Ever wonder how to get that pesky sandvich in the fridge, and no matter what you did it was impossible? Fear not, I have the solution in this guide!
How to begin
In this guide, we’re going to get that sandvich out of the fridge and into the Heavy’s mouth. Or whatever you want to do with it… First, insert the tape found next to the TV.
In this procedure, you can use the wrench, bonesaw, or kurki (Sniper sword). You also may be able to use the scout bat and pyro axe, but I have no clue if those work. I reccomend using the wrench for hitting things, and the kurki for flipping. Never drop anything on the floor! Unless it’s totally useless…
Let’s get to work
OK, first grasp on the weapon, er, tool, you wish to use. Then hit the edge of the plate, thus bringing the sandvich closer, or slip something thin under the plate and bring it closer.
Next you must somehow flip the sandvich over on it’s side (I reccommend using the kurki) and still have it near the edge of the fridge’s tray. you’ll want the sandvich closer to the edge of the tray than in this photo, by the way.
Now, reach down and see if you can grab the tip of the sandvich. Then carefully pick it up without dropping it. Because a dropped sandvich, is a dirty sandvich. You may need to do some adjusting of the sandvich before you can pick it up.
Now do whatever your heart desires! <<<See what I did there?<<<
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