Guide to DLC Pack 3 for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse {Finished} for DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE

Guide to DLC Pack 3 for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse {Finished}


This is a guide for the new DLC Pack for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, pack 3. The guide is finished! I am going to start touch ups later on for the guide to make it look better, but everything is here! (I hope ;P)


Hello and welcome! I am the happiest of the cats, Happy Fun Cat, bringing you the guide to the next DLC for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, DLC Pack 3! The guide is finished now, and everything I believe is here. I just need to touch up places here and there to make it look better, but I think I am finished! If there is anything I forgot, let me know in the down theres, voices in my head, and I will get to it!

I am planning on adding damage values for the skills and going to test Hero’s Pose and Unlock Potential to see what they do, but that will be at a later date.

Also, I had to split up the PQs into their own sections. I was writting a lot and it would not allow me to save the section so I just split it. Steam working against me yet again!

Down below, you will find a Table of Contents, and of course a Table of Contents to the side.

Note this is also my 5th guide, and longest o_o

Note: I think this thing is just about completely done, other than research about a few of the additions we supposed to have gotten during the 1.07 patch. But I am super tired of working on this thing so I am going to halt any more progress on the guide until after the weekend, cat needs some rest >.<

Table of Contents!


Table of Cotents

New Updates! (Patch 1.07)

PQ: First Training

PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth

PQ: Room to Spare

PQ: Eternal Rival

PQ: The Return of the Giant Ape-Fest!

New Equipment! (Gear and Accessories)

New Z-Souls!

New Skills!

New Mentor Elder Kai!

New Mentor Jaco the Galactic Patroller?!

New Secret

New Playable Characters

Guide Updates


New Updates! (Patch 1.07)

I just got the news that along with the Patch for Resurrection “F”, there are going to be some new additions to the game as well, below is a list of what we can look forward to 😀

(Note, this is a patch for the game itself, meaning everyone will have access to this, not just those who bought the DLC, I know someone had a question about it during my last guide!)

Patch 1.07

Added data for Ressurection “F” pack

This information is required for those who have the season pass or are buying the DLC, so we can play said DLC, great fun, whats next?! Also this is used for those who do not have to DLC so when playing online, you will not crash when players are playing with the new characters and outfits!

Added World Tournament functionality

FINALLY! Not that I really care since I am not a PvPer in this game, I am just a stupid casual. With that said, what is the world tournament?! Well, I honestly do not know, but from the little bit of research I have done, it is pretty much like in the Dragon Ball manga/anime. You go in, do a preliminary to qualify and then you go into a bracket where you face off against other players and see who is, the best of the best.

Increased Level Cap to 99

*slight panting* I thought the increase from 80 to 85 was awesome, but now giving us 14 more levels?! I haven’t been playing DBX since I been waiting on the patch, but this means I am planning on sinking more hours into this game. Also, this this level increase, we will have 300 points to spend on our characters, meaning if you really want, you can max out 3 attributes!

Note: it is 300 points because you gain 9 points going from 98 to 99. Meaning you have 97 levels you gain 3 points and then 9 points for the last level, or 97 x 3 + 9.

Now, I know there are a ton of people that are gonna be all like this just breaks the game, and I do understand why. This makes some builds really powerful and there is going to be a shift in the meta in rank play. But for someone like me, who plays the game for fun, only PvPs with gimmicks, I honestly don’t care. But I am a cat and my opinions suck, so let me know what you think in the down theres.

Added new chat phrases

While this is cool and everything, we don’t need new chat phrases, we need the ability to chat.
Incase you care, the new phrases seem to be the chat phrases #40-68.

I would have typed them, but I thought to myself how much pointless work that is and how many people would care to read that in a guide, so if you really do care, just check the Chat Phrases!

Added new Event Quests

What are event quest, I hear you voices in my head, and… I don’t know. I am trying to figure that out, stay tuned.

Fixed bugs relating to knockback combos online

Basically, a rebalancing of the combo system it seems.

Rebalanced several skills

What skills I hear you voices in my head and… Again, I don’t know. This is the problem with how they do patches, unless someone looks in the file or test every damn skills, it is hard to know. I have my guesses, but, once again, will update accordingly. There was a japanese website that has all the changes, if I can find it again, I will link it and you can check them out for yourself.

Rebalanced several Z-Souls

Don’t ask, will update accordingly, voices in my head. Same as above, will try to find the website again that had all the changes.

