Deuterium Wars Guide

Game logs: why they are needed, how to send them, where to find? for Deuterium Wars

Game logs: why they are needed, how to send them, where to find?


Detailed information on how and in what cases it is necessary to send the game logs, where to find them and why it is so important.

About logs

Sometimes, during the game, you encounter bugs and errors. In order to detect and fix them, in addition to describing the problem, we need game logs.

Therefore, if there was any mistake, we kindly ask you to send these logs to your reports.

Please note that the game logs on your computer are saved for a short period of time in the game, so they should be sent immediately after the occurrence of the error.

So, where to find the logs:

Path to the logs on your computer by default:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDeuterium Warslog

However, the path to this folder may be different, depending on your settings. Therefore, if by the specified path you do not find this folder, then logs can be found in this way:

  1. Open the Steam Library. When you’re in the game, Steam is always on, so you can find its icon in the taskbar.

  2. Find in the Library among the list of your games “Deuterium Wars”, then click on the name of the game with the right mouse button and select “Properties”.

  3. In the window that opens, go to the “Local Files” tab and select the “Browse local files” option.

  4. The game folder will open on your computer. Go to the “Log” folder.

  5. Select the text file “Deuterium Wars” and send it to us.

When we look at your logs, we will find the exact cause of the error you reported and fix it so that neither you nor other players will encounter it again.

How to send logs?

Open the folder with the logs, select the text document Deuterium Wars and send it to us along with the report about the error in the way that is convenient for you (via the bugreports channel on the Discord[], in PM to our official community on Facebook[], etc.).