Hard West Guide

Hard West 100% Walkthrough (English version) for Hard West

Hard West 100% Walkthrough (English version)


In this guide you’ll find a complete walkthrough of Hard West’s campaign detailing how to efficiently beat all tactical missions and get all trinkets. It also includes a walkthrough of the scenario added in the “Scars of Freedom” expansion pack describing how to acquire all grafts and how to best allocate them.


I’ve created this guide to share the knowledge I’ve acquired after pouring over 100 hours into this game with anyone struggling through the campaign or seeking the most effective way to clear every scenario.

This game’s campaign is composed of 8 mini-campaigns called scenarios, so this guide will be splitted into 8 scenario guides as well. Each scenario guide will in turn be divided into three categories: introduction, scenario map parts and tactical missions. This last category will also have its own subdivisions: introduction, preparation stage, setup stage, combat stage and mission reward. As these subdivisions are either quite self-explanatory or will be explained later on, I’ll only briefly describe the three main categories in which every scenario guide will be divided:

  • Introduction: this is the section where I’ll sum up the main features of each scenario, including their overall plot and core mechanics.
  • Scenario Map parts: during these sections you’ll interact with locations throughout the scenario map in order to trigger events and earn rewards (or suffer penalties).
  • Tactical missions: these are the turn-based combat sections of the game. Every scenario opens with a tactical mission and ends with another, so you might look at the scenario map parts as opportunities to prepare for said combat sections.

In the following two sections of this guide I’ll briefly describe several gameplay basics, useful tactics and made up terminology. I recommend reading these sections even if you’re already familiar with the game, as there are some important notes highlighted on bold that sum up how I played through game when writing this guide. Also, becoming familiarized with the made up terms I’ll extensively use in this guide will make its reading a lot easier on you.

Lastly, in order to facilitate locating a specific tactical mission or scenario map part on the section list, I have labeled each of them with an acronym that identifies the scenario to which they belong. Said acronyms are composed by their respective scenario’s initials, e.g., the “Method in Madness” scenario’s tactical missions are labeled as MiM Initial Mission, MiM Mission 2, etc.

PS: feedback and grammar corrections (English isn’t my mother tongue) are appreciated.

PS 2:
originally, I intended to split this guide into 12 sections (3 introductory notes and 9 scenario guides), but that dream abruptly came to an end after I discovered that Steam guide maker’s sections have a character limitation. This forced me to split the guide into quite a hefty amount of sections, so I apologize in advance if you find this guide somewhat confusing.

Gameplay basics

  • Difficulty, injuries and gameplay mods: these are the three main mechanics that have the most impact on how you play through this game.
    The first mechanic is pretty self-explanatory, but I haven’t tested if difficulty has influence on how many enemies will appear during a tactical mission, how much damage they deal, etc.
    The second one refers to a unique mechanic of this game that will make your characters receive injuries every time they suffer a certain amount of damage. Each injury inflicts various debuffs and reduces the afflicted character’s Max HP in 1-3 points. They will turn into scars after you complete two tactical missions, or just one if you have the “Express Scarification” game mod enabled.
    Scars increase the afflicted character’s Max HP in 1 point and grant great buffs at the cost of negligible debuffs, so having as much of them as possible is always a good thing.
    The last mechanic is a series of mods that can be enabled to greatly change your experience when playing through the game. Mods effects include things such as your characters receiving an injury every time they suffer damage, disabling reaction shots, regenerating Luck every turn, etc.
    You can use these three mechanics to create different setups that will allow you to experience the game in different ways, but do note that you won’t be able to modify your setup once you start playing through a scenario.
    Important note 1: I always play on Hard Difficulty, having “Injuries” and both the “Luck for Kills” and “Express Scarification” game mods enabled, so, if you aren’t playing by these same parameters, the indications and strategies described in this guide may not be as useful to you as to someone who plays using this same setup.

  • Luck: first of all, if you despise the RNG shenanigans turn-based games usually pull off, praise this mechanic.
    This is the most important stat of the game because it serves two essential functions: it is the resource you spend to use abilities and, more importantly, it determines when a character is going to receive a shot.
    Luck is regenerated every time your characters suffer damage or use certain consumable items and it’s drained every time your characters use abilities or dodge a shot. As soon as a character’s Luck goes below 20, he/she will suffer damage the next time he/she receives a shot, so you’ll need to make him/her take cover in order to minimize the damage that will be inflicted upon him/her.
    To master the management of this stat is to master the game, as it will allow you to recognize when it’s worth taking a risk, when it’s time to lay low and how and when to attack.

  • Cover and ammunition management: these are two basic concepts, but maybe due to that they are usually overlooked, which can easily end up costing you a victory. In this guide I won’t instruct you to take cover and reload at every turn because there’s no way a mission plays the same way twice, so writing instructions that detailed would end up generating nothing more than confusion. Also, it would make this guide twice as longer.
    I’ll just leave you with two really simple, effective advices: always make sure you have the weapon you want to use loaded, as flanking an enemy only to discover that you can’t take a shot at him/her might very well result in one of your characters dying, and carefully check your surroundings before moving your characters. Maybe the spot you just took them to could be easily flanked in the next enemy turn, or maybe you took a character out of cover and made him/her use an ability thinking that no enemies had him/her in their sights, only to watch as his/her third eye gets forcefully opened in the next enemy turn.

  • Loadout: every character has two weapon slots, two consumable item slots, 1 talisman slot and up to 5 poker (ability) card slots. During this guide I’ll always recommend using determined weapons and talismans, but I’ll usually leave consumables and cards management to the discretion of the reader. The first ones for not being very important, as there are very few occasions when consumables will be necessary to clear a mission, and the second ones because their procurement is random.
    As for weapons, I always follow this rule of thumb: revolver and musket. Using that combination of weapon types as often as possible will allow you to breeze through every mission.
    Lastly, talismans are items that grant buffs, although some of them inflict debuffs as well. I’ll always recommend using them to offset your characters’ weak stats, mainly Aim and/or HP.

  • Posse members: the most important thing that there is to know about them is that if one character is marked as “Essential”, him/her dying will take you to the game over screen, so it’s crucial to take care of them, especially when “Iron Man” is enabled. In the “Tactics and terminology” section posse members are classified depending on their stats and best use.
    Important note 2: during this guide I’ll take for granted that your posse members will survive every tactical mission, so, if you lose one of them and keep playing, the indications and strategies described in this guide may not be fully applicable to your playthrough.

  • Enemy types: you can tell nuisances apart from threats just by paying attention to two details: HP and weapons.
    High HP enemies tend to carry powerful weapons, but that isn’t always the case. I classify them depending on the weapon they carry in decreasing order of danger: scoped rifles (high damage against cover) > regular rifles > shotguns > revolvers.
    You can distinguish scoped rifles from regular rifles by observing the amount of Luck that a shot aimed at a character in full cover drains: scoped rifles tend to drain 45-60 Luck whereas regular rifles drain 20-40 Luck. Also, enemies carrying scoped rifles usually are called sharpshooters.
    I recommend following the above-mentioned priority order as often as possible when dispatching enemies.

  • Fate Trader shops: this is the most important merchant of the game, as he sells every trinket you’ve unlocked throughout the campaign. His shops are available on every scenario map, except for the expansion pack’s scenario map.
    You can only buy one unit of each available trinket at a time, but the shops’ stock replenishes every time you finish a tactical mission, so you can buy the same trinket several times during a scenario.
    Important note 3: in this guide I’ll often suggest buying certain trinkets at the Fate Trader shops, but do note that my advice only applies to the trinkets that would be available for each scenario if you were to play through the campaign’s scenarios in the order this guide follows. This means that, if this is your second playthrough and you want to buy high tier trinkets that wouldn’t normally be available on a certain scenario, you’ll have to manage your posse’s gold by yourself.

  • The longer the text, the harder a section is: this is another rule of thumb that you should pay attention to when following the “Combat stage” sections of this guide.
    Since the first turns of a combat stage are often crucial, I’ll always provide you with a detailed description on how to position your characters at the beginning of said stages, but after that my indications will usually get vaguer. I’ll only keep giving detailed instructions if I consider that the difficulty of a combat stage warrants it necessary, as making a mistake could easily snowfall into a defeat.
    Important note 4: giving directions during tactical missions is really hard due to this game’s rotating camera, so I’ll always use the initial camera position as a standard when giving directions; I’ll also try to use assets or landmarks as reference when possible. This is mainly what will make texts longer in the “Setup stage” sections, not them being really difficult.

Tactics and terminology

  • Fishing for a bruising (FFB): first of all, do note that this tactic is much more effective if you play with the “Express Scarification” game mod enabled.
    Every time a character receives ≥ 5 Damage from a shot, he/she will sustain an injury, which will eventually turn into a scar, so having a character receive as many injuries as possible during every tactical mission will lead to his/her stats increasing quite a lot.
    The problem about this tactic resides on when is it safe for your characters to take such large amount of damage. Exposing a character so he/she receives some shots it’s never a good idea because he/she could easily get shot twice and die, so I recommend making your characters trigger a reaction shot whenever you want to inflict an injury on them.
    The most convenient time to FFB is when there are only 2-3 enemies left, as you can easily keep track of all of them and even make your characters heal safely before making them FFB again. I recommend making as many essential characters as possible FFB during every tactical mission, excluding the final one.
    Keep in mind that the damage a reaction shot deals depends on the weapon the enemy is wielding. Revolvers deal 5 points of damage (in rare occasions 3, 4 or 6), shotguns 6-7, regular rifles 5-8 and scoped rifles 5-7. Some enemy “bosses” carrying special weapons may deal even more damage than that, so they are not good targets for FFBing.
    As a final note, keep in mind that characters that have ≤ 5 Max HP won’t be able to FFB unless you equip them with cards or talismans that raise Max HP.
    Important note 5: do note that diseases, which share a different icon than injuries, the Caduceus, will not turn into scars. Diseases can only be contracted via scenario map events, so, if one of your characters gets afflicted by one, heal him/her at a doctor location as soon as possible.

  • Bottlenecks: the reaction shot aureole isn’t a mechanic exclusive to enemies; your posse members have a similar zone surrounding them were enemies won’t dare set foot.
    This mechanic is very useful whenever your characters are inside buildings or in enclosed spaces, as you can take advantage of it to keep enemies from flanking you just by placing some characters on the right positions. Do note that, similar to enemy reaction shot aureoles, this mechanic only applies to visible enemies, so make sure to make your characters open any nearby doors and/or stay near windows when setting up a bottleneck.
    I haven’t extensively tested this, but I think that enabling the “Reaction Shot Disabled” game mod will also get rid of your posse members reaction shot aureoles, thus rendering this tactic useless.

  • Scanning: this tactic is kind of an exploit. You can pinpoint an unseen enemy’s location by hovering your mouse over the tiles that are within a character’s movement range: if the tile you’re hovering over is grey and you are not allowed to place your characters inside it, then there will be an enemy standing in that tile.
    This tactic is quite useful when your characters are in close quarters with the enemy or inside buildings, as it will allow you to plan your movements more effectively and get the jump on the enemy.

  • Hide and seek: this is hands down the most useful and reliable tactic to kill enemies hunkered down behind hard to flank cover.
    If you haven’t already, you’ll soon realize that making one of your characters trade shots with an enemy while both of them are in full cover is quite a time consuming an inefficient strategy.
    If you want to keep an enemy from hunkering down behind cover, just move your character to a position where the line of sight between him/her and the enemy it’s interrupted. As soon as you do that, the enemy will leave his/her cover and move closer to your character’s new position, which will allow you to return your character to his/her original position and make him/her effortlessly kill the now out-of-cover enemy.
    If an enemy refuses to leave his/her cover, just make your character break line of sight with him/her while staying as close to him/her as possible. In the next turn you’ll be able to make your character bypass the enemy’s reaction shot aureole and shoot him/her at point-blank range.

  • Peek-a-bullet: this is quite a useful tactic to make the most out of the “Ricochet” ability. It can also come in handy if you’re trying to get the “Blind Justice” achievement.
    You need at least two characters to make use of this tactic. First, take note if an enemy hiding behind cover has a ricochetable object nearby. Next, make the character that has the Ricochet ability equipped stand in a position that is both out of the hunkered down enemy’s line of sight and close to the ricochetable object. Lastly, use a second character to spot the hunkered down enemy with his/her first action and then use his/her second action to make him/her return to a position where the line of sight with said enemy is interrupted, thus turning that enemy into a hidden enemy (grey badge). This will allow you to make the first character use the Ricochet ability to safely kill the hunkered down enemy.
    Use this tactic to easily take care of multiple enemies hiding next to ricochetable objects instead of taking the risk of rushing them.

  • Jinx stroll: first of all, I want to acknowledge that “Jinx” is the most OP ability of the game. In order to exploit its effects even further, use this tactic during setup stages to completely drain every enemy’s Luck before starting the combat stage.
    All tactical missions’ maps have a specific path full of safe spots where your characters can stand out of vision cones, so make your jinx character wait on those safe spots for several turns until you no longer see the -20 Luck symbol pop up above the jinxed enemies’ heads; that means that you have completely drained their Luck. Do this with every enemy on the mission map and you’ll have quite an easy time dealing with them during the combat stage.
    In this guide I’ll only advise you to use this tactic during the “Graveyard Shift” scenario, as Jinx is Undertaker’s starting ability, but, if you obtain the Jinx ability card during any other scenario, make extensive use of this tactic.

  • Posse member types: which characters are the most useful depends on their stats, so I’ll classify them depending on their Aim and Max HP, as these are the stats that will determine their combat role:
    • Depleters: these are the characters that have low Aim (< 60 Aim) and low to average Max HP (< 8 Max HP). Their role will be to deplete the enemies’ Luck so that an executioner can finish them off. They can also be used to kill low HP enemies. Equip them with revolvers so that they can use Fanning against hunkered down enemies.
    • Executioners: these are the characters that have high Aim (≥ 60 Aim). They will deal most of the damage during combat stages, as they’ll kill or gravely injure an enemy every time they shoot. Equip them with high damage weapons and special weapons that deal high damage against cover, such as scoped rifles.
    • Tanks: these are the characters that have low Aim (< 60 Aim) and high Max HP (≥ 8 Max HP). They will fulfill the most versatile role, as you’ll be able to use them as depleters, to rush enemies or to receive a shot aimed at a nearby character which has run out of Luck in his/her stead. Equip them with shotguns and revolvers.

    Do note that these categories do not function as feudal echelons; if a character’s stats improve, he/she may change his/her combat role. Once a character has stacked enough scar and equipment bonuses, he/she will evolve into a deadeye (≥ 60 Aim and ≥ 8 Max HP). This is the best character class, as it can fulfill several combat roles at the same time.

Hard Times Scenario

This will be very first scenario you’ll play through and it will allow you to get a feel for the overarching plot; how it twists Wild West tropes to make them suitable for the Weird West setting. Some seemingly unconnected events will set in motion a force capable of shaking the foundations of reality.

The core mechanic of this scenario is gold mining. You can mine 3 types of gold, sorted by vein depth, at certain locations: placer gold, deeper gold and hard rock gold. The deeper a vein is, the more likely it is to contain high amounts of gold, but do note that mining costs are proportional to vein depth.

There are three locations where you can learn how to efficiently mine these three types of gold, but I recommend only learning how to properly mine placer and hard rock gold, as you can use a cheap item to turn the deeper gold veins into placer gold veins.

You don’t need to mine a certain amount of gold in order to clear this scenario, but having lots of it will come in handy to hire new posse members and buy powerful equipment.

HT Initial Mission

Father will be the very first character you’ll control. He is an executioner-type character, but he will have to act as a deadeye during this mission.

This mission serves as the “Combat stage” tutorial, so just accept playing through it, even if it isn’t your first time playing, as it makes achieving victory considerably easier.

Time for the Rota Fortunae to begin spinning.

Combat stage

Once every enemy is dead, the tutorial will conclude. Next, make Father open the box and voilà, you’ll have completed your very first tactical mission.

Mission reward

2 cards an 35 gold.

HT Scenario Map 1

After some exposition you’ll be introduced to the scenario map. First of all, go to Neighbor’s House to unlock more mining areas. Next, head to Collapsed Mine and choose to make Warren crawl all the way to the bottom. Taking such a risk will net you 369 gold, 1 Sturdy Shoes, 1 Blood-Stained Shirt and your very first trinket, Relic (trinket), but Warren will receive his first injury as well (if you’re lucky it’ll be Shredded Hand or Gushing Wound).

Now it will be time to put the money Warren just found to good use at Prospector’s Camp. Go there and pay 300 gold to learn the advanced techniques of placer gold mining. Next, make use of that newly acquired knowledge to deplete the gold deposits of two of the three available mining areas: Damp Mine, Ford’s Shaft or Ugly Ditch.

As soon as you have finished mining the gold from the second area, three new locations will appear on the map: Trading Outpost, Crossroads and Mexican Town. Go to the latter first to get a new companion, Cheech, and two weapons: Navy Gun and Repeater Rifle (trinket). Then travel to Crossroads and choose to take the deal, thus getting two new ability cards and a permanent -10 Luck debuff for Warren. Right after doing this a new location will emerge on the map: Orchard. Head there next and choose to steal the stash from the blind man, which will net you 90 gold and 1 Nail Bomb at the expense of Warren suffering another injury.

There are only two places left to visit before heading for the next mission: Meadow and Trading Outpost. Proceed to the first one and choose to look for the herbs on your own, which will grant you 3 Healing Herbs at the expense of Warren losing 30 Luck points. Then go to the second one and buy an additional 2 Healing Herbs. Now you will be ready to tackle the second tactical mission of this scenario, so head to Homestead.

HT Mission 2

During this mission Father will have to act again as a deadeye. Warren and Cheech will stay together and act as a depleter/executioner duo. Which one fills which role will depend on which of the two has the lowest Aim.

Cheech will only be available as a posse member for the duration of this mission, but that doesn’t make him expendable, as him dying will cost you 200 gold.

This mission is quite simple, you just need to take cover inside the house and kill all enemies as they draw closer to your characters’ positions.

Note: as this is an ideal mission to get the “Arizona Colts” achievement, I’ve written the indications to complete this mission taking for granted that your characters won’t employ any other weapons than Rusty Peashooters. If you aren’t interested in getting this achievement or have already earned it, these same suggestions are still valid, you’ll just have an easier time completing this mission.

Tutorial note

If this is your first time playing, you’ll see the preparation stage screen for the first time, which lets you manage the equipment your characters will bring to a tactical mission. Do note that once this screen appears, you won’t be able to return to the scenario map until the mission is completed.

Once you’ve equipped every character with the weapons, items and ability cards you deem necessary, just click on the “Proceed to Combat” button to trigger the beginning of the tactical mission.

Preparation stage

First, give Father and Cheech two Healing Herbs each and then equip Warren with Healing Herb and Nail Bomb. As for talismans, equip Father with Sturdy Shoes and Warren with Blood-Stained Shirt.

Secondly, distribute ability cards. Since Warren will probably be the one with the less Max HP and Aim, give him any cards that boost those parameters. The rest of the cards should be equipped on Father.

Lastly, unequip all weapons from every character, which will make each of them automatically equip a Rusty Peashooter once the combat stage begins. This is the worst weapon of the game, as it only deals 2 Damage and has a -10 Aim penalty.

Time to show some bandits how trespassers are dealt with in the Wild West.

Combat stage

Use of your first turns to take everyone to the house’s first floor. Next, make Father take cover next to the window that faces the windmill while Warren and Cheech do the same next to the two windows that overlook the tool shed. At this point bandits should start arriving from the forest, so make your characters use Fanning to take care of the first ones to appear.

From now on follow these instructions until every enemy is dead: whenever an uncovered bandit shows up on your characters’ line of sight, use Fanning if possible or, if it isn’t, make them reload with their first action and shoot at said enemy using the second. If a bandit takes cover, play hide and seek to lure him out of it. Do note that moving Warren or Cheech to Father’s position will leave them open for a shot, so allow Father to take care of the bandits on his side by himself.

Once Moritz Haase arrives, it will be time to concentrate your character’s efforts on killing him. He is the leader of the bandits and has 9 HP, a weapon that only consumes one action to fire (meaning that he can shoot twice if he doesn’t move) and, to top it all off, all his shots inflict crippling injuries, which debuff your stats (the most dangerous is Crippled Defense, which makes the afflicted character lose 1 HP per turn during 2 turns). Needless to say, he’s the most dangerous enemy by far, so avoid giving him any opportunities to target Warren, as he will probably be the essential character with the less HP. Defeat him by following the previous instructions and by making use of Warren’s Nail Bomb.

Mission reward

2 cards, 300 gold and Cheech’s weapons: 1 Western Rifle and 1 Sawed off Cobra.

HT Scenario Map 2

After the mission ends Father will offer to build a tunnel for 200 gold, but, as said tunnel won’t be very useful, decline his offer. After the tunnel event ends, Father will buy a mysterious amulet and Florence will join the posse, so it will be time to keep mining gold as usual, but this time the Mexican mob leader will charge an increasing amount of protection money to each of your mining operation’s

As soon as you have completed 5 mining operations (just mine placer and deeper gold, as the protection money the Mexican mob leader will charge per each mining operation will severely reduce your earnings), Florence will leave the party and a new main objective will appear. Before heading for its location, go to Town and pay Pat Douglas 200 gold so he joins your posse. Don’t forget to also pay for information regarding mining tools and mining sites to unlock several new locations before leaving Town.

Lastly, buy 1 Repeater Rifle at the Fate Trader shop and then head for Mexican Town.

HT Mission 3

Now that Warren’s injuries have transformed into scars, he’ll evolve into a deadeye. Father will act as an executioner while Pat acts as a depleter.

This mission features a side objective (fetching some keys to lock two doors) that will allow you to prevent several enemies from joining the gunfight once you complete it, so I’ll give indications as to how to achieve this.

By the way, do you remember the amulet that Father bought from a mysterious stranger? It will grant your characters a Luck regeneration buff for the duration of the combat stage. It’s nice, but it’s kind of a waste for this next mission.

Also, this is an ideal mission to get the “The Shootist” achievement.

Preparation stage

First, unequip Warren’s Blood-Stained Shirt and then equip him with Navy Gun and Repeater Rifle, Pat with 10 ga. Double Shotgun and Six Shooter and Father with Sawed off Cobra and Repeater Rifle.

Lastly, redistribute cards among your characters, as Warren scars will have made him a stronger character.

Tutorial note

If this is your first time playing, you’ll be introduced to setup stages, which function sort of like stealth stages.

During setup stages every enemy will have a 3 tile cone of vision in front of them. If a character steps into one of those cones, the enemy to which it belongs will spot him/her, which will make said enemy sound the alarm after a few turns. Once the alarm is raised, the combat stage will start, so, before moving a character, always make sure that his/her pathing line doesn’t go through a red cone. The Heat stat makes enemy vision cones bigger, but you’ll only need to take this into consideration during the setup stage that belongs to the “Mission 4” section of the “As Good as Dead” scenario.

Another important feature of setup stages is that posse members can only perform an action per turn until the combat stage is triggered. They’ll also be able to use the “Subdue” command, which freezes enemies in place, thus making their vision cones disappear. Do note that the number that appears above a subdued enemy’s badge indicates how many turns he/she will take to sound the alarm. In order to avoid this, don’t break line of sight with subdued enemies, as this will allow them to sound the alarm earlier, and make a character subdue them again every few turns. The more Heat a character has, the more turns he/she will make an enemy stay subdued.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that there are a couple of abilities directly related to setup stages: the “Disguise” ability, which allows a character to ignore enemy vision cones, and the “Shadow Cloak” ability, which has the same effect as the previous, but it only works as long as the character who has it equipped remains in the shadows (the golden triangle icon above the character’s badge will be illuminated whenever he/she is in a shadowy spot). Do note that, although the Disguise ability makes enemy vision cones disappear, the Shadow Cloak ability doesn’t, so, if you are sure that your character’s cloak will remain active even if he/she moves, don’t be afraid to make him/her go through vision cones.

Setup stage

Start by moving everyone next to the nearest enemy. Then make Pat subdue him so Father and Warren can enter the manor’s courtyard. Now Pat will have to stay behind to keep the guard subdued.

In the next turns make Warren fetch the keys while you make Father head for the steam carriage. Once Warren gets the keys, make him lock both manor’s doors and then take him behind Loan Shark “el Oshcuro” (be careful though, as one of the enemies that are inside the manor may spot Warren if you make him creep next to the manor’s wall). As soon as Warren reaches the manor’s exterior balcony, make him subdue the loan shark and then make Father subdue the guard that will be watching Florence’s cell.

Once everyone is set up like this, it will be time to make your characters take good cover before starting the combat stage. First, make Pat take cover behind the eastern column that is next to the guard that he subdued at the beginning of this stage, then make Father take cover next to Florence’s cell door and lastly make Warren take cover in the corner that is behind the loan shark.

Time to settle a debt the hard way.

Combat stage

Start by making Father open Florence’s cell door to trigger the combat stage. First, make Warren kill the loan shark and then make Pat shoot at the guard that will be standing in the manor’s courtyard entrance. Next, take Florence behind the carriage so she can take out the guard that will be standing next to her cell. That makes 3 out of 6 enemies killed right off the bat. Lastly, make Father take cover behind one of the manor’s columns.

If you are trying to get “The Shootist” achievement, you’ll have to wait for Cheech and the guard that was in front of the manor’s main gate to come closer so you can rush them, but if you aren’t just flank them. Once they’re taken care of, make your characters head for the manor’s side entrance so they can dispatch the last enemy, but mind the enemies that will be hiding inside the manor, as they’ll still be able to shoot at your characters if they come to close to them.

