Walking Zombie 2 Guide

Guide for F2P and $10 Steam edition for Walking Zombie 2

Guide for F2P and $10 Steam edition


Guide for Free 2 Play player and Steam Ultimate Edition (Free fuel forever)

Walking Zombie 2 Guide

This game is easy if you play in PC
If you want to have goodtime and fun, just pay $10 and support dev
The $10 Ultimate edition give unlimited gas, no more grind for gas also you can get good karma and thus get tons of money early (See making money below)
Never buy ammo, it’s abundant
Never use melee, it’s slow and boring
For weapon, I reccomend Sniper and Shotgun
Always aim for head
Sell your extra food like Beans, MRE for silver coins, because you just can use bandage to heal
Keep shovel to dig treasure
Watch out fro traps
You can escape by spamming grenade if surrounded

Steam Ultimate Edition $10

Your build is focused on Critical, Damage and Health
!Skill max at 200!
Your main skills build is :
1. Critical, more critical chance
2. Health, more health
3. Defense
Use book to level up this skills :
1. Firearms, whenever you saw trader sell fireams book, just buy it and use it
2. Curing, If you have many silver coins, just buy, it useful
3 Outsdoorman, don’t buy just read it if you get it from loot
4 Bible, it give speech skill point, just buy when you have extra silver coin to spend
5. Encyclopedia, always buy it, 2 free skill point
You should avoid these skills :
Driving, you have unlimited gas
Melee Weapons, ammo is very abundant and cheap
Radiation Resistance, Just use bandage
Outsdoorman, You can read book, also useless in my opinion
Lockpicking, just get good at it, even if you bad, lockipick is cheap and abundant
Trading, just grind
Unknown use skill point :
Laser weapons, maybe useful for late game

You start your game in woodlands, this game is easy, you have unlimited gas and everytime you level up you get gold coins

Jut continue story and finish game

Use your gold coins to upgrade your weapon damage, you can upgrade weapon in workbench in springfield

You also can buy perk in Open world city using gold coins

Important Perk :
Reading : Read book
Bookworm : Get this, it’s so valuable
Good Students : 1 extra skill every level up
More Criticals 1, 2, etc
Better Criticals
Cat – There is an enemy who can 1 shot you (Mayor)
Steady Aim
Fast Hands 1, 2, etc
Bigger Backpack

Free 2 Play Player

Your build is focused on gas, travel efficient, grind much
!Skills max at 200!
Your main skills build is :
1. Driving, just put 100 points in it (discussion about it below)
2. Critical, more critical chance
3. Health, more health
Use book to level up this skills :
1. Firearms, whenever you saw trader sell fireams book, just buy it and use it
2. Curing, If you have many silver coins, just buy, it useful
3 Outsdoorman, don’t buy just read it if you get it from loot
4 Bible, it give speech skill point, just buy when you have extra silver coin to spend
5. Encyclopedia, always buy it, 2 free skill point
You should avoid these skills :
Melee Weapons, ammo is very abundant and cheap
Radiation Resistance, Just use bandage
Outsdoorman, You can read book, also useless in my opinion
Defense, Clothes defense + Your defense level% * Clothes defense, I think you better up your health instead, also playing with PC, you rarely get hit
Lockpicking, just get good at it, even if you bad, lockipick is cheap and abundant
Trading, just grind
Unknown use skill point :
Laser weapons, maybe useful for late game

About Driving
Yes gas is abundant if you’re doing Open world city often, and more abundant when you upgrade your radio station, 1 trip can snag you 3 big gas can!
You can build your character without Driving at all, but you will grind in Open World city often too,it’s up to you, Driving for me is worth it because I often go back to woodlands and see Trader wares there also yes in City of Sun you consume more gas to go out
Apparently you get new car at City of Sun but..
the Gas consumption upgrade is 240 gold, and it’s base gas consumption is same as full upgraded Pickup Car, the upgrade only -1L/100km which is so small different

Also City of Sun Trader sometimes sell gas

You start your game in woodlands, it’s easy, you almost have unlimited gas because everytime you level up you get 15 gas, just focus on story and go to 2nd city, Springfield

