BrainBread 2 Guide

Hammer Editor - Name Map for BrainBread 2

Hammer Editor – Name Map


This guide is about map tags and how you must use themI hope to be usefull.

Tags for map

bbd – Brain Bread Deathmatch

bba – Brain Bread Arena

bbe – Brain Bread Elimination

bbc – Brain Bread Objective

How to use them?

If is a deathmatch map: bbd_mapname.bsp

If is a arena map: bba_mapname.bsp

and etc.

How system works

If you add bbd on map name, The map in-game will be deathmatch, but if you add random tag, exemple: bbr_mapexemple.bsp, or if you don’t add a tag to map bsp,exemple: mapexemple.bsp, Basically map will run on game with 2 teams: Zombies and Humans.

I hope I was usefull 🙂

Enjoy mapping.