Mission reward

2 cards and Florence will join your posse again.

HT Scenario Map 3

Well, it turns out that the amulet that Father bought prior to this last fight is cursed. You never saw that coming, didn’t you? Anyway, the Fate Trader shop’s stock will now be reset, so buy a new Repeater Rifle.

Next, head for the Slave Fugitive location and offer shelter to the escaped slave. Then travel to Shady Joint to ask about Mexican Town and then about ways to lift the curse to unlock some new locations. Before leaving, sell 1 Deadly Derringer and 1 Blood-Stained Shirt and then buy 1 Elephant Rifle and 1 Loaded Dice.

Now, if Warren hasn’t the Spinal Jeopardy scar yet, go to Well and choose the “collect the wishes of others” option to gain 50 gold and afflict Warren with the Broken Spine injury, but do not choose to throw a coin inside the well or Father will leave the posse. Lastly, it will be finally time to purge Mexican Town of lowlifes, so head there.

HT Mission 4

Warren will keep his role as deadeye and by now Father should be able to fill in that role as well. That leaves Pat and Florence as depleters.

This mission is really simple, as you’ll only need to take your characters to a certain cover spot from which they’ll be able to kill almost every enemy.

Lastly, do note that the amulet’s curse will drain 5 Luck per turn from every posse member, so taking care of the most dangerous enemies first will be even more important than usual.

Preparation stage

First, equip Father with Elephant Rifle and Pepperbox and then equip Pat with Loaded Dice, but keep his previous weapons loadout unchanged. Next, equip Florence with Sawed off Cobra and Repeater Rifle, as well as at least one Dried Healing Herb and with cards that grant Max HP bonuses. Lastly, leave Warren’s weapon loadout unchanged.

Time to hasten the gentrification process of Mexican Town.

Combat stage

Your characters’ starting position will be out in the open, so take everyone inside the nearby shed and make sure to position them so all of them face the riflemen that will be standing in the building’s terrace that is in front of the shed.

In the next turns keep everyone’s positions and enemies will start coming out of hiding little by little, both from the front building and from the inn that is next to the shed where your characters are sheltered, so take them out before they reach new cover and then use Warren and Father to take care of the above-mentioned riflemen.

At some point, Lucio Moleana, an enemy with 9 HP, will show up. Killing him is pretty easy if you make use of the Scoped Shot ability: just have someone deplete 4 HP points from him and then make Father use said ability to finish him off. If you can’t make use of Scoped Shot, making Warren use Fanning should do the trick. Once he is gone, the rest of the bandits will soon fall.

Now you’ll only need to watch out for the enemies coming from the inn, as they can flank your characters from behind if you don’t take them out first. Once they’re dealt with, you’ll probably find the last enemy either hiding behind the wagon that is near the shed where your characters will be hunkered down or inside the inn, so make someone dispatch him to end this mission.

Mission reward

3 cards and Snake Leather Boots (trinket).

HT Scenario Map 4

Once Mexican Town is finally free of bandits, head to Well and choose to throw a coin in it. Unsurprisingly, it will fail to dispel the amulet’s curse and Father will leave the posse. That’s quite a loss considering what a great character he is, but you’ll manage. Next, travel to Shady Joint and pay Old Ike 400 gold so he fills in Father’s role.

Now it will be time to give the remaining curse-lifting methods a try. First, go to Fortune Teller and allow her to swindle 100 gold from you. Before leaving, buy a Dexterity Elixir and a Bone Amulet from her. Next, go to Church and waste an additional 50 gold. This will unlock a new main objective.

At this point you could head for Homestead to end the scenario. If you want to do so, just jump to the Final Mission section, but I advise against it. Anyway, let’s get mining again.

Start by going to Crevice and use the Dexterity Elixir you previously bought to unlock a new location: Treasure Trove. Then rent a hydro jet from Hydraulic Mining. Next, return to Treasure’s Trove to extract its placer gold deposits and then use the hydro jet to displace the deeper gold vein so you can extract it as well. Repeat this same procedure on the remaining mining places until you have saved 700 gold.

If after mining all the placer and deeper gold veins you haven’t reached that amount, go to Forest Entrance, where you’ll be presented with a choice: if you shoot the albino rabbit you’ll receive 50 gold and a Rabbit Foot talisman (+35 Max Luck) whereas following it will unlock a new mining site where you’ll be able to mine quite a hefty amount of gold. Whatever you choose, a new location will emerge on the map afterwards: Watermill. Travel there and choose to take the murderous twin to the sheriff (the other option would have netted you a Harmonica Gun, which is a pretty mediocre weapon). If by this point you haven’t reached the 700 gold goal, sell any weapons or talismans that you won’t be using during the final mission.

With the 700 gold on your pocket, head for Gold Mining Office and pay 600 gold to learn the advanced techniques of hard rock mining. It may seem an excessive investment, but you’ll amortize it just by mining the hard rock gold deposits of Treasure Trove. Now deplete the remaining mining sites’ gold veins to earn around 1500 gold. You can use that money to help a struggling family at Smallbridge House, which will in turn net you a Lucky Horseshoe; it’s quite a useless talisman for this scenario, but you can bask on the warm feeling of generosity nonetheless. This will be the last map event of this scenario.

Lastly, you can spend any remaining gold at Church to accumulate blessings or use it to buy consumable items from the available shops or trinkets from the Fate Trade shop. Once you feel ready, return to Homestead to trigger this scenario’s last tactical mission.

HT Final Mission

During this mission Warren will once again keep his role as a deadeye, along with any character that has accumulated enough scars. Ike can be used as an executioner and, if Pat and Florence haven’t acquired any scars, just keep using them as depleters.

Your starting position will be located outside of Warren’s house. If you had paid the 200 gold Father asked after Mission 2, the initial position would have instead been located inside the house, which doesn’t really offer any tactical advantage; that’s why I warned you against it.

The indications for completing this final mission will take for granted that you didn’t build the tunnel, so your characters will have to clear the exterior area before storming Warren’s house. The amulet’s curse will still affect your posse members, so avoid dilly-dallying.

Preparation stage

The escaped slave you helped before will abandon your posse once this stage is triggered, but he’ll give you an Ojo del Muerto talisman before leaving, which will come in handy for Florence. Next, equip Pat with Bone Amulet, Warren with Snake Leather Boots and Ike with Loaded Dice.

Lastly, equip Ike with Elephant Rifle and Musket and then leave the rest of the characters’ weapon lodaout unchanged.

Time to evict some squats Wild West style.

Combat stage

Enemies will be in full cover right off the bat, but don’t worry, Ike can take care of them by putting his Musket and Elephant Rifle to good use, but first things first, let’s find good cover for everyone. Start by taking Ike inside the nearby rectangular shed and then make him take cover next to the door that faces Warren’s house. Next, make Warren and Florence take cover behind the wagon and lastly make Pat take cover next to the nearby pen’s door.

Now it will be time to deal with the pesky enemies that will be hunkered down inside Warren’s house. The easiest way to accomplish that is by using Fanning with Pat and Florence to quickly deplete their Luck so Warren and Ike can deal damage to them little by little. In the next turns keep everyone’s position so any nearby enemies start coming out of cover.

Once you’ve killed all enemies in sight and no more are showing up, make your characters proceed carefully towards the house, always spending one action to move, pausing for scanning, and then moving again if no enemies are hiding in their surroundings. If one of your characters has the Shadow Cloak ability, you can use him/her to scout the battlefield.

In the next turns take care of any enemies hiding inside the house’s ground floor and then make your characters advance carefully towards the house’s upper floor. If Warren has ≥ 70 Luck and plenty HP left, you can use him to rush the enemies that will be lying in wait in there. If you’d rather approach them more carefully, scan the upper floor and then make your characters take cover in the upper hallway’s corners until they can get a good shot at them. No matter how you choose to deal with the last enemies, in no time this mission will be cleared, as well as this first scenario.

As Good as Dead Scenario

This is the second scenario you’ll play through. Starting now, the Weird West setting will start unfolding in its entire splendor. This scenario features a watered down Saint of Killers revenge quest. Yeah, I’m not a big fan of westerns, so don’t expect me to make any appropriate references.

The core mechanic of this scenario is property damage. I kid you not, you have to become the most wicked vandal this land has ever seen in order to clear the scenario. There will be more than enough opportunities to wreak havoc during this scenario, so don’t worry too much about it.

What’s more difficult to achieve is to kill 100 people, which is necessary to complete a side quest. If the body count reaches said number, you’ll be handsomely rewarded, but in order to do so you’ll need to pick certain choices at several key events.

AGaD Initial Mission

Only Warren will be available to clear this mission so he’ll have to act as a deadeye.

Thanks to his starting ability, Shadow Salve, Warren will have no problem killing all enemies during the second combat stage. You’ll just need to get him to appropriate cover.

Time for the Masked Man to sign his own death sentence.

First combat stage

There isn’t much you can do here, so I recommend making both of your characters trigger a reaction shot in order to be done with this stage as soon as possible.

Time for the poor man’s Saint of Killers to begin his murderous rampage against the Masked Man’s lands.

Second combat stage

Now the real action will begin, but be careful, Warren will still go down if he receives two shots out of cover, despite him being undead now. First, make Warren head for the telegraph office and then make him call for reinforcements. Enemies will take 3 to 4 turns to draw closer, so bide your time until then by making Warren open the telegraph office’s back door and then make him take cover next to the window that is adjacent to the office’s main door.

Once enemies start showing up, you’ll only need to make Warren keep his position so he can safely slaughter them, preferably by using Fanning, as they’ll have lots of Luck. Every now and then you should make Warren retreat to the back of the building so he can play hide and seek or safely regenerate HP should he need to.

During the first turns of this stage there’s a high probability that an enemy coming from the back row of buildings will try to flank Warren, so be ready to retaliate in case he gets the jump on him.

There will be times when several enemies will gather in groups of 2-3 people in front of Warren’s cover, which are perfect opportunities to take advantage of the 10 ga. Double Shotgun’s Cone Shot ability. Before ending this mission, make Warren FFB until he has ≤ 5 Max HP.

Mission reward

2 cards and 75 gold.

AGaD Scenario Map 1

Once Warren’s first victims lay dead at his feet, head to Gin Mill and choose to take the glass object, which will turn out to be an Ocular, quite a useful talisman. Next, travel to Indian Camp and ask for Murray to unlock a new location. Don’t forget to buy 5 Tobacco before leaving.

As soon as the main objective gets updated, a new location, Poaching Grounds, will become available, so head there. No matter how much Luck Warren has by this point, he’ll only be able to disarm 2 traps without suffering an injury, but you already know that injuries are worth the trouble, so choose the “You tried to disarm a trap” option 3 times. You’ll get 1 Mandrake Root, 1 10 ga. Single Shotgun and a new injury for Warren, but his Luck will be reduced in 50 points. Then select the remaining option for the story event to play out. As you leave Poaching Grounds Brandon Scott will offer to join your posse, so accept said proposal.

Before launching an assault on the cannibals’ farm there are a few things to take care of. First, head to Gunsmith Shoppe and trade Brandon’s Douglas Duster Special and Chain Rifle for 1 Elephant Rifle. Then go to Elixir Trader to inquire about the cannibal farm and then agree to get poisoned. Next, go to the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Repeater Rifle; if you’re short on cash sell some useless weapons like the Deadly Derringer. Lastly, travel to Water Tower and choose to poison the water by using the Poison Vial you just acquired. Now you’re finally ready to head for Cannibal Farm to put an end to their heinous activities.

AGaD Mission 2

You’ll start having two characters at your disposal, and a third, Murray, will join you by the time the combat stage begins, but he won’t be in any condition to really help your posse out. This will force you to use a depleter-type character, Brandon, as an improvised executioner while Warren keeps playing his deadeye role.

This mission is really simple. Once Murray has been rescued, you’ll just need to take Brandon to a vantage point and then use Warren to kill the enemies that Brandon won’t be able to reach. It is also worth mentioning that, as you previously poisoned the farm’s water supply, most enemies will only have 2 HP, so things will be even easier than usual.

Preparation stage

First, equip Warren with Repeater Rifle and 10 ga. Double Shotgun and Brandon with Six Shooter and Elephant Rifle.

As for talismans, equip Brandon with Ocular and Warren with the Lucky Coin Brandon was carrying.

Setup stage

Start by making Brandon take cover behind the nearby tree. Next, take Warren inside the big stable so he can feast on human meat and then make him head towards Murray’s position. You’ll need to be careful when making Warren leave the stable, as the enemy that will be hiding in its first floor may spot him if he steps into the wrong tile, so make sure he stays out of her vision cone.

Once Warren gets close enough to Murray’s position, make him subdue the guard that will be watching the shed where Murray will be locked in and then make Warren release Murray. Next, make Warren take cover behind the stables that are adjacent to the prisoner’s shed and lastly make Murray take cover behind the shed where he was locked, on the side that is closest to the stables where Warren will be taking cover.

Note: if Warren’s Movement is too low (<14), you’ll be forced to make Brandon release Murray while Warren goes after the human flesh. Once Murray is free, make Brandon take cover in the position I described at the beginning of this section.

Time to play veganism advocate (or Kuru opposer, whichever suits you best).

Combat stage

Start by making Murray use Fanning against the cannibal who was guarding his improvised cell and then make Brandon do the same to kill the 5 HP cannibal that will be standing next to him. Lastly, make Warren kill one of the cannibals that will be standing in the main yard.

Now, while you make Brandon take care of the 2 HP cannibals that will be hunkered down inside the house’s first floor and whoever comes into his range, move Murray and Warren to the back of said house. Next, make them enter the small room that is behind the dining room and then make Warren use his shotgun to take care of the cannibals with the most HP. If Murray’s Luck gets too low, take him to a safe cover and keep him there until the combat stage ends.

Once the cannibals on the main yard and the house are dead, start moving Brandon alongside the southeastern stables. Meanwhile, make Warren, and Murray if his Luck allows it, take cover next to the house’s ground floor windows that face the northeastern tree and wagon, where the last cannibals will probably be hiding. Once you locate them by using scanning, make your characters flank them to finish this mission, but don’t forget to make Brandon FFB before doing so.

Mission reward

4 cards, 170 gold and 1 Ear Necklace.

AGaD Scenario Map 2

As soon as you’re back on the scenario map you will be presented with a choice: either letting innocents escape or killing them. In order to reach the secondary objective and get a trinket, in situations such as this always choose to kill indiscriminately.

Next, head to Hope, where you’ll be presented with another choice. Select the first option to get 50 gold, 1 Volcano Pistol and 3 Bottles of Liquor, at the expense of Warren contracting the Rattling Cough disease. Once you leave Hope several locations connected to a quite simple riddle will be unlocked, thus starting an injury fest. If you’re only interested in the solution, Faryn Brigo’s grave is the correct one, but it’s worthwhile to dig up all graves, as doing so will allow you to obtain several items and a trinket.

If you want Warren to acquire some more injuries before triggering the next tactical mission, head for Indian Camp and pay 50 gold to heal his Rattling Cough disease. If you aren’t, wait until you have desecrated every grave so you can heal the disease and all of his injuries at the same time. Once you’ve made your choice, it will be time to commence the excavation, but be warned that desecrating any tomb but Brygo’s will result in Warren getting afflicted with an injury per incorrect tomb digged up.

First, unearth Abandoned Grave to earn a Skin Vest (trinket). Next, dig up Cracked Grave to get 1 Mandrake Root. Then excavate Mossy Grave to find 1 Dexterity Elixir. Travel to Poor Grave next and desecrate it to find 1 Bottle of Liquor. Next, dig up Pinkerton Grave to obtain 1 Deadly Derringer at the expense of Warren getting poisoned, but that’s nothing to worry about, as Shadow Salve can offset the venom’s effects. Then head to Grimmy Grave where you’ll find 1 Gold Nuggets, an item you can sell for 25 gold (they must contain really low carat gold). The last grave, Lonely Grave, is the correct one and after unearthing it you’ll receive 200 gold and 2 new cards.

Now head to Indian Camp and share all 3 Bottles of Liquor you obtained at Hope (thanks to @S.Jensen.F.O for clarifying) to unlock several locations. Next, go to Indian Totem where you can either sacrifice Brandon Scott to receive 200 gold and a new companion (Scrawny Kid), or just steal the valuables (100 gold and 1 Coyote Mark) at the expense of Warren getting afflicted with another injury. You can also steal the valuables after sacrificing Scott to maximize benefits. However, do note that the indications given for this scenario will take for granted that you kept Brandon in your posse, as I think that his scar bonuses make him a more valuable ally than Scrawny Kid (plus an unredeemed version of Saint Matthew is cooler than a random famished squirt).

Once you’re done at Indian Totem, go to Kraimer’s Inn, open the shop menu by selecting the “buy liquor” option and buy 1 Dose of Opium (thanks to @S.Jensen.F.O for clarifying). Do note that every time you go there Murray will get Inebriated (-5 Aim, -2 Movement), but you can heal that state at Indian Camp, so don’t worry about it. Now you’ll have everything you need to get the hermit wasted, so go to Hermit’s Hut and give him everything he asks for to unlock a new location, X Mark, in which you’ll find 250 gold.

Lastly, before heading for the next mission, return to Indian Camp and heal, at the very least, Murray’s Inebriation. Next, unequip Warren’s 10 ga. Double Shotgun and travel to Gunsmith Shoppe to turn it into a 10 ga. Quadruple Shotgun. Then travel to the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Repeater Rifle and 1 Snake Leather Boots. Now you’ll be finally ready to raid Demon’s Hideout.

AGaD Mission 3

Now that Murray’s injuries will have turned into scars, he will evolve into another deadeye, along with Warren, so Brandon will be able to keep his improvised executioner role without hurting the team’s composition.

This will be your first encounter with a demon. They have high HP, regenerate 1 HP per turn and tend to deal lots of damage, qualities that make them one of the most formidable enemies of the game.

Fortunately, this mission can be fairly simple if you position your characters properly. Once the demon falls, killing any remaining enemies will be really easy, but don’t let your guard down, as the demon’s servants have high HP and deal lots of damage.

Preparation stage

First, give Murray the Snake Leather Boots you just bought and then equip him with Repeater Rifle and Volcano Pistol. Next, equip Brandon with Repeater Rifle and Elephant Rifle and then equip Warren with Six Shooter and 10 ga. Quadruple Shotgun.

As for cards, if you have acquired the Nine of Spades (Unholy Power ability) card you can try to get the “Brimstone Killer” achievement.

Time to prove who’s top demon.

Combat stage

Start by making Warren use Fanning to kill the 7 HP enemy that will be hiding inside the saloon’s ground floor and then make Brandon shoot at the 5 HP enemy that will be standing in front of him. Next, move Murray to the stable wall that is adjacent to the central wagon and then make him kill the enemy that will be standing next to the eastern wagon.

In the next turns move Murray and Warren between the saloon and the wagon, making them kill whoever gets in their range, while you make Brandon clear the eastern side of enemies. As soon as you see the horns of the Retired Demon appear, hit that eye-sewn wimp with everything you got. Once he is dead, there should be only a few enemies left hiding on the fringes of the map.

Now make Warren circle around the back of the saloon so he can flank and kill the demon’s servant that will be taking cover behind the big western rock. Meanwhile, make Murray and Brandon advance through the northeastern side to kill any women left, which will probably be hiding inside the stables. Once the demon’s servants on both sides are dead, there should be only one enemy left. She will probably be hiding in the northwestern corner of the map, behind one of the stables that are there, so get someone there to finish her off. You may also use her to FFB before ending the mission.

Mission reward

4 cards, 200 gold, 1 Petrification Bolt, 1 Cursed Ammo and 1 Lancaster Pistol.

AGaD Scenario Map 3

Now that you have proven beyond any doubt that there is no rest for the wicked, let’s keep grinding the Masked Man gears. Start by interrogating one of his lackeys at Kraimer’s Inn to unlock several new locations. The next target of Warren’s rampage will be Aspirton bank’s safe.

Before heading for your next objective, stop by the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Repeater Rifle and 1 Snake Leather Boots. Lastly, head to Aspirton and once you arrive there choose to rob the bank in broad daylight.

AGaD Mission 4

This is one of the few tactical missions that can be completed without firing a single shot, so that’s the strategy I’ll describe on the lines below. Following said strategy will allow you to get the “The Aspirton incident” and “Fight No More Forever” achievements. It goes without saying that character roles and tactics won’t mean a thing during this mission.

Preparation stage

As this mission will be completed without triggering the combat stage, equipment will be irrelevant, so just unequip all weapons from your characters.

If you want to speed things up, equip your characters with talismans and card combinations that grant Movement bonuses.

Time to pull off the sneakiest bank robbery since the advent of the credit theories of money (disclaimer: I’m just having fun as I write this guide, please don’t start an economics discussion on the comment section).

Setup stage

First of all, I want to make clear that smashing the telegraph is a waste of time because, if you follow the instructions given below, no one will reach it in the first place. If you still insist on doing so, know that it won’t grant you any additional rewards and it will force you to leave one of your characters behind to keep the enemy that will be inside the telegraph office subdued.

Warren’s initial position will be next to the jail building, so take him in there and then do the same with Murray and Brandon. Next, make Warren subdue the enemy that will be standing guard inside so either Brandon or Murray can free Childeater. Once he is free, let him behind to keep the guard subdued.

Now take the original trio to the cabin that is adjacent to the telegraph office. You’ll spot a guard that will be watching the bank’s side entrance, but his vision cone will be small enough to let your characters enter the building undetected if you make them creep next to the bank’s wall. Once you get everyone inside, make Murray subdue the guard that will be watching the room where Manager Egil Töllner is and then make Brandon subdue the bank director. Lastly, make Warren plunder the safe to end the heist.

Mission reward

3 cards, 300 gold and Baby No. 9 (trinket).

AGaD Scenario Map 4

Right after completing the bank robbery you’ll be presented with another choice regarding whether to massacre some more innocent people or to spare them from Warren’s wrath. Choose to act as a good and proper spirit of vengeance and leave no man, woman or children standing.

By this point you should be really close to completing the 100 kills side objective, so, in order to finally reach it, travel to Pastures and choose to kill every man and horse. Once you’re done, the mysterious stranger will materialize from thin air and ask Warren which of three rewards he deems worthy of his deeds. I recommend asking for elite skills (unlocks Full Deck), but if you’re playing on Iron Man you might want to choose the money option to buy some high tier trinkets. Completing this side objective will also unlock the Shotgun Revolver (trinket) at the Fate Trader shops’ stock.

Now that your posse’s body count has reached 100, you won’t need to travel to Homestead nor Excavation Site. As a funny note, if you chose to took the stash from the blind man during the “Hard Times” scenario, he will show up after Warren completes the Homestead event to reward him with an injury. Anyway, travel to Old Sawmill and make Warren spend 50 Luck to obtain a saw. Next, put it to use at Big Tree to get 1 Bone Amulet and 25 gold.

Once you’ve chopped the tree, you’ll only need to make some last preparations. First, stop by the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Repeater Rifle and 1 Snake Leather Boots. Next, go to Kraimer’s Inn and order one unit of each plate. Then go to Indian Camp and heal every injury or altered state afflicting your posse members. Lastly, head for Hidden Manor so Warren and the Masked Man can finally clash.

AGaD Final Mission

WARNING NOTICE: it has been reported by three users already (big thanks to Nevermind, M(i)ech and Veryan Anduren) that starting this mission can cause a black screen bug that will prevent you from finishing this scenario and potentially unlock any more scenarios.

In order to prevent his bug, you can either make backup saves of an earlier mission or stage so that if you come across this bug you can restore one of those saves and try again or, if you keep getting it or haven’t made any backup saves, use the alt+ctrl+shif+U debug command in the campaign menu to unlock all the scenarios.


By the time you reach this last mission you should have made 3 deadeyes out of Warren, Brandon and Murray. Childeater will serve as a depleter.

This will be the first mission where you’ll face enemy reinforcements, but you’ll only need to follow a simple flanking strategy in order to dispatch them.

Preparation stage

First, equip your characters with the following items:

  • Childeater: Snake Leather Boots, Repeater Rifle and Six Shooter.
  • Warren: Snake Leather Boots, Baby No. 9 and 10 ga. Quadruple Shotgun.
  • Brandon: Cursed Ammo, Elephant Rifle and Repeater Rifle.
  • Murray: Snake Leather Boots, Repeater Rifle and Volcano Pistol.

Lastly, equip Warren, Brandon and Murray with a Full House poker hand and Child Eater with a Three of a Kind hand. If you didn’t choose the Full Deck prize, just equip Warren with a Full House hand and then distribute the rest of the cards as you see fit.

Time for Warren to exact his revenge on Ipkiss’ predecessor.

Combat stage

Start by moving Warren inside the nearby train station and then make him kill one of the workers that will be standing on the top of the oil extraction pump. Next, make the rest of the posse take cover behind the stacks of pipes and boxes that are next to the train station, but leave one of your characters at the edge of the locomotive so he can kill the remaining worker that will be standing atop the pump.

There will be more enemies hiding in the stables that are in front of the train station and on the way to the manor, where the steam carriage is. In the next turns make your characters proceed carefully towards the manor, always scanning before moving them, and make them kill all of the above-mentioned enemies.

As soon as you dispatch the last of the first set of enemies, a wave of reinforcements will spawn in the manor, so make your characters use the central shed and the outer walls of the stables as cover while they chip away at their health. Meanwhile, make Warren advance through the stables so he can dispatch any enemies hiding in there. As soon as he is done, make him take cover behind those same stables and then make him flank the guards that will be hiding inside the manor.

