A detailed guide with all the useful information you will need to complete every single achievement in the base game and DLCs.
Welcome to the 100% Achievements Guide!
Here, you will find an exhaustive list of all achievements (including the DLCs) along with tips and/or walkthroughs for each and every single one of them.
The achievements in each section are roughly arranged in the order they unlock.
Use CTRL+F to navigate the guide.
It took me about 50-60 hours to complete them all, the save’s daycount was at 370 once I finished.
Feel free to ask questions in the comments, I’ll try my best to answer.
Leave a thumbs up and have fun!
General tips
- Remember that Iron ore, Stone and Sticks are finite. Later in the game you’ll unlock alternative ways of acquiring Iron and Stone. Sticks, on the other hand, can be bought from Tress.
- You can transport more Logs or Blocks by carrying one and pushing a few more with your character.
- Buy a Teleportstone (at the Dead Horse tavern) as soon as possible. It’s infinite, and will save you a lot of time.
- Don’t eat Meat, you’ll need it for Burgers.
- Don’t throw bodies in the river (except the first time), it’s a waste of Ash.
- Make sure to gather Skulls regularly. You’ll need at least 13 Skulls for quests.
Note: Removing Skulls adds one Red Skull to the body. To save your Graveyard’s quality, either burn the bodies or bury them temporarily and exhume them later in the game to improve their quality. - Burn bodies from time to time, Ash will come in very useful.
- Start farming early. You’ll need plethora of vegetables for cooking and quests.
- Use Crop waste to produce Peat and Maggots at Compost heap regularly.
- Always apply Peat before any fertilizers. It improves the crops even further.
- Fish often, there’s an achievement to catch a total of 200 Fish. Doing that in one sitting is extremely tedious (trust me I know). You’ll thank yourself later.
- Food provides you with buffs. One of the buffs (received from cakes) increases the amount of points you receive during research. Always use the buff when researching items in a bulk.
- The giant tree in front of your house will not regrow.
- And lastly, don’t clean the poop! It’s… well… It’s very useful for travelling…
Quick reference for all main sections (CTRL+F)
- Graveyard Keeper (OG):
- Quest-related
- Missable
- Upgrades
- Crafting
- Incremental
- Miscellaneous
- Secret
- Stranger Sins (DLC):
- Quest-related
- Tavern (includes Excellent events)
- Miscellaneous
- Secret
- Game of Crone (DLC):
- Quest-related (includes the endings)
- Missable
- Miscellaneous
- Secret
Graveyard Keeper (OG)
Sweetheart Bishop
You meet him immediately after burying your first body.
And after that, he appears every , near the Church.
Charm itself
She gives her performances at the Dead Horse tavern every .
Impossible to miss, achieved during Ms Charm’s questline.
Tip: The perfume requires 12 Frogs. You may buy up to 10 from Clotho, and fish the rest at the swamp’s fishing spot by using Moth as bait.
Ideal song
back home.
Impossible to miss, achieved during Ms Charm’s questline.
Note: It unlocks after you return the song to Ms Charm.
Shady Snake
You first see him in a cutscene right after you enter the Cellar. Once the cutscene finishes, Snake will come back to rummage around the gate every night. To get to him, you will need to clear one of the two blocked pathways (10 x Wood wedge, 2 x Wooden plank, 4 x Simple iron parts).
After that, he’ll come back to that spot every .
Summon a chicken
Once you unlock the Dungeon, Snake will ask you to bring 5 Bloody nails (an Iron Maiden drop – the metal, dual-knife-welding monster) and a Bucket of blood (5th floor chest reward) from it. The achievement will unlock right after his ritual attempt.
Note: If your bag is full, the Bucket of blood will drop behind the chest, making it seem as if it vanished. You’ll automatically pick it up once there’s at least one free space in your inventory.
It is also craftable (10 x Blood and 3 x Flitch at Church workbench), so don’t worry either way.
A book with funny pictures
Impossible to miss, achieved during Snake’s questline.
