Haydee Guide

Haydee Walkthrough: #1 - Green Zone for Haydee

Haydee Walkthrough: #1 – Green Zone


A comprehensive walkthrough for Haydee; starting from exiting the Tutorial and covering the Green Zone – picking up the Wi-Fi Remote, Night Visor, and the first Green Keycard.

An Introduction

Welcome to the first part of my comprehensive Haydee walkthrough. This guide assumes you’ve beaten the Tutorial stage and are now a bit lost as to where to go next. If you’re still in the Tutorial level, you might want to take a glance at my Tutorial guide first.

Haydee isn’t as straightforward as most games. To continue in one area, you might need to return to another area to get an item – that sort of thing. Hopefully, though, there won’t be too much bouncing between guides – I’ve kept everything on one path.

I’m only one chick and even I don’t know absolutely everything about this game – it’s entirely possible I will miss or overlook things, or even just get things wrong. If you spot a mistake or have additional information, or just have a question, you can always leave a comment on this guide or email me at [email protected]. Cheers.

Let’s get to it.

The Bridge
This is the bridge, the central hub area of Haydee. There are six zones in this game, and we’ll be tackling them all in order. They are as follows:

The White Zone – that’s the tutorial you just finished.
The Green Zone – accessible from this bridge.
The Red Zone – accessible from this bridge.
The Black Zone – accessible through the Red Zone. It’s pitch-black dark, making it impossible to tackle without getting the Night Visor from the Green Zone first.
The Yellow Zone – accessible through the Green Zone. It’s filled with poisonous gas, making it impossible to tackle without getting the Gas Mask from the Red Zone first.
The Blue Zone – accessible from this bridge, requiring keycards gained from the other four coloured zones.

Here’s a handy diagram if that all seems a bit overwhelming.

So, our first order of business is to head into the Green Zone or the Red Zone. Personally, I strongly suggest the Green Zone. The Red Zone is littered with hostile robots but can be quite stingy with ammo, and you don’t want to run completely dry on bullets.
This won’t be easy. Even with my guidance, you will die and have to reload your last save. A lot. I know this because I wrote this guide, and I die. But, with this walkthrough, hopefully you’ll make it through without too many tears or broken keyboards.
Let’s get to business and head into the Green Zone.

Wi-Fi Remote

First, you want to safely hang down from the bridge itself and drop onto this gray crate. Face away from the ledge, crouch, crouch again to hang, and crouch again to drop. I’m not going to tell you every single time you need to drop from ledges using this method, so if you’re not sure whether or not you’ll take falling damage, err on the side of caution.
From there, move around the corner towards the left.
There’s another vent here you can open with the Screwdriver. I’ve brightened up the screenshot to make it easier to see. Haydee is a game that gets real dark, so I’ll label brightened screenshots.

Bridge-Entry Room

After exiting the vent, you’re in the Green Zone proper. There’s two doors, but one is gated off, so just head through the left one.

Platform Hub
The Platform Hub is kind of the ‘hub’ room of Green. It’s a bottomless pit that extends into a few different pathways. The green buttons bring up platforms to make your way across the pit. The door on the right leads to a Save Point. Hit both of the buttons and head in there.

Platform Hub Save Point
On the left is a Save Point, a point where you save. Obviously. Doing so uses one Diskette, so if you run out of Diskettes, you can’t save until you find more. Saving the game is a finite resource, so don’t go too crazy with your saves.

If you’re coming here from the Tutorial guide, now is a good time to save your game. Diskettes are limited, but not particularly rare. They’re more of a problem if you’re playing on Hardcore, but for this walkthrough I’ll be making the assumption you’re playing on Softcore.

I strongly, strongly suggest you rotate your saves. When you save your game, do not overwrite your previous save – make a new slot every single time, or at least rotate between 3 or 4 slots. Why? Because it is entirely possible to softlock Haydee and cause the game to be completely unwinnable. You don’t want to be stuck in an area without a way out and be forced to start the game from the beginning, so having earlier saves to fall back to are always a plus.
If you follow this tutorial series, however, you shouldn’t have much to worry about. There’s only one or two points where this is a worry, unless you do something stupid like throw your keycard into a pit or something.

On the right next to the door is an Item Box. If you’ve played Resident Evil, this will also be a familiar mechanic. Haydee’s inventory space is limited (12 spaces), and while that won’t be a problem for a while, you’re going to eventually need these. Most Save Points have a box near them and what you put in them will be retrievable from any other Item Box, so you can start by storing your Diskettes for later.
All done? Atta girl. Back out to the Platform Hub.