Once a few guards have fallen, The Masked Man will appear. Abilities such as Artery Shot or Transfusion can end his life pretty quickly, so expend all your saved Luck on killing him. His appearance will also be your cue to make your characters storm the manor while you make Warren take cover behind the steam carriage’s side so he can press his flanking advantage even further. Soon, every enemy will be dead and the Masked Man will have a hole in his head to match the one in this heart.

In Gold We Trust Scenario

From now on you can play the remaining scenarios in whatever order you prefer, but I recommend following the order featured in this guide so you can unlock certain trinkets as soon as possible.

This scenario will take place in the Weird Aztec Range, where a search for not El Dorado will end up becoming a trudge towards not the Temple of Doom.

The core mechanic of this scenario is peon and provisions management. You will be able to hire peons at certain locations of the scenario map and then order them to carry out several assignments, but do note that every time you command them to perform a task they’ll run the risk of dying or getting injured.

In order to heal injured peons or perform some specific tasks, you’ll need to spend provisions. These can be bought at several locations, but I advise against it, as they can be easily obtained by organizing hunts at base camps.

Another peculiarity of this scenario is that at some point you’ll leave the first area of the scenario map and you won’t be able to come back, so make sure you have done everything there’s to do there before departing.

IGWT Initial Mission

At the beginning of this mission you’ll only be in control of Álvaro, who’ll have to release his 3 companions from imprisonment. As for character roles, Zacarías will be your main executioner for the duration of this mission, since Álvaro will have to act as a human bottleneck. Cervantes and Diego are only good as depleters.

This first mission will be the hardest of the scenario, a trend that will be followed by pretty much every initial mission of the remaining scenarios, mainly due to the fact that most posse members will be poorly equipped.

Once every character has been rescued, you’ll have to take them to some specific positions in order to keep Cervantes from danger, as he will be this mission’s weakest link, but once he is safe, killing any remaining enemies will be easy enough.

Setup stage

Start by making Álvaro release Diego and then take both of them through the ground floor of the nearby two-story building towards Zacarías’ position. Once they reach said position, make Álvaro subdue the guard that will be watching Zacarías and then leave Álvaro behind to keep the enemy subdued.

Now take Diego and Zacarías to the upper area of the encampment, where the weapons’ shed is. Next, make one of the two fetch the weapons and then take the duo towards Cervantes’ position. Once they’re close enough, make Diego subdue the guard that will be standing in front of a stack of boxes and then make Zacarías subdue the guard that will be standing next to a wagon.

Lastly, it will be time to find good cover for everyone. Start by making Álvaro take cover behind the tree that is inside the wall; this way he’ll be left facing the guard he was subduing, thus creating a bottleneck. Then make Diego take cover behind the stack of boxes he will be next to, Zacarías behind the wagon that faces the tent yard and Cervantes behind the well lid that is next to the two wagons that will be behind Zacarías position.

Time to deal with some archaeological rivals Indiana Johns style.

Combat stage

First, pay special attention to the tile where the guard that will be next to Diego will be standing and then use your first turn to make your characters employ their Derringers to kill the enemies that will be standing next to each of them. In the next turn Cervantes’ Luck will probably get drained after dodging a shot, so take him to the little space that is between a stack of boxes and the wagon that is right opposite to the one where Zacarías will be taking cover. As for Álvaro, he will have to stand guard in his choke point until Zacarías and Diego take care of the remaining enemies.

Now make Diego use the Scavenger ability on the tile where the guard next to him was standing so he can get a better weapon (an ideal find would be a musket-type weapon or Cañón Calavera). Next, make Zacarías kill the enemy that exposed himself after shooting at Cervantes and in the next turns use him and Diego to kill any remaining enemies hiding in the tent encampment.

As soon as the tent yard is clear, move Diego towards the two wagons that are next to the well where Cervantes was at the beginning of this stage. Once he reaches that position, he’ll probably spot the enemy that was guarding his cell, so make him kill said enemy. Next, take Zacarías and Diego through the ground floor of the building that is next to Diego’s cell so that they can flank the enemies that Álvaro will be keeping at bay, thus bringing this mission to an end.

Note: don’t forget to make Diego FFB, as this will be his only chance to do so.

Mission reward

1 card and 1000 gold.

IGWT Scenario Map 1

Once your posse manages to escape from Lafortuna’s henchmen, head for the only available locations and spend a total of 800 gold to hire 50 peons at Village and buy 100 provisions at Farm House. A new character, David O’Connell, will automatically join your posse after leaving Village. Next, set up camp and spend 12 provisions to unlock several new areas. Don’t forget to check up on Cervantes before leaving.

Your next stop will be the Fate Trader shop, where you’ll need to ask him if he sells any alcohol. He’ll give you 3 Bottles of Liquor for free, so repay his kindness by buying 1 Repeater Rifle before leaving. Then return to Camp and spend 2 Bottles of Liquor so Cervantes can have a safe trip back to Monty Python HQ.

Now it will be time to gather some resources. Start by traveling to Wreckage, which will yield 22 units of wood once your peons manage to dismantle it. Next, go to Old Sawmill and order the men to search the woods until they return with 1 card, 1 Lucky Coin and 1 Douglas Duster Special. Then have them cut trees until you collect a total of 40 units of wood, which is the amount you’ll need to build the rafts that will allow your posse to cross the river.

Once the required amount of wood has been gathered, go to Trapper’s Shop and trade the Douglas Duster Special, and any other weapons you won’t be using, for 1 Sawed off Cobra. Then return to Camp and send your posse hunting in order to gather provisions and afflict O’Connell, Zacarías and Álvaro with as many injuries as possible, up to a total of 4-5 injuries per character.

If at any point Diego gets injured, just spend some provisions to heal him, as he won’t be participating in any more tactical missions after the next one (don’t worry, the next mission will be easy enough). Your characters can also suffer injuries while mining gold from both Eastern Riverbank and Western Riverbank. Once your characters have sustained enough injuries, head for Old Docks and choose to bring David O’Connell to the fight.

IGWT Mission 2

Everyone will have to act as a deadeye during this mission, as mobility will be more important than dispatching enemies.

This next mission is really short and easy, which makes it perfect as a healing stage for Zacarías, O’Connell and Álvaro, who should have accumulated quite a hefty amount of injuries prior to this fight.

This mission features a side objective regarding making your characters use some healing supplies, but I recommend ignoring it, as those supplies are right next to the enemy spawning area and taking them won’t grant you any additional rewards.

Preparation stage

First, equip O’Connell with Repeater Rifle and 10 ga. Double Shotgun, Diego with Sawed off Cobra and 10 ga. Single Shotgun and then leave Álvaro and Zacarías’ loadouts unchanged.

If either Álvaro or Zacarías Max HP has been reduced to 1 due to injuries, you might as well equip a Lucky Coin and a Mandrake Root on the squishy character. If both of them have 1 Max HP, check who among the two has the most Movement and then give him the Mandrake Root. Next, equip the less mobile character with Lucky Coin.

Lastly, try to equip a Pair poker hand on the characters who have the less Movement when distributing cards.

Time to fend off some savages while you wait for the hydroplane to arrive.

Combat stage

Start by making Diego take cover behind the side of the western rock formation that faces the central lane and then make O’Connell do the same behind the eastern rock formation. Next, check who has the less Movement among Zacarías and Álvaro and then make the one who has the most Movement take cover in the small space that is between the western rock formation and some sacks (this spot is next to the stack of boxes that is adjacent to the western rock wall). Lastly, make the remaining character take cover in the small space that is between the eastern rock formation and a barrel that is on top of a crate (it is a “double” full cover spot).

As soon as your characters have taken positions, enemies will start arriving at the central lane. They are kind of dauntless, meaning that they tend to stay out of cover, so take advantage of that fact by making Diego and O’Connell kill them before they draw close to their positions. Meanwhile, keep your low HP characters watching the flanks in case any enemies start showing up from there, but it’s pretty rare for that to happen.

Once the peons have loaded the basic provisions, enemies will start showing up at the eastern and western lanes, so start moving your characters towards the escape zone. Take your low HP characters inside it first and then move the other two close to it while you make them use the nearby rocks and barrels as cover. As soon as the additional provisions are loaded, make any character left behind enter the escape zone to end the mission.

Mission reward

2 cards, 400 gold, 1 Medical Bag and 1 Vitality Elixir.

IGWT Scenario Map 2

Once Lindsey leaves your posse on the opposite shore of the river, set up camp at Settlement and choose to send scouts in order to unlock several new locations. Next, go to Outpost (location name corrected thanks to MrBrown) where, after an event plays out, Víctor Suncove will substitute Diego as the fourth posse member. You’ll also receive 2 cards, 234 gold, 2 Repeater Rifles and 2 Quarter Pounder Pistols.

Next, travel to Mansion and order your men to search its interior until you get 1 card, 134 gold and 1 Pepperbox. Then head to Massacre Site and choose to give the dead a proper burial to grant Álvaro a permanent +20 Luck boost. Lastly, go to the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Snake Leather Boots.

Now deploy a total of 40 peons on both Eastern Pass and Western Pass. If you don’t have enough peons, you’ll be able to hire groups of 10 peons for 100 gold each at Village. Once both passes have been manned, head to Fort to trigger the next tactical mission.

IGWT Mission 3

Álvaro, Zacarías and O’Connell should have become deadeyes by now, so have them act as such. Suncove will act as an executioner.

During this mission 2 waves of enemy reinforcements will arrive after a certain number of turns have passed, so speed will be paramount. If you follow the indications given below you should have enough time to position your characters properly before every enemy wave arrives.

This mission features a side objective regarding three weapon caches that can be stolen by your posse members. This can be easily accomplished during the setup stage, but you can do it at any time during the combat stage as well.

Preparation stage

First, give Álvaro the newly acquired Snake Leather Boots and then equip him with Golden Derringer and Repeater Rifle. Next, equip O’Connell with Pepperbox and Repeater Rifle and Suncove with Ivory Flintlock Pistol, Repeater Rifle and a couple of healing items. If O’Connell hasn’t acquired the Abdomen Puncture scar yet, equip him with two healing items as well. Lastly, equip Zacarías with Lucky Coin and then leave his weapon lodaout unchanged.

As for poker cards, equip Zacarías with the Ricochet ability card, Suncove with as many Max HP-raising cards as possible and then distribute the rest of the cards as you see fit. If you have acquired the Disguise card prior to this mission, equip it on Álvaro.

Setup stage

Note: if Álvaro has the Disguise card equipped, make him plunder the two farthest stacks of weapons and then check the position where he has to be placed at the end of this stage. If you haven’t acquired said card, just follow the standard instructions.

Start by taking Suncove inside the western house and then make him take cover next to the upper floor’s window that faces the two natives that will be guarding the fort’s entrance. As for the rest of the posse, move them alongside the outer perimeter of the fort towards the eastern side of the map.

Once they reach the corner of the eastern wall, make Zacarías and O’Connell climb the nearest building, where the first weapon stack is. Next, make Zacarías take cover next to the left side of the window that faces the yard and O’Connell next to the window that faces the roof of the building where an enemy will be standing. Don’t forget to make one of them loot the first weapon stash before positioning them.

Meanwhile, make Álvaro creep right next to the fort’s eastern wall so he doesn’t get spotted by the native that will be standing guard on the eastern fort rampart. Next, make Álvaro enter the northeastern building where the second weapon stack is and then make him ransack it. Lastly, take Álvaro to said building’s upper floor and then make him take cover in the corner that is adjacent to the native that will be looking through the window.

Time for Álvaro to give in to his colonial impulses.

Combat stage

Start by making O’Connell use Fanning against the guard that will be standing in front of him. Then make Suncove and Zacarías kill the two enemies that will be watching the fort’s entrance. Lastly, make Álvaro use his Golden Derringer to kill the native that will be standing next to him.

In the next turn use peek-a-bullet with Suncove and Zacarías to kill the enemy that will be standing next to the side door of the house where Suncove is hiding. Next, as O’Connell’s position will allow him to flank the enemy that will be taking cover in the roof that is adjacent to the one where the first enemy O’Connell killed during this stage was, make him kill said enemy. The native that will be standing on that same roof can be flanked and killed by either Álvaro or Zacarías during the next turn. Once all enemies on the roofs have been killed, start moving O’Connell towards the building where Álvaro is. Lastly, take Suncove to the ground floor of the house where he is taking shelter.

Meanwhile, take Álvaro to the ground floor of the building where he is taking cover, but make sure he stays far from the eastern door so he doesn’t spot a nearby enemy. Next, make Suncove leave the house where is sheltered by the side entrance and then move him towards the enemy that will be hiding behind the tree that is on the main yard. In the next turn make Suncove kill said enemy and then take Zacarías to the watchtower’s ground floor, but don’t make him open the door that leads to the main yard just yet.

Now that the main yard is almost cleared, move O’Connell through the building on whose roof the two natives were standing and then take him to the fort’s back yard where an enemy will be standing. Next, take Álvaro inside that same yard so that he and O’Connell can dispatch the previously mentioned enemy in a single turn. Meanwhile, if Zacarías can reach the side of the steam carriage where one enemy will probably be hiding, make him kill him. If he doesn’t, just make him keep his position and then make Suncove flank said enemy from behind and kill him. Next, make O’Connell and Álvaro head inside the building where the last weapon stack is and kill the only enemy left. If said enemy descended to the back yard during the previous turns, make them rush him and then take them inside the above-mentioned building.

If you have followed all of the above-mentioned steps, you should have one turn left before the first wave of reinforcements arrives at the eastern gate. Use it to make Suncove and Zacarías take cover inside the building that faces the eastern entrance, while O’Connell and Álvaro take positions in the upper floor of the building where the last weapon stack is (have one of them pillage it if you haven’t already). Once the first wave of reinforcements shows up, try to kill the ones with the most HP before ending your turn and then kill the remaining ones in the next turns.

Once the first wave of enemy reinforcements has been dispatched, you should have 3-5 turns left to position your posse at the other end of the forth. Start by making Zacarías, O’Connell and Álvaro take cover in the upper floor of the building that faces the western gate, as there are 3 full cover spots next to the door and the window of said floor. Next, make Suncove take cover behind the tree that is in front of the western gate. Once the second wave of enemies arrives, repeat the same process that you used at the eastern gate to kill them all.

Before ending the mission, make Suncove FFB as much as possible and, if O’Connell hasn’t the Abdomen Puncture scar yet, make him FFB until he gets afflicted by the Gushing Wound injury.

Mission reward

1 card, 500 gold, 3 Dried Meat, 2 Stun Bombs, 2 Vitality Elixirs, 1 Sawed off Cobra, 1 Heavy Pepperbox and 2 Navy Guns.

IGWT Scenario Map 3

Now that your posse has gained access to the secluded range, set up camp at Mission Ruins and then choose to send scouts as usual. Next, go to Abandoned Wagon and choose to salvage it to get 4 Bottles of Liquor and 1 Lancaster Pistol. Lastly, travel to Hunting Grounds and use the newly acquired alcohol to burn the forest down.

As soon as the natives’ food source has been destroyed, travel to Village to hire more peons. Once you have 40-50 peons at your disposal, command them to slaughter the natives that are sheltered in the various Barrows to get 2 cards, 300 gold, 4 Mandrake Roots and 1 Dreamcatcher. Next, go to Old Cemetery to obtain 1 Holy Musket (trinket), 1 Poison Vial and 1 Bone Amulet. Lastly, head to Excavation Site to get 1 card, 300 gold, 1 Serpent Amulet (trinket) and 1 Eagle Figurine.

Once the pillaging is concluded, head to Chapel and make sure Álvaro refuses to cross himself. After a series of events play out, The Mask will possess a new host and Zacarías will get poisoned as a result of his piousness. Lastly, stop by the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Holy Musket before heading back to Mission Ruins to punish the traitor.

IGWT Mission 4

Although Alvaro’s transformation resulted in him “abandoning the posse”, The Masked Man inherited all of his scars, so you can keep using “Álvaro” as a deadeye along with Zacarías. Suncove will keep acting as an executioner and O’Connell’s role will depend on him having the Abdomen Puncture scar: if he has it, he will be able to act as a tank, but if he doesn’t he will be in no shape to be of any help to your posse for the duration of this mission.

During this mission O’Connell will lose 1 HP per turn until you rescue him, so speed will be paramount for the first half of the combat stage. Once you rescue him, you’ll only need to storm an enclosed location in order to clear the mission.

Preparation stage

First, equip Zacarías with Navy Gun, Musket and Lucky Coin, Suncove with Ivory Flintlock Pistol, Holy Musket and Bone Amulet and Álvaro with Navy Gun, Holy Musket and Snake Leather Boots.

Lastly, make sure that everyone is granted bonus Movement when distributing cards.

Time for Diego to learn that no one can stop The Mask.

Combat stage

Start by moving Zacarías next to Álvaro and then make him open the house’s door so that he can kill the native that will be hiding behind the nearby rock by using the Ricochet ability. Next, make Álvaro take cover next to the left side of the nearest rock so that he can kill the enemy that will be hiding behind the adjoining tree. Lastly, take Suncove next to Zacarías.

In the next turn kill the enemy that will burst through the door that leads to the house’s yard using Suncove. Next, move Álvaro towards the second row of buildings and then make Zacarías take cover in the central lane area. Now make Álvaro advance as quickly as possible towards O’Connell position, only pausing to kill enemies if they stand directly in his path, while you make Zacarías and Suncove shoot at the enemies that you make Álvaro ignore.

Make Álvaro release O’Connell as soon as you get the chance to do so and then make him use the cover that is inside the house where O’Connell was locked to safely kill any surrounding enemies. Next, make Zacarías and Suncove advance through the central lane killing any stragglers. Once every remaining enemy is dead, make everyone take positions outside the temple, but, if O’Connell hasn’t the Abdomen Puncture scar, make him take cover in a safe spot and then leave him there for the remainder of the mission.

Now it will be time to deal with Diego. Start by taking your characters inside the temple and then, as enemies will use the temple’s columns as cover, play a little hide and seek to thin their numbers until you can make your characters rush the last remaining enemies. Do note that this will be your last opportunity to make Suncove FFB (The Masked Man, Zacarías and O’Connell should already have more than enough scars).

Mission reward

2 cards, 400 gold, 2 Noise Bomb and 1 Blood-Stained Shirt.

IGWT Scenario Map 4

As you’ll probably be short on manpower by this point, head to Village and hire peons until you reach a total of 40 hired workers, which will be needed to clear the way through Passage. Once the path to the temple is unhindered, proceed to Huts to learn some basics about the Aztec religion, which will be needed to solve a riddle involving the secluded Aztec temple The Mask is looking for. 2 new locations will be unlocked once you leave Huts.

Let’s start solving the riddle by traveling to Ballcourt, where you’ll discover an inscription after performing an ancient Aztec ritual that involves sacrificing some peons. Next, head to Tomb to snatch some skulls. Lastly, go to Tzompantli, where you’ll need to enter a password composed of three Aztec gods’ names. Said password can be deciphered by correctly interpreting the statement you learnt at Ballcourt, e.g., “Earth creates life” corresponds to Tlaltecuhtli-Ometeotl-Quetzalcoatl.

Once you’ve gained access to the Temple of Doom, allow your expedition members to drink from Wellspring so you can heal any injuries or diseases afflicting your posse members. Then stop by the Fate Trader shop that was unlocked in this new area to buy 1 Holy Musket. Lastly, head to Temple to trigger the last tactical mission of this scenario.

IGWT Final Mission

During this last mission Álvaro and Suncove will act as an executioner/depleter duo and O’Connell will have to act as a deadeye.

Fortunately, this last mission takes place in an enclosed space full of cover spots and ricochetable objects, so using the Ricochet ability makes clearing this mission trivial.

Also, this is the ideal mission to get the “Trickshooter” achievement.

Preparation stage

First, equip O’Connell with Navy Gun and Holy Musket and then leave Suncove and Álvaro’s weapon loadouts unchanged. Next, check who has the lowest Aim among Suncove and O’Connell and then equip the Eagle figurine and Bone Amulet talismans accordingly.

Lastly, make sure to equip Álvaro with the Ricochet ability and then distribute the rest of the cards as you see fit.

Time for The Mask to unleash hell in the Weird West.

Combat stage

Start by moving O’Connell to the southeast, just a tile away from the eastern edge of the southeastern broken wall. Next, make Suncove take cover behind the westernmost column so he can kill the enemy that will be standing next to a wagon. Lastly, make Álvaro take cover behind the column that is adjacent to Suncove’s and then make him use the Ricochet ability to kill Zacarías.

Now you just need to kill the remaining enemies by making Álvaro use the Ricochet ability. Meanwhile, make Suncove take care of the ones that Ricochet can’t reach and O’Connell advance through the eastern side, killing any enemies standing in his way.

Once all Zacarías’ supporters are dead, take Álvaro inside the ancient city and the scenario will be over.

Graveyard Shift Scenario

This will probably be the first scenario where you’ll be able to abuse the best ability of the game: Jinx. During this scenario you’ll learn what became of Father after he deserted Warren and Florence to protect them from the amulet’s curse. However, once he embraces his curse, he will become the most fearsome demon hunter of the Weird West.

The core mechanic of this scenario is times of the day and hunger management. Days in this scenario are split into 4 slots: morning, midday, afternoon and night. Every time your posse visits a location, time will advance a slot, but do note that some events can advance time several slots at once if you a pick time-consuming choice.

Each time night changes to day, you’ll have to spend 1 Food Portion per posse member in order to keep them well fed. If a character receives an additional Food Portion he’ll be granted a buff. Conversely, if he skips dinner he will suffer quite a serious debuff.

Another peculiarity of this scenario is that you’ll be mostly earning money by trading, i.e., by buying consumables at cheap prices at some locations and then selling them at a higher price in other places.

As a result of said features, money will be scarce, so dilly-dallying will result in your savings getting quickly drained, which will in turn lead to your posse starving. This means that completing tactical missions should take priority over exploration and trading.

GS Initial Mission

Note: many thanks to Brotherhood for figuring out and sharing a strategy that sinergizes the abilities of your starting characters. Said strategy improves over the previous one in every single way: it allows you to kill every enemy faster and more safely, keep all 4 of your items so you can use or sell them later and get Undertaker to receive an injury.

You’ll only control 2 characters during this mission; one will act as a sneaky depleter and the other will execute most kills.

This will also be the first time you’ll truly fight through two different combat stages. Fortunately, the sinergy between the Jinx and Chain Kill abilities will tip the scales in your favor.

First setup stage

Updated thanks to Brotherhood

First, take Undertaker to the sheriff office straight away and release Oswald by subduing the cultist in front of his cell. Next, make Oswald take cover behind the left side of the sheriff office’s door (this spot provides a greater line of sight than the right one) and use him to keep the cultist subdued until it’s time to trigger the combat stage.

After that, make Undertaker take a Jinx stroll around town. If you make him walk around the gallows you’ll manage to deplete every enemy’s Luck, except for the one who will be inside the building that is opposite to the sheriff’s office, so once you’re done head upstairs through the back door and jinx him as well. Lastly, position Undertaker next to the balcony door so he has a clear LoS of said cultist.

Time for the WWE legend to prove that he still has plenty of fight left in him.

First combat stage

Updated thanks to Brotherhood

Spend your first action by making Oswald activate Chain Kills ability (this will deplete his luck from 100 to 25) and then make use of his Remi Borgen Rifle to kill all 4 enemies in his sight, but make sure to kill the 4HP cultist first or else he’ll take cover, thus interrupting your Chain Kills combo.

Once they’re dead, take Oswald to the double cover spot at the tree next to the gallows in front of the sheriff’s office (take care not to position him at the edge of the gallows or else he’ll spot a cultist hiding at the other end of the gallows who will try to shoot at him next turn, thus unnecessarily depleting his Luck). As for Undertaker, just make him use Fanning to dispatch the cultist on the balcony.

In the next turn, the last cultist will perform no action since he will not have been revealed yet, so take Undertaker next to the left upper window so he can spot him and then use Oswald to flank and kill him.

Second setup stage

Updated thanks to Brotherhood

Now it will be time for a second Jinx stroll, so make Undertaker descend to the gallows area and, once every enemy’s Luck is reduced to 0, make him take cover next to the sheriff’s office door so that he has the cultist that Oswald can’t see in his line of sight

At this stage Oswald’s Luck should be at 75 up from 25 if you have the “Luck for Kills” game mod enabled (you get 10 Luck per kill so 5 kills = +50 Luck). If that’s not the case, use a Mandrake Root to restore his Luck so that he can use his Chain Kills ability once again during the next combat stage.

Time for The Master of Pain to keep dominating in the ring.

Second combat stage

Updated thanks to Brotherhood

Open up by activating Oswald’s Chain Kills ability and use his Remi Borgen Rifle to shoot down all 5 HP enemies in his sight, but make sure to start from the cultist right at the gallows stairs or else he’ll take full cover and interrupt the Chain Kills combo. Once all 5 HP enemies are dead, end Oswald’s turn by shooting at the 7 HP cultist. Next, make Undertaker use Fanning to kill the 5 HP cultist that Oswald couldn’t see.

In the next and final turn, the last cultist will try to shoot at Undertaker but he’ll miss since Undertaker’s Luck will be full. Now you’ll be free to make Undertaker trigger a reaction shot before dispatching the last cultist (note that Oswald cannot FFB during this mission since enemies deal 6 damage, which is higher than Oswald’s max HP).