PQ: First Training

There is no new story for DLC Pack 3, sorry to say. But to make up for it, we get 5 new Parallel Quest instead of 3!

PQ: First Training

“Let me show you my evolved self.” – Drops from Golden Frieza
Final Blow (Super Strike Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Vegeta in Ultimate Finish
Super God Shock Flash (Super Strike Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Goku in Ultimate Finish

Well, let me just say I was a bit confused about the name of this Parallel quest, but I under stood it once I got the ultimate finish.

Your goal, young Time Patroller, is to beat the crap out of Frieza, and then continue to due so until he is lay beaten. That is pretty much the non ultimate finish of this mission. You start with stage one Frieza, and you start beating the crap out of him, 1 health bar, nothing too hard. Get him low, he goes into his Final Form, again, 1 health bar, nothing too hard. Beat down Final Form and once he is low, he will go into Full Power Final Form, this time with 2 health bars :O Nothing too hard here, yet again, beat the crap out of him and he will go into his Golden Form!

Also take a note that even Frieza thinks Golden Frieza sounds cheap. This is not really that hard, yet again, 2 health bars with no ultimate armor. Do what you have been doing, just note the increase in damage you will be taking if you face check him.

Getting Ultimate Finish is just you doing this mission as fast as possible, and you should get this done in around 3 minutes at around 85, less if you have a group, more if your group knocks him out of your combos. Once you beat Frieza and it goes into ultimate finish, you will be teamed up WITH FRIEZA! Beaten down and defeated, he is ready to take on the monkeys of Earth.

Go through the portal to the Sky zone and he comes Jaco, and all of his Jaconess. Very, very, very easy fight, just beat him down like you did Frieza. Jaco will turn tail and run and then incomes the duo of new stupid transform names, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta.

Nothing too difficult here, except for the fact that if Frieza falls, you lose the Ultimate Finish. So, yeah, protect that yellow thing from the glowing blue things! This fight isn’t really that hard, even when I was testing to see what would happen if Frieza fell, half of the time, one of the 2 would not do anything as long as you are not near them, they would just hover. AI at it’s finest fokes! Goku has 3 health bars and Vegeta has 2, so I would focus Vegeta down first since most max strike/ki characters can skill them in 4 ultimate hits at level 85.

The Z-Soul “Let me show you my evolved self.” drops without needing an ultimate finish. The Super Strike Skills Final Blow and Super God Shock Flash drops from Vegeta for Final Blow, and Goku for Shock Flash, meaning that these 2 skills require ultimate finish, but drop from the npcs themselfs, not a random reward for completing the ultimate finish.

PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth!

PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth!

“Let me show you my evolved self.” – Drops from Golden Frieza (both ultimate finish and non ultimate finish I believe)
Emperor’s Edge (Super Strike Skill) – Drops from Golden Frieza in Ultimate Finish and Non-Ultimate Finish
Emperor’s Blast (Super Ki Skill) – Drops from Golden Frieza in Ultimate Finish and Non-Ultimate Finish
Emperor’s Death Beam (Ultimate Ki Skill) – Drops from Golden Frieza in Ultimate Finish

Cool fight, not going to lie. Your goal here is to beat Frieza and his army, though you could just focus Frieza if you want, but you won’t get that ultimate finish! If you are not going for ultimate finish, the only thing that drops is Emperor’s Edge, Emperor’s Blast and I believe the Z-Soul “Let me show you my evolved self.”

Frieza is already in his Final Form at the start of this fight and he has with him 2 scouts. Scouts are 1 shotable by most ki and strike supers, so they are not that much of a pain. What is a pain is the fact that to get the ultimate finish, you have to beat 8 of them. How do you beat 8 when there is only 2? Well of course when you beat one another one comes in and helps! Beat all of the scouts until it is just you (your party) and Final Form Frieza left in the zone. Get Final Form Frieza low and he will turn into Golden Frieza. Nothing too hard here, beat down Frieza and hope for an ultimate finish!

