NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence Guide

Historical Events for NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence

Historical Events


A list of events I found, for you guys trying to google translate the japanese guide *shudder*It’s very incomplete now, but it is a work in progress.Also note that I have yet to write about all the events I have discovered, but since I’m sure the Oda ones are the most popular(and frustrating), I wrote them first

Japanese Provinces

Map Freak Time !

The Historical Provinces of Japan
The Modern Regions of Japan and their name’s meaning, I also included a few old names when they represented the same region

(Anyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about international borders will be visited by an angry God of War/Tiger of Kai/Lion of Sagami Team of Doom in their sleep)

Less used Regions or Subregions
And finally, the main acrchipelago

Common Quests

Adopt Cupellation

Unlock once you can build your first Quary. Build two to upgrade your mines income.

Seven Military Classics

Have Kanbei Furoda as a Retainer(possibly in same castle as Daimyo).

Own Questions & Replies, The Methods, Three Strategies, Six Teachings, Wei Liao Zi, Wuzi and Furinkazan. These show up randomly in merchants inventory, so you may want to stock up before the quest, as its time limited.

Oda Clan – Nobuhide

Nobunaga must NOT marry.
Oichi must NOT marry.
Don’t build any castle in Owari, Mikawa or Mino until I say so.
Kiyosu Oda Clan MUST own Kiyosu and Inuyama.
Suemori Oda Clan must NOT be defeated by anyone else.
The Chosokabe, the Mori, the Shimazu and the Takeda MUST survive until their respective quest.
The Tokugawa must not be defeated except trough events.
The Imagawa must bot be defeated before the Conquest of Mino Quest.
If anyone siege Nagashima, drop WHATEVER you’re doing and KILL them, kill them NOW.
Do the same for Ishiyama and Saika castles once you’re moving to the Capital.
Don’t Improve Ansho, Oagaki, Narumi, or Suemori defenses, you’ll loses them trough events and will need to retake them. Nagoya castle will also be reset(but will keep crop, craft, conscript improvements on district, although said districts will be destroyed. That mean having A rank district may be surprisingly easy(may be fixed in future patch)).
Its likely a lots of minor Daimyos will want to become your slave meatshield cannon fodder vassal, but that would prevent you from taking their land directly(Dissolving vassalage turn whole of Japan Hostile for 5 years), your choice.

1534 – Birth of Nobunaga Scenario
Working the Tsushima

Apease the Atsuta and Tsushima tribes up to 80 trust.

Into Mikawa

Capture ONLY Ansho and defend it until you lose it way later in a event.

Into Mino

Raise the Asakura trust to 40.
After that, take Ogaki castle and nothing else.
You will have to wait until 1542 for the next quest, develop your bases in the meantime.
Now is also a good time to raise imperial trust and net a few titles(which passively raise the trust of all bordering clans).

1542 – Viper fo Mino Scenario

To the Next Generation

Build a Fortress at Suemori. You can now also safely build new fortresses in Owari.
Once its built, you have one year to raise Saito trust to 100 while defending Ansho from an all-out attack from the Imagawa-Tokugawa forces…provided the Ieyastu hostage events kick in properly(in 1543)…
When the trust with the Imagawa begin, immediatly station 3 differents units at minimum strengh at Kiyosu and Inuyama. This will prevent them from getting killed by the Imagawa, thus killing the Clan Unification Quest, and prevent THEM from taking Nagashima, thus killing the Anti-Nobunaga Coalition Quest. Do laugh at their faces while the Imagawa dies by the thousands from hunger waiting for you to move.
After that, its more siting around developing your bases, roads, imperial titles, appeasing tribes(and assimilating any Naval ones, they’re pretty useless if you don’t fight on the sea, which is very very rare)

You will move on to Nobunaga in 1547.

Oda Clan – Nobunaga

Nobunaga must NOT marry.
Oichi must NOT marry.
Nobunaga must NOT marry.
Oichi must NOT marry.
Don’t build any castle in Owari, Mikawa or Mino until I say so.
Kiyosu Oda Clan MUST own Kiyosu and Inuyama.
Suemori Oda Clan must NOT be defeated by anyone else.
The Chosokabe, the Mori, the Shimazu and the Takeda MUST survive until their respective quest.
The Tokugawa must not be defeated except trough events.
The Imagawa must bot be defeated before the Conquest of Mino Quest.
If anyone siege Nagashima, drop WHATEVER you’re doing and KILL them, kill them NOW.
Do the same for Ishiyama and Saika castles once you’re moving to the Capital.
Its likely a lots of minor Daimyos will want to become your slave meatshield cannon fodder vassal, but that would prevent you

1551 – Struggle for Power Scenario

Clan Unification

Start as soon as the scenario begin or in 1547 if played as Nobuhide before.
From Nagoya, you must move north to capture Kiyosu, then move east to capture Inuyama, destroying the Kiyosu Oda Clan.
After that, move south to surround Suemori Castle, defeating the Suemori Oda Clan.