Mission reward

1 card, 195 gold, 1 Scoped Custom Rifle, 2 Mandrake Powder, 2 Vitality Elixir and 1 Coca Leaves.

GS Scenario Map 1

Once Ghost Town is free of cultist pests, head to Hermit’s Hut to get 1 card and progress the story. Then purchase 12 Tobacco at Plantation, as buying the minimum amount required will make things easier later on. Next, sell it at Town and choose to hire Johnson before leaving.

Now head for Ghost Town to get some provisions and take note of how many items you’ll need to acquire in order to make 3 offerings to the dead. Note (added thanks to Veryan Anduren): a single offering is composed of x amount of tobbaco, y amount of opium and z amount of alcohol, so in order to make 3 offerings you’ll need to buy 3x amount of tobbaco, 3y amount of opium and 3z amount of alcohol.

In the next days buy 10 units of Ginseng in either Town or Caravan, wherever is sold at 9-10 gold per unit. Also, buy the required amount of Tobacco to make the 3 offerings at Plantation.

At some point, you’ll unlock a new area, Safe Location, as soon as you enter a random location, but that’ll be dealt with later. Another location that can be unlocked randomly is Decaying Spot, a place where you can pay 25 gold to learn the sell/buy ratio of the various merchants available. Do note that, every now and then, whenever you enter a location you might run into a traveling merchant, so after dealing with him you’ll need to click on the location again to truly visit it.

Once two days have passed, pay another visit to the hermit to unlock new areas. By this point you should have obtained 4 new cards. Now head for Crossroads where a bug may occur. If you encounter Jane and then you choose to offer her a Food Portion, she’ll ask to be escorted to the railroad station, but her request will be fulfilled immediately after leaving Crossroads. This means that, if you return to that location right away, her shop will be available without you needing to escort her to the railroad station.

Anyway, now that every random event has played out it will be time to keep progressing through the story. First, head for Opium Den to inquire about Reverend Ashmore. Then travel to Abandoned Wagon and choose to collect everything, which will net you 1 card, 15 gold, 4 Food Portion, 1 Angelic Sphere, 2 Bottle of Liquor and 1 Dose of Opium. Lastly, head to Hideout to start the next tactical mission.

GS Mission 2

During this mission Undertaker will keep his role as deadeye. Oswald will serve as a depleter and Johnson as an executioner. These last two should always stay close to each other à la Lenny and Carl. At some point you’ll rescue Ashmore, but it’s best to keep him out of combat for the duration of this mission.

This mission’s objective is to find and rescue Ashmore. There will be 4 cells scattered throughout the mission’s map and Ashmore will be locked inside one of them. You could open said cells in a random order until you find Ashmore, but to make things safer and quicker just make someone subdue the Mad King so he reveals where Ashmore is being locked. Once you rescue the reverend, you’ll just need to take everyone to the escape zone in order to clear the mission.

This mission also features a side objective concerning stealing some food supplies from the mad cultists. As you can probably guess, those extra Food Portions will come in handy later on, so said side objective should be completed during the mission’s early stages.

Preparation stage

First, equip Johnson with Scoped Custom Rifle and then keep Undertaker and Oswald’s weapon loadouts unchanged.

Lastly, try to grant every character bonus Movement when distributing cards. If you have acquired any Max HP-raising cards prior to this mission, equip them on Johnson and Oswald, prioritizing the latter.

Setup stage

While Undertaker takes his Jinx Stroll, make Johnson and Oswald cross the central bridge so that they can head towards the northern shed where the Mad King is sheltered. Once they get inside said shed, make them wait there until Undertaker arrives.

This time the Jinx stroll will begin on the southeastern side of the map. Start by making Undertaker enter the southeastern compound trough the southern wall’s breach and then he’ll be forced to take quite a big detour in order to reach the supply boxes undetected. Before making Undertaker return to the starting position, make him walk into the nearby bridge to jinx the two cultists that will be guarding it. Once Undertaker is back at the starting point, make him head for the southwestern compound to steal the supply boxes that are there. Don’t forget to jinx the cultists that will be standing near the western bridge.

Now make Undertaker head for the upper area of the map by crossing the central bridge and then make him jinx the two cultists that will be standing around the northeastern side of the map. Next, make either Lenny or Carl subdue the Mad King and then make Undertaker go around the Mad King’s shed so he can jinx the remaining enemies.

With that the Jinx stroll will be concluded, so it will be time to take your characters to appropriate positions: make Undertaker take cover in the corner of the shed that is in front of the Mad King, Oswald in the opposite corner and Johnson next to the window that will be close to Undertaker.

Time for Undertaker to answer Ashmore prayers by becoming God’s instrument of death.

Combat stage

Start by making Oswald kill the paranoid madman (5 HP) that will be standing near his position, then make Undertaker off the enemy that will be standing in front of the northwestern cell and finally make Johnson dispatch the Mad King. In the next turn make Johnson take cover behind the tree that is just outside the shed so he can start taking care of the enemies that will be hunkered down in the northeastern side of the map and then make Oswald take cover behind the tree that is closest to the central bridge.

Meanwhile, make Undertaker clear the northwestern area of the map. As soon as every enemy on that side is dead, make him ransack the northwestern supply cache and then make him help Lenny and Carl to kill the enemies that will be hunkered down in the northeastern side. Once every enemy in the upper portion of the map has been taken care of, make someone swipe the northeastern stack of supplies.

Now luck will come into play: Ashmore’s location was marked on the mission map when you subdued the Mad King, so, if you’re lucky, he’ll be inside one of the northern cells and your characters will be able to escape the area as soon as they rescue him, but, if Lady Luck turns away from you, he’ll be inside one of the southern cells.

If Ashmore turns out to be locked in the southern side, the good news is that you’ll only have to clear either the southeastern or the southwestern compound, as the enemies that will be hiding inside those areas tend not to go outside them, so, if you find yourself in this situation, make your characters kill all enemies inside the correct cell area before rescuing Ashmore and then take everyone to the escape zone to end the mission.

Mission reward

50 gold, 1 card, 6 Food Portion, 1 Bonehand Rifle (trinket), 1 Holy Amulet, 1 Navy Gun, 1 Lucky Horseshoe, 1 Rabbit Foot and 2 Nail Bomb.

GS Scenario Map 2

As Ashmore won’t be capable of lifting Undertaker’s curse, it will be time to pay a visit to Red Coyote; give him the 10 Ginseng you previously bought to receive 1 card and unlock 3 new locations that share the same name: Mountains.

First, head to the easternmost mountain. Once you arrive there, choose to chase the coyote into the fog to obtain 1 Ear Necklace and 3 Food Portion. Next, head for the northernmost mountain and choose to illuminate your way to get 40 gold, 1 Cursed Ammo and 1 Medical Bag at the expense of two of your posse members contracting the Rattling Cough disease. Lastly, travel to the remaining mountain. The first time you enter that location Undertaker will automatically kill the bear Red Coyote told him to find, so reenter the mountain right after he does that and choose to take the weapon from the corpse. Finally, take the dire bear’s skull to Red Coyote to receive 1 card, 40 gold and 3 Food Portion, as well as a permanent buff for Undertaker.

Now go to Safe Location and enter the following code: 32321. The safe will open and your posse will find 200 gold inside. With that done it will be finally time to buy the remaining items needed to make the 3 offerings at Ghost Town; purchase the Doses of Opium at Opium Den and the Bottles of Liquor at Gin Mill.

Note (added thanks to Veryan Anduren): a single offering is composed of x amount of tobbaco, y amount of opium and z amount of alcohol, so in order to make 3 offerings you’ll need to buy 3x amount of tobbaco, 3y amount of opium and 3z amount of alcohol.

Once you have bought every item needed to make the offerings, head for Seamstress’ Hut. After talking with her, you’ll receive 1 card and Undertaker will be directed to Ghost Town. Travel there to obtain a lock of hair from a corpse and then make the 3 offerings, which will grant Undertaker peace of mind, 3 great buffs and 3 Ghost Town Fruit (trinket). Now that the dead are at peace, return to the seer to get 1 card, a buff for Oswald (Although the game text says that Undertaker should be the one receiving it) and a new main objective. Lastly, stop by the Bridge location and pay Bloody Bill 100 gold to get a new card.

Finally, go to Hermit’s Hut to receive 1 card and a grim future reading for Undertaker. Next, stop by the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Holy Musket. Lastly, head for Ghost Town and tell Oswald that Undertaker is ready to meet his end… Or is he?

GS Mission 3

During this mission Undertaker, Lenny and Carl will keep their previous combat roles. Now that you’ll be able to equip Reverend Lovejoy as you please, it will be time to turn him into an executioner.

This mission features a body-snatching demon, so depriving him of hosts before taking him down it’s the most efficient strategy to clear the mission.

It is also worth mentioning that this is the ideal mission to get the “Brimstone Killer” achievement.

Preparation stage

First, equip Undertaker with Eighteen Shooter, Holy Musket and Lucky Horseshoe, Lenny with Remi Borgen Rifle, Navy Gun and Holy Amulet, Lovejoy with Navy Gun, Bonehand Rifle and Cursed Ammo and then leave Carl’s previous lodaout unaltered.

If you have acquired the Unholy Power ability card prior to this mission, equip it on Undertaker if you’re interested in getting the “The Brimstone Killer” achievement”.

Time for Undertaker to become the scourge of the Weird West’s demons.

Combat stage

Start by making Ashmore take cover behind the eastern altar and then make Oswald do the same behind the western one. Meanwhile, keep Undertaker and Johnson inside the saloon’s ground floor. After a few turns have passed, Bathyn Raum will show up next to the gallows, so, as soon as your characters spot him, deplete his Luck using Oswald and then make Undertaker use Fanning to kill him.

Now acolytes will start rushing towards your posse members’ positions, so kill as many as you can until the Demonic Prince appears again. As soon as he shows up in your characters’ sights again, make them kill him while he is out of cover by using the method I previously described. Soon every acolyte will be dead and Undertaker will be able to banish the fiend from Ghost Town for good.

Mission reward

1 card, 100 gold, 6 Food portion, 1 Candle of the Dead (trinket), 1 Piercing Ammo, 1 Ojo del Muerto and 1 Eagle Elixir.

GS Scenario Map 3

The first thing you should do after freeing Ghost Town from the Demonic Prince’s influence is traveling to the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Holy Musket. Now it will be finally time to exorcize Swamp Hideout, so go there, but first make sure you have at least 8 Food Portions on your inventory. Once your posse arrives to the final mission’s location, choose to give everyone 2 Food Portions.

GS Final mission

During this mission every combat role will remain the same, but this time Lenny and Carl will get separated, as Oswald will now act as a depleter alongside Undertaker.

Before launching your assault on the swamp you’ll get to choose from which direction you want every character to attack, so just choose to send everyone to the ruined farmhouse. Then you’ll just need to take them to several specific positions near some blood vials (destroying them will debuff Bathyn Raum) to turn this mission into a shooting gallery.

Preparation stage

Every loadout stays the same, except for Oswald’s: substitute his Remi Borgen Rifle for Holy Musket.

Setup stage

Start by taking Johnson inside the northern building, where there’s a blood vial, a tent and some boxes. Once he arrives there, make him take cover next to the window that faces the tent encampment; just be careful to position him outside the nearby cultist’s cone of vision.

Meanwhile, make Ashmore enter the building that is right in front of the one where Johnson will be taking cover and then make him take cover behind the side of the window where his vision won’t be obstructed by the big tree.

As for Oswald, take him inside the ruined stables and then make him take cover in the corner of the fence that is opposite to the ricocheting cauldron; this will allow him to have direct line of sight with the blood vial that is inside the stables.

Lastly, take Undertaker on a Jinx Stroll. Start by moving him next to the bonfire where most enemies will be standing around. Once he has depleted their Luck, make him circle around the nearby cabin so his Jinx aura can reach the enemies that will be standing next to Johnson and Ashmore. Lastly, take him back to the stables where Oswald is.

Once the Jinx stroll is concluded, make Undertaker take cover next to the window that faces the tent yard where most cultists and their master are gathered.

Time to show that puny Demonic Prince that abandoning the ring won’t save him from Undertaker’s onslaught.

Combat stage

Start by making Undertaker use Fanning against the frenzied cultist that will be standing right next to the tree trunk and then make the remaining posse members kill their nearest enemies.

In the next turn make every posse member except for Undertaker destroy the blood vials that will be next to them. Then make Undertaker kill any enemies hiding behind cover by using Fanning while Johnson advances next to Ashmore’s position so he too can start flanking and killing enemies.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on the cultist that will be hiding inside the cabin that is next to the tents; take him out by making Ashmore fire at him with his Bonehand Rifle as soon as he comes into sight. Once every cultist is dead you’ll be able to easily return Bathyn Raum to the dark pit from whence he spawned.

Method in Madness Scenario

In my opinion, this is the campaign’s easiest scenario. What makes this scenario so easy is that Solomon will be the only essential character of your posse and he’ll be escorted at every time by three Pinkerton Agents. If one of them dies, he’ll be replaced by another with the same base stats, but this doesn’t mean that using Pinkertons as bait or cannon fodder is a good strategy, since scars bonuses are not inherited by their replacements. As a matter of fact, the indications of this scenario’s guide will take for granted that you won’t lose any Pinkertons during tactical missions.

In this scenario’s plot you’ll learn that The Masked Man’s actions had more far-reaching consequences than it was initially let on, so it will be up to a staunch scientist and his mysterious benefactor to right the wrongs the crimson falling star brought about.

The core mechanic of this scenario is the development of technological domains, which is accomplished by investing Blueprints at a specific location: Laboratory. Blueprints can be obtained in four ways: by buying them, completing certain events, using a Revealer on Trumercliff’s Notes or decreasing Solomon’s sanity.

Every time Solomon experiences a disturbing experience, his mental state will worsen. This translates mechanically into him being afflicted by several schizophrenia stages that will burden him with increasing debuffs as the mental illness progresses. To compensate for this, every time his sanity level decreases one stage, he will create a Blueprint. If you make Solomon endure every disturbing event that he can encounter during this scenario, by the time he reaches the mental illness’ final stage, Split Personality, he will have become inspired enough to produce a total of 6 Blueprints.

You don’t need to fully develop any technological domains in order to clear the scenario, but doing so will make things easier for you. Severely compromising Solomon’s sanity isn’t required in order to get enough Blueprints to fully develop two technological domains, but if you intend to make Solomon’s sanity reach its lowest level, know that you won’t need to buy any Blueprints in order to fully develop the three available domains.

MiM Initial Mission

Solomon is a depleter type character, and, unfortunately, his inevitable stat decrease will keep him in that role for the duration of the scenario. The three Pinkerton agents that serve as his bodyguards come in the three standard roles: A. Persons is a depleter, B. Persons is an executioner and C. Persons is a tank. They also have really good starting abilities. From now on I’ll simply refer to them as A, B and C.

This first mission can be a bit difficult if you don’t get your characters inside the side buildings during the setup stage, but if you do so, clearing the mission won’t pose a problem for you.

Setup stage

Start by taking Solomon and A inside the western building and then take B and C inside the eastern one, but first you’ll need to make one of them subdue the enemy that will be standing guard at its entrance.

Next, make Solomon take cover in the corner that is next to the western building’s door and then make A open the door that leads to the little northwestern room. Next, make him take cover in the short hallway’s right corner in order to grant him a clear view of the two madmen that will be standing inside the little room.

Meanwhile, make C take cover in the corner that is opposite to the madman that was guarding the entrance and then make B take cover behind the pillar that is in the middle of the building’s main room.

Time to apply the drastic treatment to some science-hating lunatics.

Combat stage

Start by killing the enemies that are nearest to each of your characters. In the next turn make A kill the remaining enemy on the little northwestern room and then make Solomon retreat to the interior of the western building to force the enemies that will be standing in the yard to come out of cover. Then keep C in his initial position while you make B head for the northeastern room of the building complex.

Now make A take cover next to the door of the little northwestern room that leads to the central building so that he can kill an enemy that will be standing near said door. Next, make C take cover behind the steam carriage so that he can start killing the remaining enemies that will be hiding in the yard and then make Solomon return to his original position.

Meanwhile, make B advance towards the northeasternmost room of the building complex. There will be one enemy inside that room, so make B kill him in the next turn and then keep using A to clear the central building. Lastly, keep Solomon and C keep on the yard so that they can finish off any remaining stragglers.

Once all enemies on the courtyard have been dealt with, there should be only 2 enemies left. They will probably be hiding near the cage room that is in the northern end of the main building, so take this as a chance to FFB before ending the mission.

Mission reward

3 cards, 100 gold, 2 Blueprint, 3 Assorted Parts, 1 Shaman’s Pipe, 2 Tobacco and 2 Healing Elixir.

MiM Scenario Map 1

Right after retaking Trumercliff’s lab you’ll be asked which technological domain do you want to invest in first; I recommend spending your first Blueprint in the chemistry domain. Next, travel to Workshop and buy 1 Revealer.

Now it will be time to start exploring the nearby countryside, which was devastated after the crimson comet fell to Earth. First, head to Inhabited House, where you’ll get to decide how do you want to deal with its deranged inhabitants: on one hand, if you choose to only take the family’s valuables you’ll get 20 gold, 2 Assorted Parts, 1 Tobacco and 1 Bottle of Liquor, but Solomon’s sanity will not decrease. On the other hand, if you accept the family’s invitation to dinner, C will die and Solomon’s sanity will decrease. Then you’ll need to follow that outcome by choosing to confront the family members in order to get 15 gold and 1 Blueprint.

Secondly, head to Ghost Town, where you can decide how much time you want to spend searching the town for valuables. If you choose to spend little time there you won’t decrease Solomon’s sanity but you’ll only get 20 gold, 1 Assorted Parts and 1 Bottle of Liquor whereas if you conduct a thorough research you’ll get 20 gold, 3 Assorted Parts and 2 Bottle of Liquor at the cost of a Solomon’s sanity decreasing.

Now head for Ruined Mansion and you’ll be asked a password, so travel to Indian Village to learn said password and then buy 1 Sturdy Shoes before leaving. Then return to Ruined Mansion and talk with the concerned father to unlock several new locations. Afterwards, he’ll offer a key for sale, but I recommend you refuse to buy it; it’s not worth its price.

The last sanity related event of the starting area can be found at Old Camp. No matter what choice you pick once you arrive there, you’ll get 1 Trumercliff’s Notes, but, if you choose to make Solomon keep the notebook, his sanity will decrease. Lastly, head to Asylum to trigger the next tactical mission.

MiM Mission 2

During this mission every combat role will remain the same, although C should be already on the path to become a deadeye if he didn’t die at Inhabited House.

If you had bought the key from the Masked Man’s father your initial position would have been at the back of the church and the mission would have featured a setup stage, but that wouldn’t have really given you much of an advantage. If you followed my indications the combat stage will start right away and your characters will be positioned near the steam carriage that is in front of the saloon.

This mission’s objective is making Salomon pick some notes from the church and then escape the zone. There will be a few enemies near the church’s grounds that will oppose your posse members advancements, but they can be dealt with easily enough.

Preparation stage

The only change you’ll need to make on your posse member’s loadouts is equipping Solomon with Sturdy Shoes.

Lastly, try to grant Solomon bonus Movement when distributing cards.

Time for Solomon to start following the breadcrumb trail to the madness’ source.

Combat stage

Start by making A take cover behind the right side of the nearby stack of boxes and then make him kill the madman that will be standing just outside of the saloon. Next, take B inside the saloon and then make Solomon and C head towards the ruined shed that is in the southeastern side of the map. In the next turn make A and B start dispatching the enemies that will be hiding in the graveyard and then take Solomon and C through the shed, making them kill the enemy that will be hiding nearby the shed as they advance towards the church.

Before making your posse approach the church, make sure that every enemy hiding on the graveyard is dead. Once the cemetery is clear, make everyone take positions near the church’s rear gate, but be careful, as there will be two enemies hiding inside the small hallway that is behind said door. Those will be the last enemies of this mission, so you can make whoever has the least scars use them to FFB.

Once the last enemies have fallen, you’ll just need to take all notes using Solomon and then make him head for the escape zone. Don’t worry, no enemy reinforcements will arrive at the mission map once you leave the church.

Mission reward

3 cards, 75 gold, 1 Blueprint, 1 Trumercliff’s notes, 1 Blood-Stained Shirt, 1 Holy Amulet and 2 Ginseng.

MiM Scenario Map 2

Once your posse manages to escape from the church, return to Laboratory to analyze the data you just collected. This will lead to a new set of locations being unlocked on the scenario map, so let’s start tackling them right away.

First, head for Swamp and spend the 2 Ginseng you just acquired as a reward from clearing the last mission to find 1 Blueprint. Next, go to Seer’s Hut, where you can choose to make Solomon spend some time talking with him to decrease his sanity. Return to the hut right after you leave to get a 1 card. Lastly, travel to Ranch, where you’ll get to decide how do you want to tackle its exploration. If you choose not to enter the barn you’ll avoid exposing Solomon to a disturbing sight and you’ll receive 50 gold, 1 Lucky Coin, 1 Bone Amulet and 1 Dose of Opium whereas if you choose to search the barn you’ll find 3 Dose of Opium, 1 Snuff, 1 Tobacco, 1 Eagle Elixir and 1 Stimulant at the expense of Solomon’ sanity decreasing.

Now it will be time to spend all the Blueprints you’ve collected so far at Laboratory in order to develop the engineering domain to the maximum level. Remember that you can turn Trumercliff’s Notes into Blueprints by using a Revealer on them at Workshop. If you haven’t gathered the number of Blueprints required to reach the maximum research level of the engineering domain, you can buy a total of three Blueprints at Gunsmith, Giant Clock and Trading Post at a price of 80 gold per unit.

Once you’ve fully developed the engineering domain, purchase 8 Assorted Parts at Workshop and then spend them at Giant Clock to create a Doomsday Watch (trinket). Lastly, buy a Volcano Pistol at Trading Post before heading for Railroad Station.

MiM Mission 3

A and C should have become deadeyes by now, but B’s low Max HP will probably make him lag behind as a simple executioner. Solomon will keep being mostly useless as far as combat goes.

This next mission will run on a timer and in order to clear it you’ll need to make Solomon collect three notes. If you keep A as a bodyguard for Solomon while you use B and C to clear the map from enemies, you should have more than enough time to collect all notes.

Preparation stage

First, equip the Doomsday Watch on B and then substitute C’s Deadly Derringer for Volcano Pistol. Leave any other loadouts unaltered.

Lastly, when distributing cards make sure Solomon is granted bonus Movement yet again.

Time to dive into one of those weird dream sequences that somehow end up advancing the plot.

Combat stage

Start by taking A inside the cabin that is next to the starting point and then make him kill the nightmare that will be hiding inside said cabin. Next, make Solomon take cover inside that same cabin, but make sure that he doesn’t end his turn while being in line of sight with the enemy that will be hiding behind the stack of boxes that is next to the train. Lastly, make B and C take cover behind the well’s lid that is close to the starting point.

In the next turn, scan the cabin adjoining to Solomon’s and then make him enter it so that he can kill the nightmare that will be hiding inside. Next, make A take care of the enemy that will be standing right outside said cabin. Meanwhile, make B and C kill any enemies that they spot as they advance towards the middle portion of the map while you make them use the train and its nearby stacks of boxes as cover.

Now make A and Solomon take cover inside the next cabin in the southern row. In the next turn, use Solomon’s first action to make him approach the office where the first note is to trigger the spawning of 3 demons and then make him return to the cabin where he was taking cover. One of the demons will be inside the office, so, if possible, make A enter said office and kill the demon as soon as he spawns. If A isn’t able to do that, just make him stay inside the cabin where Solomon is until you manage to take out the other two demons, which will be standing close to the office’s exterior, and then play hide and seek to kill the demon hiding inside the office.

As soon as you’ve taken care of the demons and collected the first note, take A and Solomon towards the northeastern portion of the map, but make them advance carefully, as there will be several enemies on the way. To make things easier on you, keep C in the middle portion of the map so that he can flank and kill some of the enemies threatening A and Solomon. Meanwhile, take B to the northwestern end of the map and so that he can kill any enemies hiding in there during the next turns.

Once you get Solomon to the northeastern end of the map, where several stacks of wood planks are, there will probably be a few enemies still hiding in the middle portion of the map, so make A and C dispatch them. Lastly, make Solomon take the notes that are between the stacks of books and then make one of the Pinkertons kill the enemy that will be hiding inside the office where the last note is. Now that the path is clear, make Solomon fetch the last note and the mission will be over.

Mission reward

3 cards, 100 gold, 1 Plans (they serve the same function as Trumercliff’s Notes) and 2 Mandrake Root.

MiM Scenario Map 3

Now that Solomon has become inspired Professor Farnsworth style, head for Workshop to create the Insanity Gauge, Once it begins functioning, travel to Seer’s Hut to discover the Crater that the crimson comet created when it fell to Earth. Don’t head in there though, as there will be much to do before triggering the next tactical mission.

First, travel to Battleground, where another sanity related choice awaits. If you choose not to delve into the battleground you’ll get 15 gold, 1 10 ga. Single Shotgun, 1 Volcano Pistol and 1 Assorted Parts whereas if you choose to explore it thoroughly you’ll get 20 gold, 1 10 ga. Single Shotgun, 1 Volcano Pistol, 1 Assorted Parts, 1 Healing Elixir and 1 Gas Bomb at the expense of decreasing Solomon’s sanity. Next, head to Burned Fort to be presented with another two choices yet again. If you choose to only check the yard you’ll get 10 gold and 1 Assorted Parts, whereas if you choose to check both the armory and the yard you’ll get 10 gold, 1 Assorted Parts and 1 Quarter Pounder Pistol at the expense of one of your posse members sustaining an injury.

