Halo: The Master Chief Collection Guide

[Halo: Reach] Enemies for Halo: The Master Chief Collection

[Halo: Reach] Enemies


A simple, fan-made guide to every Covenant enemy in Halo: Reach.

Using This Guide

Halo: Reach has a lot of enemy types. Knowing who and what you’re fighting can make all the difference in Reach’s Campaign and Firefight. For this guide’s purposes, I will only be covering enemy infantry.

Below you will find an explanation for the statistics by which I have evaluated each enemy. These statistics are followed by a brief summary of the enemy in question.

Enemy Name

This is the name of the enemy variant in question. Enemy variant names in this guide may not be reflective of the officially recognized name.


⦁ Low – This enemy poses a minimal threat.
⦁ Medium – This enemy poses a considerable threat that should not be overlooked.
⦁ High – This enemy poses a significant threat and should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Threat categorization is based on an enemy’s damage output and durability in combat.


⦁ Low – This enemy typically takes 1 melee attack to kill.
⦁ Medium – This enemy typically takes 2 melee attacks to kill.
⦁ High – This enemy typically takes 3 or 4 melee attacks to kill.
⦁ Very High – This enemy typically takes more than 4 melee attacks to kill.

When you see the word physique used in this guide, it is referring to health.

It should be noted that every enemy variant in the game can be assassinated (whether they are aware of you or not) except Hunters, Drones, and Engineers, which cannot be assasinated.


⦁ Weak – This enemy’s shields typically takes 1 melee attack to break.
⦁ Strong – This enemy’s shields typically takes 2 melee attacks to break.
⦁ Very Strong – This enemy’s shields typically takes 3 melee attacks to break.

Weapons Of Choice:

These are the weapons you can expect to see an enemy using. Some weapons are more common than others.

Grunts (Unggoy)


Threat: Low
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Plasma Grenade

Cowardly in heart and clumsy in stride, Grunts are the weakest enemy combatant in the game. Slow and unprotected, Grunts can be killed with a single precision weapon headshot. This headshot trait applies to all Grunt variants except Armored Grunts. Grunts also wear gas tanks that, if hit, may send unlucky Grunts propelling into the air. This gas tank trait applies to all Grunt variants.

Armored Grunt

Threat: Low
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Plasma Grenade

Armored Grunts are just like regular Grunts, but wear protective helmets. You will need to headshot each of them with a precision weapon to knock off their helmets. Armored Grunts without helmets can then be killed with an additional precision weapon headshot.

Grunt Specialist

Threat: Low, Medium*
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Plasma Launcher, Plasma Grenade

Grunt Specialists are just like regular Grunts, but may also be seen carrying Plasma Launchers.

*Grunt Specialists carrying Plasma Pistols or Needlers are ranked as Low, while Grunt Specialists carrying Plasma Launchers are ranked as Medium.

Grunt Kamikazeer

Threat: Medium
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Grenade

Grunt Kamikazeers can occur in any Grunt variant. When Grunts go Kamikazeer, they will pull out two Plasma Grenades and prime one in each hand. They will then pursue you relentlessly in an attempt to take you with them, yelling all the while. Their one-time attack can kill you instantly if they get close enough to use it. Luckily, their flamboyant little dance and unique audio cue makes them easy to avoid. They are most dangerous in tight corridors or where line of sight is limited, but are otherwise free target practice that produce a wonderful afterthought light show.

Grunt Hero

Threat: Low, Medium, High*
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Needler, Fuel Rod Gun, Plasma Launcher, Plasma Grenade

Grunt Heroes make up for their laughable physique with immense firepower. You will often spot them manning vehicles and turrets or carrying Fuel Rod Guns/Plasma Launchers.

*Grunt Heroes carrying Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles or Needlers are ranked as Low, Grunt Heroes carrying Plasma Launchers are ranked as Medium, Grunt Heroes manning vehicles and turrets or carrying Fuel Rod Guns are ranked as High.

Jackals (Kig-Yar)


Threat: Low
Health: Low
Shields: Projected
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler

With big bulging eyes that are always watching you and a bird-like mannerism, Jackals prefer the comforting safety of their gauntlet shields to open combat. Their gauntlet shields can deflect a great deal of damage, forcing you to approach them differently than the conventional enemy. To quickly expose Jackals, target their weapon-wielding hands. This will send them reeling in pain, leaving them temporarily vulnerable. Alternatively, you can attempt to flank them or use explosives to send them scattering. Jackals can be killed with a single precision weapon headshot. This headshot trait applies to both Jackal variants.