Platform Hub
Hitting the buttons would have raised a green platform to the right of you. I hope you saved, because those unfamiliar with Haydee’s platforming mechanics are in for a trial by fire. Jump across to the other side directly ahead of you – remember you can still grab ledges by holding W if you undershoot it.

On the other side, hit the button to your left, which will raise another platform to your right. Head back onto your platform, jump to the next, and sprint-jump towards the next two. You’ll grab the edges of them if you jump properly.

Holding right mouse button (left trigger on controller, I believe) without holding a weapon will turn Haydee in the direction your mouse is looking, allowing for much finer precision for jumps and ledges.

Got there without dying? Hit the button, which will raise another platform.

Return back to the two buttons next to the door you entered from, and hit the left one to continue the platform-raising shenanigans. This will let you jump around the left side of the room to a door where Haydee’s facing in the above screenshot.

On that last platform, hit that green button to open a door elsewhere. Equip your Pistol and be ready to fight, because the next room has two hostile robots.

Room A-1
For simplicity, I’ll be naming different ‘pathways’ through a simple alphabetical-numerical fashion. It’ll, uh, make sense as we go along. Be careful in this room, because you’re about to get ambushed.

To your left is a Walker, facing away from you. Behind the pipes to your right is a Slasher, waiting to pounce. Where Haydee’s standing in the screenshot above is about as close as you can get before both bots attack. Here’s what you’re up against.

Higher damage (3 hits to kill you on Softcore with body armour)
Higher health (7 bodyshots or 4 headshots to kill with Pistol)
Cannot be staggered

Lower damage (5 hits to kill you on Softcore with body armour)
Lower health (4 bodyshots or 2 headshots to kill with Pistol)
Can be staggered with a headshot

Got all that? Because the Walker is slower, your priority is to kill the Slasher. And since you don’t have a great deal of ammo, you’re not going to want to miss. Ideally, you quickly two-tap the Slasher in the head and then pump four headshots into the Walker before it reaches you.
The Slasher’s head is hard to hit sometimes, so don’t feel too frustrated if you die and have to repeat the platforming section. You will get used to headshotting Slashers.

Use the switch-shoulder key (C by default, right thumbstick on controller) to be able to peek corners safely. Usually, you can see robots before they see you, but sometimes they’ll attack long before you can ever see them, or when performing an action like pushing a button or picking up an item. This game loves to prey on people who think they’re safe in rooms that look empty, or even rooms they’ve already been through.

Wi-Fi Remote (continued)

As long as both bots are dead and you’re not, you should be okay. You’ll find some more ammo before you deal with any more hostile robots.
The two dead Haydee bots on the floor contain on them a Medkit and 2 Diskettes.

To activate this doodad, hit the left button twice, the middle button three times, and the right button three times. You should get a pattern like this…

and hear a vent open above you for later. For now, though, head through the door to the right of it.

Room A-2

You might notice some kind of button grated off in the wall, but aside from that there’s nothing to see here. Head straight through.

Room A-3

Here we’ll be picking up an item that’ll become a regular appearance in puzzles and progress – the Wi-Fi Remote.
To the left will be a button, and to the right will be a crawlspace near the ceiling. Start by jumping up into the crawlspace.

Remember, hang down and drop – just walking off from the crawlspace will take a sizable chunk off Haydee’s health.

Just around the corner is a button. Hit it to open up a vent directly behind you.

Then crawl through the vent back into the other side of the room.

Now hit the button to open up the cage…

Hit the button inside the cage to close the crawlspace, and hit the button outside again to re-lock the cage, and crawl back through the vent once more.

Crawl onto the pipes shown, grab the ledge and shimmy along it until you can pull yourself onto it.

Grab the ledge indicated, shimmy to the left and drop down, turn around and to the left is another ledge for you to jump to.

The rest is honestly more or less straightforward. Hopefully by now you’re getting a hang of the platforming mechanics. Crawl into the vent, safely drop down and to the right will be your prize.

Weirdly enough, it’s not a vibrator, it’s a Wi-Fi Remote. What does it do? Well, you’ll find out in the next room. For now, crawl back up through that vent, drop down to the floor and through the other to return to the previous room.

There’s also a box here, but it’s locked. To open crates like this, you’ll need a Crowbar. We won’t have that for a while, though, and this crate in particular holds nothing useful for us, so don’t worry about it.

