This guide will help you get the highest possible amount of white skulls.
The way to create a 16 skull body is with a lot of grinding.
Look for hearts, brains, and Intestines with -2/3 red and 3 white.
Save these until you have one with 3/3 and two with -2/3 or until you have three with -2/3.
With a freshly delivered corpse
Embalm with the following:
Preservative injection
Lye injection
Glue injection
Gold injection
Silver injection
Place the body on the autopsy table and remove the blood and fat, then the heart, brain, and intestines.
Then add a 3/3 organ and then two -2/3 or just add the three -2/3 organs.
If you’ve let the corpse degrade then embalm again with the restore injection.
Now you can bury the best possible corpse with a 9 grave decor headstone statue and a 7 grave decor marble fence.