Now, if Solomon is affected by Delusions or a more advanced schizophrenia stage, you can make him spend the night at Arcadian Orchard in order to receive 50 gold, 2 Bottle of Liquor and 1 Tobacco, but if he isn’t insane enough you’ll get nothing. You can decrease Solomon’s sanity by visiting Reeked House or by making him witness one of the Pinkertons dying at Circus, but I would deter from this last option for reasons I’ve already explained.

As soon as you have explored the first set of new locations, return to Workshop and buy as many Assorted Parts as you need to reach a total number of 7. Next, go to Heldelanse Shaft and spend 3 Assorted Parts to obtain 75 gold. Then head to Eriksson Mineshaft and use the remaining 4 Assorted Parts to get another 75 gold. Lastly, travel to Mine and pick the only option available, which will make you earn 200-300 gold if you fully developed the engineering domain.

Once all new locations have been explored, it will be time to return to Laboratory to invest all of your Blueprints in the gunsmithery domain. Next, go to Workshop to buy 1 Elephant Rifle and 8 Assorted Parts and then head to the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Holy Musket. Lastly, spend the Assorted Parts you just bought at Giant Clock to create another Doomsday Watch. Now it will be finally time to return to Crater and trigger the next tactical mission.

MiM Mission 4

You’ll only be in control of A, B and C for most of the mission, all of which should have become deadeyes by now.

In this mission you’ll have to defend your position from an assault led by Sheriff Turner for several turns. You shouldn’t have any trouble doing so if you make each Pinkerton guard a flank from some specific positions that I’ll describe below. Once Solomon returns to the surface, you’ll only need to take him to the escape zone in order to achieve victory.

Preparation stage

First, equip A with the newly acquired Holy Musket and Doomsday Watch and then keep your other character’s weapon loadouts unchanged.

Lastly, distribute cards as you see fit, but do note that Solomon will only need a Movement boost during this mission, so any additional cards should be equipped on the Pinkertons.

Time for Solomon to descend into ground zero while the Pinkerton brothers play tower defense.

Combat stage

A’s initial position will leave him pretty exposed, so make him take cover behind the back of the central wagon in order to make him face the central lane. The western lane will be defended by B, so make him take cover behind the stack of boxes that is next to the debris of the northwestern palisade’s corner. That will leave C in charge of guarding the eastern lane, so make him take cover behind the southeastern rock that has a tree embedded into it.

In the next turns enemies will start pouring from the three lanes, but your characters will have an easy time dealing with them from their superior positions. After some turns have passed, Sheriff Turner will appear; he can show up in whichever of the three lanes, but the eastern lane is the one from which he’ll probably arrive. Do note that he is a jinx, so kill him as soon as possible; making B use the Ricochet ability with Holy Musket is the quickest way of doing so, but if you can’t use that strategy the Golden Bullet ability can also make quick work out of him.

Once Solomon emerges from the excavation shaft, you should be able to get him to the escape zone in 2-3 turns, so by that point the mission will be pretty much over. You can protract it as long as you want if you’re interested in FFBing a little. As soon as Solomon reaches the escape zone, the mission will automatically end, so don’t worry if the Pinkertons are in vulnerable positions by the time Solomon reaches the escape zone.

Mission reward

3 cards, 1 Trumercliff’s Notes, 3 Meteor Dust Bomb (trinket), 1 Golden Derringer and 1 Pepperbox.

MiM Scenario Map 4

Now that Solomon will be in possession of the demonic meteor, stop by to the Fate Trader shop one last time to buy 1 Holy Musket and, only if Solomon has ≥ 7 Max HP, 1 Snake Leather Boots.

This will be your last opportunity to acquire and use Blueprints. Do note that fully developing the gunsmithery domain will unlock the Revolving Revolver (trinket) at the Workshop and the Fate Trader shops stocks. Once you are satisfied with your research levels, head for Laboratory and choose to research the meteor to trigger the last mission of this scenario.

MiM Final Mission

As I predicted back on the introduction of this scenario’s initial mission, Solomon will still be quite a mediocre character, but to compensate for that the Pinkertons will have become quite the imposing trio of deadeyes.

In this mission you’ll need to make Solomon activate a total of 6 contraptions in order to clear the mission, so his Movement will determine how long this mission will take to complete. The Pinkertons role will be to defend the laboratory from the last wave of lunatics besieging it.

Preparation stage

First, equip A with Pepperbox and then give his Navy Gun to C so he can substitute his Volcano Pistol with it. Next, equip C with Golden Derringer and swap his 10 ga. Triple Shotgun for a Holy Musket. Then substitute Solomon’s Western Rifle for C’s 10 ga. Triple Shotgun and, if he meets the requirements I mentioned previously, equip him with Snake Leather Boots as well.

Lastly, make sure to equip Solomon with a Full House poker hand composed of as many +2 Movement-granting cards as possible when distributing cards.

Time for Solomon to prove that modern psychiatric therapies don’t hold a candle to the unleashed power of an alien piece of rock.

Combat stage

Start by making the three Pinkertons take cover behind the central building’s southern wall in a way that ensures that their reaction shot radiuses will cover all of the wall’s extent (placing one next to the main door and the other two guarding a window each should be enough). Enemies tend to prioritize shooting at the Pinkerton standing on the eastern side, so place the one with the most HP there.

In order to clear the mission you’ll have to activate 5 levers using Solomon, so you’ll need to take him to both the eastern building and the western building. I recommend activating the levers on the eastern zone first and leave the ones on the western building for last, as enemies tend to take cover inside it.

Now, if you want to be bold and be done with this as soon as possible, you can make Solomon rush for the levers, but if he has low Max HP (< 6) or Movement (< 20) I don’t recommend using this strategy.

The safest way to complete this mission is by making the Pinkertons kill all of the enemies while you keep Solomon hidden. At some point Trumercliff (9 HP) will show up on the courtyard, so make all of the Pinkertons fire at him once he does. If you don’t manage to kill him before he reaches a cover spot, you can easily finish the job by using the Golden Bullet ability. Once every enemy has been dispatched, take Solomon on a lever-activating tour.

Whichever way you choose to do it, this is a pretty easy mission despite the high number of enemies it features, so in no time you’ll have cleared another scenario.

Law & Order Scenario

If there is one certainty in the Weird West it’s that nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

This scenario features the most ludicrous and over-the-top story of the whole campaign. On top of that, the protagonist is named after the greatest writer in the Spanish language and the name of the achievement you get for beating this scenario, “Drowned in Blood”, is an unintended reference to a legend concerning the design of “La Rojigualda”. For these reasons, and many more, I can’t help but enjoy this scenario more than any other in the whole game.

The core mechanic of this scenario is the search and acquisition of cipher pieces, all of which will be safeguarded by a different Order member. In order to reach the cipher carriers, you can either spend some money to learn their identities or you can just massacre everyone inside the general area where they are hiding and search through the remains afterwards.

Being lenient will award you an achievement whereas honoring the Spanish Inquisition’s black legend will net you a trinket. If you choose to take the second approach, do note that you may miss on a trinket and a posse member recruitment opportunity if you carry out a massacre in two specific locations, but don’t worry about that; I’ll properly inform you about the consequences of your choices when the time comes.

L&O Initial Mission

During this mission you’ll control two characters: Cervantes, a depleter, and Pérez, an executioner. I’ll warn you now that only Cervantes will remain in the posse for the whole scenario, so he should have priority over any other character when FFBing during this mission and the next to come.

In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult missions of the base game. Achieving victory requires following a specific order when killing enemies to keep your characters from getting flanked. You must also activate a hidden lever in order to take care of a group of enemies that will be hunkered down inside a cabin, thus avoiding an unwinnable attrition battle.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that Cervantes’ initial weapon, The Judicator (trinket), will be unlocked at the Fate Trader shops’ stock after clearing this mission.

Setup stage

Start by taking Cervantes and Pérez towards the central wall of the southwestern palisade. Once they get there, make Cervantes take cover behind the wall’s edge that will be right next to the nearby Order henchwoman and then make Pérez take cover behind the opposite end of that same wall.

Time to show those feeble Order acolytes how the Spanish Inquisition rolls.

Combat stage

Start by making Cervantes kill the henchwoman that will be standing right next to him and then make Pérez use Fanning against one of the enemies that will be standing close to him. In the next turns several enemies will advance towards your characters’ positions from the southeastern side, so keep using Fanning to take care of them.

Once every enemy in the southern side is dead, make your characters advance towards the nearby house. As soon as they get close to it, take Pérez next to the door of the first floor’s western room, where the safe is, but don’t make him open the door just yet. Then make Cervantes take cover next to the door of the ground floor’s eastern room (the one where the staircase is) and end your turn. Next, use the 2 available actions that both characters will have just recovered to open both doors and make both characters use Fanning to kill the enemies that will be standing inside the house. In the next turns make Pérez plunder the safe and then make him and Cervantes take cover next to the ground floor’s door that leads to the back yard, but don’t make them open it just yet. Once both of them have arrived there and have two actions available, make Pérez open said door and kill the henchman that will be standing next to the northern palisade. Lastly, end your turn again.

Now we get to a delicate part. Use Cervantes’s first action to move him next to the well that is in the center of the back yard to trigger the appearance of a new side objective regarding finding a lever and then use his remaining action to take him inside the house again. Next, make Pérez take cover next to the door of the eastern building where the lever is. There will be an Order Elite (8 HP) inside, so it will take at least 2 turns to kill him; make Pérez use Fanning and Ricochet to dispose of him. Lastly, make Pérez and Cervantes take cover inside the building where the lever is before activating it.

As soon as the lever is activated, Solomon will come out in the open, as well as the henchman that will be hiding next to the cabin you just blasted, so take that as an opportunity to kill Solomon as quickly as possible, which will be a priority for you because his shots will inflict crippling injuries. Once he goes down, you can FFB with the remaining enemy as much as you please before killing him and ending the mission.

Mission reward

4 cards, 700 gold, 1 10 ga. Single Shotgun, 1 Lancaster Pistol, 1 Medical Bag and 2 Tobacco.

L&O Scenario Map 1

After the first bit of exposition the Coyote & Road Runner show will begin. Head to Altar and… Wait a minute, look who has just joined the show, if it isn’t the Demonic Prince who’ll get his fanny whooped by Undertaker in the near future. Anyway, after listening to Yahiko it will be time to decide how lenient you will be.

If you want to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, travel to Wretchport to buy 2 Bottle of Liquor (20 gold) and 5 Dried Meat (75 gold) and then go to Trapper’s Camp to buy 1 Rabbit’s Foot (25 gold). Once you have gathered all these items, return to Altar and Raum will tell you who you need to eviscerate.

If you want to revel in glorious bloodbath instead, just head for the three locations Raum told you about and let the massacre events guide your hand, but do note that carrying out massacres has a negative effect on the area. This means that weapon’s prices may go up if you destroy an iron mine, some shops will run out of certain supplies if you destroy nearby farms, etc.

Once you have obtained the first 3 cipher pieces, talk to Raum again to resume the pursuit of the Road Runner. Before heading for the next mission location, travel to Chinese Trader to buy 2 Dose of Opium so Raum can get wasted enough to reveal the location of a hidden tunnel leading to the church. Next, stop by the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Candle of the Dead and 1 Holy Musket and then go to Gunsmith to buy 1 Navy Gun. Lastly, head for Church and choose to enter through the secret tunnel.

L&O Mission 2

During this mission a new character, Rosa, will join your posse; she is a depleter-type character, but her role during this mission will be that of human bottleneck. As for Cervantes and Pérez, they will evolve into deadeyes by virtue of the equipment you just bought for them.

Entering through the secret tunnel will allow you to get the jump on the enemy from behind via a setup stage, but, if you choose not to use the secret entrance, the combat stage will start right away and your characters’ starting position will be near the front entrance of the church.

Regardless of how the mission started, once you’ve cleared the first wave of enemies you’ll have to enter the church and rescue Rosa, but, as soon as you do that, a second wave of enemies will arrive, so hunkering down inside the church will be the best course of action in order to clear this mission.

Preparation stage

First, equip whoever has the lowest Aim with Candle of the Dead. Next, give Cervantes Navy Gun to substitute his The Judicator and then substitute Pérez’s Western Rifle for the recently acquired Holy Musket.

Setup stage

Start by making Cervantes take cover behind the eastern stack of boxes where an enemy will be standing (just next to the southern wall of the church). Next, take Pérez to the graveyard and then make him take cover behind the central tombstone.

Time for the Coyote to shield himself under his little parasol.

Combat stage

Start by making both Pérez and Cervantes kill the enemies that will be standing next to each of them. As soon as the combat stage is triggered, enemies will begin pouring from both the northern and eastern sides of the map, but you should have an easy time dealing with them as Pérez can use the Ricochet ability and Cervantes will have lots of room to flank enemies. Once every enemy on the church’s surroundings is dead, make both characters enter the church through the rear entrance and then assemble them inside. Right after Cervantes realizes he has been deceived again, a new hunter will join the party: Sor Rosario Aiza.

Now make Pérez and Cervantes take cover behind both sides of the rear door from which they entered the church and then make Rosa stay next to the door that leads to the altar to create a bottleneck. Enemies will start storming your position right away, so make Pérez and Cervantes deal with them as they come.

After a few turns have passed, if you take a peek inside the church using Rosa you’ll spot two enemies. Once Rosa has the closest one within her reach, make her take him down and then make her kill the remaining trespasser in the next turn.

Once all enemies in the yard are dead, use Cervantes to scout the southeastern zone (where he was at the beginning of the combat stage) and you should spot 1-2 enemies. After making him off them, there should be only three enemies left, which will probably be hiding inside the house that is next to the church, so make Pérez and Cervantes use the wall of the church as cover while they advance towards said house. Once they’re inside, scan the ground and upper floors so you can make them take appropriate positions. This will also be a good spot to FFB before ending the mission.

Mission Reward

5 cards, 75 gold, 1 Western Rifle and 1 Angelic Sphere.

L&O Scenario Map 2

Once Cervantes is done cursing Solomon’s seer, a new location, Opium Den, will appear on the map, so go there to learn where the Inquisitor’s next victims will be hiding.

You can pay Wedholm 200 gold per location in order to learn which people you need to gut, or you can just let the devil sort every person in their vicinity out. Once you’ve acquired the next set of cipher pieces, return to Wedholm’s sanctuary to learn the location of the next main objective. Before going there, heal any injuries Rosa or Pérez have been afflicted with, as this next mission will be their last.

Lastly, stop by the Fate Trader shop again to buy 1 Candle of the Dead and 1 Holy Musket. Now you will finally be ready to head for Abandoned Mine to trigger the next tactical mission.

L&O Mission 3

During this mission Pérez and Cervantes will keep acting as deadeyes while Rosa plays an improvised executioner role. At some point you’ll rescue Cassandra, a new ally, but she will be useless for this mission so just keep her hidden while the rest of the posse takes care of things.

This mission will take place in an enclosed space full of cover spots and ricochetable objects, so it’s a perfect place to use the peek-a-bullet and hide and seek tactics.

Preparation stage

First, give Pérez the newly acquired Candle of the Dead and then equip Rosa with The Judicator and Holy Musket. Cervantes’ loadout needs no changes.

Setup stage

Start by placing Cervantes and Rosa next to the shacks that surround the mine’s main entrance. Then make Rosa take cover next to the enemy with 8 HP and Cervantes next to the one with 5 HP.

Meanwhile, take Pérez towards the shed where Cassandra is being held and, once he is right next to its door, end your turn.

Time to put an end to the pesky seer that has been ruining the meme’s motto.

Combat stage

First, trigger the start of this stage by making Pérez open the shed’s door. Next, make him take cover inside it and then make him kill the Order Elite that will be standing just outside of said shed. Then make Cassandra take cover in one of the shed’s corners, where she will remain for the rest of the mission. Lastly, make Cervantes and Rosa kill the enemies that will be standing right next to them.

In the next turns enemies will start swarming towards your characters’ positions, but you can easily kill most of them without making your characters change positions, except for Pérez, who you’ll need to take to the area that is in front of the shed so that he can target the remaining enemies.

Once you’ve killed every exposed enemy, it will be time to make your characters start advancing towards the northern side of the map. First, take Rosa towards the eastern side of the mining complex, where the rusted locomotive wagon is, and then make her kill the enemy that will be hiding nearby. Meanwhile, make Cervantes and Pérez play hide and seek and peek-a-bullet until there are only 2 enemies left: the Clairvoyant, who will never leave his position in the northwestern scaffold, and an Order Elite that will probably be hiding in the northeastern scaffold, where a metal windmill is.

These enemies will not come out of cover, so you can either make Cervantes and Pérez rush them or wear them down little by little by using your characters’ superior weapons; no matter how you choose to kill the last enemies, this mission will be over in no time.

Mission reward

300 gold, 5 cards, 1 Scoped Custom Rifle, 1 Dose of Opium and 2 Tobacco.

L&O Scenario Map 3

As soon as you can move through the scenario map again, head to Saloon and, by no means a surprise at this point, Cervantes will get bamboozled yet again. Afterwards, Cassandra and Pérez will leave the posse, heading for a different scenario, and a new location will be unlocked: Indian Tent. Travel there to learn from Dohosan where your new objectives will be hiding. Now you’ll be able once again to pay 200 gold per each cipher piece carrier in order to learn their identities.

I strongly recommend that the first thing you do next is paying to identify the Order member hiding at the smuggler’s den, as if you massacre everyone in there you won’t be able to recruit a new posse member. Before going there, stop by Outlaw Joint and pay 250 gold to Charlie Hinshaw so he joins your posse. Lastly, go to Cave and choose to only kill the mule, which will in turn lead to Dave Oshry joining your posse.

Now you can deal with the rest of the locations as you see fit, but if you haven’t unlocked the Weird Monocle (trinket) yet, pay Dohosan 200 gold to learn the identity of the Order member hiding at the Indian village. You’ll get this trinket after finishing the event at Indian Burial Grounds.

Once you have obtained the third set of cipher pieces, return to Indian Tent to learn the location of the last piece. Before you leave, Dohosan will offer to sell an amulet to Cervantes, but I recommend refusing to buy said amulet because the result of the next event will always be the same regardless of Cervantes having the amulet in his possession: Rosa will leave the posse and Cervantes will obtain the last cipher piece.

As soon as you reach this point and if you committed a certain number of massacres, the Devil will materialize and reward Cervantes for his bloodthirstiness with Mammoth Rifle (trinket) (I don’t know which exact number of locations you need to depopulate for this event to happen; I triggered it after carrying out massacres in all of this scenario’s locations but Cave).

Now that Cervantes will have all of the cipher pieces in his possession, return to Altar and Raum will join your posse. Lastly, stop by the Fate Trader shop one last time to buy 1 Candle of the Dead, 1 Doomsday Watch and 1 Holy Musket. Now it will be finally time to take the meteor concealed on Sanctuary by force.

L&O Final Mission

Cervantes will be the only true deadeye available for this mission, but thanks to the equipment you will have collected so far you’ll be able to turn the other posse members into deadeyes as well.

This mission’s first combat stage will feature the most powerful enemies, but thanks to the mission map’s layout you’ll be able to deal with them easily enough. Once you clear the first combat stage, you’ll breeze through the second one in no time.

Preparation stage

During this stage you’ll just need to equip your characters with the following items:

  • Cervantes: Pérez’s Cañón Calavera, 1 Holy Musket and Candle of the Dead.
  • Chip: Navy Gun, Holy Musket and Candle of the Dead.
  • Dave: Volcano Pistol, Holy Musket and Candle of the Dead.
  • Raum: The Judicator, Mammoth Rifle if you earned it, or 10 ga. Triple Shotgun if you didn’t, and Doomsday Watch.

Time for the Coyote to finally seize his coveted prey.

First combat stage

Start by making everyone take cover behind the trees that are near the starting position. If one of your characters has high Movement, make him take cover behind the western wagon instead; that way he’ll be able to flank the enemies that will be hiding inside the Order’s manor.

Now take advantage of your superior firepower to take out any Sanctuary Guardians standing out of cover. At some point an enemy coming from the eastern zone will try to flank your characters, but he can be easily spotted and killed. In the next turns make one or more characters get inside the manor’s ground floor as soon as you get the chance to do so. From there you can scan the upper floor and easily kill the enemies that will be hunkered down inside the manor’s upper floor.

Once the manor is secured, take everyone to the back yard so that they can kill the remaining enemies. You can accomplish this by either using the eastern and western zones to play hide and seek or by making your characters advance through the columns so that they can flank the last enemies. Once Solomon Delear and his minions have fallen, the next combat stage will automatically begin.

Time to perform a good old satanic ritual in order to restore chaos in the Weird West.

Second combat stage

Use the first turn to make your characters rush towards the skull poles; send Chip and Dave to the ones that are located near the manor and then make Cervantes and Raum head for the ones that are placed near the rear maze garden. In the next turn make your characters light all of the poles and then make them retreat to the back yard so that they can take cover behind its many columns.

Now you’ll just need to deal with the mob Sor Rosa will have brought, whose components are considerably weaker than the Sanctuary Guardians you previously fought, so just make your characters stay in their cover spots while they butcher them as they show up. Once the ritual is finished, Raum’s true self will be revealed and his weapon loadout will change.

This will be your cue to make your characters rush the remaining enemies; move every character forward to finish off the wretches who thought that they could stand a chance against the mighty Inquisitor and his demonic sidekick.

A Matter of Time Scenario

This is the scenario where you’ll earn the most money out of the entire campaign, so it is almost on par with the Method in Madness scenario in terms of difficulty. This scenario’s plot follows Cassandra, who embarked on a quest to get rid of her augur “gift” after escaping from Cervantes.

The core mechanic of this scenario is Cassandra’s ability to use her precog powers during map events to avoid danger, unlock new locations or to gain an advantage over someone. Sometimes they’ll be needed to progress the story or even to recruit posse members. Cassandra will always become exhausted after using her powers, which means that she’ll have to rest at an inn or complete several events before being able to make use of them again.

During tactical missions Cassandra’s precog powers are traduced into Danger Sense, her innate ability, which grants her quite a good Defense buff. This ability makes taking her out in the open less risky than usual, but she has low Max HP, so refrain from using her to rush enemies until she has acquired some cards and equipment to increase her base Max HP.

AMoT Initial Mission

During this mission you’ll control Hardin, an executioner, Paco, the best tank of the game, and Cassandra, a really weak depleter.

The first part of this mission will be really easy because you’ll face some of the weakest enemies in the entire game, but the second part will make up for that by throwing some really dangerous enemies at you. Fortunately, there are few of them, so rushing them from the rear is a feasible strategy.

Setup stage

Start by moving Paco next to the nearby fence that is adjacent to an staircase and then make him subdue the peasant that will be standing right next to him. Next, make Hardin circle around the starting position and then make him take cover in the corner of the building that is next to the street that leads to the gallows plaza.

Time to fulfill a prophecy.

Combat stage

Start by making Hardin and Paco kill the peasants that will be standing right next to them and then make Cassandra take cover in the northwestern corner of the western building (the building whose ground floor is practically empty).

In the next turns make your characters rout the remaining peasants, leaving the ones with 3 HP for Cassandra to take care of. Hardin’s position will be quite good, but Paco will need to advance to the nearby wagon to be of some use. Don’t bother FFBing with these enemies, as most of them will only deal 4 points of damage, which isn’t enough to inflict an injury.

Once the peasants begin fleeing, you’ll be able to kill most of them before they get to cover, but one of them will surely manage to hide inside the building that is close to the one where Hardin will be taking cover, so take Hardin in there in the next turns so that he can finish that last enemy off.

Now make one of your characters stay close to the door that leads to the northeastern zone of the map to trigger a side objective regarding finding a key to open said door. Once the key’s possible locations get marked on the mission map, take note of the three tills’ locations; the key will be in the till that is inside the building where the last enemy hid, so in the next turns make your characters ransack the other two first and then make one of them get the key.

As soon as you have the key in your possession, it will be finally time to make your characters take positions in order to catch the remaining enemies off guard. Start by moving Cassandra through the upper floor of the building where the door that leads to the northeastern zone is and then make her take cover in the corner of the building that has an exterior terrace. Meanwhile, make Paco take cover in the corner of the building where the previously mentioned door is and then make Hardin take cover behind the northeastern stack of wood planks so that Paco and he can get a clean shot at the Inquisitor’s Corrupt Rurale that will be standing on top of the building that is next to the pigeons’ cages. Lastly, make Paco and Hardin kill said enemy in the next turn, but do note that, as soon as he receives the first shot, he and the remaining enemies will shapeshift into demons.

Once the first demon is dispatched, make your characters carefully advance towards the cages, as there will be an enemy standing among them. Luckily, there’s a ricochetable object close to the cages, so you’ll be able to easily kill him by playing peek-a-bullet. Once he goes down, there should be only 2 enemies left inside the northwestern building, so kill the carrier pigeons and then make your characters head towards the inn.

Now you’ll be able to kill the enemy that will be standing inside the inn’s ground floor either by making your characters use the folding screen that is near the entrance and the inn’s windows as cover or just by making Hardin and Paco rush him. If you take the second approach, mind the enemy upstairs, as he will come down to rush your characters unless you set up a bottleneck near the stairs. This will also be your best chance to FFB before finishing the mission.

Mission reward

1 card, 90 gold and 4 Medical Bag.