Simple but stylish
Impossible to miss, achieved during Snake’s questline.
Requires 12 Skulls.
Tip: The Farmer sells Silver-star Pumpkins and Silver-star Pumpkin seeds at tier III (tiers advance as you buy and sell items from the vendor). Alternatively, you could buy a Bronze-star Pumpkin seed and then use Quality Fertilizer I on it.
Side quest
Impossible to miss, achieved during Snake’s questline.
Tip: Bring one Wooden plank to the trap spot.
Wealthy merchant
He sells useful items in front of his Trade Office (south of the Dead Horse tavern) every .
Graveyard Veggies
You’ll need a Trade license. Go to the Royal services box (left of the Church) and purchase the Rightful citizen status (3 silver) and then the Trade license (50 silver).
Bring it to the Merchant on any to unlock the achievement.
Gaining access to his Trade Office will allow you to make some good money by selling huge amounts of vegetables at once.
Dream dinner
Easiest recipe:
– Gold-star Onion rings (bought from Horadric, at tier III),
– Any quality Burger (recipe unlocked early in the game, a Bronze-star Burger provides a 63% chance for the Gold-star Dinner, whereas a Silver-star Burger provides a 97% chance),
– Cake (guaranteed gold-star, recipe unlocked after giving 5 x Honey to Dig)
Note: You can save the game before crafting anything percentage based and reload as many times as needed to easily reach the desired effect.
Tip: Two easy to access wild Honey spots, they regen everyday (hold E on the marked trees):
On every shelf
You can improve Fame by bringing Flyers to the table at the Trade Office. Each 10 Flyers improves Fame by 1, so craft 50 of them to unlock the achievement.
Tip: You can buy Ink (not Pen and ink) from the Astrologer on any and craft Clean paper (from Skin or Bat wing) at Church workbench. Combine them together at Printing press for easy and quick Flyers.
Holy Inquisition
He visits the Witch Hill every .
Not a hot dog
You’ll need to use a bit of alchemy for this one.
First, build the Buffet tent (5 x Hemp rope, 15 x Wooden plank, 20 x Nails) at the Witch Hill.
Next, buy either Bronze-star Onion seeds or Silver-star Onion seeds (at tier II) from the Farmer, and Bronze-star Hops seeds (at tier II) from the Miller (north of Farmer’s house). Use Quality fertilizer I (Note: using Peat along with Quality fertilizer I will improve the crop drops even further) to gradually improve their quality. Once you hit Gold-star Onions and Gold-star Hops use them in the recipes. You’ll need 5 Gold-star Burgers and 10 Gold-star Beers. I also recommend to continue growing more Gold-star Onions, in order to sell them in crates later or continue opening the Buffet tent.
Opening the buffet on will reward you with 33 Silver and 4 Faith each time.
Note: You can only grow Hops at the Vineyard (west of the Witch Hill).
Night watch
Impossible to miss, achieved during the Inquisitor’s questline.
Match 3
Impossible to miss, achieved during the Inquisitor’s questline.
Note: Bringing all 3 Dark organs to the Inquisitor unlocks the achievement.
Old Astrologer
He visits the Lighthouse every .
Tip: Use the Teleportstone to get to and from the Lighthouse quickly, it’s very far east.
A perfect gift
Impossible to miss, achieved during the Astrologer’s questline.
Tip: Use the Teleportstone to get to and from the Lighthouse quickly, it’s very far east.
WARNING: Contains minor spoilers!
Nevertheless, check them out so you don’t miss any.
Best seller
Missable only if you own the Stranger Sins DLC (skip to the tip, if you don’t own it).
At some point during the Astrologer’s and another NPC’s combined questline, the Astrologer will require a Silver-star Book. Make sure you don’t give him a Research Obsidian (a Silver-star Book substitute from the Stranger Sins DLC). Doing so, will skip the second part of the quest, which is about bringing him the titular Best seller, a Gold-star Book, thus locking you out from ever receiving the achievement.