If you are blessed by the RNG gods after beating 8 scouts, Final Form Frieza and Golden Frieza, he will get up, ready for round 2, and what a round 2 it is! 3 Health Bar boss fight, super armor and all, not to mention the arrival of 2 scouts equiped with a shadow aura! Crap is about to go down! Well, not really. The scouts are just about as hard as the others, same amount of health, just with a bit of super armor for themselfs meaning it takes 2 skills to kill them, or a few punches. The deadly part is leaving them along, since they both use the shadow ultimate, and if they get close to you, it pops and it hurts, a lot. The scouts are priority number 1, they are not hard to beat, but will make things a pain if left alone. Frieza is also not much of a problem either, 3 health bars means it takes a bit longer to beat, and the super armor is easy to break so it will almost never have uptime.

Each of the skills has a chance to drop from Ultimate finish, but only the supers will drop if you do not ultimately finish the quest. Meaning if you want Emperor’s Death Beam Ultimate Skill, you need to ultimately finish the quest. Thanks to Margaret for giving me the information about the Emp Blast Skill!

PQ: Room to Spare

PQ: Room to Spare

Gohan’s Tracksuit – Drops as a reward for finsihing the quest
“Whis, you’re stepping on poo.” – Drops as a reward for finishing the quest
“Maybe you’re just plain stupid.” – Drops as a reward for finishing the quest
Burst Kamehameha (Super Ki Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Goku
Counter Burst (Super Ki Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Vegeta

The amount of hate, and I mean HATE I had trying to solo this Ultimate Finish took me 2 hours to do at level 85. The mission itself is pretty tamed. 3 zones, you spawn in the sky, the other 2 each of 2 pairs of enemies, one is SSGSS Goku and Vegeta, the other is Piccolo and Adult Gohan. Each have 2 health bars, nothing really too difficult. The problem lies in the Ultimate Finish. To get to the Ultimate Finish, you have to stay above 1/2 health to even have a chance to get the ultimate finish, if not, Whis will leave you. This may not be too hard if you are in a group of players with healing items on everybody. Solo, without NPCs to help, it is a nightmare, unless you are cheap like I had to be to beat it.

You start with Whis in your party. Your goal is to fight the other 2 groups while trying to keep your health above 1/2. It is a challenge, and you may need to blow a healing item, bu I would save them if you are soloing this like I was. Once you beat both groups and still have Whis with you, go into the Sky Zone. Once there, Lord Bills will come fight your party.

RNG kicks in and you have a change to start ultimate finish as soon as Bills comes to fight you. If you are lucky (for me about a 75% chance rate) Whis will attack!

With a party each having party healing items, this is not a problem. Solo, you have to deal with 2 enemies with 3 boss health bars with decent super armor. Fight is pretty standard, and their ultimates are easy to dodge, just if you are soloing, play save, make sure you have healing items to spare, because it gets crazy.

As for drops in this mission, you don’t need the ultimate finish for them. Gohan’s Track Suit will drop without ultimate finish, and the skills Burst Kamehameha and Counter Burst drop from SSGSS Goku and Vegeta. If you are farming those skills, just defeat them and if you do not get a skill drop, restart the PQ.


PQ: Eternal Rival

PQ: Eternal Rival

“Whis, you’re stepping on poo.” – Drops as a reward for finishing the quest
“Maybe you’re just plain stupid.” – Drops as a reward for finishing the quest
Super God Shock Flash (Super Strike Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Goku
Warp Kamehameha (Ultimate Ki Skill) – Drops as a reward for finishing the Ultimate Finish
Final Blow (Super Strike Skill) – Drops from SSGSS Vegeta
Super Galick Gun (Ultimate Ki Skill) – Drops as a reward for finishing the Ultimate Finish

I complained about the last one, because of how hard it was to solo. This is worse. So much so that I could not solo at level 86, even then, I had a very, very, VERY hard time even with npc help. I would never say this unless I meant it, this mission is hard enough to require 2 or 3 real players to take on if you are doing this at level 85ish. I will update this when I go back through and try to solo at a higher level (most likely 93 is when I will try again).

Now, to the meat and bones of this quest. You have to fight both Goku and Vegeta at the same time. At the start, it is only normal Goku and Vegeta, nothing too difficult. Once you get Goku to half, he will Kaio-What and then it is back to the fight. This is when it starts to get hard. Once you beat Goku or Vegeta, they are replaced by once of their transformations, for Goku, going from Reg/Kaioken to SS to SS3 to SS4 then to SSGSS, for Vegeta it is pretty much the same path, Reg, SS, SS2, SS4, SSGSS. The difficulty ramps up a lot when you defeat one of the people and go to the next stage, ranging from levels from 70ish to 97 I believe I saw. (as you can tell, I don’t even have screenshots of me in this mission because it was non stop action so I didn’t have much of a chance to look and screen cap). The characters continue to spawn until you beat their SS4 versions. Once you beat them, SSGSS will not spawn until the other SS4 is beaten, and then both will spawn at the same time with a enemy appear red bar.

