Black Desert Guide

[Game Information] Caphras Stone for Black Desert (Retired)

[Game Information] Caphras Stone


You can use the Caphras Enhancement system to enhance TRI (III) or higher enhancement level weapons and armor. You’ll need Caphras Stones to use this enhancement system. You can access this system by summoning your Black Spirit (/) then going to Enhancement > Caphras Enhancement


Caphras Enhancement has a total of 20 levels.
The TRI(III) or higher weapon and armor will get EXP when you use Caphras Stones to level them.

They go up a level once they get enough EXP. They get a new effect each time they level.

The <Upgrade Enhancement> button appears when the item reaches Caphras enhancement level 20.
The item will go up an enhancement level when you click on this button. (e.g. III → IV, IV → V)

The item needs to have 100 max durability to upgrade it. Once it’s successfully upgraded, it will have 0 max durability and it’s Caphras enhancement levels will reset.

Be careful when you try to attempt a regular enhancement with an item that has Caphras enhancement levels. If you fail the enchantment, only 50% of the Caphras enhancement EXP will be transferred over.

If you succeed a regular enhancement, then 10% of the Caphras enhancement EXP will be transferred over.

The table below shows the effects each type of item gets at every Caphras enhancement level.
※ Please note that the effects do not accumulate.

◆ Main Weapon, Awakening Weapon

◆ Sub-weapon

◆ Armor

*The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.