AMoT Scenario Map 1

Right after your posse manages to escape from the Inquisitor’s minions, head to Ferry and choose not to loot the ferryman’s corpse. Next, travel to Sonora Inn and choose to employ Cassandra’s precognition powers when engaging in the card game to earn 50 gold. Then ask for transport across the river to unlock a new location. Lastly, buy a Musket before you leave (if you’re planning on getting the “What Goes Around, Comes Around” achievement”, save your money).

Now go to Riverbank and leave. This will make Cassandra’s precognition powers recharge and you’ll be able to use them in Riverbank to unlock the next location, Smuggler Boat. Go there and choose to steal the boat without raising the alarm to get 1 card at the expense of Hardin getting afflicted by a random injury.

If you’re planning on getting the “What Goes Around, Comes Around” achievement, exit Hardin’s hideout as soon as you arrive and then buy 1 Cañón Calavera at the Fate Trader shop (you may be forced to sell some equipment in order to purchase it). If you aren’t interested in getting that achievement, just choose to face the next tactical mission as soon as your posse arrives at the hideout.

AMoT Mission 2

You characters’ stats won’t have improved a lot since the last mission, so just keep their initial combat roles. From now on, prioritize Paco and Cassandra over Hardin when FFBing.

This mission’s goal is to reach the escape zone, but, before you do so, I recommend getting the supplies that will be guarded by Joaquín Pérez and some of Cervantes’ minions. Just be careful not to accidentally raise the bridge that leads to the little isles where the supplies are stashed, as doing so will permanently cut you off from that area and you’ll be forced to restart the mission.

The cover spots in this mission are somewhat scarce and can be easily flanked, so making your characters take good positions will be crucial in order to clear the mission. Fortunately, there will be few enemies and they can be easily duped into leaving their cover by playing hide and seek.

Lastly, do note that this is the only tactical mission where you can get the “What Goes Around, Comes Around” achievement, so, if you followed the instructions I provided you with during the previous section and bought a Cañón Calavera, just remember to deal the finishing blow to Joaquín Pérez using it.

If you didn’t manage to purchase a Cañón Calavera, you can still earn the above-mentioned achievement if you acquired the Scavenger ability card prior to this mission; you’ll just need to use said ability until you find a Cañón Calavera in one of the enemies’ corpses.

Preparation stage

During this stage you’ll only need to give Cassandra the Musket you bought at Sonora Inn. If you bought a Cañón Calavera instead, give it to whoever has the highest Aim.

Time to put the Inquisitor’s blood hound down.

Combat stage

Start by making your characters take cover behind the ruined walls that lead to the main area, but ignore the enemies that will be standing in the unreachable isle for now. In the next turn make your characters use the wall that is adjacent to the bridge lever and the columns that are next to the ricochetable brazier as cover. This will prevent the 2 aforementioned enemies from shooting at your characters.

Now that your characters will have reached the main area, you should be able to make them kill the enemy that will be standing on the western lane. Then make them hold their positions for a few turns until another enemy arrives from the same direction, along with two additional enemies that will arrive from the eastern lane. Once you’ve offed all of them, make your characters flank and kill the 2 enemies that will be hiding on the unreachable isle.

As soon as the main area is clear of enemies, it will be time to get the supplies. Start by making your characters take positions next to the bridge lever, but be careful not to make them stay in line of sight with the enemies that will be hiding next to the first supply cache. In the next turn, scan the first cache’s area and then make your characters storm that position, kill the two enemies that will be standing around that area and retrieve the first supply stash.

Now make your characters head for the second cache (the one that is next to the southeastern bonfire), but be careful not to make them reveal the enemies that will be standing next to it. Once your posse members are in a secure position near the columns that are in front of the bonfire, end your turn. In the next turn make your characters take cover behind said columns and then make them kill Joaquín Pérez. As soon as he dies, the rurale that will be standing next to him will probably retreat towards the third cache area, so that will leave only 2 enemies left to kill in the supply caches area, as there will be another minion hiding near the last cache.

In the next turns scan the third cache area and then make your characters flank the remaining enemies so that they can take them out in a single turn or, if you’d rather take a more cautious approach, just make your characters play hide and seek to lure the last enemies in their direction. As soon as the two remaining enemies have fallen, make someone snatch the last supplies and then make your posse head for the eastern boat.

Once your characters reach the bridge lever area again, make them take cover behind the walls and columns that face the northeastern side and then make them flank and kill the two enemies that will be hiding near the eastern boat. In the next turn make someone release the eastern boat and then make your characters start heading towards the western boat through the narrow horizontal lane that is on the northern edge of the map. Next, make everyone take cover behind the ruined wall that is in front of the northern little bridge; this will make the two remaining enemies head for your characters’ position, so scan your surroundings and, as soon as the last enemies are within reach, make your characters come out of cover and kill them. With that the way to the escape zone will be clear and the mission will be pretty much over.

Mission reward

2 cards, 3.000 gold, 1 Cañón Calavera (trinket), 3 Dried Healing Herb, 2 Mandrake Root and 1 Nail Bomb.

AMoT Scenario map 2

Once Cassandra has managed to give Cervantes’ lackeys the slip, take your posse to Adelante and choose the option regarding paying a visit to the brothel (requires precog powers), which will lead to Felicia Alambre joining your posse. Next, go to Pilgrimage and agree to look for the calacas. Then head for Hacienda García-Pimentel, where a set of choices awaits. If Cassandra has her precog powers available, you can avoid bloodshed if you choose to kiss Porfirio, but, if you don’t, the visit will end up in bloodshed no matter what you do, so, if you find yourself in that situation, just choose to kiss Porfirio and spend the night there to recharge Cassandra’s powers. Regardless of what happens at the hacienda, the calacas side objective will get updated and you’ll receive 1 card.

Next stop will be Calaca Shrine, where you’ll receive a reward based on the course of action you take inside: if you choose to leave the calacas undisturbed, you’ll get 3 cards and Cassandra will receive a +2 Max HP buff and Hardin a +1 Damage buff, but said buffs won’t be that useful for this scenario, so choose to take the calacas instead and then sell them at Pilgrimage to earn 12.000 gold and get 2 cards.

Now head to Mexican Army Fort and choose to let Hardin stay in the yard. Once the commander leaves his office, choose to search his desk to obtain 1 Army Requisition Form, 75 gold and 1 Loaded Dice. Next, travel to Gambling Den and choose to use Cassandra’s precog powers. As soon as the divination event is completed, 3 new locations will be unlocked, all of which share a variation of the name Shipwreck; I recommend exploring them as soon as they pop up on the scenario map.

There are three events, one for each shipwreck, which are triggered randomly, so I’ll just explain what to do in each one:

  • The first event will take place in the ship Luis LXXXVII. After getting inside it, one of your posse members will contract the Numbed Leg disease and you’ll find 1000 gold. Before leaving, send Paco to dive, and, depending on your luck, you’ll receive an additional 1000 gold or just another Numb Leg affliction.
  • The second event will take place in a shipwreck full of dead bodies. Once you arrive at its location, choose to search the cargo hold. Then choose to heed Felicia’s advice and leave. You’ll receive nothing, but the treasure inside wasn’t worth the trouble.
  • The third event will take place in the Spanish galleon Amaya Calvo, which will be loaded with gold. As soon as you enter the cargo hold, disregard Hardin’s advice and choose to pack as many loot as possible in order to receive 18.000 gold and 2 cards, but one of your posse members will suffer the Gunshot Wound disease after fending off the bandits that will try to mug your posse.

Once you’ve plundered every ship, return to Adelante and then leave immediately after you arrive. This will cause a precog event to pop up, so choose to use Cassandra’s powers and then go to Crashed Stagecoach, where you’ll receive 1 Silver Mine Deed, 1 Remi Borgen Rifle, 2 Dried Meat and 2 Bottle of Liquor.

Now that every precog event has been completed, return to Gambling Den and choose to join a high stakes poker table by offering the Silver Mine Deed you just found as entry payment. Then choose to lose on purpose to learn your adversaries tells. Lastly, use the Loaded Dice you previously acquired to win as many dice games as possible until they kick you out of Gambling Den.

Before heading for the poker tournament, stop by the Fate Trader shop and buy 1 Candle of the Dead, 1 Cañón Calavera and 1 Holy Musket. If Cassandra’s precog powers aren’t available, return to Adelante and rent a room to recharge them. Lastly, travel to Hospital to buy a laxative and heal any diseases afflicting your posse members. Now you will be finally ready to enter Reception Hall.

Bug Warning! (added thanks to Dorhi64 and M(i)ech): it’s very important that you complete all three actions described below once you enter the tournament’s lobby, as if you don’t the next chain of events will bug out.

Once you get there, mingle with the crowd and perform the three available actions: eavesdropping on a conversation, pouring laxative inside one of the contestant’s drink and talking to the stranger. Next, pay the entry fee and then you’ll effortlessly win the first round.

During the next break you’ll be given the option to follow a man to his room and increase his drug dose to take him out, but you don’t need to do that in order to win the tournament. Once the final poker game starts, attack Rossetti first and then bluff to defeat him. Next, dispatch Fay by using the knowledge you acquired at Gambling Den. Lastly, use Cassandra’s precog powers to defeat Jim Vaughn and win the tournament, thus earning the Tournament Trophy (trinket) and 2 cards. Afterwards, accept Jim’s invitation and replace Felicia with him.

As soon as the tournament is over, stop by the Fate Trader shop again and buy 1 Candle of the Dead, 1 Cañón Calavera and 1 Holy Musket. Then travel to Lafortuna Residence to unlock a new main objective. Next, head to Mining Site and choose to use the Army Requisition Form you acquired at Mexican Fort to get the explosives. Lastly, head to Trainyard and choose to fortify the area before the train arrives.

AMoT Mission 3

Every character will now become a deadeye thanks to the equipment you purchased during the previous section, except for Jim, who will have to fulfill an executioner’s role during this mission.

There’s not much to say about this mission other than cover and firepower will prevail over mobility, so you’ll just need to make your characters stay put and slaughter every enemy that comes into sight to clear the mission.

Preparation stage

During this stage you’ll just need to equip each character with the following weapons and talismans:

  • Cassandra: Cañón Calavera, Musket and Candle of the Dead.
  • Hardin: Cañón Calavera, Holy Musket and Tournament Trophy.
  • Paco: Cañón Calavera, Holy Musket and Candle of the Dead.
  • Jim: Sawed off Cobra and Mammoth Rifle.

Time for an overkill train hijack.

Combat stage

Start by getting Jim and Paco inside the room that is adjacent to Cassandra’s starting position and then make Hardin take cover inside the warehouse that is in the ground floor of the building where the other three posse members will be taking cover. Once your characters are positioned like that, they will be able to dispatch almost every enemy in the mission map without breaking a sweat.

In the next turns keep everyone’s positions until there are only 3 enemies left. Those will probably be mercenaries (9 HP) that will be hiding next to the ramp that leads to the upper floor of the building where all of your characters will be hunkered down, so, as soon as you can pinpoint their exact locations by scanning said area, make everyone leave their positions and rush them to end the mission.

Mission reward

2 cards, 400 gold, 1 Eagle Elixir and 1 Vitality Elixir.

AMoT Scenario map 3

Once the mercenary competition has been crushed, unequip Cassandra’s weapons before heading for Lafortuna Residence. After accepting Lafortuna’s job offer, a new location will be unlocked and you’ll receive 1000 gold, as well as 1 Protector Ring Revolver (trinket), which would have made one of Cassandra’s weapons disappear if you hadn’t unequipped them.

Lastly, stop by the Fate Trader shop one last time to buy 1 Snake Leather Boots and 1 Holy Musket and then travel to Harbor to trigger this scenario’s last tactical mission.

AMoT Final Mission

Character roles won’t mean a thing during this mission because you can easily clear it by just killing a few enemies.

The majority of this mission will consist of a setup stage, so having the Disguise ability card will considerably speed things up. However, the instructions provided below have been written assuming that you won’t have acquired said card by the time you reach this mission.

Note: this mission technically features two combat stages, but I have omitted writing indications for the first one because it will be over as soon as it gets triggered.

Preparation stage

First, equip everyone with Cañón Calavera and Holy Musket. Then equip Cassandra with Snake Leather Boots and Vaughn with Tournament Trophy.

Lastly, make sure to grant Cassandra bonus Movement when distributing cards and, if you have acquired the Disguise ability card prior to this mission, equip her with it as well.

Time to put an end to the Protector’s twisted experiments.

Setup stage

Start by making Cassandra break out of her cell and then make her leave the prison building through the roof’s scaffolds. Once she is outside, take her inside the ground floor’s office where the prison key is and then make her fetch it. Next, make her return to her companion cells through the same path she used to exit the prison and then make her free them. You’ll only need Cassandra to finish this stage, so don’t bother moving neither Vaughn nor Paco.

Now make Cassandra exit through the roof again and circle around the prison so that she can reach the building where the Protector will be hiding without getting spotted. Next, make her enter said building through the side gate and then take her inside the Protector’s office. Lastly, make her use her Holy Musket to kill the Protector, which will trigger and end the first combat stage at the same time.

Afterwards, Cassandra will spend some days analyzing the Protector’s notes in order to learn how to use his machine.

Time for Cassandra to scorn her gift (roll credits).

Second combat stage

Use the first turns to take everyone inside the prison building, as the Protector’s machine is located inside it. Once they arrive there, make Cassandra peek inside the device’s room so that she can spot and kill the Failed Experiment that will be standing inside it.

This scenario will come to an end as soon as you make Cassandra interact with the Protector’s contraption, but do note that there will be 2 enemies hiding inside the room that is adjacent to the one where the machine is and 1 additional enemy hiding inside the room that is directly above the machine’s location, so make your characters kill them if they enter the machine room.

On Earth, as It Is in Hell Scenario

Well, this is it, the time to tackle the last scenario has finally come, but don’t fret, clearing it will be an easy enough endeavor. During this scenario some characters coming from other scenarios will show up again to either join Warren’s quest to launch an assault on Purgatory or to oppose said goal.

The core mechanic of this scenario is posse members’ influence, which can be used to modify the outcome of some events. There are several map events that would normally affect your posse in a negative way, but having the right person on your posse will allow you to avoid such hindrances. An specific posse member will even make new locations pop up on the scenario map if you recruit him.

Do note that during this scenario you’ll be able to recruit 3 different characters as your second posse member, but only one of them can fill that position. In the next sections I’ll explain which actions must be taken in order to recruit each of them, along with the events they’ll trigger to appear or that will be affected by their influence.

Note: since this scenario’s title is quite long, I’ll label its sections with the OE acronym.

OE Initial Mission

The WWE legend will be the first character to make a return in order to remind you of what a badass he is. He’ll be the only character you’ll control during this mission, but that will be more than enough, as he is quite a good deadeye and a jinx on top of that.

Undertaker will have to take care of a legion of cultists and a respawning demon all by himself, but, fortunately, the mission will open with him hunkered down inside a three storied fort, so he’ll have enough maneuverability to kill every enemy without taking many risks.

In order to prevent the demon from respawning, you’ll have to destroy 5 blood vials, but I recommend doing so once every enemy but the demon has been killed.

Combat stage

Undertaker’s initial position will be inside the uppermost section of the fort, which is a good and safe cover spot. However, he won’t be able to detect many enemies from there, so once you have made him kill every enemy he can spot from that position, make him descend one floor and then make him take cover next to the window that faces the pentagram yard. Now he will be able to destroy one blood vial from that position, so take the time to do so as soon as there are no out-of-cover enemies in his sights.

In the next turns, make Undertaker keep killing enemies from the above-mentioned position, but watch the stairs, as some enemies might try to flank him from there. Once the Skullspawn Demon comes into sight, make Undertaker kill him by using Fanning, but do note that he will resurrect after some turns have passed.

If Undertaker runs out of Luck while being flanked, take him inside one of the 4 buildings that are located in each of the fort’s corners so that he can receive a shot while in full cover. These buildings are also good spots to play hide and seek in case the cultists manage to take the fort’s ground floor.

Once all cultists are dead, make Undertaker take cover behind one of the palisades that face the yard where the invocation pentagram is and then make him shoot at the remaining blood vials. If you destroy the last vial before the Skullspawn Demon respawns, the mission will automatically end, but if he respawns before you manage to do so, just make Undertaker destroy any remaining vials and then make him put the Skullspawn Demon down for good.

Mission reward

120 gold.

OE Scenario Map 1

Right after Undertaker sends another demon crying back to Hell, you’ll be in control of Warren, who will set on a quest to gather a legendary posse. If the first thing you do is traveling to Matthew’s Tomb, you’ll be able to recruit Cervantes. He’ll have the Missing Forefinger scar right off the bat, which grants him a total of 65 base Aim, so he will make for a good deadeye since the beginning of this scenario. If you choose to recruit him, you won’t be able to recruit Burns, which you’ll need to recruit first in order to recruit Cheveyo later on.

Once you make your choice, head to Military Camp and choose to eavesdrop on the soldiers’ conversation to learn some useful information about Burns. Doing this will also net you 1 Musket, 2 Dried Meat and 1 Healing Elixir at the expense of Warren getting afflicted by the Mangled Foot injury. Next, go to Massacre Site, where another recruitment event will play out. If Cervantes joined your posse, the recruitment event won’t play out and you’ll only find Burn’s corpse along with 1 Navy Gun and 1 card. If you didn’t recruit Cervantes, pick the special dialogue choice during the recruitment event and Burns will join your posse, after which you’ll receive 1 card. Burns is an average character stat-wise, but at least his initial weapons are Navy Gun and Musket.

Regardless of Burns’ destiny, your next destination will be The Wizard. Once you arrive, spend a total of 30 gold to watch every freak show, after which you’ll receive 1 card and Warren will be granted a permanent +20 Max Luck buff. Next, ask to see the Wizard and, regardless of which set of choices you pick, several new locations will be unlocked.

If Burns joined your posse, travel to El Vaquero to buy 3 Bottle of Liquor. Then head for Disbanded Armymen and give them the alcohol you just bought to grant Burns and Warren the Inspiration buff. Do note that Warren will keep this buff even if Burns is replaced by Cheveyo.

Now go to Matthew’s Tomb and choose to read the inscription. This will cause a new side objective regarding solving a riddle to appear, along with some new locations: the Evangelist Brothers’ Tombs. You’ll find an inscription carved on each of the Evangelist’s Tombs, which you’ll need to sort in the right order in order to solve the riddle; the solution is: test of reaction –> test of agility –> test of emotion –> test of recovery. Once the riddle is solved, head to Evangelist’s Stash to obtain 1 One Armed Bandit (trinket), 1 Bulletproof Vest, 1 Medical Bag and 1 Stun Bomb.

As soon as the last side event is completed, it will be time to start absorbing all of the meteor pieces. That’s right, the Wizard lied to you: Henry H.Persons will join your posse even if Warren absorbs every meteor piece.

First, travel to Necropolis and choose not to shoot at the mysterious figure, which will in turn reward you with the first meteor piece, 50 gold, 1 Medical Bag, 1 Noise Bomb, 1 Petrification Bolt and 1 Vitality Elixir. This first piece will automatically be absorbed by Warren, thus granting him a permanent buff.

The second piece will be part of the ornaments displayed at Church. If Cervantes joined your posse, you will be able to pick a special choice that will allow you to obtain it without incidents, but if he didn’t, you’ll have to take it by force, which will cause Warren to contract a disease.

You’ll be able to find the third meteor piece at Illegal Mine. Having Burns in your posse will allow you to requisition it, but if you didn’t recruit him you’ll be forced to kill the owner, which will be able to inflict a disease on Warren before going down.

You’ll come across the fourth piece at Rojas Tannery. Once you arrive there, you’ll find out that the piece is inside a well full of toxic waste. Whoever gets his hand inside the well to catch the meteor piece will get afflicted by a disease, so you might as well make Warren retrieve it.

The fifth piece will be in the possession of the merchant that opened a shop at Orchid House. You’ll need to make a deal with him in order to obtain it, but, before doing so, sell all of your junk at his shop, as after accepting the deal you won’t be able to sell anything else at this location. As soon as you make Warren absorb the fifth piece, one of the Wizard goons’ will attack your posse, but he’ll be quickly dispatched. Warren will then proceed to search his corpse, which will unlock Henry H. Persons’ location on the scenario map.

Once you’ve healed all the diseases Warren accumulated during the previous events, it will be time to fetch the last meteor piece and recruit a new companion if you wish to do so.

If you want to replace Burns, head to Sacred Grounds and let the Indian warrior kill him, after which Cheveyo will join your posse. With 70 base Aim, he’s the best executioner of the game, but he has rather low Max HP. Once he joins your posse, travel to Cougar Trails and let Cheveyo do the talking to get the last meteor piece with no further incidents.

If Burns is in your posse and you don’t intend on replacing him, head to Cougar Trails and choose to shoot at the cougar. This will make Warren and Burns get afflicted by the Gushing Wound injury and you’ll receive 1 Mammoth Rifle and 1 Eagle Elixir, along with the last meteor piece.

The process for obtaining the last meteor piece will be the same as above if Cervantes is the one who joined your posse, but only Warren will get afflicted by the Gushing Wound injury after killing the cougar.

Finally, head for Lookout Hill to rescue your next posse member.

OE Mission 2

Absorbing all of the meteor pieces will result in Warren becoming the best character of the entire game, so from now on he’ll act as a deadeye. Regardless of who is your second posse member, he’ll also have to act as a deadeye during this mission.

During this mission you’ll have to assault a fort similar to the one where Undertaker took refuge during the initial mission, so the strategy for clearing this mission will consist of using Warren to draw every enemy’s attention while your second character collects the opium stashes, after which you’ll be able to easily make your characters flank any remaining enemies.

Preparation stage

First, equip Warren with Navy Gun and Musket. Then, depending on who joined your posse:

  • If Cervantes is the one who joined your posse, equip him with One Armed Bandit, Sawed off Cobra and Bulletproof Vest.
  • If Burns is the one who joined your posse, equip him with Musket, One Armed bandit and Bulletproof Vest.
  • If Cheveyo is the one who joined your posse, equip him with Elephant Rifle, Musket and Bulletproof Vest.

Lastly, try to grant Movement bonuses to both of your characters when distributing cards.

Time to save the only Pinkerton clone that developed an individual, and rather quirky, personality.

Combat stage

Start by making Warren take cover behind the nearby well lid and then make him kill the uncovered Gun-Toting Bozo that will be standing inside the fort. Meanwhile, take his companion inside the nearest southeastern shack and then make him take cover in the small corner that is next to the door that leads to the southeastern yard.

In the next turns make Warren kill any out-of-cover enemies while you make his companion sweep the eastern side of the map and claim all three opium stashes. As soon as there are no more out-of-cover enemies on Warren’s side, make him start chipping away at the nearest Bullet Thrower’s HP.

Once every opium stash has been collected, make Warren head for the western wall of the fort and then make his companion do the same on the eastern side. In the next turns make your characters kill the enemies that will be sheltered inside the fort’s ground floor. Then make both of your characters ascend through the fort while they kill any enemies they find. The only enemy you’ll need to be careful with is Sean Vermillion, since he has 9 HP.

Every enemy should be dead by the time you reach Henry, so the only thing left to do will be making one of your characters untie him to end the mission.

Mission reward

3 cards, 1 Mandrake Powder, 1 Harmonica Gun and 10 Dose of Opium.

OE Scenario Map 2

Once the third member of Warren’s legendary posse has been rescued, head to The Vaquero to sell all of the opium you collected during the previous mission and any other unwanted stuff. Then stop by the Fate Trader shop to buy 1 Doomsday Watch.

Now travel to Brothel, where the last posse member will be imprisoned. Once you arrive there, ask to talk with the madam and then choose to leave peacefully. Lastly, return to Brothel and choose to sneak inside.

OE Mission 3

During this mission Warren and the first posse member you recruited will keep their roles as deadeyes and Henry will act as a depleter.

I haven’t much to say about this next mission other than it will be quite easy despite the enemies’ big numbers, as the map’s layout and Warren’s insane buffs will allow you to easily deal with the most dangerous enemies before rescuing Hardin.

Preparation stage

First, give Warren the Doomsday Watch you just bought and then substitute his Navy Gun for his initial Six-Shooter. Next, substitute Henry’s Chain Revolver for Navy Gun and then equip him with Bulletproof Vest. Lastly, keep your remaining companion’s lodaout unchanged, unless he is Cheveyo; if that’s the case substitute his Elephant Rifle for Pepperbox.

Setup stage

Start by taking everyone towards the main building, where the madam will be. Once everyone is inside, make Henry subdue Gesheed. Next, make Warren and the second posse member enter the room that is adjacent to the one that’s locked and then make the other companion subdue James Rusk.

Now that you can access the locked room from the side door, make Warren plunder the safe and then make him take cover behind the folding screen that is just outside of the room that James Rusk was watching. Lastly, take the other two posse members inside said room and then make them take cover in both corners of the door that leads to the room where the madam and his clients will be standing.

Time to rescue an irredeemable harlotmonguer who shares a name with a similar scumbag (I know that harlotmonguer isn’t a real word, but you can probably guess what the original word was before Steam’s censuring forced me to rewrite it).

Combat stage

Start by making Warren kill Gesheed and then make the other two characters kill Madame Bai-Bai and Rusk. In the next turns make Warren keep his position so that he can easily kill any enemies coming from the saloon while you make the other two characters move between the room where the safe is and the stack of boxes that is just outside the main building so that they can kill any enemies coming from the side lane.