As for the Ultimate Finish, the wording on the Win Conditions is wrong. It should be Defeat SS4 Goku before SS4 Vegeta, not before he appears. I only know this because I had it accidently trigger during the mission and remember that SS4 Vegeta was still there. I was able to repeat the Ultimate Finish trigger multiple times, so I know it works. The only differences in the regular and ultimate is SS4 Vegeta takes off and you fight SS4 Gogeta.

For the fights, each version of the Gokus and Vegeta’s (including Ultimate Finish Gogeta) has 2 health bars to fight through. This changes when you have to fight SSGSS versions with 3 boss bar health.

I am not sure about the drops just yet, I got warp kame during ultimate finish, but you may not need ultimate finish to get these to drop. More testing when I go without ultimate finishes to get the last ultimate. As for Z-Souls, same deal, I do not believe ultimate finish is required for them to drop, more testing needed.

PQ: The Return of the Giant Ape-Fest!

PQ: The Return of th Giant Ape-Fest!

Gohan’s Tracksuit – Drops as a reward for finsihing the quest
Tagoma’s Scouter – Drops as a reward for finishing the Ultimate Finish

From the hardest mission to a very easy one, monkeys again do not disappoint with fast times and great EXP (highest I recieved was a bit over 120k) All the monkeys work like their lower level counterparts, just that these are a higher level, nothing hard about this mission at all other than Baby’s stamina.

What a suprised when I go to the first point and see a Yamcha! (honestly, it wasn’t until the Kame that I saw him) On the Pod Landing Map, you will see Great Ape Nappa and on your team a cute little Yamcha that thinks they could do something about it, awe. Beat Nappa and move onto the next map, Mountains.

Again, you are blessed with another meat shield, Tien, this time against Great Ape Vegeta. Same as Nappa, beat Vegeta and move onto the next map, Wasteland.

Here we have Great Ape Baby and Pan! Oh yes, a little saiyan girl verses the hardest Great Ape in the game, she really needs help. Good thing you are here to teach that monkey a lesson! Spank the monkey… Wait, I already made this joke in my first guide? Crap, uhhh, I don’t care 😀 Spank the Golden Monkey and then you are done! Unless… Yamcha, Tien and Pan lived, and RNG Gods rolled in your favor, I think it is time for a Ultimate Finish!

Make your way back to the Mountain map and get ready to fight Great Ape Bardock, but not just him, because he has a little friend… A Time Patroller! Yes, we get a new PQ to farm Dragon Balls in, that is awesome! The fight itself is easy, just beat the Patroller and then Bardock and you Ultimate Finished the mission!

As for drops, I don’t know. I am writting this right after I finish the mission for the first time, and I didn’t get a drop. But if I was to guess, I don’t believe Gohan’s Track Suit will need an ultimate finish to drop, and you don’t need to farm the scouter accessory since you can by it in the shop 😀

New Equipment! (Gear and Accessories)

There are only 2 new costumes added for DLC Pack 3, but with the free movie DLC costume pack, that really is 4 new costumes, we just got 2 of them early!

Turtle Hermit’s Costume and Accessory (Turtle Hermit Set)
-Contains Upper and Lower Body Only-
Already in the players inventory

Gohan’s Tracksuit Costume (No Accessory) ~Only Upper Body, Lower Body and Feet for this Costume~
Drop PQ: Room to Spare (will drop without ultimate finish)
Note: Don’t know if there is hands, but I found pants.

Tagoma’s Scouter (Accessory)
Price 80,000
Drop PQ: The Return of the Giant Ape-Fest!

New Z-Souls!

We have 7 new souls with DLC Pack 3, 4 of them associated with the new masters for DLC Pack 3.

Note: I have not completed both mentor quest yet, so I am mission Z-Souls, but I do have the 3 that drop from the PQs, you can find them below and where they drop!

“Whis, you’re stepping on poo.”
Dropped from PQ: Room to Spare and PQ: Eternal Rival


“Maybe you’re just plain stupid.”
Dropped from PQ: Room to Spare and PQ: Eternal Rival


“Let me show you my evolved self.”
Dropped from PQ: First Training and PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth!


