hello yes and thankyou for dropping into my garden mart guide i am very thankfull and i hope you are ready for steamy vegetables and also steamy fan fiction
Garfield Meats Jon
Garfield is a strong independent man who doesnt like to take any help from anyone. One day, he is at the grociery store. He is getting some pasta noodles. (bowtie, not lasanga! lol) and he drops the box. he reaches down and wowza, someone is there with him. Garfield can tell he is a dancing machine based on his beautifully toned abs he can see through his blue shirt.
“Oh hello there beautiful” Garfield says to the bodacios man.
“I like your gumption, kid” the man returts with a beutaful smile on his face. Garfield is incredibly erect.
sowwy guws i weawwy want to work wiff this but iw haff to save it fow wader