Elite Dangerous Guide

High Grade Emission 3.3.+ (updated) for Elite Dangerous

High Grade Emission 3.3.+ (updated)


With 3.3. it´s much easier to farm high grade materials than in past.There´s a trick, which i show you guys.

In the system

You know what you are looking for and have choosen the right system for the material.
Now, we have to fly to the Nav-Beacon which is very close to the sun.

Something to scan

Once arrived we have to scan it like a ship.

What´s next ?

Activate your FSD and reduce your speed once inside the system to min. , because there´s still something to do and we don´t want to hit something.

On the left pannel you see your current system with planets, stars, other systems, ….. .
What we are looking for is Set-Filters

Let´s make some changes

Once clicked we have many options now, but we need only one.

Signal Sources

Everything else has to turned off.

It´s magic

If we go back and look into the panel again we see only Signal Sources in the whole system.
Also our High Grade Emission.

Infinit High Grade Manufactured Materials (Solo Mode)

There´s also something else to know if you found your right material and don´t have very much.

Example looking for Core Dynamics Composites

After you´re done

After collecting your materials exit the game to the desktop.

Next pls

Start your game again and select the same game mode again (solo).

Start your FSD and wait until it´s charged.

Use your booster to enter supercruise very fast.

What´s this ?

In supercruise reduce your speed to 0.

Take a look on your left panel and you see a signal source very close to you.

That´s nice

Fly into this signal source and you´re going to get the same materials again.

Something else to know ?


  • Not all systems got a Nav-Beacon.
  • Works in every system with a Nav-Beacon.
  • Sometimes your High Grade Emission can be far away or you´ll find more than 1.
  • It´s also possible there´s no High Grade Emission. If that happens choose the system.
  • Keep always an eye on the time. In 3.3. Signal Sources disappear when the time runs out.
  • If your target is far away (ex. 100.000 ls) and disappear in few mins. Don´t try it.
    Choose an another one or change the system.
  • If there´s no High Grade Emission left, change the system.
  • Not every High Grade Emission got exactly what you´re looking for. Ex. You look for Military
    Supercapacitors in an imperial system in war times. If you´re unlucky you´ll find only Imperial
    Shields and no Military Supercapacitors.
  • If you reenter the same signal source you´re going to get the same materials, but their count
    changes everytime.
  • If you just normal enter supercruise (without boosters), your signal source is a farer away.
  • After a while your signal source disappear -> keep an eye on the timer (also solo)
  • Still works in 3.4. .


I hope it helps you a little bit to find and get what you´re looking for in a shorter time.