1560 – The Battle of Okehazama Scenario

The Battle of Okehazama

Provided you stick strictly to the above, this quest will kick in right after the fall of Suemori.
Move south of Nagoya and surround Narumi castle, the event battle will start.
Pretty straightforward, charge Yoshimoto with all your units and kill him until he dies. I recommend sticking with ranged attacks.
If you failed…well that just mean you will never complete any event battle since this is even easier than the tutorial,
After you won, take Narumi and Kutsukake and NOTHING else.
The Tokugawa Clan will rise and soon propose alliance, accept it.
They will own Kariya, Ansho, Okazaki and Yoshida.
You are now free to build fortresses in Owari.
Rejoice ! After this quest, you are now free to expand in Ise(with the exception of Nagashima), Shima and Iga, but no further.

1562 – Stronger than an Alliance Scenario

The Conquest of Mino

Providing you did’nt do anything else from what I told you, this should start.
Now you need to raise trust of both the Tokugawa and Azai to 100.
Raising the Tokugawa trust will create an unlimited alliance.
Raising the Azai trust will have their heir and Oichi marry for an alliance.
Taking Inuyabama castle may be your goal, but do not do so yet.
First thing first, take Iwamura and Naeki castle from the Saito in the east BEFORE the Tokugawa do so, reject their call if they ask help to take these two, but do help them take over the rest of Mikawa and Totomi from the Imagawa while leaving Suruga alone.
Once the east is secure, move north to Guji Hachiman castle and take it.
Or go west and take Ogaki.

One Night Fort at Sunomata

Once the Invasion of Mino commence, Hideyoshi Kinoshita will be available as a Ronin. Hire him. Now.
This will begin the quest to build a fortress at Sunomata BEFORE taking Inuyabama.
To do so, you’ll need to take Ogaki and station an army to defend Sunomata from any Saito Troops.

Invasion of Mino – Final Act

Take Inuyabama. An event about Hanbei will play, but you can’t hire him before destroying the Saito.
Rejoice ! After this quest, you are now free to take Hida,Etchu, Noto, Yamato, Kawachi, Kii(with the exception of Saika) and Izumo ! Time to go wild !

Thrice Met

You must Hire Hanbei as a Ronin 3 times for him to join you.

Toshie’s Struggle

After you hire Toshi Maeda from ronin status. (You DID hire him, right ?), an event will play at some time where Nobunaga exile him. Just don’t hire him for two years and he will come back stronger.

1567 – Dawn of Revolution

To the Capital

After destroying the Saito, the Shogun will come to beg for your helpgrant you the honor of retaking the Capital.
Capturing Kannonji Castle in South Omi is your first objective.
But you might want to take Ise and Shima Province first to avoid future trouble…
With the exception of Nagashima of course ! It will have its turn later.
Now that you own the shores of Ise Bay, it’s time to Invade South Omi and Iga.
After that, you would NORMALY invade Yamashiro to take the Capital, but doing so will spawn the Pan-Kansai-West Chugoku-Echizen-Shinano-Suruga Coalition of Doom that kill…
So lets soften them up a bit first… *evil*
Invade Yamato and Kawachi, further weakening the Miyoshi whcih will help later when you actually do take the capital.
After that, Invade Izumi and Kii(leave Saika alone).
Then Invade Setsu, BUT leave Ishiyama ALONE, unless someone foolishly try to take it, then do the same as with Nagashima. Ishiyama is also one of those fortress that may have a special fortification quest.
But you’re not done yet, before taking the capital, go help the Tokugawa take over Totomi and Mikawa if they’re not done yet, but leave Suruga alone(the takeda should take it…normaly..or the Hojos..or maybe even the Tokugawa if they’re feeling particulary bold). I’m not exactly sure this is needed yet, but the Imagawa will join the coalition, so weakening them is a plus.
Once your power is Secured, its time to take the Capital, which surrounded from all sides, should fall easilly.
Rejoice ! You are now free to invade Wakasa, Tamba, Tango, Tajima, Awaji and Inaba.