“Go! Go! Rocket! Rocket! Go!”
Recieved from Jaco Mentor Quest 4 (Mastery)


“Who are you calling a twerp?!”
Recieved from Jaco Mentor Quest 5 (Sparing)


“Hmm Hmm Hmmm! Hm Hmmm! Hmmm!”
Recieved from Elder Kai Mentor Quest 2


“Go beyond the limit! The limit, I say!”
Recieved from Elder Kai Mentor Quest 3


New Skills!

Only 14 new skills for DLC Pack 3, the lowest amount of skills recieved so far from a DLC Pack, but these are looking to be some pretty good ones!

Strike Super Skills:

Final Blow – Drops from PQ: First Training and PQ: Eternal Rival (From SSGSS Vegeta)

Super God Shock Flash– Drops from PQ: First Training and PQ: Eternal Rival (From SSGSS Goku)

Emperor’s Edge – Drops from PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth! (From Golden Frieza)

Ki Super Skills:

Emperor’s Blast – Drops from PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth! (From Golden Frieza)

Burst Kamehameha – Drops from PQ: Room to Spare (From SSGSS Goku)

Counter Burst – Drops from PQ: Room to Spare (From SSGSS Vegeta)

Elite Beam – Recieved from Jaco Mission 1

Elite Shooting – Recieved from Jaco Mission 3

Other Super Skills:

Hero’s Pose – Recieved from Jaco Mission 2

Strike Ultimate Skills:

Super Elite Combo – Recieved from Jaco Mission 4 (Mastery)

Ki Ultimates Skills:

Emperor’s Death Beam – Drops from PQ: Frieza’s Siege Against Earth!(Ultimate Finish Drop)

Warp Kamehameha – Drops from PQ: Eternal Rival (Ultimate Finish Drop)

Super Galick Gun – Drops from PQ: Eternal Rival (Ultimate Finish Drop)

Transform Ultimate Skills

Unlock Potential – Recieved at the end of Elder Kai’s training (after Unlocking Potential cutsceen, must be 93 to start it)

New Mentor Elder Kai!

One of the two new mentors we get in DLC Pack 3 is Elder Kai.


Mission 1

Okay, so you found Elder Kai. What sort of mission would he force you to do? Fight Goku and Vegeta? Beat Buu? DANCE?! Nope, he wants girls.

That is right, he wants you to go pick up women and put them on your team and bring them to him. How do you do this? I will show you!

Step One – Form a team: You can do this in the Time Machine Station section of the map. Find one of the Team Registration Robits and just hit A on your controller (Enter for Keyboard users, X for Playstation Controllers) and bam, you have a team! What is next?

Step Two – Recuit Females: These I believe have to be CaC, but they do not have to be online. If you play in Single Player Online, just find a female CaC and hit your interact button (Y for Xbox, Y for Keyboards, Triangle for Playstation) and then hit Start (enter for Keyboards) and you will recruit them to your team! They do not have to be Human or Saiyan Females, Majin works as well!

Step Three – Go back to the geezer: Once you recruited 2 females to your team, go back to where you first saw Elder Kai if you have not refreshed map since encountering him, or where your mentors spawn at if the map was refreshed since then. He will talk about some things, but in the end, is happy and saids he will train you!

If you are wondering if this did count as a quest, it does. I got a Z rank when I came back with a team with 2 girls (other than my CaC) in it.

Once you finish, just hit Start (Enter) and then X (Square for Playstation, X for Keyboards) and it will disband the group once you hit Yes when prompted.

Mission 2

I would first like to note this mentor throws what you know about mentors out the window, and I like it.

You ask Elder Kai to train you, and of course he saids no, fight someone around here, they look stronger than you. Of course you say they are not and Elder Kai wants proof! So it is time for a showdown, you against the world!

Simple mission, much like the 2nd mission for Jaco, you are fighting a lot of Time Patrollers in a row, only difference is you are not going to be forced to fight 3 at once. Once you beat all three, you will recieve not a skill, but a Z-Soul, “Hmm Hmm Hmmm! Hm Hmmm! Hmmm!”

After the mission, he saids he will train you, but first after he finishes his manga. Don’t blame the old guy, if I was him and had the choice between training someone and reading manga, I would pick manga.

