Grey Goo Guide

How to redeem '3rd Echelon' map - [DEPRECATED; GAMESPOT REMOVED THE PAGE] for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

Goo – Purger rush


This guide is most likely not suited for multiplayer matches. It is more aimed at campaign or skirmish missions or to surprise a friend at a lan party :PCombine the Purger’s abilities and some research to create an unstoppable force of squiggly, splashy goo force.


As already mentioned, this guide does not serve to provide you with a strategy for multiplayer, rather for skirmish or campaign maps.

The idea behind the guide is to make you rush a Purger with your second Mother Goo (Moo for short) and what can be the benefits of this.

The key points


You’ll probably already know what the Purger can do as an offensive force. If you don’t, the Purger not only sucks up everything in its path, it also has a long range area of effect attack which wipes out pretty much every enemy army in just a few attacks. As the Purger is in Goo form, it can climb on mountains.

What is probably less commonly known is that the Purger repairs Moos. Doesn’t really sound amazing, doesn’t it? Who attacks with Moos anyway (apart from me :P). The thing is that the Purger repairs or more precisely nurishes the Moos to fill up their evolution bars. This means once you have a Purger, you don’t need catalyst sources anymore because you can let your Moos grow from your Purger.


A truly amazing attack force by themselves, the Crescents can serve another purpose. It requires to research Symbiotic Pools[]. This upgrade allows to heal any non-formless Goo unit in the puddle where the projectiles land.

So why is this good? Well, your enemy most likely damages your Purger sooner or later. Even though the Purger looks like and basically is formless Goo, it is not counted as such and therefor is healed by the Crescents attacks. Additionally, the Crescents can walk on mountain tops which helps them accompany the Purger.


You all know why we need Tempests: Aerial defense! They only really need to protect one unit, which is the Purger. It takes hell of a lot of aircraft to take a Purger one down, but it can not counter attack. So use Tempests for their protection.

The rush


So you start your game and have your lonely Moo. Move it to the next spigot and start exploring the map with your Drover. Ideally, you find a spigot which is so close to a mountain or forest, that you can be safely hidden and still leeching the catalyst. If you find such a spot, this is where your second Moo goes and starts to form a Purger once it filled all the 4 bars.
Use your first Moo to play the game as you like, building more Moos for economy, start getting aggressive by pumping out units or accelerate the build up of your Purger. In any case the ultimate goal is to ensure a safe creation of the Purger.

The Purger!!!!

I only say one thing: RETREAT! You may ask yourself why, now that you’ve created the weapon of annihilation. But as I said, the Purger has the ability to heal Moos and fill up their evolvment bars. That’s why we retreat to a mountain big enough to house up to twelve Moos around it, accompanied with some Tempests and a few Crescents. From now on, pump out aggressiveness in its pure form to annihilate your enemy with the force of numbers. If you do not want to make it too obvious where you are concentrating your forces, you may consider spreading some Moos around the map to let them create smaller forces of their own. It’s just too easy if you always come running from the same place. If the terrain allows it, you can also move your Purger home around to other mountain tops. If you selected a good mountain top, the enemy will only be able to attack with airforce which you will kindly take down with your Tempests. As aircraft is really expensive and needs constant refills, it will most likely be impossible to do enough harm to your base. If the enemy can use artillery, it means you can use the Purgers attack.

Some impressions

My attack force, ready for assault

Dinner is served

Let’s soak up that base, shall we?