Guide & Full Map for BIGFOOT | Tips, etc.(3.0) for BIGFOOT

Guide & Full Map for BIGFOOT | Tips, etc.(3.0)


I may or may not add Glacier Bay later onBut for now, this is the full(?) map for Ross Lake + Tips:DDBig boi thanks to my bud CynoidGreat nicknames for Bigfoot:AsstoeAsshatBigtoeBigfat (Cynoid)FurryBoogieOlympic athlete non human speed man (Cynoid)Fatfoot (Cynoid)big boi flash

MAP of Ross Lake

Bonus TIP (basically cheating): If you can lure Bigfoot into a little corner while standing on a ledge at the Unknown Cave, you can knife him until he dies.

Ross Lake

So, this is what I believe to be the full map of Ross Lake, with every major landmark/location with items.

List of Every Location in the map:

  • Base Camp (where you start)
  • Shelter x2
  • Tourist Camp x2
  • Old Hunting Tower x4
  • Sawmill
  • Miner’s House
  • Monster’s Lair (prob one of Bigfoot’s temporary shelters)
  • Unknown Cave (Bigfoot’s main “home”)
  • Swamp House (home of shrek)


(You can mask traps by finding branches on the ground btw)

1. I recommend only using medkits to revive your teammate(s) as they run out quickly and there’s very few of them – If you’re playing solo, you should use your medkits sparingly.

2. Try to find all the locations and gather the supplies that are randomly spawned there before engaging Bigfoot – It’s worth it to have more before fighting the asshat.

3. Use the flare gun whenever you have low health or just don’t want to be engaged by Bigfoot, wolves, or bears. They won’t do a thing if you shoot it near them but if you shoot the flare directly at the target, then they will run away. (great tip for avoiding bigfat)

4. Take back your traps. Animals will also sense the meat and go for the trap. BUT unlike asstoe, they won’t break it and will die, leaving you with a still working trap and extra meat, giving you the chance to grab the trap back and reuse it.

5. If you’re playing with other people, then have at least one person use tracking bullets or one person with a flare gun. If you’re playing alone, use tracking bullets most of the time. They wear off after a couple minutes.

AND that’s all I have for now, maybe i’ll do Glacier Bay next, idk snow is hell