Subnautica Guide

Ghost Leviathans: A Spotters Guide for Subnautica

Ghost Leviathans: A Spotters Guide


Thank you for choosing this guide! I assure you, read on and you will find out all the things NOT to do in subnautica.

Beggining: Where do I see them?

There are many place you can see Ghost Leviathans, but here are a few tips:
– For new players, try the Blood Kelp Zone. As long as you’re fine with stalker sharks, of course.

– Crater. This is in the middle in terms of danger, but still you can be pretty sure you’ll be safe among the reefbacks.
– Crater Edge. I’m gonna need a whole chapter for this one.

Spotting ‘Em in the CRATER EDGE

I gotta say the view is pretty pristine… but don’t let that fool you. Take it from the PDA. Listen:
Detecting multiple Leviathan- Class life forms in the area.
Are you sure whatever you’re doing is worth it?

PDA, you’re right. Whatever you’re probably ISN’T worth it. Because, quite frankly, here, ghost leviathans all around is not spotter cloud 9, it’s spotter DEATH. Once you receive a report from the PDA on the crater edge, wait about 1 minute. I know the wikis say otherwise, but I speak from experience. 1 Ghosty will appear. Wait a biiit longer and another will appear. If you aren’t already dead, I heard maybe a third comes. Good luck with that.


Yes, I am going to destroy your day by saying, yes, Ghost Leviathan spotting is NOT going to leave you without a scar.

And apparently it’s not enough to fend you off their jump-scares give adults screams. But maybe there’s another way… Remember the Cyclops?

* * *

You can rig it to run silently, therefore not attracting attention. Give it a shot, and Ghost Leviathan Spotting becomes safe.


Thank you for reading! Happy Spotting.