Tip: Instead of crafting a Gold-star Book using only (expensive) gold-star components, try buying a Silver-star Hard cover from the Astrologer and combining it with a Gold-star Chapter. Save before crafting and reload until it yields a Gold-star Book.
He trusted you…
A week after bringing 3 Dark organs to the Inquisitor, he’ll ask you for more evidence.
There’ll be 3 dialog options:
– About Gerry. (Unlocks the achievement)
– About a cult.
– About not having any more evidence.
Note: Don’t worry about Gerry’s safety. After choosing that dialogue option, the Inquisitor won’t be interested in taking him.
Even here
Use the Garden certificate on the blueprint table in the Garden to unlock this achievement.
Bridge builder
The bridge is located to the west, repairing it (6 x Flitch, 3 x Wooden plank, 10 x Nails) unlocks the achievement and access to the Swamp.
His house
Once you meet the requirements set by the BIshop, you’ll need a total of 23 Silver and 50 Copper for all necessary documents. After providing the Bishop with the Building permission, the achievement will unlock.
Note: You cannot preach until you buy Rightful citizen papers!
The Mill
The Mill is located to the north of the Farmer’s house, repairing it unlocks the achievement (5 x Complex parts, 6 x Wooden plank, 1 x Calculation papers).
Note: The Calculation papers take a long time to get, you’ll have to advance several questlines to obtain it from the Astrologer.
Once you unlock the Quarry, you’ll be able to build the Marble quarry there (12 x Flitch, 4 x Simple iron parts, 4 x Nails). Walk up to the marble wall and do that to unlock the achievement.
Note: The achievement requires you to build the regular Marble quarry, not the zombie one.
Stone fence
Pretty self-explanatory. You’ll need to fix the fence first (10 x Nails, 10 x Wooden plank, 6 x Piece of stone) and then build the stone fence (24 x Polished brick of stone, 2 x Carved piece of stone, 12 x Complex iron parts) to unlock the achievement.
Note: In order to fix the fence and build the stone one, you’ll need to gain access to the west side of the Graveyard from the Inquisitor first.
His mansion
Once you meet the requirements set by the BIshop, you’ll need 3 Golden-star Carved pieces of marble to upgrade the Church and unlock the achievement.
Read only if you own the Game of Crone DLC:
Tip: The Refugee camp’s questline rewards you with exactly 3 Golden-star Carved pieces of marble pretty early.
Golden pumpkin
Buy either Bronze-star Pumpkin seeds or Silver-star Pumpkin seeds (at tier III) from the Farmer. Next, use the Quality fertilizer I (or Quality fertilizer II if you are able to craft it) until you start receiving Gold-star Pumpkins, which will unlock the achievement. I also recommend to continue growing more Gold-star Pumpkins, in order to sell them in crates later.
Tip: Store a couple of Gold-star Pumpkins for quests.
If your Merchant is at tier III, you can buy Gold-star Grape seeds immediately. If not, buy the lower quality ones and gradually improve them by applying Quality fertilizer I (or Quality fertilizer II).
Novice gravedigger
Advanced gravedigger
Shovel master
Tip: You can exhume and then bury the same body in order to unlock the achievements fast. It will still yield Burial certificates each time. An Exhumation permission costs 1 Silver 75 Copper, which means that you only lose 25 Copper each time.
First slice
Sashimi master
Extract Meat from time to time (as it removes one White Skull). You’ll need it for Burgers anyway, the achievements will unlock along the way.
