ShellShock Live Guide

Gear Shop Weapons (UPDATED!) for ShellShock Live

Gear Shop Weapons (UPDATED!)


Recently numerous people have asked me which weapons to buy when you’ve got the gears required to purchase one or two, people can’t decide which is stronger, how easy is to use each of them so I’ve simply decided to make guide on how to use gear shop weapons and what damage output can you expect from every single one of them, I’m a bit lazy so for now gonna make the guide for just 3 weapons, but I’ll try to include other weapons from the shop in the future.

Throwing Star

Cost: 150 Gears
Upgrades: Multi-Star, Ninja

Throwing Star is cheapest out of the lot costing measly 150 gears,however it gets its first upgrade relatively early and can be surprisingly powerful if used correctly.

There is a myriad of weapons which ain’t have to hit target precisely in order to deal damage, throwing star takes it a step further, you MUST miss your target in order to deal damage.The star upon landing levitates into air and splits into 8 stars, 4 to one side and 4 to another, which then deal 20 damage each. For greater damage output it is preffered to have your target’s back near a steep ground obstacle like in the image below:

Try hit ground in front of your target so that the star which rises from the ground after initial hit reaches zenit right near your intended target,then you’ll get most out of this skill with 3 or all 4 stars of one side hitting the intended target as is shown in this image:
Caution! I’ve picked a bit too short distance near my target so the stars of the left side leanded near me and one has hit me for 20 damage, if you want to avoid this, keep your distance.

Other situations

  • If there is no steep obstacle your target is next to, it doesn’t matter if you hit before or after him, just dont shoot right into him or extremely close to him cause that is a guaranteed miss, also without the obstacle you’re very unlikely to hit with all 4 stars of one side, most likely you’ll hit with 1 or 2.
  • If you’re in a match with multiple opponents and two of them are at a short distance from eachother, you can target the middle ground in-between them to hit both targets.

Tangent Fire

Cost: 200 Gears
Upgrades: Tangent Attack, Tangent Assault

Tangent Fire isn’t a very powerful weapon, but neither is it hard to use, casual strategy for it includes direct fire at the target, however it won’t deal more than 30 damage or so (without criticals) so arcing is the prefered method.

The easiest method to use the tangent fire is position yourself so that whole of target tank is outside of your transparent aiming circle, then set your power to 100 and angle to 86 as is shown in the image below:
Then just press the fire button (or space, if that’s more suitable for you) and the situation will look similar to seen in this image:


Cost: 300 Gears
Upgrades: Olympic Skeet

If you’ve just acquired the Skeet, I guess you feel underwhelmed by its firepower and accuracy and regret purchasing it, nevertheless it can be a very dangerous weapon with certain amount of skill and luck.

I agree it is not easy to use Skeet efficiently but there’s a couple options you should try, first one is the angle shot, it requires high amount of skill, intuition and luck, so if you won’t deal high amount of damage it’s completely normal and don’t be sorry of yourself, first you have to position yourself atleast 1 and a half of the transparent aiming circle away from your opponent as is depicted in the image below, this is to unlock the potential of Skeet, moving closer won’t give enough of time for your delayed shots to hit the clay discuses.
Afterwards, try adjusting your angle high enough to lengthen the distance the discuses travel, giving enough time for delayed shots at them to fire at the same time enabling the fragments of the shot discuses to pour down upon your target. Also adjust the power, mind in the greater the distance you are away from your target,the more power you need, however if you’ll use too much power for your distance, your delayed shots at the discuses simply won’t have the time to fire and you’ll be simply shooting 3 single digit damage and very inaccurate clay plates. The result should be fragments of the clay plates raining down upon your target, pay attention to trajectory of delayed shots, they fire in a straight line, so make sure you have enough vertical clearance,especially when aiming towards target which is on a higher ground than you, otherwise your delayed shots may end up shooting at the obstacles in its path:

There’s one thing to remember, no matter how skillful you are or how advanced your 6th sense is, there’s still an element of luck in this, because the clay plates are fired from you at varying trajectory, they may spread out our they may converge eachother, resulting in as low as none to 10-20 damage in worst-case scenarios up to 200+ at the best-case scenarios.

Another tactic for the Skeet is the long distance straight shot, it can be devastating when target is very exposed or there is multiple targets at close proximity, the aforementioned scenario is seen below:

Considering the fact that Skeet is such an unpredictable weapon, it is very open to improvisations, however there’s a couple of shots you shouldn’t do with skeet, unless you have no chance in positioning yourself and only other weapon left is the dreadful Mini-Pinger, that is the arc and close-up shot. Arc will result large amount of debris being scattered over large area, dealing none to very low damage to precise target, while close-up shot will result in 3 single-digit damage clay plates, while it is extremely unlikely that all of them will hit, more likely 1 or 2.


Cost: 250 Gear
Upgrades: Scavengers

Arguably the most powerful weapon you can access in the gear shop. I won’t expand too much on this one, cause it is relatively simple to use, you shoot it like an ordinary Shot, but when it lands, thats when the power of RNG emerges. Upon impact the projectile transforms into 5 arrows moving in completely random, often cardinally different directions and trajectories, while at the same time bypassing terrain as if it wouldn’t even existed.

Damage of travelers is dependant on two main factors – distance from your target and luck.
If I’d were you I would avoid using travelers against targets in close proximity, since the arrows only deal 4 damage/tick instead of 5-7damage/tick you’d normally deal from medium distance and 8damage/tick from substantial distance, also close up shots have the potential to backfire, as the offshoot arrows may decide to go RENEGADE STYLE and backfire right in your face!
Luck is also a factor when it comes to how many times arrows gonna hit your target and if they are going to go after their user.

Due to these two factors the damage it can cause varies wildly, from as low as 20 to unlucky close-up shots up to 200+ for very successful long range shots, mind in this is what it deals for a single target, damage can and will be noticeably greater when engaging multiple opponents, because while one arrow is shredding one target, another one a fair distance apart may be assaulting another one and if two or more targets are in very close proximity, you guessed it, they will all be wrecked at once.And while travelers are merciless to your opponents, they are also completely terrain friendly and doesn’t harm it in any way.
Scavengers are even more vicious variant of Travelers, dealing 2damage/tick up close and 5damage/tick from afar they may not seem as intimidating at first glance, but it wouldn’t be an upgraded weapon if it wouldn’t have a trick up it’s sleeve. After the initial 5 offshoot arrows has set off from the impact point and went their ways, another set of 5 arrows appear from the same spot, just as menacing as the initial 5, albeit with a green colour tone instead of a yellow one, they prey upon whatever remains of enemy tank has left after their yellow cousins did their job.
Personally my favourite use of Travelers/Scavengers is the rebound mode, it’s one of the handful of weapons of which bumpers not only do not diminish power of, but amplify it.


TBD 2016


TBD 2016