Hearts of Iron III Guide

Germany Order of Battle for Hearts of Iron III

Germany Order of Battle


If you ever wanted to play as Germany following history, here you will find some help to organize your Order of Battle.Commanders comming soon.NOTE: I had this guide on my ToDo list for a long time and i guess i’ll dont have time to finish it. I just made some fixes and put additional images and decided to publish it anyway. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Operation Fall Weiss (1 Semptember 1939)

The Invasion of Poland
In 1939, September 1 the German forces started the invasion of Poland with the codename Fall Weiss (English – Case White) were divided into Heeresgruppe ”Nörd” (consisting of the German 3rd and 4th armies) and Heeresgruppe ”Süd” (consisting of the German 8th, 10th, and 14th armies, and the Slovakian Army Group Bernolak).

Operation Fall Weiss[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Fall Weiss OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Fall Gelb (10 May 1940)

The Invasion of Netherlands, Belgium and France
In 10 may of 1940 the Germans have began the invasion of France and the Low Countries(Netherlands and Belgium)

9 May – Germany occupied Luxembourg
10 May – Invasion of Netherlands and Belgium began.
14 May – Netherlands surrended after Rotterdam was bombed by the Luftwaffe.
28 May – Belgium Surrendered.
15 June – Frontal Assault started across the Rhine river into france. Guderian plan was to encircle the maginot line and reach Swiss border.
22 June – France signed the Armistice and cease-fire which went into effect in 25 June.
25 June – Units at the Maginot Line surrendered after been encircled by Guderian’s XIX Korps after he reached the Swiss border and the Maginot defences were cut off from the rest of France. In the same date France surrendered.

Operation Fall Gelb[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Fall Gelb OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Weserübung (9 April 1940)

The invasion of Denmark and Norway

Operation Weserübung[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Weserübung OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Seelöwe (Semptember 1940)

The invasion of Britain

Operation Seelöwe[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Seelöwe OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Fall Marita (6 April 1941)

The Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

Invasion of Yugoslavia[en.wikipedia.org]
Battle of Greece[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Fall Marita OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Barbarossa (22 June 1941)

Invasion of Soviet Union

Operation Barbarossa[en.wikipedia.org]
Operation Barbarossa OOB[en.wikipedia.org]

Operation Fall Blau (28 June 1942)

Invasion of the Caucassus (Southern Russia)
The objetive of Operation Fall Blau was to capture the oil fields and weaken the Soviet Union.

Operation Fall Blau[en.wikipedia.org]
