A Guide to do “Grey matters” And “Let’s get physical” Achivements without problems.
“Grey matters” Achievement
You need to get 100 Intellect. You get this by browsing like 72 times on a computer (Center Perks recommended). It can be done in one day. Just show up for a sec at the morning rollcall and then start browsing (You can ignore all other day stuff). If you have problems getting the achievement even when u have 100 Intellect make sure to have Strength and Speed 30 or lower, because this may block the achievement to trigger (It did this for me).
“Let’s get physical” Achievement
You need to get 100 Strength and 100 Speed. You get this by training like 150 times at the bench and 150 times at the treadmill (Center Perks recommended). It can be done in two days.
You only need to show up for a few seconds at the rollcalls. You can ignore the rest (exept for lights out of course) and just go to shower to get energy. If you have problems getting the achievement even when u have 100 Strength and 100 Speed make sure to have Intellect at 30 or lower, because this may block the achievement to trigger (It did this for me).