Kitchen boy
You’ll need a total of:
– 5 Edible mushrooms,
– 11 Red apple (from wild apple trees around the Village and the Lighthouse),
– 12 Berry (from wild berry bushes around the Garden and the Church),
– 10 Carrot,
– 9 Cabbage,
– 4 Beet,
– 2 Onion,
– 4 Pumpkin,
– 1 Lentils,
– 8 Green jelly (from Slimes),
– 4 Honey (from trees with beehives, check the map from the Dream Dinner achievement),
– 6 Flour,
– 11 Water,
– 1 Cheese (bought from Rosa),
– 1 Butter (bought from Rosa),
– 3 Jug of milk (bought from Rosa),
– 6 Chicken egg (bought from the Fresh egg basket),
– 7 White fish fillet (bought from the Lighthouse Keeper or crafted),
– 1 Grapes (seeds bought from the Merchant),
– 3 Raw sliced meat,
– 2 Oil (bought from Dig, press USE on Seed oil),
– 1 Salt (from burned bodies)
Stash the ingredients in a seperate trunk until you complete the list.
Next, cook every single meal from each of the following sets:
– Simple and Tasty
– Vegetable Dishes
– Jelly, includes Berry juice
– Bread
– Fish Dishes
– Sweet Baking (purchased from Ms Charm)
– Soups (obtained from Clotho)
– Egg Dishes
– Good Carbs (obtained from the Woodcutter)
– Pies (purchased from Ms Charm)
– Meat Fiesta
– Cake+ (obtained from Dig)
Note: The DLCs add some recipes that make it even easier to complete these achievements.
A fish a day!
Fish collector
Brutal fisherman
There are lots of fishing guides[graveyardkeeper.fandom.com], even here on Steam. Check them out!
Note: If you followed my initial tip, you shouldn’t have much problem with the last achievement. If you didn’t… well… That’s gonna take some time, good luck!
Master alchemist
There’s a total of 26 alchemy recipes (10 for Alchemy Workbench tier I, and 16 for Alchemy Workbench tier II). Check the Graveyard Keeper’s wiki[graveyardkeeper.fandom.com] and start crafting!
Note: You should have lots of different types of powders thanks to the Dungeon. Those are going to come in handy with the recipes.
Not far from the ground
Scary dungeon depths
Nothing underneath
Pretty self-explanatory. To continue further from the 11th level blockage, you’ll need to complete a few quests from Snake.
Tip: At some point, it’s worth buying the Damask sword with a gem from Koukol (found next to the Mountain Fort at night) for 1 Gold 50 Silver, it one-shots most of the enemies.
Just red points
More red points!
Just green points
More green points!
Just blue points
More blue points!
Tip: Once you have a steady source of income, start buying all of the point books from the Astrologer every week. Other than that, always use the Circumspect buff (from cakes) when researching.
Supertip: Craft Stone grave fences! You basically exchange 2 Pieces of stone and some energy for 5 Blue points, each. It’s also possible to recycle them and receive one Piece of stone back.
Ultratip: Setup your Zombies at the Quarry (2 miners, 2 portiers and 1 stone cutter). Craft lots of Stone grave fences, put them all in an empty trunk afterwards. Make one of your yard Zombies a professional recycler, and… repeat for infinite stone and lots of Blue points!
Health care
Drink 50 Health potions. The ones you loot in the Dungeon count as well.
Tastes like home
Buy a Fish nugget from Horadric (at the Dead Horse tavern) and eat it to unlock the achievement.
Die 10 times. Anything goes.
Gold fish
You’ll need a lot of luck! Other than that: an Excellent fishing rod (5 Silver) and a Lure with a gem (5 Silver) from the Lighthouse Keeper (at tier III).
There’s a 5% chance to catch it during the night, and a 2% chance during the day. Fortunately, fishing seems to freeze the time, so if you fish without pauses it’ll be night for as long as you need.
WARNING: Contains major story spoilers!
The following achievements are impossible to miss. Continue the story!
A father and a son
Helped Snake with his dark ceremony.
Twin brothers
Helped Merchant forgive his brother.
Prodigal father
Helped Astrologer reunite with his family.
Back home
Switched on the portal. Are you sure you want leave?
Stranger Sins (DLC)
The mound with cognac that Gerry asks you to dig up is located directly north of Dig’s barrel.
