Half-Life Guide

Gunman Chronicles - Custom Installation for Half-Life

Gunman Chronicles – Custom Installation


In this guide, I will show you how to install Gunman Chronicles in the same directory as Half-Life (Non Source Version).NOTE: Contains both Demo & Retail Versions.

1. How to Install & Play

1. Download the game data for Gunman Chronicles here:

2. Extract the rewolf folder from to the directory where Half-Life is installed.

3. Close out Steam then Restart Steam.

4. You should see the Gunman Chronicles game in your game library, highlight it, then click PLAY to start.

2. Story – High Noon in Space

Before you play Gunman Chronicles, you should watch the rewolf.avi file for the game’s 4-minute backstory.

It’s been five years since you took control of the Gunmen, after the General
fell in battle fighting the alien Xenomes. Now the Xenomes are back in force,
but this time there’s a sinister presence controlling them. The infestation has
taken a new, deadlier form and they’re wiping out your forces. You’re on your
own, facing a gang of genetically engineered aliens and the desperadoes
controlling them. Luckily you’ve brought your guns. Lots of them.

3. Weapons & Item Listing

= Weapons
1. Knife/Fists
2. Laser Pistol/Sniper Rifle
3. Shotgun/Riotgun
4. MechaGun
5. Polaris Blade
6. MULE Launcher
7. Grenade
8. Chemical Gun
9. Mainframe Core

= Items
1. Medkit
2. Pistol Cells
3. Shotgun Shells
4. Mecha Rounds
5. Polaris Cells
6. Rockets
7. Chemcial Rounds
8. Armor Plating
9. Fuel Tank

4. Characters

= The General
The General is the person that you fought with on the battle of Banzure Prime.
On this battle, you ordered your men to retreat, but the general, a few gunmen
and scientists were still alive and were almost eaten by monsters. The General
wants to kill you now because you left him and the others behind. He will be
using xenomes, turrets and other stuff to try to kill you.

= Scientists
The Scientists are the guys who created and modified some new xenomes and they
are working for the general. As like any other science fiction game, the
scientist made their lifeforms, but now they became too smart and are turning
against their makers. Their creations, the xenomes will hunt you forever.

= Bandits
These guys also work for the general and were also left behind with him on
Banzure Prime. They love their guns and will of course try to kill you, just
like everyone else. They were once the guys who you fought with on Banzure
Prime. They are very evil but mainly carry pistols and meckaguns to kill you.
They also control some turrets if they like to.

= Insane Mainframe
This mainframe will help you fight off the xenomes in a later stage of the
game. The mainframe controls the drones on the science facility and it first
thought you were also a bad guy, but later saw where your loyalties lie. When
it sees this, it will use the drones and other mechanical stuff to help you
fight off the xenomes, bandits and of course the general.

= Major Archer
In short, Major Archer is you. You were a gunman fighting with the general and
the other gunmen on Banzure Prime, but you left them behind because the alien
lifeforms (xenomes) were killing the gunmen very, very quickly and everyone
would be dead in a short time if you hadn’t aborted the mission. Wise move, but
you thought all the gunmen and scientists were dead, but some of them still
live, including the general and they are out to kill you.

NOTE: The General, Major Archer, the Bandits & the Scientists are player models used in the Multiplayer Modes aside from the Main Story.
