Two Point Hospital Guide

General info & tips for Two Point Hospital

General info & tips


These are just some things I’ve learned along the way. I’m still adding as I go! If you have anything to add or see a mistake, leave a comment! I’ll try to fix it :)Some of the information I got from these guides and I recommend taking a look at them: Traits guide General tips (not including Bigfoot) The Duckworth-Upon-Bilge Guide

Things I wish I knew from the beginning:

  • Queue management is SUPER important. Always look for patients health and happiness
  • You can drag and drop patients in the queue instead of clicking the arrows each time
  • Traits are also SUPER important. The guide from the description is my go to.
  • It’s not worth spending the exta K and $ for entertainment for patients (or staff that I’ve seen thus far). Even with food, drinks, and toilets it isn’t worth letting the paitents use. They clog up the queues because they are off doing stuff. You can put drinks and stuff in the rooms for the staff and in staff rooms. You can also turn off patients in the toilets. (see the linked General Tips guide for more info)
  • You can hold down Ctrl when you are moving things to get a tighter fit (it makes a lot of difference in small rooms) Placement is key!
  • Avoid having too many plants, your janitors will be insanely busy watering them. Try to contain them to heavy traffic areas or where other attractive items won’t reach and you want something other than the display skeleton on the floor
  • You can make the rooms the minimum size most of the time (some rooms like the wards and research you probably want to make a little bigger.
  • Place a staff room and toilets in each building unless the buildings are super close together otherwise your staff will be taking too much time walking to these things.
  • Extinguishers are one time use

Keep GP and diagnostic rooms close together (along with toilets and a staff room for staff) to minimize walking and help keep patients healthy since they go back and forth between these rooms a lot until they get to treatments.

Helpful hints

In the “Staff” section of the Charaters tab:

  • You can set specific jobs for staff members
  • You can change the staff pay to adjust happiness
  • You can see what they are doing and click on them to find them quicky

In the “Patients” section of the Characters tab:

  • You can click on the patients to quickly send them home/for treatment/etc.

In the “Overview” section of the Finances tab:

    Under policy:

  • You can turn off staff leaving the room when they are idle, this contains them better
  • You can turn on a bypass for a certain diagnostic % so that it frees up some queue space
  • You can set the queue line warning to a lower/higher amount. (I like to do 5)

Under the staff section of the Overview:

  • You can change the amount of days that your staff are on breaks

General hints

  • If you have your staff in the room when they are idle, place them in the staff room (if it’s close to them/their office) and then take them off break. They will stay in the staff room and keep their energy up until they are needed. Just like when they are “on break looking for work”

  • You definitely want specific staff members trained in certain things for the different kinds of rooms. If you want to make them extra effecient, be picky about traits too. Check out the Traits Guide and General Info guide that I have linked in the description

Suggestions on how to spend K early on

  • Drinking fountain (at first), later you want either the coffee maker or the hot chocolate maker
  • Sweets dispenser
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Chair
  • Big bin (when you get it)
  • Yucca plant
  • Gold star award
  • Medicine cabinet
  • Display Skeleton
  • Golden toilet

For specific rooms:

  • Psych: Diagnostic bookcase, Treatment bookcase
  • Ward/Cardio: Wall monitor
  • Training: Anatomy model and either the Anatomy or Brain Anatomy poster

Room setup

For most rooms that staff will spend a majority of the time you want:

  • A thirst quencher (drinking fountain early on then either the coffee maker or the hot chocolate maker)
  • Sweets dispener
  • Chair
  • Hand sanitizer
  • A trash can
  • Gold star awards or other attractive items to make the room prestige 5

Items with a % bonus stack, but only up to 100%. In the beginning I feel it’s worth having a few medical cabinets in the rooms they can be in. Wall monitors fit above the beds perfectly in the ward.

  • For example: In a 3×3 Psych room you can fit 3 of each book shelf if you put the chairs in the middle and the stuff above by the door in the free space.

I’ve included some examples of how I like to set them up for the first few basic rooms.

Staffing tips

For Janitors:

  • Good Traits: Tireless, Motivated, Cheap, Fast Learner, Positive
  • Good Skills if you’re building them from scratch: Masterclass first then in no particular order depending on what you have/need Ghost catching, Motivation, Stamina, Emotional intelligence
  • You will probably want at least one mechanic dedicated to upgrading with only the mechanic skills

For Nurses/Doctors:

  • Good Traits: Tireless, Motivated, Cheap, Fast Learner, Charming, Healer (good in diagnostics!!)

For Assistants:

  • Good Traits: Tireless, Cheap, Fast Learner, Positive (depending on what they are staffed for)