Room A-2

There’s a button here, with something over it. That’s a Wi-Fi Receiver. Using the Remote presses that button for you, as long as you’re in the room. You can take it off the button, but opening the gate to the left requires the Receiver on it.

There are two gates, each independant of each other and opened/closed with that button. Keep the Receiver on the button, stand between the two, and press the Remote to progress.

You can’t keep that particular Receiver, so the Remote is useless right now – but later on we’ll find a Receiver or two and put it to good use.

Now, return to the Platform Hub.

Night Visor

Platform Hub

The button you hit before has made this vent accessible. Climb on through.

Room B-1

Immediately to your left as you crawl through, hidden in the darkness, is a little branch off that leads to a Haydee corpse.

She has a Mine on her. When you use a Mine, you place it on the ground, and after a couple seconds, it arms. If a hostile robot walks into an armed Mine (or if you do), it’s generally a one hit kill.

Moving right on, climb along to your left and behind the pipes to find 10 Pistol Rounds to top up your magazine.

Back into the crawlspace we go.

Room B-2

Climb up and around the pipes to your right, onto a crate onto the floor above.

Hit these buttons in the order shown in the image – the leftmost button, the rightmost button, the middle-left button, and then the middle-right button. If you were wondering how you were supposed to know that, don’t worry – it’s just trial and error.

Doing so unlocks a door behind you. Head on through.

Room B-1

This is the upper floor of the room with the pistol ammo you were just in. Take a hard right and open up the shaft with the button.

At the bottom you’ll find a crate with 10 Pistol Rounds and a button to open up a gate as a shortcut back later. Take the bullets and climb back up to the above floor.

Hit the button to progress and head directly forward into the door ahead of you.

Room C-1; the ‘Maze’

Don’t walk around this corner!

There’s a Mine on the wall and blindly turning the corner is instant death. Instead, move to the corner opposite, back yourself as far away from it as possible, and shoot it to destroy it without taking damage – preventing a completely unnecessary death from walking back through that door later.

For now though, turn around and look at the rest of the room.
There are four hostile robots you need to kill to progress here – three Slashers, and one Walker. Equip your Pistol and be ready to fight!

This is an example of your switch-shoulder button being a necessity. Always peek a corner with the correct shoulder and try to line up a headshot before you strafe into view. Your first hostile is directly around the first left corner in the Maze.

Your second is the next right corner. After killing it, continue moving forward.

In the far right corner, a Walker defends a button. You know the drill – four rounds, four headshots. You’re not done yet.

Hitting this button opens up a vent a little bit back, and it also spawns a Slasher into the maze who attacks immediately. This is something you’ll have to get used to – hostile robots spawning behind you as you progress. There’s a very noticeable sound cue of a drop-vent in the ceiling opening and the Slasher hitting the ground.

Learn to check the ceilings of room for spawn vents, and hear the sounds of hostiles spawning as you progress.

As soon as you hit the button, turn 180 and get ready to stagger it.

Near where that last Slasher spawned, a vent is now accessible. Climb on through.

Room A-1

This is the room with the coloured LEDs you were tapping on before. Don’t fall off the pipes or you’ll have to walk allllll the way back around from the Platform Hub. Jump onto the other pipes and through a crawlspace…

…to find a crate, a button and a door. The crate contains 10 Pistol Rounds, the button opens up the gate and the door leads to the Yellow Zone. We can’t access the Yellow Zone yet, not without a rapid death, so it’s time to backtrack through the Platform Hub anyway.

Room B-1

Climb up through the shaft you opened earlier, and once up, head through the door ahead back into the maze room.

Room C-1, the ‘Maze’

Hit the button on the wall in front of you, and then walk into the right corner, where a button sits. Be ready to fight.

Hitting this button, unsurprisingly, spawns a Slasher right on the other side of the grate next to you. As soon as you press it, turn around and aim at the doorway to headshot it.

Exit the maze where you came in, where a door has opened in front of you. Head inside, there’s an item we need from here.

Night Visor (continued)

Night Visor Room

Up there is the Night Visor, an item that lets you see in pitch-black darkness. This game, quite frankly, gets dark as d*cks – as you’re about to find out. Take stock of the room as you walk around, because as soon as you pick up the Visor the lights are going to turn off. Crawl around under the pipes on the far side of the room to the opposite side.

Climb up onto the indicated crate and shimmy along the edge underneath the railing until you can pull yourself up.
Before you hit the button and grab the Night Visor, take a good look at where you want to jump to, because it’ll be rather hard to see.