Jackal Sniper

Threat: High
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Needler Rifle, Focus Rifle

Ditching its gauntlet shield in favor of better weaponry, the Jackal Sniper is an enemy to be feared. Equipped with a Needler Rifle or the dreaded Focus Rifle, the Jackal Sniper zeroes in on his prey with a great and menacing delight. Jackal Snipers prefer to pick their enemies off at a distance, making them a noteworthy danger to the unaware and to those far from cover. In large numbers, Jackal Snipers can lock down an area, threatening anything that moves. Smart use of cover and precision weapons of your own will serve you well in dealing with them.

Skirmishers (T’vaoan)


Threat: Low
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Needler Rifle, Focus Rifle

Skirmishers are always bouncing around all over the place, making them difficult targets. Skirmishers love to rush in and swarm their prey. Skirmishers find strength in numbers; where there is one Skirmisher, there is bound to be more. Some Skirmishers are armed with precision weapons, compounding the danger of their presence.

Gauntlet Skirmisher

Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: Projected
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol

Gauntlet Skirmishers are equipped with improved armor and miniature gauntlet shields that can deflect a great deal of damage, but are limited to using Plasma Pistols. Gauntlet Skirmishers will use their gauntlet shields to deflect your shots whenever possible.

Skirmisher Captain

Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Needler Rifle, Focus Rifle

Skirmisher Captains are equipped with ornamented improved armor. Skirmisher Captains lack gauntlet shields, but have access to the full arsenal of a regular Skirmisher.

Skirmisher Hero

Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol, Needler, Needler Rifle, Focus Rifle

Skirmisher Heroes are the same as Skirmisher Captains, albeit with greater ornamentation.

Elites (Sangheili)


Threat: Medium
Health: Low
Shields: Weak
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Rifle, Needler

Descendants of a great lineage of warriors, Elites are the backbone of the Covenant military. Every Elite is equipped with armor that features its own shielding system, and can often be seen manning vehicles. If an Elite gets close enough, he will attempt to melee attack you. This melee trait is true of all Elite variants. Elites whose shields are depleted can be killed with a single precision weapon headshot. This headshot trait applies to all Elite variants.

Elite Ranger

Threat: Medium
Health: Low
Shields: Weak
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Repeater, Needler Rifle, Concussion Rifle, Focus Rifle

These Elites love to take shortcuts. Elite Rangers are just like regular Elites but wear jetpacks, allowing them to jump to vantage points. Contrary to what you might expect, Elite Rangers will never use their jetpacks to hover.

Elite Officer

Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: Weak
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Rifle, Dual Plasma Rifles, Plasma Repeater, Plasma Launcher

Competent and experienced, Elite Officers understand what it takes to lead others. Elite Officers have better shielding than regular Elites. Elite Officers can be seen leading their fellow Elites or other Covenant species.

Elite Spec Ops

Threat: High
Health: Low
Shields: Weak
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Rifle, Dual Plasma Rifles, Energy Sword

Elite Spec Ops are known for hiding in the plain sight. Elite Spec Ops are just like regular Elites but wear active camouflage (invisibility), making them difficult to target and a great danger to the unaware.

Elite Ultra

Threat: High
Health: Medium
Shields: Strong
Weapons Of Choice: Dual Plasma Rifles, Plasma Repeater, Concussion Rifle, Energy Sword

Easily distinguishable by their wide headpiece, Elite Ultras keep other Elites in line. Elite Ultras have a better physique and shielding than regular Elites. Elite Ultras can be seen operating alongside other Elites or as part of an Elite Ultra detachment.

Elite Zealot

Threat: High
Health: Medium
Shields: Strong
Weapons Of Choice: Dual Plasma Rifles, Concussion Rifle, Energy Sword

Fervent followers of the Covenant faith, Elite Zealots conduct specially assigned missions that other Elites only dream of partaking. Elite Zealots, like Elite Ultras, have a better physique and shielding than regular Elites. Elite Zealots can be seen operating independently or as part of an Elite Zealot detachment.

Elite Zealots only appear in the Campaign.

Elite General

Threat: High
Health: Medium
Shields: Very Strong
Weapons Of Choice: Dual Plasma Rifles, Plasma Launcher, Plasma Turret, Fuel Rod Cannon, Energy Sword

Tested by battle and forged in blood, Elite Generals prefer to lead by example. Elite Generals have a better physique and much better shielding than regular Elites. Elite Generals can be seen leading their fellow Elites or operating alongside other Covenant species.