Mission 3

Please train me Sin Pi. Sure, wait nope, defeat yourself first. Wait, wha?

That is right, this mission you fight yourself! Best mission eva! You face a Time Patroller version of yourself, skills, gear, soul and all. But you don’t just fight them once…

That is right, you also fight an Shadow Aura version of yourself too. I am sorry, I wanted to fight my CaCs for lawls and this gave me this that! Beat them and you are still not rewarded a skill, but you are rewarded most likely the best Z-Soul for grouping up with people, “Go beyond the limit! The limit, I say!”

Mission 4

I think I made Sin Pi to notice me! I am soooo happ…. Wait, wha? You want me to be level what? 93?! D’X -current level is 92- I am rushing to get this level to finish off this guide, don’t worry!

*bit over an hour later*

I finally got to level 93, yay, Sin Pi will teach me now! Nope, instead, he will just dance around you to unlock your potential.

You will talk to Elder Kai, he will say he will unlock your potential, but not there. You move to The Time Nest to where to begins to ritual. And then you sit, and then he tells you to sit for 1 more minute. I hit A thinking it was just game time that a minute was just a passing, but NOPE, a literal minute. And does Elder Kai tell you when the minute is up? NOPE! You have to keep time and then hit A (Enter keyboard, X playstation) to stand up. After that, your level will increase by 2, making you 95 if you start this at 93, and then you get the skill everyone in the game has been asking for, Unlock Potential!
Mission Sparing

Time to fight yourself again! I will be honest, there is no real point to doing this Sparing mission as you are only getting “Go Beyond the limit! The limit, I say!” Z-Soul again, nothing else. But do it if you want! (I guess I should have looked at the experience you gain from doing it)

New Mentor Jaco the Galactic Patroller?!

The other mentor we get with DLC Pack 3 is Jaco the Galactic Patroller! If you are asking yourself who the heck is Jaco the Galactic Patroller, he is the star of a short comedy manga (11 chapters) by Akira Toriyama that has a tie in with his Dragon Ball manga. As I haven’t read it, I cannot say much else about it, other than I believe he is suppose to make an apperence in Dragon Ball Z: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ no “F” or Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F, which is the title given to us for the English Dub. (Just looked it up, Jaco is in the movie who is voiced by Todd Haverkorn, who has a long record of voice acting in some very big animes, so I am sure he will do Jaco justice!)


Mission 1

Oh noes, Jaco was asleep at the wheel, and crashed inside of this place! What ever shall we do?! Extort him into teaching us new skills of course!

Mission is pretty simple, beat up the weird new guy and you get a skill. 1 healh bar, but it is quiet large for a 1 star mission. Beat you and you will recieve the skill Elite Beam!


Mission 2

Jaco needs a part for his ship, and he wants you to help! What part does he need? Why a Hercle Coin of course! Wait, how do we get him a Hercle coin? By beating the crap out of a lot of Time Patrollers >:3

Again, simple mission, you and Jaco are going to beat up some Time Patrollers so Jaco can get a part for his ship. You fight around 3 Time Patrollers in a row then 3 at once. Simple mission. Beat it and he will grant you the skill Hero’s Pose!


Mission 3

Some of Freezers men have come to Earth! Who better to call than Goku! Wait, not Goku, then Vegeta! He doesn’t care? Ummm, Tien? Nope, then Krillen! Oh, he doesn’t even want to… Yamcha?… You are right, Yamcha will just die. Guess you will have to take Jaco with you.

You are fighting waves of Frieza’s men. Easy mission. Only hardish part is when you can’t oneshot the high health ones at the end of the mission.

Beat this and he will teach you Elite Shooting. Because when you are a super powered warrior that can shot beams from there freaking eyes, what you need is a skill that allows you randomly shoot a ray gun around. Because, reasons.


Mission 4 (Mastery)

It is time for a PhotoUp! Jaco wants to shoot a video of you to give his higher ups. So why not give them a show?

Fight is simple (like everything else about this mentor). Standard 1 health bar fight, very easy. Only annoying thing about this fight is the solar flare type skill he uses every now and then. Just respond with your escape skill and keep at it.

Once you beat him, he will tell you he forgot to load the tape (shame too since you were so AWESOME!), but he does teach you about the Ultimate Strike Skill you recieved, Super Elite Combo! Also, you are rewarded with the Z-Soul, “Go! Go! Rocket! Rocket! Go!”