Once you’ve grabbed it, equip it immediately to see where you’re going. Turn to the crates indicated, jump to the lower one, climb onto the higher one and turn right, facing the doorway you entered from.

In the corner is another stack of crates for you to jump to. Stand up, and either jump to it or just sprint to it to grab the edge. Then turn to your right again.

This is a difficult jump. Much like in the tutorial, you will need to wait until the very last moment before you jump. Otherwise, you won’t have enough distance, and you’ll take a chunk of fall damage and have to climb back around. If you time it right, and hopefully you have that down by now, climb onto and over the crate.

Stand and jump to the ledge in front of you, bonking your head on the ceiling in the process. Shimmy along to the right and climb up into the crawlspace to find a button.

Hitting the button turns the lights back on, letting you drop back down to the floor safely. Remove the Night Visor so you don’t get a headache. Before you leave, though, there’s one more thing. Climb back up to the ledge of the top platform where you picked up the Night Visor.

While shimmying around, keep going until you can drop down onto the pipes indicated, and then turn around to find a crawlspace to jump to.
Inside the crawlspace is a dead Haydee holding 10 Pistol Rounds. With that, we can leave the Night Visor room and back into the Maze.

First Green Keycard

Room C-1, the ‘Maze’
Head straight through the door on your left and return to Room B-1. You might even consider going back and saving your game, because a particularly tricky encounter is coming up.

Room B-1

Turn to your left and carry on through your door. Be ready to fight.

Room D-1
A Walker is directly in front of you, but far enough away that you shouldn’t have much trouble killing it. Then, we have a pickle.

Hitting the button opens up a gate directly behind you and releases a Slasher. You have about two-thirds of a second to react before it reaches you. There are two ways you can play this.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #1: The Mine
Place the Mine you got from the dead Haydee in the last room directly in front of the gate, on the right side. Run into the corner right next to the button before it arms, and once you hear the ‘beep’ of it being armed, hit the button.
This will kill the Slasher and take off a chunk of Haydee’s health, (about a third of your max HP), but it’s easy and will save ammunition. If you’re not too hot on your shooting and have health to spare, this may be your best bet.

#2: The Quickdraw
This one is far simpler, but takes some skill. Simply hit the button with the Pistol in your hand and turn around, headshotting the Slasher before it can reach you. Because a headshot will stagger the Slasher, it will buy you enough time to pump another headshot or two bodyshots into it for a 2-3 shot kill without taking any damage. This way you can kill the Slasher without taking damage, and you will save the Mine, which can come in very handy later on.

Once you’ve disposed of Swordbot McGee, hit the button to open up the gate in front of you.

Inside this new room is a crate that lets you climb up into a crawlspace. It’s awfully dark up there, but fortunately we now have a solution to that. Jump up, turn on your Night Visor and crawl around the left of the crates.

Dropping down from the crates again you’ll find 3 Diskettes in the light. Then, crawl up towards the top of the crawlspace.

Hang down from the edge of it and shimmy to the left. Hit the button to open up a gate below you. Then, drop down from the pipes and climb up to the opposite side of the room.

Stand on the ledge and jump to grab the edge of the next crawl space and head inside, turning on your Night Visor if you need to. Open it up with the Screwdriver and head into the next room.

Room D-2

In the new crawlspace, take your first right to find a button to hit. You should see a green light if you take the Night Visor off. Return back and continue, but don’t take the next left!

There’s nothing down there except a Mine that’ll kill you. Keep moving forward and instead take the next right.

Follow it through two left turns until you find a lit-up Haydee corpse. Loot it for a whopping 20 Pistol Rounds, which will soon be put to good use. Don’t progress any further!

Around the next right is, yep, another Mine. Once you have the Pistol ammo, just turn around and return to the main pathway, and then take the final left turn to enter the next room.

I hope you’re not tired of staring at Haydee’s backside yet, because this game has quite a lot of vent-crawling.

Room D-3

Nothing interesting to see here. Crawl under the pipes and continue.

Room D-4

You might want to crouch-walk just so you don’t undershoot the pipes, but otherwise just continue through the vent below.

First Green Keycard (continued)


Hit the button to open up the stairway, and then turn to your right. On the boxes in the corner you can find a Medkit.

Heading down the staircase you can find the bodies of two very unfortunate Haydees, having on them 10 Pistol Rounds and 2 Diskettes, respectively. Rather than heading through the door at the bottom, though, instead turn around and head back up the stairway to the very top.

