Ever got wedged between trees? This guide will help you get out! 😀
Learning The Basics Of The Winch And Crane!
Before you start to try and get out of this situation its really good to know how to operate the winch and crane.. In this situation you need to use the winch to slide you out, and a crane can help as well by pushing it against the tree your stuck on, although if you dont have a crane on you its okay, it can help but its not needed in anyway
Getting Unstuck!
Soooo, your in the trees and your truck is wedged by a tree between your load an you cant get out..
1: Start your winch by attaching the front of your truck (Hook AWAY from the tree) to a tree facing away your truck so you can slide it out. Start pulling the winch and turn your wheels towards the tree, turn your Difflock and 4WD on and start reversing turning then turn your wheels away from the tree and start to drive forward in LOW . Keep repeating this process. you should get out if you have no trailer or a small trailer.
If you have a crane you can keep doing what the process told you before, but pushing your crane against the tree your wedged in!