typos, please tell me in the comments and I will fix it as soon as I can.