Don’t Starve Guide

Hoarders: Don't Starve Edition for Don't Starve

Hoarders: Don’t Starve Edition


A short guide on how to make the most of your resources and resources of your most!EDIT: Thank you so much for the feedback, but this guide has DIED! I am so sorry I can’t keep up with the updates. I hope to revisit this in the future, but considering my procrastination skills i have no idea!!! I have been trying to work on other guides recently, so please look at my other guides, because that is where my time is going!-The Vhampster 8/22/13

Efficient hoarding basics (i.e. Common Sense Re-Hashed)

In most cases you want to have everything on hand in Don’t Starve. It’s a cruel world and you’ve got no one but yourself to help you 😛 (And the internet) 😛
HEY! Look, it’s a 12-step program

So here’s a few pointers on hoarding:
1) Craft a backpack. Not the piggyback, and don’t even waste your time with Krampus Seriously. But hey, it’s a game, so if you want to accomplish that, running all over Hell’s Half Acre to get those, more power to yeh.

2) Stack items to the max. Most stacks will go up to 20-40 items. So for each backpack slot you have, just fill up as many as make sense, with rocks, wood, twigs, hay, etc. Just be mindful of how much time you’re spending on this in Adventure Mode.

3) Get your priorities straight! Sometimes it better to get moving so you don’t bump into Deerclops rather than having a stack of 40 rocks per say. Most things you’ll be using in Winter are wood, twigs, rabbits, hay, etc. Focus on hoarding those items.

4) Don’t craft higher grade items like boards or cut stone unless you have specific, limited usage of these items!!!
This cripples your efficiency and you can’t downgrade and upgrade materials in Don’t Starve, so…

5) If you have multiple “Buildings” at your “camp” make sure MOST of them are chests.
‘Nuf said
I mean, who needs 2 tents and alchemy machines? HAVE COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.

6) Go hunt down Chester. He can help you carry items, and he’s portable. Not sure how reliable he is in world generations in Adventure Mode but if you see an Eyebone in any game mode, be sure to pick it up

7) Don’t look for Teleportato pieces until you have armor, a weapon (heck, even a tool if necessary) and a backpack and/or base camp.
It just wastes space and you can’t re-find things you just drop very easily by viewing the map. You need a landmark. {Which requires crafting…materials} Or empty backpack slots.

8) Spawncamp whenever possible, but not in adventure mode
You may be forced to craft multiple science machines and such in each chapter of adventure mode. But do NOT unless you need to. You may be stuck without wood in your backpack for a makeshift fire.
DO NOT make multiple large camps in Survival Mode. Each fire pit you make depletes unrenewable resources from the world you’ve generated. And yes, I realize you can craft the portal to another Survival Mode world but seriously, BE CONSISTENT. And the cave update? No, earthquakes are NOT a reliable source of stone. Just no. And in Adventure Mode, you’re going to be on the road, so keep your non-renewables to make a base camp and plot your revolt against the Spider Queen! You can find so many rocks down in caves you could make plenty of fires but don’t expect to have renewable rocks for your surface-level base, unless you relocate the rocks from underground to above ground.

9) Treat caves as a whole new world.
But take a weapon, armor, SOME food, and SOME lighting materials.
Make a little camp down there. Preferrably on Survival Mode. (Honestly, I dunno if plugged sinkholes spawn in Adventure Mode, but…) Leave a chest down there with materials and tools.
Please note that Plugged Sinkholes – to the best of my knowledge – do not connect, so if you’re collecting resources above or below ground at the same place, they won’t synchronize with your other cave entrances. The game just isn’t programmed like that.

10) Leave room for essential items:
Typically your Don’t Starve inventory should include 3 basic things.
c) A back up plan (usually materials to set up camp or items to prepare for the winter cold…etc)
(I know, Adventure Mode you may not get what you want before your pack is full. In that case, dump or build what you don’t need to take for an exploration and keep your torches, miner’s hats, amulets and food on you AT ALL TIMES)

11) Don’t get too comfy with the hammer..
You only get 1/2 the resources back, rounded down. SO if you used 5 gold to craft something, you’ll get back 2. Use 3 and get 1. And so on.

12) Read the Don’t Starve Wiki.
You’ll see updates on everything from new enemies to more efficient ways of hoarding.

Have fun! And Don’t Starve!


13) Farm Charcoal and keep it around for crafting and campfires
It goes a long way.

14) Be a responsible campfire starter.
If you’re going to make an all-wood, (i.e. not a fire pit with rocks) fire, just to camp or even to farm charcoal – make sure you’re not next to the fire…. Because you’re gonna get burned. Sure, you can play as Willow and have fire-related abilities, but you also need to protect your stuff, not just yourself, you fruitcake! I have burned down many camps myself, so believe me, I know what it’s like to be a fruitcake. YUM. Anyways, wood-based “buildings” and loose items are flammable. Meaning if they are close enough to an open flame, they will ignite! Leaving you with a sad pile of ashes. Oh well, you can use ash for advanced healing items. But you can’t regenerate anything lost. It’s another drop out of the ever-depleting world you generate.

15) Bees
So many things I could tell you about bees…
Bottom line: you poke a hive, killer bees come out. You poke a bee, it’s friends will come after you. Start off with a bee keeper hat, but be ready to run out of sight until the bees cool off and hit the hive again. You’re going to need this knowledge if you start building bee boxes..Be sure to attack the bee hives during the day time. Only a few of the killer bees will be left in the hive, instead of the whole colony. Don’t burn the hive, it will turn to ash!

16) Spiders
Pretty much same as with bees, spider warriors will go back in after awhile. I would suggest attacking during daytime just because it’s generally safer. Again, don’t burn the hive. Let it go to tier 3 if you want Spider eggs, but be extra careful of many many spiders…

17) Hound attacks
My personal experience has never been that great with these critters. If you’re trying to farm materials from hounds, be sure to have 3/4 (75%) or full-health armor. Also, hound mounds may be tempting (I’ve seen them in Adventure Mode, not survival Mode) but let the hounds come to YOU. It’s too easy to get mobbed, stun-locked (constantly attacked, with little chance to strike back) and die. Who knows where you’ll respawn, if at all? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, go ahead and run away. Leave a vague landmark if you can, like a rabbit trap (which will show on the overworld map) and come back with full health and armor.

18) Leifguards
Restraint from chopping trees at night….or be ready to plant a pinecone and pacify the big, walking tree in a random boss encounter. It’s a pretty low chance that this will ruin your day, but it’s worth knowing.

Submit any Bonus Round suggestions and they may appear in this guide. Thanks for your input!
Remember keep it fairly BASIC since this is intended to be a beginner’s guide
I intend to add some screenshots here and there
Bonus round contributers:
1) Clarion11
2) Dennis Riley

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