Grand Theft Auto Guide

Grand Theft Auto Keyboard Controls for Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto Keyboard Controls


These are probably your default keyboard controls.


I didn’t find a guide about what the controls are for this game are here on Steam. I launched the game to test out some of the keys that I remember function in-game. The game will not explicitly tell you, the player how to pause the game or change resolutions, but I will. Enjoy your stay in Liberty City, San Andreas, and even Vice City if you have the skill to get to other cities.

Default Keyboard Key Bindings

Either On Foot or In Vehicle
  • F6-Pause Game
  • F7-City Location
  • F8-Frame Rate Limiter Toggle
  • F10-Briefing
  • F11-Resolution Change Menu
  • Esc- Quit Game Prompt
On Foot
  • Left Key- Rotate Left
  • Right Key- Rotate Right
  • Up Key- Run Forward
  • Down Key- Walk Backward
  • Enter/Return- Enter a Vehicle
  • Control Key- Fire
  • X- Next Weapon
  • Z- Previous Weapon
  • Tab- Special (I have not used this key in my limited playtime)
In Vehicle
  • Left Key- Turn Left
  • Right Key- Turn Right
  • Up Key- Accelerate
  • Down Key- Deaccelerate/Reverse
  • Space Bar- Hand Brake
  • Control Key- Fire (Unique Vehicles)
  • Tab- Special
  • F5- Cycle Radio Stations

One more thing

When you launch the game after an installation you may not be greeted by the game but by a settings window aptly titled Grand Theft Auto Settings. Some re-bindable keys are on display as well as keyboard presets. This guide was based on the Default preset. If you don’t like the controls for running on foot or in a vehicle you may change them by clicking on the box with the name of the action performed inside. Once you do you commit to binding a key to the action and have to press a key.

If you wish to change your key binding later you can go to the Steam folder on your hard drive, open the steamapps folder, then open the common folder, then open the Grand Theft Auto folder, then launch GTA Settings.exe. Function keys including F5, F6, F7, F8, F10 and F11 cannot be rebound this way or in-game.