Mission 5 (Sparing)

Time for a sparing session to recieve his last Z-Soul!

This fight is just a rehash of the mastery fight, but with 2 boss health bars with no super armor. Do what did you in the mastery mission and he will reward you with 1 (or in my case 2) “Who are you calling a twerp!” Because now you are Timmy Turner, you twerp.

New Secret!

Are you tried of mindlessly grinding for skills and armor that seem to never drop? Elder Kai has you covered!

While Elder Kai is your mentor, talk to him every map refresh and sometimes he will tell your fortune. These seem to range from 3 different ones, from normal, something good, to you are in luck. Depending on which fortune you get will determine what will happen in the next PQ you decide to do. The increases to drop rate

“Your Future Is Normal” – No increase or change I can tell

“Something Good” – Drop rates will be increased for the next Parallel Quest

“You’re In Luck” – Ultimate Finish Proc Rate and Drop Rates are increased for the next Parallel Quest (to the point any character with a loot table will drop something)

Note that these are guesses as RNG prevents me from testing fully for any of this, I was only able to aquire each around 5 to 10 times, so I can only give a theory! If you have a different experience, let me know and I will update accordingly. The more people that give me their results, the more I can determine with close to a 100% what each fortune does.

Also, while doing screenshots of each fortune, I was unlucky enough not to get the normal fortune >.< (or lucky I guess?) I will update once I have the last screenshot and move around some information.

New Playable Characters!

Last, but not least, is the new playable characters for DLC Pack 3, which we have 4 of them! Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, Golden Frieza, and Jaco the Galactic Patroller.

Side note, am I the only one that finds the whole Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan name Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan stupid. To be fair, calling it Super Saiyan God in the first movie was a bit of a problem if they are going to have a stage after that, so naming would be a problem. They could have just stuck with the Super Saiyan God 2 Goku and Vegeta. Am I ranting, I feel like I am ranting, anyways, let me know in the down there’s, voice in my head, if that is a stupid name for the stage above Super Saiyan God and what would you have called it. If it was me, I would call it Blue Style: Super Saiyan God Bankai MK 2, the Reckoning.
First off is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku with 1 choice of skill set

Next on the list of new characters is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, again with 1 skill set to choose from

We got Golden Frieza, different verse, same as the first, 1 choice of skills

Last, but not least is the contender for most stupidly awesome voice, Jaco, again, 1 skill set.

Guide Updates

Update #1 6/5/15 – Created guide to use as templet

Update #2 6/8/15 – Added New Patch Section

Update #3 6/9/15-6/10/15 – Finished the guide, started touch ups. Added New Secret! and Table of Contents section.

Update #4 6/12/15 – Touched up a few things, added a bit of information to make it easier to see on the PQ sections, tired of working on this guide now, someone pay me! D’X


As stated, this guide is unfinished since the DLC is not out as of creating this. I do, however, want to leave my comments now for those that have been following my guides seeing as this most likely will be the last guide for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse and my plans moving forward.

First off, thank you all for reading this guides. I first did it because I was tired of people gathering Dragon Balls in the Broly mission, those stating that it is the fastest way to level. While it is fast, it is also boring. So I wrote my own guide, and it was well recieved and it made me want to do some more. So, 4 Guides deep, this one being the 5th, I enjoyed doing these for those who read. Even if these guides only help one or two people, it is still enough to make me want to do another one.

So, where does it go from here, are you going back to your cat planet Happy? I hear you voices in my head, and rest assured that no I am not going back to the cat planet, for I am a cat and do not like space, but I do have a few more projects in mind.

The first is Naruto Storm 4! YES, I will be bring you guides for that since I been a fan of the Ultimate Ninja games for a very long time and I will not pass it up! If you are planning on picking up the game this fall/winter, I hope you look forward to my guides on that!

Next up is up to you voices in my head, and that is… Do you want a video of what DLC Pack 3 has to offer. I been contemplating it for awhile now, to do a video on the next DLC Pack. If so, let me know in the down there.

I know this is a long ending to my guides, but I wanted to let those who do follow them know of future projects, and to just say thank you.

So again, Naruto Storm 4 guides and possible video(s) for DLC Pack 3, let me know, <3 to you all, and once again, I am the happiest of the cats, Happy Fun Cat, peace~

~Happy Fun Cat~