1570 – Nobunaga Besieged

Anti-Nobunaga Coalition

Now the Shogunate you just saved will reward you beyond imagination ! They will create the afore-mentioned coalition against your overpowerful-ass(given you softened them up first) with the Asakura, Azai and Hongaji(plus anyone still alive and not uterly friendly(trust 100 with *In Awe* or *Friendly* status that are either allies or vassals) in the region, the Miyoshi and the Mori, maybe the Takeda too, but leave these ones alones).
Gratefully Invade the Azai, but leave Odani castle alone for now.

A Man Called Hisahide Matsunaga

Make Hisahide Matsunaga Lord of Shigisan Castle. Of course that means you must have hired him and own Shigisan Castle. This event may also take a while to trigger and you must not have defeated the Coallition or started building Azuchi Castle.
Suround the Castle with Nobunaga.

The Death of Nagamasa

Basicly take every Azai ownings except Odani castle.
Then surround it and capture it.

Anti-Nobunaga Coalition – Continuation

Now destroy the Asakura of Echizen.
In the meantime, you may also take Nagashima from the Hongaji(at last !), but Ishiyama may need to be left alone(as it fell after the battle of Nagashino with the Takeda in the 70s).
Once Omi, Echizen and Nagashima are yours, you will need to suround the capital again.
Now, the next quest should take a while to start(not before 1571 I think).
Rejoice ! You can now Invade Omi, Echizen and Kaga.

There’s something missing here, I know it

You MUST invade Ishiyama before the following quests.

1582 – Like a Dream

The Conquest of Koshu

Suround Takato Castle. Then Surround Shinpu.
Rejoice ! You can now invade Shinano and Kai.

Flooding Takamatsu Castle

Hideyoshi and Kanbei surround Bicchu Takamatsu. Continue Blockading without interruption until the next event.
Rejoice ! You can now invade Harima, Mimasaka, Bizen, Bitchu and Hoki.

Like a Dream

Nobutada and Nobunaga Oda are at Nijo Palace.
Hideyoshi Hashiba is at Himeji Castle.
Katsuie Shibata is at Kitanosho Castle.
Then, station Mitsuhide Akechi in Nicho Palace. WARNING : Doing so will end the Oda Clan, who will splinter, and start the Toyotomi Questline, so consider cleaning up before(maybe even destroying all fortifications east and north of Omi *evil*).

Oda Clan – Toyotomi Hideyoshi

1582 – Like a Dream Scenario

The Battle of Yamazaki

Hideyoshi Hashiba enter Ishiyama Temple within 30 days.
Adter that, the event battle will play. It’s not difficult as long as you understand that people die when they are killed the basics of warfare.

1582 – The Kiyoshu Conference Scenario

The Battle of Shizugatake

Capture Saika and Gifu Castle.
Eliminate the Gifu Oda Clan.
Take Wakasa Province as well as Kanegasaki and Somayama Castle, then wait for next quest.

The Death of Katsuie

Might take a while to trigger.
Capture Kitanosho Castle trough Storming.
After that, the Shibata Clan will surender to you.

Building Osaka Castle

Build a Stone Wall, then a Dual Annex, then a 4-Story Tenchu in Ishiyama Temple.

The Battle of Komaki and Nagakute

Destroy the Kiyosu Oda Clan. You can also take Kiso Fukushima, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and Kariya from the Tokuwaga, but nothing else.
Raise the Tokugawa trust to 60.

1586 – The Kiyushu Conquest Scenario

The Battle of Hetsugi River

Masayasu Sogo and Gonbei Sengoku deploy at Funai Palace.
Bring Chosokabe trust to 40.
Expel Gonbei Sengoku when asked to.

Taking Kyushu

Capture Kumanoto Castle.
Now is a good time to clean up northern Kyushu.
Capture Taka Castle.
Hidenaga Toyotomi surround Sadowara Castle.

Takeda Clan

Uesugi Clan

Tokugawa Clan

1582 – Like a Dream Scenario

The Conquest of Koshu
Surround Shinpu, making Kai defect to you. The Oda will surround Takato, making South Shinano defect to them and North Shinano defect to the Sanada.

The War of 1582

After Nobunaga death(making South Shinano defect to you), the Uesugi and Hojo will march to war. Defend kai for 6 months and ally the Sanada(raising trust to 60). The Hojo will then propose a marriage, accept it.

1582 – The Kiyosu Conference Scenario

Inheriting the Red

Summon Naomasa li to Sunpu castle.