It looks like this:
There are also several other mounds around the area, they contain crafting materials.
Once you go through a few more errands, Horadric will offer you the land for 30 Silver. Purchasing the land unlocks the achievement.
Talking Skull
Following Horadric’s advice, you’ll be visiting Cory. You can choose between the two following options:
– Supplying him with materials (12 x Simple iron parts, 12 x Wooden plank, 12 x Nails, 50 Silver)
– Paying him (2 Gold)
After you choose, you’ll have to go to sleep. The achievement will unlock once you wake up.
Employee of the month
Craft the Barman doll at Carpenter’s workbench II (4 x Wooden plank, 4 x Complex iron parts, 2 x Wooden beam) and take it back to the Talking Skull tavern’s bar (you can teleport while carrying it, or use the underground passage). After a brief conversation with Yorick, the achievement will unlock.
Forward to the past
The achievement unlocks after feeding the archaeological time machine with the first Artifact, the Statuette.
Tip: An efficient way of filling up the Reputation bar and making money in the mean time:
- Prepare:
- Three (or more) 40% efficiency Zombies,
- Lots of Gold-star Grape seeds (from the Merchant) and Gold-star Hops seeds (from Quality Fertilizing Hops)
- Do:
- Put one (or more) at a Zombie vineyard (upgraded to tier III) and queue it up,
- Put one at a Zombie-winery and queue it up,
- Put one at a Zombie-brewery and queue it up,
- Transport Gold-star Grapes and Gold-star Hops between the Vineyard and the Cellar,
- Transport Gold-star Red wine and Gold-star Beer between the Cellar and the Talking Skull tavern
This should provide you with steady income and keep your Reputation bar filled.
Also, you can improve it even further by adding a portier to transport the alcohol immediately after it’s crafted.
Tavern quality
Good skull
Well-known skull
Epic skull
Thoughout the archaeological time machine plot you’ll be unlocking upgrades for your tavern. However, maximum tavern quality acquired from furniture is only 59, so the rest will come from filling up the Cabinet with Artifacts.
Tavern events
First party
Open mic
Locking up the sun
Rat race
Thoughout the archaeological time machine plot you’ll be unlocking Events for your tavern. You’ll need to organize every single one of them to unlock the achievements, so stock up on alcohol.
5 x Faith,
1 x Tavern reputation
5 x Faith,
2 x Tavern reputation
10 x Faith,
3 x Tavern reputation
5 x Faith,
2 x Tavern reputation
Note: You can organize Events without putting anything in the Barman’s inventory. You’ll only receive the base income, but it’s useful if you’re trying to get the achievements fast or if you’re farming The show must go on.
Check the Tavern: section for a useful tip on filling up the Reputation bar and making money.
Excellent tavern events
Best party
Best mic
Best concert
Best race
You’ll need (list by Merukuru[steamah.com]):
– 100 Mug of beer (Gold-star quality)
– 100 Red wine (Gold-star quality)
– 60 Onion rings (Gold-star quality)
– 40 Burger (Gold-star quality)
– 40 Pasta
– 10 Faith
– 15 Flyer
– 3 Reputation
Save the game before you organize any Events. Now go through the table below, reloading after every Excellent event.
5 x Faith,
1 x Tavern reputation
100 x Gold-star Red wine
5 x Faith,
2 x Tavern reputation
60 x Gold-star Onion rings
10 x Faith,
3 x Tavern reputation
60 x Gold-star Burger,
40 x Pasta
5 x Faith,
2 x Tavern reputation
60 x Gold-star Onion rings
Check the Tavern: section for a useful tip on filling up the Reputation bar and making money.
The show must go on
You can organize Events without putting anything in the Barman’s inventory. Organize the Graveyard Fest every time the Reputation fills up, until the achievement unlocks.
Check the Tavern: section for a useful tip on filling up the Reputation bar and making money.
WARNING: Contains major story spoilers!
The following achievements unlock one by one throughout the archaeological time machine plot and are impossible to miss.