As soon as enemies stop storming your characters’ positions, make Henry and the other companion head for Hardin’s position, but do note that some enemies might be hiding inside the row of private rooms that is adjacent to the building where Hardin is being held, so remember to scan that area before making your characters advance through it. Meanwhile, take Warren to the saloon and make him dispatch the enemies that will be sheltering inside it.

Once Henry and the other companion reach the building where Hardin will be imprisoned, take them upstairs and make them rush Lulu. Lastly, make one of them unbind Hardin to complete the mission.

Mission reward

3 cards, 200 gold, 1 Blood-Stained Shirt and 2 Stimulant.

OE Scenario map 3

As soon as the legendary posse has been assembled, the mysterious stranger will materialize from thin air yet again to award Warren The Judge (trinket), as well as tasking him with a new objective. Before heading for its location, stop by the Fate Trader shop again to buy 1 The Judge and 1 Ghost Town Fruit.

Now return to The Wizard, where you’ll obtain different rewards depending on how you choose to assault his tent. If you choose to sneak through the backstage you’ll get 3 Angelic Sphere whereas if you choose to enter through the main tent you’ll get 1 Eighteen Shooter. Once the Wizard dies, choose to explore the burning area and you’ll find 1 Oxen Skull (trinket), 2 Petrification Bolt, 1 Dreamcatcher and 1 Cursed Ammo at the expense of several of your posse members getting afflicted with several injuries.

The Fate Trader shop will now be restocked, so go there one last time and buy 1 The Judge and 1 Ghost Town Fruit. Next, travel to Quack Wagon to heal your posse’s injuries and then buy the mercury treatment to temporally rid Hardin of the syphilis debuff.

Lastly, head to Grim Boatman and you’ll be presented with a choice: you’ll be able to either keep playing as Warren’s posse (which will be quite advantageous considering all the buffs they will have accumulated by this point) or to play as a different posse led by Undertaker. Regardless of which posse you choose to play as, you’ll be granted a Full Deck and the final mission will play out inside Purgatory.

OE Final Mission

This last mission will consist of a confrontation between Warren’s posse and Undertaker’s posse. It sounds daunting, but it will actually turn out to be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel, so you won’t need to worry about character roles or strategies.

Preparation stage

First, equip Warren/Undertaker with The Judge, any revolver-type weapon, Doomsday Watch and 2 Ghost Town Fruit. Then equip the rest of the party as you see fit, but make sure to equip the two characters with the highest Damage with the 2 Judges you’ll have left on your inventory.

Lastly, give Warren/Undertaker the Golden Bullet ability card and then equip every posse member with a Full House poker card.

Time to release the souls trapped in The Purgatory, one way or the other.

Combat stage

Start by making all of your posse members take cover behind the walls that are close to the starting position in a way that ensures that everyone will have the nearest bridge in their sights. After a few turns have passed, one or more enemy posse members will show up at said bridge; this will be your cue to make the characters that will have The Judge equipped on them start shooting at said enemies.

The only thing you’ll need to be vigilant about will be not allowing enemies to get away before you kill them; if any of the enemy posse members starts retreating, use the Golden Bullet ability or any other instant-damage abilities to finish him/her off, as if he/she manages to get away he/she will quickly regenerate HP and you’ll have to deplete his/her entire HP bar again once he/she returns.

Once every enemy is dead, you’ll get to choose an ending if you played as Warren’s posse. If you played as Undertaker’s posse instead, the choice will be made for you.

Scars of Freedom Scenario

During this scenario the difficulty will considerably ramp up due to two reasons: you won’t be allowed to enable Game Mods and the Fate Trader shops won’t be available for the duration of this scenario, so you won’t be able to purchase any trinkets. On top of that, this scenario features some of the hardest tactical missions of the entire game. However, you’ll be able to overcome every obstacle if you follow the instructions below, as they’ll allow you to figure out how to make this scenario’s core mechanics play in your favor.

This scenario will be divided in three acts and each of them will feature a different posse: the prologue’s posse will be led by Dr not Frankenstein, the first act’s posse will be led by not Frankenstein’s Monster and the second act’s posse will once again be led by Dr not Frankenstein. Yep, this scenario’s plot will put quite a different spin on Mary Shelley’s most famous work.

The core mechanic of this scenario is Ether, decay and grafts management. Decay works the same way as insanity did during the “Method in Madness” scenario: its effects cause increasing debuffs as the malady progresses over several stages. Certain map events will consume time, which will lead to your posse members’ bodies start decaying. The more time a map event requires to be completed, the more your posse members’ bodies will decay once you complete said event.

Ether is a second currency that can be used to acquire grafts, heal injuries and diseases or reverse decay effects. Ether is distilled from blood, so it can be either acquired during certain map events or by killing enemies. This last option will yield 5 Ether units per enemy killed.

Grafts are the equivalent of poker cards and can only be acquired by purchasing them at an specific location, Morgue, hence the importance of correctly managing your Ether earnings. This is just a minor aspect of the new card system, whose management intricacies warrant writing a tutorial note about them.

Note (added thanks to Glaz Blackheart): difficulty will play a bigger role than usual during this scenario, as the amount of enemies you’ll encounter during each tactical mission is determined by it, thus determining how much Ether you’ll gain after completing missions.

The following scenario guide will take for granted that you’re playing on Hard difficulty, so if you aren’t you will receive less Ether than what will be listed on the Mission reward sections. This means that you won’t be able to buy every graft available, so in order to make things easier and earn the Dr Frankestein achievement I recommend you prioritize buying the neccessary grafts for assembling the ♥♥♥♥ Superior and Centurion Golem Hands.

Tutorial note

First of all, I’ll inform you about the major catch that this new card system has: grafts are unlocked both by beating tactical missions and by completing certain events, but, if a graft is acquired by one of the two posses you’ll control throughout the scenario, the other posse won’t have access to that same graft. This is a big problem in and of itself, but it gets worse once you take Golem Hands into consideration.

Golem Hands are combinations of 5 grafts that grant great bonuses, just like poker hands. At the beginning of the scenario you’ll have one recipe on your inventory that lists the necessary ingredients to create one combination. As you progress through the scenario, you’ll find 4 new combinations, making a total of 5 Golem Recipes. As you can probably guess by now, if one of the grafts required for completing a particular Golem Hand is acquired by one posse, the other posse won’t be able to complete said hand.

Yet another inconvenience regarding this system is that certain grafts needed to complete some Golem Hands can only be acquired during the second act of the scenario. This means that Libertee’s posse won’t be able to complete some specific Golem Hands, so, if her posse acquires one of the grafts needed to assemble those specific hands, neither posse will be able to complete said hands. This will force you to figure out which combinations are available for each posse (which you’ll only find out after completing the scenario) and plan ahead accordingly. This guide will provide you with the instructions you’ll need to follow in order to obtain all grafts and maximize their benefits.

The last issue regarding the graft system is that Golem Hand recipes are not shared between posses. This means that, even if you have access to the required components to complete a Golem Hand, you may not remember which ones you’ll need to buy. In order to avoid said inconvenience, I’ll list every combination below, along with the buffs each one grants, so you can check them whenever you want:

  • Golem Recipe: Revenant: combine Gambler’s Liver, Hand of Fortune, Lucky Lung, Priest’s Tongue and Human Lymph. It can only be completed by Aldous’ posse. Buff: +15 Luck/Turn, +10 Defense, +2 Max HP, +20 Max Luck.
  • Golem Recipe: Abomination: combine Cannibal Stomach, Vampire’s Brain, Sasquatch Teeth, Tattooed Skin and Human Blood. It can only be completed by Aldous’ posse. Buff: +1 HP/Turn, +6 Movement. +1 Max HP.
  • Golem Recipe: ♥♥♥♥ Superior: combine Bull’s Heart, Redundant heart, Libertee’s Eye, Mesmerizing Eye and Lung of Fury. It can be completed by both posses, but preferably by Libertee’s. Buff: +10 Aim, +10 Sight, +2 Movement, +20 max Luck.
  • Golem Recipe: Centurion: combine Tracker’s Ear, Sharpshooter’s Arm, Slaver’s Ribcage, Marshall’s Stomach and Bounty Hunter’s Kidney. It can be completed by both posses, but preferably by Libertee’s. Buff: +5 Aim, +5 Defense, +1 Damage, +2 Movement, +1 Max HP.
  • Golem Recipe: Feral: combine Human Tail, Unidentified Organ, Third Eye, Stinger and Living Spine. It can only be completed by Aldous posse. Buff: +2 Damage, +4 Movement.

SoF Initial Mission

This mission will feature two combat stages. During the first one you’ll control Libertee, a depleter, and Phineas, an executioner, but during the second stage Phineas will get substituted by Fred, who’ll have to act as improvised executioner. Additionally, during the second combat stage you’ll be able to release Paddy from imprisonment, another executioner, in order to add him to your posse.

The first combat stage will be easy enough, but the second one can be quite difficult. This last stage’s main objective is making Libertee reach an escape zone, but in order to achieve that you’ll first need to make your characters secure certain areas, as this will prevent enemies from flanking your characters from behind.

Time for an in medias res opening.

First Combat stage

Beating this stage will be really easy, as the enemies you’ll have to kill will either stay out of cover or leave their flanks unprotected. You should be able to kill one objective every 1-2 turns, so in 3-6 turns this stage should be over.

Do note that enemies will prioritize shooting at Libertee over Phineas, so he should have enough Luck to use the Golden Bullet ability in case Libertee’s HP gets too low and you need to end this stage quickly.

Time for Libertee to earn the scars this scenario is named after.

Second Combat stage

Now the real action will begin. Start by moving Fred next to Libertee and then make both of them kill the nearest out-of-cover slaver guards. In the next turns make Fred flank and dispatch the enemy that will probably take cover behind the boulder yard’s middle bridge.

Once the first area is cleared, move your characters closer to Paddy’s position and then make them take cover behind the edge of the boulder that is in front of the saloon, where you’ll spot an enemy standing near the saloon’s entrance. In the next turns, make both of your characters kill him and then make them advance towards Paddy’s cage.

In the weapon stash that is next to Paddy’s cell there will be a Remi Borgen Rifle, so make Fred take it. Next, make Fred free Paddy and then make both of them take cover behind the northern stack of wood. An Elite Guard will be hiding on the other side of said stack, so use Paddy’s second action to deal 1 damage to said enemy and then make Fred finish him off in the next turn.

Now take everyone inside the saloon, but make sure that they stay close to the cupboard that is at the entrance so they have no line of sight through the ground floor’s northern windows. Then take Fred next to one of those windows and make him kill the enemy that will be standing in front of the palisade that is beside the tents.

Meanwhile, take Paddy and Libertee next to the cupboard that faces the saloon’s staircase. In the next turn, take Fred far from the window and, if the enemy in the upper floor has retreated to the room where a weapon stash is, make Paddy and Libertee take cover behind the first floor’s cupboards so they have no line of sight with the enemy that will be sheltered inside the northern guard tower. Use the next turn to make your characters storm the remaining enemy’s position (he’ll probably be hiding on the eastern little terrace) and kill him. Lastly, make Libertee take the next weapon, which will be a Musket.

With every enemy inside the saloon taken care of, it will be time to make everyone return to the starting point, the boulder yard. From there, make them head straight north towards the sculpting building where the last weapon stash will be. Once your characters are close to said building, make them take cover behind its western side before ending your turn. There will be two enemies hiding inside the ground floor of the sculpting building, but one of them will probably come out of said building in the next turn, thus giving your characters a clear shot. Now you’ll be able to easily kill the remaining enemy by making your characters rush his position, but be careful when doing so, as there will be a couple of slaver guards standing next to the lower part of the watchtower that will flank your characters in the next turn unless you position them properly.

As soon as the sculpting building’s ground floor is cleared, take Paddy and Fred to its upper floor and then make them take cover behind the stack of slabs that is next to the ladder. Next, make Paddy ransack the last weapon stash, which will contain a Navy Gun, and then make him return to his initial position. Now both Paddy and Fred will be able to safely shoot at the enemies that will be hiding in the sculpting building’s upper floor and those standing at the foot of the watchtower while you make Libertee do the same from the ground floor.

Finally, it will be time to make your characters assault the watchtower, so make them kill any guards left between the sculpting building and the watchtower by playing hide and seek before taking your characters near the watchtower. There will be three enemies hiding behind the quarry exit gate, so make 2 of your characters take cover next to it and then use the remaining character to open the quarry gate, but make sure he/she will have an action left after doing so, as you’ll need to take him/her to the watchtower’s ground floor before ending your turn so he/she hasn’t line of sight with the remaining enemies.

Now the only obstacles between your posse and the escape zone will be 3 enemies; one of them will be hiding in the northwestern side and the other two will be lying in wait in the northeastern side, so scan both areas before making your characters leave their cover. The quickest way to deal with these last enemies is making Paddy and Fred take cover behind the well lid that is next to the escape zone so that they can kill the 2 enemies that will be standing in the eastern side and then make Libertee rush the one that will be hiding in the western side. However, if she has low Luck, this strategy could leave her open for a shot once it’s carried out, so if that’s the case let either Paddy or Fred take the shot instead, as one of them dying will be inconsequential at this point. Once the last enemies are dead or the way to the pipe is clear, take Libertee to the escape zone to end this mission.

Mission reward

50 gold, Golem Recipe: Revenant and any weapons and consumables the second combat stage’s characters had on them.

SoF Scenario Map 1

Right after learning how Libertee escaped from her slavers, you’ll be in control of Victor and his seemingly devoted assistant. First, head to Morgue to buy the Marshall’s Stomach graft and then leave Morgue to unlock several new locations on the scenario map. Once you complete some of the next events, a new side objective regarding healing Phineas’ decay will appear, but I recommend ignoring it because completing it will award you nothing.

Now it will be time to start a graft seeking tour. First, head to Maple Falls and pick the spend time option to receive 75 cash. As soon as you’re done, choose to follow the boy to Lonestar Coal Mine, a new location that we’ll proceed to visit next. Once you arrive at the mine, choose to tag the miner’s lung to unlock the Lucky Lung graft at Morgue’s stock. Next, go to Lynch Mob and choose to let them exact their own form of justice to unlock a new graft at Morgue’s stock: Hand of Fortune. Now travel to Slaughterhouse and choose to sneakily slaughter the bull. As a result, one of your posse members will get afflicted by a random injury and the Bull’s Heart graft will become available for purchase at Morgue. Lastly, go to War Hospital and choose to look for body parts to unlock the Sharpshooter’s Arm graft at Morgue’s stock.

Once the hunt for grafts ends, it will be time to get some additional gold, Ether and equipment. First, head to Beauty Clinic and choose to pay 100 gold to extract some fat from the clinic’s clients. It’s quite pricey, but you’ll get 35 Ether (8 more units than if you had chosen not to pay). As soon as you leave Beauty Clinic, a new location, Harper Ranch, will be unlocked. Travel there next and choose to euthanize the old woman. This will lead to another event, so once it plays out choose to be an honorable duelist. Picking this set of choices will net you 1 Quarter Pounder Pistol and 3 Ether. Next, head to Rich House and choose to collect Ether to receive 3 Ether and 20 gold. Lastly, stop by General Store. Once you arrive there, accept to take part in the experiment and choose to down the orange pill, thus acknowledging the famous reference, which will unlock a new weapon at the shop’s stock. Next, sell 1 Quarter Pounder Pistol, 2 10 ga. Double Shotgun and 1 Remi Borgen Rifle and then buy the Fitzpatrick Revolver that just became available at the shop’s stock.

Now that the prologue’s events have been completed, return to Morgue and buy Sharpshooter’s Arm, but do not bother healing Phineas decay; he will be able survive the next mission without much trouble despite the huge debuffs that will afflict him. Before tackling the main objective, equip Phineas with Navy Gun, Musket and Dried Healing Herbs. Lastly, head for Laboratory and choose to play Hephaestus.

SoF Mission 2

During this mission you’ll be granted control over Phineas and Libertee again, so you already know their combat roles.

This mission is probably the easiest of the whole scenario. The only thing you’ll need to be careful about is Phineas’ debilitated state. In order to beat it, you’ll just need to make Libertee dispatch most of the enemies while you make Phineas deal some finishing blows from a secure position.

Preparation stage

First, equip Libertee with Navy Gun, Fitzpatrick Revolver and Healing Elixir. Next, give Phineas Mandrake Root on top of what you equipped on him before triggering the mission.

As for grafts, equip Libertee with Libertee’s Eye and Tumor and Phineas with Marshall’s Stomach and Sharpshooter’s Arm.

Time for Dr Franconianstone to seemingly forsake his Monster.

Combat stage

Start by making Libertee take cover behind the big tank that is on the back of the surgery room so that she can safely kill the nearest out-of-cover goon. In the next 2 turns make her kill the enemy that will probably leave his cover and then make Libertee kill the last one either by using the Shadow Kill ability or by rushing her after FFBing.

Meanwhile, Phineas will wake up. As soon as you have control over him, make him take cover inside the church and then use Libertee to scout the courtyard so that she can locate and kill any enemies hiding in there. In the next turns, several enemies coming from the eastern graveyard (the one that has a big sarcophagus in its center) will gather in front of the laboratory’s door that leads to said graveyard. Fortunately, they can be easily taken care of by using Libertee’s Ricochet ability or by making Phineas flank them from the western side.

Once you have cleared the courtyard and the laboratory’s surroundings, take Phineas to the clinic and make him open the door that leads to the eastern cemetery. Next, use the Ether downstairs to heal whoever is most gravely injured and then make your characters head for the rear gate (which will be marked as a side objective) through the eastern graveyard. At this point the few remaining enemies will either try to rush your characters or will stay hidden in the western graveyard, so, before making your characters finish them off, make sure to use Libertee to leave false tracks on the back door.

After the combat stage ends, choose to let Phineas gather his instruments and stuff, as picking that choice will grant you additional rewards.

Mission reward

Tracker’s Ear, Bounty Hunter’s Kidney and Tattooed Skin grafts unlocked at Morgue’s stock, 68 Ether, Golem Recipe: ♥♥♥♥ Superior, 1 Medical Bag, 1 Mandrake Root, 1 Vitality Elixir and 1 Ear Necklace.

SoF Scenario Map 2

The end of the previous tactical mission will mark the beginning of the first act of the scenario, where you’ll control Libertee’s posse. Once you’re able to move your posse through the scenario map, head for the only location available, Gorman House, where you’ll be presented with a choice regarding which entrance you should make use of. If you choose the first option Phineas will suffer a random injury whereas if you choose the second one Phineas will be afflicted by a disease that inflicts -4 Movement. Pick the choice whose effects you’re more confident of being capable of handling during the next missions. Right after this event ends some new locations will emerge on the map, so let’s tackle them straightaway.

First, equip Libertee with Ear Necklace and then head for Buffalo Cave. Once you’re inside it, choose to make Libertee put her amulet on the statue and the Ear Necklace will turn into a Blood Talisman, a really useful talisman that you should equip right away on whichever character has the less Max HP.

Next stop will be Mountain Pass. Once again, you’ll have to pick a choice according to how you feel about the risk/reward ratio of injuries. The first option takes longer to complete, but it won’t have any side effects whereas picking the second option will afflict both Libertee and Phineas with a random injury. Regardless of which one you choose, at the end of the event a new graft will be unlocked at Morgue’s stock: Sasquatch Teeth.

Once the mountain event is over, equip Libertee with Pepperbox and travel to Hideaway. Once you arrive there, choose to give the deserter the Pepperbox I just mentioned and he’ll provide you with information regarding a new side objective, as well as giving you Golem Recipe: Abomination. Then head for Lonesome Homestead and choose not to make any promises to the dying woman, which will result on you receiving 20 Ether and a new graft being unlocked at Morgue’s stock: Lung of Fury.

As soon as you’ve collected that last graft, head for Outlaw Den to inquire about the masked doctors and then buy a Musket before leaving. Next, head for Congregation and agree to spend 3 Ether to receive information about the Evangelists’ whereabouts, Golem recipe: Centurion and a +5 Aim, +5 Defense buff for both Phineas and Libertee.

Important note: if you want to get the “Army of Two” achievement do not go to Greaves Basin now. Instead, just follow the guidelines posted below, as this guide’s indications for completing the train assault side quest were written taking for granted that you will only use Phineas and Libertee to complete said quest. If you are not interested in getting the achievement or have already earned it, go read the beginning of the Scenario Map 3 section and then keep reading this section as normal.

Now that all of this section’s map events have been completed, head for Morgue and buy the Tracker’s Ear and Bounty Hunter’s Kidney grafts. Before leaving, check if these two conditions are met: Phineas has less than 2 Max HP and the Evangelists brothers haven’t been recruited yet. If that’s the case, heal Phineas’ terminal decay by spending 9 Ether. Lastly, head to Doctor’s Train to execute a good old train robbery.

SoF Mission 3

Note: if Luke and John are in your posse when starting this mission, just make them follow the same instructions as Libertee and Phineas.

Phineas and Libertee will be in average to bad shape depending on how you tackled the previous map events, but that only means that you might have to swap their respective combat roles.

This mission will only be difficult if you didn’t get the right equipment during the previous section or if you take your characters through the wrong path when approaching the enemies that will be hunkered down in the eastern area of the map. It is also worth noting that there will be a bit of RNG regarding the positioning of the enemies at the beginning of the combat stage, but it’s nothing to worry about.

Preparation stage

First, equip Libertee with Musket, Fitzpatrick Revolver and Mandrake Root. Next, keep Phineas’ former lodaout unaltered.

As for grafts, equip Libertee with the Libertee’s Eye graft and Phineas with the Tracker’s Ear graft. Lastly, distribute the rest of them as you see fit.

Time to turn an ambush into a bloodbath.

Combat stage

Start by making Libertee take cover behind the stack of boxes that is next to the train’s rear wagon and then make both of your characters kill the nearest out-of-cover enemies. Next, make Phineas reload his Musket and in the next turn, if there are no enemies between Phineas and the door in front of him, take him next to it so that he can open it and kill one of the enemies that will be standing out of cover behind said door, preferably the one with 8 HP. Meanwhile, make extensive use of Libertee’s Ricochet ability and/or her Fitzpatrick Revolver to kill any visible enemies. After a few turns, an enemy carrying a precision rifle will climb the water tower that is in the northwestern end of the map and open fire on your characters, so, as soon as he does, make Phineas use his Musket to kill him before he takes cover.

Once you have cleared the starting area, move your characters to the water tower were the sniper was, but make sure that they stick to the western side of the map so that they can avoid any undesired gunshots. As soon as your characters reach the water tower, make them advance towards the well that is on the northeastern corner of the map, but make them take cover behind the tree that is adjacent to the northeastern palisade so they don’t aggro the enemies that will be standing next to the well.

Do note that, if you leave any of your characters open to an attack coming from the southern side of the central lane, there’s a small chance that one of the enemies that will be hunkered down in the southeastern area of the map will move to the central lane in order to shoot at your characters. If you’re feeling confident, you could take this as a chance to lure an enemy out of cover and kill him/her, but I consider it a risk not worth taking.

Now it will be time to tackle the two enemies that will be hiding next to the well. If you scan the area and time your movements properly, you should be able to make both Phineas and Libertee take full cover behind the well lid and then make them kill both enemies in a single turn. However, if you’re feeling cautious and would rather not take any risks, you can make Phineas stand at the edge of the northeastern palisade and make him shoot at said enemies before making your characters head for the well.

Note regarding RNG: one of the enemies that would normally spawn next to the well might spawn at the edge of the northeastern palisade instead. If you find yourself in that situation, just make your characters play hide and seek behind the northern train wagons so that they can safely take him/her out before making them head for the well.

Once the well area is cleared, take your characters next to the door that leads to the back entrance of the train station building. There will be 2 enemies hunkered down in there, but, thanks to the Beast Hearing ability and the scan tactic, you’ll be able to pinpoint their exact locations. Ideally, in the next turn you should be able to take both of your characters inside the train station so that they can rush said enemies. If that isn’t the case, just make one of your characters reveal the enemies by opening the above-mentioned door and then make your characters play hide and seek until the enemies come closer, thus enabling you to kill them in a single turn.

With yet another area cleared, there should be only 3 enemies left, which will probably be hiding near the metal windmill that is in the southeastern corner of the map. In the next turns make your characters approach their position carefully while using the nearby stack of boxes as cover. Lastly, you can either play it safe and kill the remaining enemies by playing hide and seek or simply rush them if you’re feeling confident.

Mission reward

Slaver’s Ribcage and Mesmerizing Eye grafts unlocked at Morgue’s stock, 50 gold, 70 Ether, 1 Musket and 1 Volcano Pistol.

SoF Scenario Map 3

Once Phineas is done harvesting Ether from the slaughtered slavers, go to Greaves Basin, where you’ll face another dichotomy between traveling through the long, safe path or through the short, risky path. Taking the secure route will net you 1 Blood Berry, whereas choosing the perilous path will lead to your posse coming across 1 Mammoth Rifle at the expense of Phineas suffering a random injury. You know the drill, pick the option you’re more confident with, but do keep in mind that, if you have already completed the train assault side quest, the injury that might afflict Phineas during this event will not turn into a scar. Regardless of your choice, Luke and John will join your posse after the next event plays out and the new main objective’s location will be unlocked on the scenario map.

Before heading for the main objective, stop by Outlaw Den and trade any unwanted items for 1 Piercing Ammo, but do not sell any of the following weapons: Navy Gun, Musket, Chain Rifle or Mammoth Rifle. Next, pay Morgue another visit and buy the Mesmerizing Eye, Slaver’s Ribcage and Bull’s Heart grafts, but don’t bother healing any decay or injuries because the next mission will be quite easy. Lastly, head for Greener Pastures Asylum to trigger the last tactical mission of this scenario’s first act.