The Battle of Komaki and Nagasuke

March 1583, rhe Shibata and Gifu Oda will defect to the Hashiba.
Summon Ieyasu Tokugawa AND Naomasa Li to Komakiyama Castle which newly defected to you.
Defeat Hidenatsu Hashiba before Tsuneoki Ikeda.
Defend Komakiyama and don’t let Okazaki get surrounded.
Do not attack Hashiba castles and fortresses.

1586 – The Conquest of Kyushu Scenario

Until it sings.

Bring Hojo trust to 60.

Into Odawara

You MUST NOT siege Odawara, you must capture Nirayama, Tamanawa, Edo and Iwatsuki.

Hojo Clan

Oigigaya Uesugi MUST own Kogane.
Oyumi Ashikaga MUST survive until destroyed trough event.
The Koga Ashikaga MUST own Koga Palace.
The Yamanouchi MUST own Minowa(lost in event) and Hirai.
The Satomi, Satake, Nagao, Takeda and Imagawa MUST survive.
The Nagano and Utsunomiya MAY need to survive too.
You must NEVER lose one of your starting bases or ones of the bases taken trough quests.
Don’t Improve Kanbara Castle after you take it. You’ll lose it trough event.
Obaiin, Zoshunin and Reishoin, Yoshinobu Takeda, Ujimasa Hojo and Ujimasa Imagawa must NOT marry.

1534 – The Birth of Nobunaga Scenario

The Battle of Yamakana

Capture ONLY Fuji Yoshida Castle.
Completing this quest will start a war with the Imagawa.

Imagawa against Hojo

Capture ONLY Kanbara Castle.

The Battle of Kawagoe Castle

Before moving out, do wait for your troops to recover, otherwise you’ll end up on a 3 fronts war with no soldiers. You might even want peace to happen with the Takeda or the Imagawa before attacking the Uesugi.
Capture Iwatsuki, then Kawagoe Castle.
Once you capture Kawagoe, the next quest will start.

The First Battle of Konodai

The Ashikaga army will slowly move towards Edo, it may looks strong, but will be defeated as soon as a unit led by Ujitsuna Hojo engage it, so don’t waste your soldiers against it. Don’t attack it before the Satomi pull back either ! That’s a recipe for disaster ! Once he’s defeated, the Satomi will take Oyumi.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Reconstruction

Build a shrine, then a Hachimangu in one of Tamanawa castle’s military district. You need to develop conscript(and therefore crops) to unlock it.
Defend Tamanawa castle for 2 years after that..

Once you’ve completed both previous quests, Ujitsuna will sadly die..BE SURE TO PICK UJIYASU AS HEIR OR THE HOJO QUESTLINE END HERE !

1542 – Viper of Mino Scenario

Kawagoe Night Raid

The Imagawa will march to war. Defend yourself for a year and bring Takeda trust to 40.
After that, both Uesugis and the Ashikaga will march to Kawagoe with each a Doomstack of 13000. Make Tsunashige Hojo(Tsunanari does not exist, it’s a spelling mistake) Lord of Kawagoe Castle BEFORE it get surrounded. Then move a unit commanded by Ujiyasu to Kawagoe AFTER it got blockaded.
After the event, Kogane will defect to you and the Uesugi and Ashikaga will splinter.

1548 – God of War Descent Scenario

The Successor

Capture Koga Palace(and Sekiyado too for good mesure, but I think it should normaly defect to you with Kogane, in my attempt, it did’nt because the Satake took it), then surround Hirai, making all Uesugi Fortresses defect to you. Feel free to capture any surprisingly foreign bases in Sagami, Izu, Shimosa and Musashi.

The Triple Alliance

Will not trigger before 1543.
Bring Takeda trust to 100, creating a marriage alliance.
Bring Imagawa trust to 100, creating a marriage alliance.

1560 – The Battle of Okehazama Scenario

Anti-Hojo Coalition

Defend for one year.

The Conqueror of Kanto

Break marriage with the Takeda, then bring the Uesugi trust to 60 within 2 years.
After that, take Ota from the Satake, Utsunomiya from, well Utsunomiya and wipe out the Satomi.
You are now free to conquer whatever you wish, however you wish.
Congratulations ! You have completed the Hojo questline !

Sanada Clan

Custom/Minor Clans

Wealth and Power

Raise starting Capital’s Conscript to 350, Craft to 400 and Crop to 450.

Territory Expansion

Capture a Castle. Those are the Capital of each province.