Witnessed him
Watched the Master being summon. Is that Grace you feel?
A nation divided
Watched the scene at the Coliseum. Unemployment benefits is everything.
Viva la King
Watched the destruction of the Bridge. Always think before destroying bridges!
Read before signing
Witnessed the Contract signing. Who are “truly guilty men”?
King Gerry
Watched the scene in the bath house. You saw that one coming, didn’t you?
Game of Crone (DLC)
An unexpected guest
He appears at your Home whenever you wake up, the first time you sleep after unlocking the Church.
Impossible to miss
All of the following achievements are well-explained in-game or need no explanation at all.
Vampires in the Village
The face of the enemy
To stop an Ancient Curse
One more inquisitor
Blood supplier
Mysterious woman
Awkward interrogation
Lesser evil
WARNING: Contains spoilers, including all the endings of the Game of Crone DLC. Read only if you want to know the choices, none of which are explained properly in the game.
Save before you build the Viewing tower!
If you wish to play through all the endings, copy the save and store it somewhere safe.
During the cutscene with Lady Beatrice (where you also unlock the achievement), you will be choosing one of the three endings:
- The Sad Ending
- Agree to help Lady Beatrice
- Betray her by talking to Koukol
- Continue, as explained in-game
- Finally, speak with Marquis Teodoro Jr. about them leaving the Refugee camp forever
The next time you do a Sermon, you’ll receive a note. Read it to obtain this perk:
You obtain more faith from Sermons.
- The Right Choice
- Refuse to help Lady Beatrice
- Talk to Koukol and choose the last dialogue option (if you choose one of the first two, you’ll get The Sad Ending)
- Pay Koukol 3 Gold
- Continue, as explained in-game
- Finally, speak with Marquis Teodoro Jr., the Refugee camp will rejoice and stay
After speaking to Master Alaric, you’ll obtain this perk:
Your energy automatically regenerates.
- The Dark Side
- Agree to help Lady Beatrice
- Craft the Emulsions of Death
- Bring the potions to the Mountain Fort
- Finally, speak with Marquis Teodoro Jr. and receive the rewards
The next time you enter the Morgue, you’ll find a present. Read the note to obtain this perk:
You craft items at higher quality.
After that, speak to Master Alaric. You’ll obtain the same perk as in The Right Choice ending:
Inspired by Keeper Of Monsters’ guide[gameplay.tips] (check for more details).
WARNING: Contains minor spoilers!
Nevertheless, check them out so you don’t miss any.
After you and Marquis Teodoro Jr. are ambushed by a Golem, you will have to find and defeat three more. The Golem ambushes despawn whenever you continue the story after building the Viewing tower, so make sure to defeat them before that.
Here are the locations of the Golems:
Killing the last one unlocks the achievement.
Refugees are safe
The Sad Ending will not unlock this achievement!
Developed camp
Strengthened camp
Achieved throughout the Refugee camp questline. Each major upgrade will unlock one of the achievements.
Raccoon thyroid stew
Beheaded horse
More forest thugs
Each of the achievements unlocks after finishing the involved NPC’s questline.
In order of appearance:
1. Cook (after you build 2 Beehives)
2. Undertaker (after you bring her 5 Gold-Star Steel chisels)
3. Tanner (after you buy a cow for 1 Gold from Rosa and some hens for 50 Silver from the Fresh egg basket)
Revolution begins
Cook of Revolution
Writer of Revolution
Ideologist of Revolution
Long live the Revolution
Achieved throught the Revolution questline. Each completed request will unlock one of the achievements.
WARNING: Contains major story spoilers!
The following achievements are impossible to miss. Continue the story!
Spirit summoner
Brought some smelly and useless filth into Dungeon, giving all the local ghosts a laugh.
Vampires are over
Told Horadric the vampire was no more. Oh, if only everyone were so trusting!
Between worlds
Worked on someone’s memory. Time to add “Neurosurgeon” to your CV.