Every 1 hour you can claim gold coin, just save it, I reccomend to spend most your skill points on Driving because Gas is what F2P player lack of

In Springfield, quickly do Jeff Quest, his quest is collecting car parts, after you complete all his quest he will sell you Pickup car for 4000 Silver, it’s 50% more fuel efficient than your motorbike also it’s upgradeable, use all your gold coin to upgrade your Pickup car gas consumption to max

Then do more main story quest, till you get quest from chuck and get Ruby then do more quest till Open World City opened, quickly go to Open World City, Upgrade your base camp to at least lvl 2 and Loot Gas Remains & Water Bottle and Craft Big Gas Can (30L Gas!)

at this point you will swim in gas can, and ready to deliver justice to wherever place in wasteland

Important Perk :
Reading : Read book
Bookworm : Get this, it’s so valuable
Good Students : 1 extra skill every level up
More Criticals 1, 2, etc
Better Criticals
Cat – There is an enemy who can 1 shot you (Mayor)
Additioal Fuel Tank 1, 2, etc
Steady Aim
Fast Hands 1, 2, etc
Bigger Backpack

Making Money & Grind Karma

So what I discovered is like this :
Good karma -> Random encounters more often and Random encounters that give money like 3 Safes, Locked Box, Lost Treasure, Caravan
Bad Karma -> Random encounters that give enemy

So to get money you need good karma, to get good karma you need to grind karma, the best way to grind karma is to do Beggar random encounters in woodlands and give 100 silver for 5 karma

To do this you need a lot gas which F2P player can’t do in early game, Ultimate Steam Player can do this as soon as possible

Making Money

All Random Encounters in woodlands and Springfield have chance to spawn a Safe, you will need lockpick to open it, so buy a lot of lockpick with your early money

Ultimate $10 Steam Player

Just grind good Karma in woodlands and while you doing it, you can have random encounters like :
Caravan – Buy Treasure map and Book if you have money
Lost Treasure – Dig burried treasure chest
House of Horror – find the key and open locked room for loot

Later if you bored, you can switch to Springfield and doing random encounters there like Locked Box or 3 Safes

You will more than enough money by doing this

F2P Player

Before making money easy you need :
Good Karma
To get Good Karma you need a lot of gas
To get a lot of Gas you need to do Open World and Upgraded Pickup Car for less gas consumption
After you get a lot of gas, go to woodlands and start spamming Center -> Ace House and Ace House -> Center

This is the most little gas consume travel and still have chance to have random encounters in my opinion
By doing this you grind good karma (Beggar Random Encounter) and money like :
Caravan – Buy Treasure map and Book if you have money
Lost Treasure – Dig burried treasure chest
House of Horror – find the key and open locked room for loot
Do this again and again till you get rich

Slow repetitive grind

Do this when you have little amount of gas, you’re okay doing repetitive grind
If you choose to making money slow grind way, which I do early and almost make me insane, just do Rocket Day which Ace’s mission in Springfield, you have chance to spawn a safe if difficulty medium or hard, I prefer medium because the safe spawn more consistent

To make this grind more efficient, buy Zombie Hunter perk in Open world, for exp buy Badass perk


I prefer Purple grade Armor which give Critical chance and Radiation Resistance
You can buy purple grade armor in Science base in Springfield (Tramp Trader) or in City of Sun / Springfield trader if you lucky, use 10 gold to refresh his stock

Useful information

Automatic fire
You can find this option in Controls
It make the game very easy because you just point your gun and it will shoot

Free Weapon (Given by NPC)
– Vector (Given by Donald Trump / Mayor)
– Omerta Shotgun (Given By Chuck after defeat Rockets)
– Papasha (Given by Ruby, you also can choose kevlar vest or 5000 Silver)
Random Encounter
Locked Chest, The key is hidden under rock or hidden in grass
Locked Chest with Number Password, The code is 2151
Container, there is invisible path you can start and see the direction in the green arrow
