The PC steam version of the game comes with an inferior default/high graphics setting compared to the old console versions. In particular the character models look awful in the default PC version of the game, especially the entertainers who look extremely creepy and ugly. I’m going to show you the quick and easy graphics setting change you need to make to ensure you get the best experience out of Thrillville.
Go to the Options Menu from the Main Menu
Once you’re at the Options menu all you need to do is select the “Graphical Quality” option and scale it back so that it looks like this.
Then click “Keep Changes”. Thats it, now enjoy the superior console graphics version of the game.
It may seem insignificant but trust me this alters the game character models significantly into a more appealing version. Even though the polygon count is lower the Character models will now look so much better and well designed. I’m not exactly sure why the PC versions default character models look so bad but my guess is that the lower polygon models had far more development work put into them as they were being used for the console version whereas these high polygon models look ugly since the devs didn’t care as much about the PC port.
The entertainers in particular look much better with the console graphics.
Here’s a screenshot of the Default “High Quality” character models of the entertainers
Creepy and ugly right? And there’s only one character model.
And heres the vastly superior console graphics character model
Much better right? The devs actually bothered to create a uniform and multiple characters for this one.
This graphics option also alters all the other character models in the game as far as I can tell. Including your own avatar.
Here’s the Default high polygon version
And here’s the lower polygon console version
Whilst some people may prefer the higher polygon version, I personally enjoy the console version as I like the cartoony look better and I also enjoy the nostalgia factor after first playing this game years ago on the PS2.
So there you have it. You can choose to play the default version if you want, however I personally think the console graphics are vastly superior to the Default PC version and I encourage you all to give the PS2 graphics a go, as it’s a far better experience imo.