Ultimate Fishing Simulator Guide

Getting started of and getting your first fish. for Ultimate Fishing Simulator

Getting started of and getting your first fish.


There is alot of diffrent setups by rods, lures, hooks and so on. This guide will help you get started by the basics and help you get fish on allmost every throw you take.

Getting started.

Gamemode: Normal.
Map: Betty Lake.
Level 1:

The Setup.

This is one of the harder things to get a hang of in the start what do you use? How do you use it?
The best tip i got for you when you have default gear and just starting of is to buy a new lure at the very start. The OKENA PP-175 This handsome little fellow got me of to such a good start i still use its upgraded sibling.

  • Default gear
  • OKENA PP-175 size #1

This is all you need for a little while. Now you should be able to get those fish and money.

Understanding the HUD

Top Left :
Whats going on, who is joiningleaving, what they get and chat.
Bottom Left: Control overview.
Top Right: Weather, time and your lurehook+sizebait.

Buttom middle:
This bar (by default) can change how it looks in settings, is to indicate what stress level the line is under. If this goes to max red for a short while the line wiil break and you loose the fish.

Buttom left:
This is the important part of the hud.
The first gray part is the lenght from you the line is.
The secound gray part is the depth the lure,hook is from the surface of the water.
The “big” circle is your

Line tention.*

The 14 circle to its right is the

reel speed.**

*Line tention

So what is this line tention? what does it do?
When fishing your line will snap if the tention is to high. You controll this by Mousewheel updown. As the fish get tierd you can go higher on the tention to get it tierd faster and not giving it more line. When u get to bigger fish they will take atleast 50 meters to get tierd so you can go higher then 50% tention. Good place to start is around 40 and then test the fish out. just don’t go to fast to 100%

** Reel speed

This is how fast the line is reeld in.
Speed 1 is lowest and used with lures will give you Straight slow.
Speed 2 is 2 lowest and used with lures will give you Straight.
Speed 3-5 I have only used with fish on the hook.
But other lure methods are available but will not be coverd here.
When fish is hooked just crank it up to 5.

Get the fish!


In the bottom right you can see i have Speed 2 on the reel. And it gives me Lure method “Straight”
To the left of staight there is a green bar. This is how well you are preforming the lure method.

Here you have 2 bars and Green and dark green

Here you have 3 bars. Green, dark green and orange. (this is best)

Here is the LINE tention set to 100% (witch is bad when you get a fish on the hook, should get a feel for the fish you have hooked on before going this high)

Here is the LINE tention set to 33% (This is much better and will give you good control when first getting a fish hooked.)

In the bottom right you can see i have Speed 1 on the reel. And it gives me Lure method “Slow Straight”
To the left of staight there is a green bar. This is how well you are preforming the lure method.

Slow Straight

Here you have 2 bars and Green and dark green

Here you have 3 bars. Green, dark green and orange. (this is best)


Link if steamyt will not work


When you have leveld up?

There is alot of things to do when you level up.
Getting those rods, reels, lines, and so on.


But its not clear how to level up at the beginning.

Go to the guy and choose your skill.
Best way i found was to go like this.

  • Priority 1: Strength
  • Priority 2: Xp boost
  • Priority 3: Lower prices
  • Priority 4: Hunter Vision
  • Priority 5: Auger & boat

But also getting hunter vision level 1 helps out a great deal.

Buying stuff

Getting levels in the beginning goes fast so no need to overdo it with buying everything for eatch level.

First rod to buy.
Dakino DM-P60 (Casting rod)

First reel to buy.
Dakino MB-H4 (Casting rod)

First line to buy.

Second woobler to buy.
Okena PP-176 or PP-177

Thank you.

This is my first guide ever made, so please feel free to leave a comment if there is something i could improve on.

And if there is other things you guys want me to make a guide on.
I don’t know everything about the game, but i will try to figure it out if i dont know.

Catch a BIG one