Room E-1
Be ready to fight! Hitting the button to progress will cause both a Slasher and a Walker to attack.

The Slasher will come from the doorway to the left, and the Walker from the further hallway to the right. Once you’ve disposed of both, head into the doorway where the Slasher came from. Don’t holster your Pistol yet, though, because this room has three Slashers.

Room E-2

Once you’ve crossed the ‘danger zone’ indicated in the picture, two Slashers are going to come charging around the corner at you. Keep your sights up and stagger them as quickly as possible. Keep a medkit on your item bar so you can heal if they reach you. You’ll find another medkit in just a moment, anyway.

Heading through, you’ll see a tempting green glow. Hit the button next to it and you’ll find a vent has opened right next to the entrance for you to crawl through.

Drop onto the pipes just below a vent, jump to the next visible pipes, and then to the pipes to the left. Remember that you cannot grab pipes like ledges, so don’t undershoot your jumps.

Make another jump to the pipes and turn around. Edge slowly towards the Haydee corpse in front of you until you can interact with her dangling leg, and snatch a Medkit from her. then, turn around and crawl up through the vent until you find your prize.

What you’ve found is a Green Keycard. One of these is in the Green Zone, and two are in the Yellow Zone. Once you’ve found all three, you can use them to find a Blue Keycard.
Likewise, the Red and Black zones both have Red Keycards, which are also used to find a Blue Keycard. Once you have both Blue Keycards, you can progress through the Blue Zone to finish the game.

Make sense? Yes? No? Don’t worry about it. Equip your Pistol again and hit the button. As soon as you crawl out of this vent, a third Slasher is going to spawn at the entrance and attack. Crawl out and aim as soon as possible so you can stagger it.
Once disposed of, head back out into the last room.

Room E-1
There are two ways you can return. Through the E-Platform Hub Connector, or the E-C Connector. I actually suggest opening up both so you can come through later. Let’s start with the E-C Connector, because there’s ammo you can loot from it.
Turn right and then left to open up a gated door. This will lead back to the C-1 ‘Maze’ room from earlier.
Remember the Mine in that room? If you didn’t shoot that, then heading through the next room is instant death. You should skip ahead and tackle it the safe way, through the E-Platform Hub Connector.

C-E Connector
More hostiles.

First of all, loot the 10 Pistol Rounds from the dead Haydee on the floor. If that’s all you wanted to do here and you’d much rather just get back to the save point through the E-Platform Hub Connector thank you very much, then feel free to skip ahead here.

The button next to the dead Haydee opens up the door ahead and allows you to progress, but it will also release a Slasher ahead of you and a Walker behind you.
If you used the ‘Quickdraw’ method back in D-1, you still have a Mine on you. I would suggest using that now. Just place it directly in front of the Slasher’s gate, quickly move back to the button and when it arms, release them both. The Slasher will die instantly and you’ll only have to worry about the Walker.
If you don’t have a Mine, your priority should be, as usual, to kill the Slasher first. Hopefully you have Medkits to spare in case you’re not as quick with headshots. Down the Slasher, then spin around and pump headshots into the Walker while strafing backwards. Now that this place has been cleared, you can either continue through C-1, B-1 and to the Platform Hub, or you can open up another shortcut. Let’s do that. Turn around and head back into Room E-1.

Room E-1
Peel right around to the other side and head through the door.

E-Platform Hub Connector

The Walker spawns around the left corner at the bottom of the stairs, guarding the door. Keep to the right wall and peek around it so it can’t reach you before you kill it.

The door at the bottom can be opened without any fear of being attacked. There’s also a locked gate with a Yellow Keycard Reader, but we don’t yet have a Yellow Keycard.

Back near the top of this room is a button that will release a Slasher and Walker, as well as opening the gate next to it. Don’t touch it – the loot behind that gate requires a Crowbar, and there’s no point putting yourself at risk and using up ammunition for items you can’t even get yet. Continue down the stairs and into the next room…

Bridge-Entry Room

We’re back here. You can turn left to return to the Platform Hub and save your game (something you probably want to do by now), or return to the bridge.
What next? Well, we have the Wi-Fi Remote and the Night Visor, which means we can now tackle the Red Zone and Black Zone. That’s our next goal – we’re done with the Green Zone for now. We could return to the bottom of the Staircase and use our Green Keycard, but we need three to progress.

It’s time to head into the Red Zone.
