This guide is intended for all boys and girls who wondered where and how to get all the frames in the Warframe game.
How do you understand this guide how to get all available warframes
There will be
- Location
- Boss
- Advice
- Warframes
Let’s start in turn
- Planet: Railjack
- Location:
Neptune Proxima (Neuroptics)
Venus Proxima (Systems)
Pluto Proxima (Chassis)
Rotation C of Empyrean Defense missions.
- Blueprints: Atlas’ blueprint is awarded after completing The Jordas Precept Quest
- Planet: Eris
- Location: Jordas Golem
- Boss: Jordas Golem
- Planet: Venus
- Location: Fortune
- Blueprints: Baruuk’s blueprints can be purchased from Little Duck, using Vox Solaris standing.
- Prompt: The main blueprint requires players to be at Agent rank, while component blueprints require Hand rank.
- Planet: Dojo
- Location: Tenno Lab
- Blueprints: Chroma’s main blueprint is rewarded upon completion of the quest The New Strange.
- Components: blueprints are awarded by completing Junctions. The Neuroptics will be rewarded after completing the Uranus Junction, the Chassis the Neptune Junction and the Systems the Pluto Junction.
- Planet: Mars
- Location: War
- Boss: Lieutenant Lech Kri
Excalibur / Umbra
- The blueprint for Excalibur Umbra is given to players upon completing the first mission of The Sacrifice quest, and the ability to build the Warframe is granted on completing the second mission. Unlike other Warframes, Umbra requires no further components and is crafted entirely from the single blueprints
- Planet: Uranus
- Location: Titania
- Boss: Tyl Regor
- Planet: Saturn
- Location: Tethys
- Boss: General Sargas Ruk
- Planet: Ceres
- Location: Exta
- Boss: Lieutenant Lech Kril & Captain Vor
- Blueprints: Gara’s main blueprint will be awarded upon completion of the Saya’s Vigil quest
- Components: Gara’s component blueprints are acquired from Plains of Eidolon Bounties.
- Blueprints: Gauss’ main blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
- Component: Gauss’ component blueprints drop from Tier C Disruption
- Planet: Sedna
- Location: Disruption on Kelpie
- Blueprints: Garuda’s main blueprint will be awarded upon completion of the Vox Solaris quest.
- Components: Garuda’s component blueprints are acquired from Orb Vallis Bounties.
- Blueprints: Grendel’s main blueprint can be purchased from the Market
- Components: Grendel’s component blueprints are awarded by completing certain missions on Europa using Locators, which can be purchased from the Arbitration Honors vendor found in any Relay for 25 Vitus Essence each.
- Blueprints: Harrow’s main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Chains of Harrow quest.
- The Chassis blueprint is acquired from defeating Void Fissure enemies, the Neuroptics blueprint can be found from Rotation C Spy vaults on Pago, Kuva Fortress, and the Systems blueprint is rewarded from Defection missions on Rotations B and C.
- Planet: Venus
- Location: Fortuna
- Boss: Exploiter Orb
- Planet: Earth
- Location: Oro
- Boss: Councilor Vay Hek
- Advice: Shoot the lighthouse overhead
- Ivara’s main and component blueprints are acquired from Spy missions.
- All parts are in Rotation C of their respective reward tables, meaning they require three successful data extractions to be an eligible reward for the mission. Eligible missions are detailed in the tables below.
- Inaros’ main and component blueprints are obtainable from the Sands of Inaros quest.
- The quest blueprint is purchasable from Baro Ki’Teer for 100 Dukate and 250.000 Credits
- Khora’s main and component blueprints are acquired from standard Sanctuary Onslaught (not the Elite variant). Every two stages is a rotation, following the standard A-A-B-C pattern.
- p.s Hello Khora main
- Blueprints: Limbo’s main blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
- Components: Component blueprints are awarded from The Limbo Theorem quest
- Planet: Neptune
- Location: Psamathe
- Boss: Hyena Pack
- Following the end of Operation: Orphix Venom, Lavos’s main and component blueprints are now available from Father with Entrati standing. The main blueprint requires players to be at Acquaintance rank, while component blueprints require Associate rank
- Planet: Phobos
- Location: Iliad
- Boss: The Sergeant
- Planet: Eris
- Location: Mutalist Alad V
- Boss: Mutalist Alad V
- Blueprints: Mirage’s main blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
- Component blueprints are awarded at the end of each mission for the Hidden Messages quest.
- Addition: The previously awarded component must be built to obtain the next components.
- Planet: Jupiter
- Location: Themisto
- Boss: Alad V
- Planet: Infested Invasion
- Location: Infested Invasion
- Boss: Phorid
- Planet: Europa
- Location: Naamah
- Boss: Raptors
- Planet: Dojo
- Location: Tenno Lab
- Blueprints: Nidus’ main blueprint is acquired from The Glast Gambit quest
- Components
- Planet: Eris
- Location: Oestrus
- Rotation: C
- Planet: Deimos
- Location: Magnacidium
- Boss: Lephantis
- Blueprints: Octavia’s main blueprint is acquired upon completion of the Octavia’s Anthem quest
- Components: The Chassis blueprint is rewarded from the Lua Music Puzzle.
- The Neuroptics blueprint is rewarded from Rotation C of Deimos Survival.
- The Systems blueprint can be found in the A Rotation Cache of Lua Crossfire Exterminate missions.
- Blueprints: Oberon’s main blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
- Component: Oberon’s component blueprints are obtained from Earth Proxima (Systems), Saturn Proxima (Chassis), and Veil Proxima Grineer-controlled territory (Neuroptics) Points of Interest in Empyrean missions.
- Blueprints: Protea’s main blueprint is rewarded upon completion of The Deadlock Protocol quest.
- Component blueprints can be acquired from within the Granum Void, a special location only accessible from the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Neuroptics blueprints come from Rotation C of the basic Granum Void (Granum Crown), Chassis blueprints from Rotation C of Extended (Exemplar Granum Crown) Granum Void, and the System blueprints from Rotation C of the Nightmare (Zenith Granum Crown) Granum Void.
- Planet: Venus
- Location: Fossa
- Boss: Jackal
- Blueprints: Revenant’s main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Mask of the Revenant quest
- Components: Revenant’s component blueprints are acquired from Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Planet: Sedna
- Location: Merrow
- Boss: Kela De Thaym
- Advice: Required need (25) Judgement Points
- Blueprints: Sevagoth’s main blueprint is acquired after completing the Call of the Tempestarii quest.
- Components: His components can be acquired from Void Storm missions in Pluto Proxima, Neptune Proxima, or Veil Proxima.
- Blueprints: Titania’s main and component blueprints are obtainable from The Silver Grove quest.
- Component: Additional blueprints can be bought from Cephalon Simaris
- Planet: Pluto
- Location: Hades
- Boss: Ambulas
- Planet: Dojo
- Location: Tenno Lab
- Additional: Volt can also be bought complete from Teshin for 60,000 reputation
- Vauban’s component blueprints can be bought from the Nightwave Offerings
- Planet: Jupiter
- Location: The Ropalolyst
- Boss: Ropalolyst
- Planet: Dojo
- Location: Tenno Lab
- Planet: Deimos
- Location: Cambion Drift
- Blueprint: Xaku’s main blueprint will be awarded upon completion of the Heart of Deimos quest.
- Component: Xaku’s component blueprints are acquired from Cambion Drift Bounties.
- to be continued …
- Planet: Dojo
- Location: Tenno Lab
The End
- Thank you all for your attention.
- I hope this information was useful to you.
My nickname in the game: FlamieDie
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