SoF Mission 4

By this point Libertee and Phineas should have evolved into deadeyes thanks to their first injuries turning into scars. The new additions to the posse, Luke and John, are a depleter and an executioner respectively.

This next mission will feature a setup stage which will allow you to position your characters in vantage points all across the combat map. Once you do that, beating the mission will be a piece of cake.

Preparation stage

During this stage you won’t need to make any changes neither on Libertee’s weapon loadout nor on Phineas’, so just equip Luke with Piercing Ammo, Navy Gun and Mammoth Rifle (or Chain Rifle if you didn’t get the Mammoth Rifle) and John with Navy Gun and Musket.

Lastly, distribute grafts as follows:

  • Libertee: Libertee’s Eye and Mesmerizing Eye.
  • Phineas: Slaver’s Ribcage and Tumor.
  • Luke: Sharpshooter’s Arm and Marshall’s Stomach.
  • John: Bounty Hunter’s Kidney and Tracker’s Ear.

Setup stage

Note: as Libertee will have the Disguise ability equipped on her, just take her to the asylum and make her collect the main objective’s clue and the Ether stashes that are inside the asylum’s first floor while you take the rest of the posse through the sneaky path.

Start by making Phineas and the Evangelists cross the nearby bridge and, in the next turns, make them follow the asylum’s perimeter to the east, in the direction of the Ether stash that is next to a burning corpse pile. Do note that you’ll need to be careful when making your characters approach the corpse pile, as, if you don’t take them behind the eastern row of wagons, the enemy that will be standing guard on the asylum’s first floor terrace will spot your characters on their way there.

Once you’ve made one of your characters ransack the exterior Ether stash, take them towards the back of the asylum and then make them take cover in the following positions:

  • John: next to the tree that is adjacent to the window of the masked doctor’s office; that will provide him with a “double” cover.
  • Phineas: behind the stack of boxes that is in front of the rear gate of the asylum. From there he’ll be able to fire a point-blank shot at a 7 HP enemy.
  • Luke: in the corner of the asylum building that is next to the first set of gates that leads to the starting area, but be careful not to make him open the second set of doors or he’ll be spotted.
  • Libertee: in the corner opposite to the one where the recording machine that contained the main objective’s clue is. In case you need more directions: in the corner that is between the door that leads to an small terrace and the window that faces the cell hallway.

Time for the masked doctors to face the ire of their shunned creations.

Combat stage

Start by making John dispatch the Masked Doctor that will be standing inside his office and then make the rest of the characters kill their nearest enemies (Luke will only be able to badly injure the enemy that will be standing near his position). In the next turns make Libertee sweep the asylum’s first floor while you take John towards the eastern side, where the burning corpse pile and an enemy will be, and make him take cover next to the tree that is adjacent to the eastern asylum’s rear gate. Meanwhile, make Phineas take cover next to the asylum’s western back door so that he can sweep the ground floor in the next turns. Lastly, leave Luke in his initial position for a few turns until he manages to kill the enemies that will come towards his position from the westernmost side.

In the next turns, make Phineas and John play hide and seek to kill any enemies hiding inside the asylum’s ground floor while you make Libertee and Luke flank the enemies that will be hiding in the asylum’s southern exterior area (near the row of wagons). By following these instructions, in no time all of the masked doctors and their lackeys will be dead, but remember to use the scan tactic and John’s Beast Hearing ability to prevent the remaining enemies from getting the jump on your characters.

Mission reward

Redundant Heart and Cannibal’s Stomach grafts unlocked at Morgue’s stock, 50 gold, 55 Ether, 1 Ocular and 2 Angelic Sphere.

SoF Scenario Map 4

Now that the Evangelist’s Brothers have got even with the masked doctors, it will be time for Libertee to do the same with Dr Pietralefranconia. Start by heading to Morgue to buy the Redundant Heart and Lung of Fury grafts and then use your remaining Ether to cure any decay effects or injuries afflicting your posse members.

Next, equip your characters with the following items and grafts:

  • Luke: Musket, Mammoth Rifle (or Navy Gun if Mammoth Rifle isn’t available), Ocular and the Tumor graft.
  • Libertee: Musket, Fitzpatrick Revolver, Piercing Ammo and the ♥♥♥♥ Superior Golem Hand.
  • Phineas: Navy Gun, Musket, Blood Talisman and the Centurion Golem Hand.
  • John: strip him of everything; he won’t be needing anything any longer.

Once you are done sorting your equipment, head for Quarry to bring this scenario’s first act to an end.

SoF Mission 5

You’ll only be in control of Aldous and Phineas during the next mission, so both of them will have to act as deadeyes.

I consider this mission to be the hardest of the whole game, as beating it will require making your characters activate several contraptions throughout the combat map while they face endless enemies which will spawn every turn. This infinite-spawning mechanic can in turn allow you to collect great amounts of Ether if you protract the mission, but doing so for too long can easily lead to your defeat if you don’t set up an appropriate slaughter point.

Slaughter points are positions that can be used by your characters to kill enemies as they spawn. Each point consists of two cover spots: the first, which I’ll refer to as stockyard, must be near a spawning site so that your characters can kill the newly spawned enemies as soon as they reach it. The second one, which I’ll refer to as bunker, must be in a sheltered place outside of the spawning site’s line of sight so that your characters can retreat to it in the turn after killing an enemy; this will allow your characters to avoid retaliation shots and safely reload their weapons. By jumping between these two cover spots, you can make your characters kill as many enemies as you want to before ending the mission without exposing them to unnecessary risks. I have only registered one slaughter point in the combat stage section, but you might find others on your own.

As soon as you kill 4 of the 6 enemies that compose the combat stage’s first wave of assailants, new enemies will start spawning every turn from 2 sites: the front gate where the first wave spawned, and the back gate that is between the western and the eastern graveyard (this is the gate where Libertee left false tracks during the second tactical mission of this scenario).

There are four types of spawning enemies: 4 HP enemies carrying revolvers, 5 HP enemies carrying shotguns, 6 HP enemies carrying regular rifles and 8 HP enemies carrying revolvers. Do note that the last two types will deal 2 Damage against full cover. It’s also worth mentioning that spawned enemies usually have high Luck, so the first bullet that your characters fire at them will often miss.

RNG will play a big role in the spawning of enemies. Enemy types tend to follow a random pattern when spawning, which means that usually only one enemy type will spawn for a few turns, then it’ll get substituted for another type for another few turns and so on. This can make things better or worse depending on which order the enemy types spawn. If you’re lucky, the 4 HP and 5 HP types will spawn first and, by the time the map is flooding with 6 and 8 HP enemies, you’ll be able to end the mission, but the opposite could also happen, meaning that you would have to face the most dangerous enemies at the beginning of the combat stage rather than at the end. This last situation can be turned to your advantage by setting up a slaughter point until the strong enemies stop spawning.

Lastly, I’ve noticed that making your characters stand in direct line of sight with the spawn points prevents the spawn from happening, but I haven’t extensively tested if this is a potential exploit or just an isolated bug.

Preparation stage

You won’t be given many options for managing your characters’ loadouts, so just equip Aldous with Navy Gun, Chain Rifle and Healing Elixir. Next, equip Phineas with the Sharpshooter’s Arm graft and make no further changes to his loadout.

Setup stage

During this stage you’ll just need to activate the Ether pump by following the instructions you’ll be provided with. Do note that, immediately after activating the pump, some undesirables will arrive at the courtyard and the combat stage will start as soon as the turn in which they arrived ends.

In order to make the most of this situation, first make both of your characters stand next to their respective valves (Aldous’ valve can only be activated if he stands in front of it, not by its side) and then end your first turn. Next, make your characters activate both valves and then make Aldous stand next to the side of the window that is close to the surgery room’s metal tank and Phineas next to the Church’s front gate.

Time for Dr Pierrefranconien to serve as a decoy while Phineas plays some run and gun.

Combat stage

Once the first wave of enemies arrives, make Phineas shoot at the 8 HP enemy and then make Aldous use Fanning against one of the 6 HP enemies. As soon as you have killed 4 enemies (preferably the three with the most HP and a weakling), RNG will come into play and the real fun will begin.

First of all, make Aldous keep his position inside the laboratory’s first floor and in the next turns make him play hide and seek behind the surgery room’s metal tank so that he can kill as many enemies arriving at the courtyard as possible. You should also make him open the lab’s exit door that leads to a ladder as soon as possible, as this will thwart enemy attempts to flank him from that side.

Meanwhile, you’ll have to be quick about starting Phineas run and gun race, as he’ll eventually get flanked by the enemies that will start spawning from the back of the church if you leave him in his initial position for too long. As soon as the fourth enemy falls, take him to the back door of the church, but be really careful before taking him outside of the church, as there will probably be 1-2 enemies hiding among the nearby gravestones. Once the area surrounding the church’s rear gate is secured, the valve-activating tour will begin. You can activate the valves in whatever order you like, but I recommend starting by the one that is in the eastern graveyard

Note: now you’ll be able to set a slaughter point in the church area by using the corner that is between the Ether pump and the church’s back door as a bunker and the sarcophagus that is directly in front of the back gate (second spawning site) as a stockyard. I recommend making use of this slaughter point for at least 3-4 turns if high HP enemies are spawning.

When making your way towards the eastern valve, you’ll probably have to move Phineas first to the abovementioned sarcophagus and then make him wait there for 1-2 turns until he has a clear path towards the eastern cemetery wall. Once he gets behind said wall, move him quickly towards the eastern valve, but make sure to always make Phineas stay behind cover before ending your turn.

Once you make Phineas activate the eastern valve, make him take cover behind the tree or the tombstones that are next to the eastern church wall. At that point you’ll spot some enemies that will have come in pursuit of Phineas, so make him kill them before making him return to the spawning site area. Once you get Phineas there, make him work his way around the tombstones until he reaches the western side of the graveyard. Next, make him activate the western valve and then make him head for the area where the last valve is.

When advancing towards the last valve, always make Phineas keep his back protected when taking cover. If Aldous is having trouble dealing with the continuous flow enemies spawning in the courtyard, make Phineas spend a few turns flanking them so they don’t wear too much of Aldous’ HP. Be careful though, as if you are forced to do this some of the enemies that will keep spawning in the church area might catch up with Phineas and start shooting at him.

Once the last valve has been activated, the most tense part of this mission will begin. Start by taking Phineas to the intersection between the western graveyard and the western side of the courtyard in order to keep him protected from the enemies that will keep coming from both of the spawning sites. Meanwhile, take Aldous out of the lab’s first floor via the exit door that leads to a ladder, but scan the area before making Aldous descend, as some enemies may be lying in wait for him below the ladder. Once Aldous descends and there are no enemies close to him, it will be time to make a run for it.

Now take Aldous towards the escape zone while you make him take cover behind the gravestones that are near it, as enemies will continue spawning near the escape zone. Meanwhile, take Phineas back to the church, but be careful, as by this point there will surely be several enemies hiding inside it and/or in its surroundings. As soon as Phineas is standing next to the Ether pump’s valve, you’ll be golden.

Once you reach this point, you’ll be able to either protract the combat stage to get some extra Ether from defeated enemies (I only recommend doing so if both Aldous and Phineas are at full health or if they haven’t used their healing items yet) or to end the mission, which will require you to take Aldous inside the escape zone and then make Phineas activate the Ether pump’s valve.

Mission reward

Human Lymph, Vampire’s Brain and Human Tail grafts unlocked at Morgue’s stock, a variable quantity of Ether depending on how many enemies you killed during the mission (max amount I’ve ever gotten is 135 Ether), 50 gold, Golem Recipe: Feral and 1 Sturdy Shoes.

SoF Scenario Map 5

Having beaten the hardest mission of the game, it will be time for the scenario’s second act to begin. Start by going to Duval’s Residence where, depending on what body part you implore Duval to spare, you’ll get to choose which two scars you’ll get. I recommend taking the “I appealed to his decency and asked him to let me keep my brain” option, which will net Aldous the Gouged Eye and Missing Forefinger scars. Afterwards, he’ll wake up in a refuge for the wretched.

Before leaving the refuge, you’ll also be presented with a set of choices regarding which stats from your 3 companions you want to improve. I recommend choosing the following: mend Theodor’s Aim, keep Louise’s survivability and fix Gunter’s eyes. Once you’re done fiddling with your posse members’ bodies, you’ll receive 100 Ether and it’ll be time to begin another graft-seeking tour.

Note (added thanks to Casper): the following set of choices that describes how to obtain the Gambler’s Liver graft might not work (you know it has failed if you get a message describing how Aldous lost the dice game and was forced to kill the gambler), so I strongly advise to save your game before attempting this; if you get the afore-mentioned fail message, don’t close the text window, as this will trigger an autosave. Instead, press Alt and F4 to close the game an try again until you manage to acquire the liver.

The tour’s first stop will be Maple Falls. Once you arrive there, pick the look for body parts option and then leave without accepting the gambler’s challenge. Next, head to General Store and buy 1 Loaded Dice. Then return to Maple Falls and cheat at the dice game using the talisman you just bought to unlock the Gambler’s Liver graft at Morgue’s stock and obtain 10 Ether at the expense of losing the Loaded Dice. Doing this will also allow you to earn the “High Stakes” achievement.

Alternative method for obtaining the Gambler’s Liver graft (added thanks to Casper): ” I did a little extra reading and found out that when you return to the gambler with the Loaded Dice, you need to pick the first option (ie, gamble for the liver) and then you get a subsequent chance to use the dice. If you pick the second option (ie, cheat with the dice from the start), he catches you and you shoot him”

Next, head for the northeastern corner of the scenario map, where you’ll encounter a new location: Misericordia. Once you arrive, choose to stay as long as possible to unlock the Unidentified Organ and Living Spine grafts at Morgue’s stock and receive 95 Ether, 1 Deadly Derringer, 1 Scoped Custom Rifle, 1 10 ga. Triple Shotgun, 2 Petrification Bolt, 2 Stun Bomb and 2 Nail Bomb at the expense of Aldous getting 85 points of Luck drained from him.

The tour’s last destination will be Lazaretto. Once you arrive, choose to engage in conversation with the local priest, after which you’ll need to spend 3 Ether in order to unlock the Priest’s Tongue graft at Morgue’s stock. Then spend some more time healing the ill and you’ll receive 50 Ether.

With the graft-seeking tour concluded, it will be time to return to Maple Falls to buy some guns. Start by unequipping all weapons from you characters except for Aldous’ Navy Gun. Next, sell all of your weapons, along with the bombs and bolts you got at Misericordia if you don’t plan on using them, and then buy 2 Navy Gun, 1 10 ga. Quadruple Shotgun, 1 Elephant Rifle and 1 Musket. Lastly, you should have enough gold left to purchase 1 Lucky Horseshoe and 1 Ojo del Muerto at General Store, but if that isn’t the case head for Medicine Show and choose the first option to earn an additional 200 gold.

Once your posse is properly, it will be time to find out Libertee’s whereabouts. Start by heading for Maple Falls to ask about her, then do the same at Lazaretto and finally make some inquiries at Congregation to unlock the last tactical mission’s location, but there will be one side quest left to take care of before heading there.

Now travel to Morgue to heal the decay that will be afflicting your posse members by spending 24 Ether (it may be more expensive if you took the deal at Medicine Show) and then buy as many of the following grafts as possible in this priority order: Tattooed Skin, Human Blood, Gambler’s Liver, Priest’s Tongue, Hand of Fortune, Lucky Lung, Human Lymph, Stinger and Vampire’s Brain. Lastly, travel to Harbor to complete this scenario’s last side quest.

SoF Mission 6

By virtue of the grafts you just bought, Aldous will become the Revenant Golem, the second best character of the game (the first being hyperbuffed Warren). As for the rest of the posse, Theodor will act as a scout, Gunther as an executioner and Louise as a tank.

This can be quite a difficult mission if you don’t position your characters correctly, as you’ll need to take them out of the central lane as soon as possible if you don’t want to get quickly overwhelmed. On top of that, you’ll need to have equipped one of your posse members with a really specific lodaout prior to starting this mission in order to save a decent amount of Ether from spilling at the river.

Preparation stage

First, equip Aldous with Navy Gun, Musket and Ojo del Muerto, Theodor with Navy Gun and Sturdy Shoes, Louise with 10 ga. Quadruple Shotgun and Gunther with Navy Gun and Elephant Rifle.

Lastly, distribute grafts among your characters as follows:

  • Aldous: Gambler’s Liver, Hand of Fortune, Lucky Lung, Priest’s Tongue and Human Lymph.
  • Theodor: Tattooed Skin and Human Blood.
  • Gunther: Stinger.
  • Louise: Vampire’s Brain or any other graft you bought if you weren’t able to afford said graft.

Time to be the someone who saves Ether’s a-s-s (yeah, Steam’s censuring really messes with my lame references).

Combat stage

Start by moving Theodor as far to the north as possible so that he can close the central barrel’s tap in the next turn. Meanwhile, take everyone else towards the southwestern building’s wall, but be careful, as there will be three 7 HP enemies lying in wait just next to it.

Note: in case you didn’t know already, as long as a character remains in Shadow Cloak mode, he/she can ignore Reaction Shot aureoles even if they are highlighted in his/her pathing line.

In the next turns make Theodor close the central barrel’s tap and then move him towards the eastern one, but be very careful not to leave him close to a lamp post or his Shadow Cloak will dispel. As soon as he seals the eastern barrel, take him towards the western one while following the same precaution. Once all barrels are sealed, make Theodor wait next to the western barrel until the rest of the team reaches that position.

While Theodor does his thing, make Aldous take cover in the stack of boxes that is inside the stable that is next to the southwestern building so that he can try to kill one of the previously mentioned enemies. Next, take Gunther and Louise to both sides of the window of the aforementioned building. In the next turns, dispatch the enemies that will be hiding in the southwestern side by making use of Gunther’s Cripple ability to wear down any enemies hunkered down behind cover. At this point the couple of snipers that were on the western parapet will surely come closer to the southwestern side and start shooting at your characters, but they should be easy prey for Aldous.

Once Aldous, Gunther and Louise have made it to the western barrel area, it will be time to start flanking the remaining enemies. Aldous’ Jinx ability, Luck regeneration and high damage will make him a perfect executioner which will also be capable of brushing off retaliation shots, so take Gunther and him behind the stack of pipes that is in front of the western barrel so that they can start sweeping the northern side. Meanwhile, use Theodor to scout your surroundings so that you can see where enemies are hiding; just remember to keep him out of the lamp posts’ light radius.

If Louise has the Shadow Salve ability equipped, use her to lure the enemies that will be hiding in the southeastern area towards the central lane. In order to achieve this, make her take cover inside the little building that is in front of the western barricade (the building that has a couple of Tesla coils inside), more specifically next to the window that faces the courtyard. As soon as you make her do that, enemies will start converging in front of her position, leaving themselves wide open to Aldous and Gunther’s shots.

Once you have dispatched all the enemies that were hiding in the northwestern and central areas, move Aldous and Gunther towards the eastern parapet and make them kill any enemies standing in their path. Meanwhile, you’ll be able to abuse Theodor’s Shadow Cloak ability to make him flank any hunkered down enemies from behind, but be careful he doesn’t get flanked himself. Lastly, use Louise to play hide and seek if you need to lure out the last enemies. If you follow these directions, this mission will be over in a few turns.

Mission reward

Third Eye graft unlocked at Morgue’s stock and 85 Ether + as much Ether as you were able to salvage from the barrels (if you followed my indications it should be an additional 170-180 units).

SoF Scenario Map 6

Once both your a-s-s and Ether’s are saved, return to Morgue one last time to buy every graft left and then cure any wounds or decay afflicting your posse members. Lastly, head to Quarry to trigger this scenario’s last mission.

SoF Final Mission

Now that you will have acquired every remaining graft you’ll be able to turn Theodor and Gunther into the Abomination and Feral Golems respectively, which are quite good deadeyes. Aldous and Louise will keep their previous combat roles.

Libertee, Phineas and Luke will join your posse at the beginning of the second combat stage. The first two became the ♥♥♥♥ Superior and Centurion Golems respectively at the end of the scenario’s first act, so they will have evolved into really good deadeyes. Luke will also fill in the role of a deadeye.

This mission will feature an easy first combat stage followed by a more dangerous second stage, but thanks to your Golem characters you’ll be able to breeze through it.

Preparation stage

During this stage you won’t need to make any changes on your posse members’ equipment loadout, so just distribute the newly acquired grafts as follows:

  • Theodor: Cannibal Stomach, Vampire’s Brain, Sasquatch Teeth, Tattooed Skin and Human Blood.
  • Gunther: Human Tail, Unidentified Organ, Third Eye, Stinger and Living Spine.
  • Aldous: keep his previous graft loadout unchanged.

This means that Louise will receive no grafts, but it’s not like she’ll need any, as your other three posse members will become powerhouses capable of dealing with almost every enemy on their own.

Time for Dr Piedrafrancona to face Libertee’s misguided anger.

First combat stage

Your starting position will be right next to three enemies, so to avoid any undesired reaction shots take the following steps:

First, make Aldous take cover behind the left side of the westernmost window that faces the boulder yard, next to some sacks, and then make him shoot at the deserter that will be roughly in front of him.

Next, make Gunther take cover next to the cupboard that is adjacent to the easternmost window that faces the boulder yard and then make him kill the deserter who will be in a parallel line with the one that just got killed by Aldous.

Now that the two nearest enemies will have been killed, make Theodor open the two doors that lead to the adjacent room and then make him take cover behind the other side of the cupboard where Gunther will be hunkered down. Once Theodor’s turn is over, you’ll probably notice that the enemy that will be standing on the window that faces the quarry’s exit will now have Aldous flanked, but don’t worry about that; Aldous will be able to dodge the incoming shot and then use Fanning to kill him in the next turn.

Lastly, take Louise to the corner of the eastern balcony (the one that faces the stable where the initial mission’s first weapons stash was) where another deserter will be standing and then make her dispatch him.

In the next turns make Gunther and Aldous kill any enemies coming from the boulder yard while you make Louise and Theodor secure the back room and the saloon’s ground floor. John the Evangelist will eventually show up in the boulder yard, so kill him as soon as he does (that’s why I previously told you to remove all his gear).

Meanwhile, make Theodor and Louise sweep the saloon’s ground floor, but be careful not to leave them standing in line of sight with any windows, as a deserter that will be lurking outside of the salon may take that opportunity to shoot at them through said windows. That will be the only real danger you’ll face for the remainder of this stage.

Once every enemy is dead, take everyone to the center of the boulder yard and place Aldous next to the beacon.

Time for this story to come full circle.

Second combat stage

At the beginning of this stage you’ll be presented with a choice regarding Aldous’ fate: you’ll be able to make Libertee either execute him or spare him. I don’t recommend picking the first choice, as it will make this last combat stage more difficult and it will also mean the end of a couple that is as dysfunctional as it is charming (as well as the end of your Revenant Golem character). The instructions written below will take for granted that you chose to spare Aldous.

Once the combat starts you’ll notice that Duval’s minions will have taken vantage points inside every building, but having 3 Golems in your posse will allow you to render their advantageous positions useless during the next turns.

Start by making Libertee take cover behind the boulder that is right next to the eastern lamp post (do note that this will end her turn, as she consumed her first action when she subdued Aldous). Then, take Phineas to the double cover spot that is at the edge of the boulder which supports the two bridges that connect the southern and northern ends of the boulder yard so that he can take a good chunk of HP from the enemy that will be taking half cover behind one of the saloon’s upper windows. Next, make Aldous take cover behind the right side of the boulder that is next to the ricochetable pot and then make him shoot at the most distant enemy that he’ll be able to spot. Lastly, make Lucas take cover behind the lower edge of the boulder where he was at the beginning of this stage in order to position him in a parallel line with Phineas and then make him shoot at the enemies that are inside the sculpting building.

In the next turns make Aldous kill the distant enemy that will be standing in the northeastern side while the rest of the posse members keep their positions, as they’ll be able to kill the enemies that will be sheltering inside the saloon and the sculpting building without moving. Use Phineas as a depleter and Lucas as an executioner (only if he has the Mammoth Rifle equipped, if he doesn’t just swap roles between him and Phineas) to finish off the enemies that will be hiding inside the sculpting building’s first floor. Meanwhile, make Libertee use her Fitzpatrick Revolver to easily kill the enemies that will be hunkered down inside the saloon’s first floor.

While the other characters clear out the nearby buildings, take Aldous towards the exit of the quarry, where he’ll spot several enemies hiding in the following places: one inside the ground floor of the sculpting building, two inside the tower where the opening mechanism is, one enemy next to the the quarry’s exit door and another one close to the saloon’s back yard. In order to safely kill them all, make your characters play some hide and seek.

Once your posse makes it to the quarry’s exit gate, make sure to leave one enemy alive and then position your party as follows: Phineas and Libertee next to the quarry’s exit door, Lucas behind the tree opposite to said door and Aldous in a position that allows him to easily rush the last remaining enemy.

As soon as everyone is set and ready, make Aldous kill the last enemy and, immediately after doing so, the quarry doors will automatically open. Behind them there will be 6 Mr. Persons (9 HP) lying in wait, so make Phineas and Libertee kill two of them as soon as you spot them. After 1-3 turns have passed, Governor Duval should appear close to the Mr. Persons positions, so, as soon as he is within reach, put a bullet in his head (preferably by using Aldous or Libertee), thus bringing this scenario to an end.