Elite Field Marshal

Threat: High
Health: Medium
Shields: Very Strong
Weapons Of Choice: Fuel Rod Gun, Energy Sword

Veteran leaders, Elite Field Marshals are arguably second only to an Arbiter. Elite Field Marshals wear armor similar to that of an Elite Zealot, but with slightly different ornamentation. Elite Field Marhshals, like Elite Generals, have a better physique and much better shielding than regular Elites.

There is only one Elite Field Marshal in the entire game. You will find him in the Campaign mission Pillar Of Autumn.

Brutes (Jiralhanae)


Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Spiker, Plasma Repeater, Concussion Rifle, Plasma Grenade

Berserk by nature and ape-like in appearance, Brutes love a good fight. Brutes have a better physique than regular Elites but lack shields, making them overall easier targets. If a Brute gets close enough, he will attempt to melee attack you. This melee trait is true of all Brute variants. Like most enemies, Brutes can be assassinated, but due to the nature of their hitbox, you will find doing so almost impossible. I can only recollect a single instance where I have ever assassinated a Brute. This hitbox trait applies to all Brute variants, not just regular Brutes.

Brutes wear protective helmets that prevent you from killing them with a single precision weapon headshot. You will need to headshot each of them twice with a precision weapon to knock off their helmets. Brutes without helmets can then be killed with an additional precision weapon headshot. This headshot trait applies to all Brute variants, not just regular Brutes.

Brute Captain

Threat: Medium
Health: Medium
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Spiker, Plasma Repeater, Concussion Rifle, Gravity Hammer, Plasma Grenade

Distinguishable in attire, Brute Captains are equipped with ornamented improved armor, but are otherwise the same as regular Brutes. In Campaign, you will sometimes see Brute Captains carrying Gravity Hammers.

Brute Captains, like regular Brutes, wear protective helmets. A Brute Captain’s helmet functions exactly the same as a regular Brute’s helmet. Brute Captains can be seen leading their fellow Brutes or other Covenant species.

Brute Chieftan

Threat: High
Health: High
Shields: Strong
Weapons Of Choice: Gravity Hammer, Plasma Launcher, Fuel Rod Gun

Intimidating in appearance, Brute Chieftans wear full suits of heavy armor that feature their own shielding systems. Although a Brute Chieftan’s shields are not strong as an Elite General’s, Brute Chieftan’s make up for it in better physique.

Hunters (Mgalekgolo)


Threat Level: High
Health: Very High
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Fuel Rod Gun

Hunters are the heaviest enemy in the game, and are extremely resilient to damage. To make matters worse, their armor and hand-held shield will absorb a great deal of any damage you throw at them, and they always appear in pairs. Each Hunter carries a large, built-in Fuel Rod Gun. Like the handheld variant, a direct hit from this weapon will almost certainly kill you. Even indirect damage from its blast radius can significantly deplete your shields and health. A Hunter’s melee attacks are just as brutal, and can kill you in the blink of an eye should you fail to dodge them.

If you are looking to kill a Hunter, target its exposed neck or back from range or use explosives. If you’re daring, engage the behemoth in melee, dodging out of the way of its gargantuan swings and using the pauses between each swing to melee attack its back. Hunters cannot be assassinated.

Drones (Yanme’e)


Threat: Medium
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: Plasma Pistol

Have you ever been pestered by a fly that just won’t go away? Drones are the same thing, except they are much much bigger, use alien weapons, and always appear in large numbers. Drones are extremely nimble flyers and will constantly dart about, making them difficult targets, not unlike Skirmishers. Drones can easily overpower you if you are caught out in the open, but are themselves extremely fragile. Drones will sometimes land, making them more accessible targets for a short span of time. To best deal with Drones, bring precision weapons.

Drones only appear in the Campaign.

Engineers (Huragok)


Threat: None
Health: Low
Shields: None
Weapons Of Choice: None

The Engineer is the only enemy in the game that is a non-combatant. These floating, jellyfish-like creatures make few appearances in the Campaign and only appear on Corvette in Firefight. An engineer’s only role is to support its Covenant allies, buffering their resilience in combat. Buffered enemies will be covered in a purple coating. You will most likely see this purple coating before you see the actual Engineer, as Engineers prefer to stay well above the action. Use precision weapons to eliminate Engineers with ease.

End Of Guide

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Stay safe out there Spartans.
