Solutions for all levels coming soon. Currently includes levels 1-45 and 80-84.
Helpful Hints
Here are some hopefully helpful suggestions for if you feel stuck while solving a puzzle:
Each puzzle is really just a maze, and like most mazes, there are plenty of dead ends and inaccessible areas. Try to pick out where those are, so that you can simplify your path.
Puzzle 44 is mirrored left to right. Your cube starts in the center, and the end is on the left side, so you never really need to use the right size of the puzzle- it’s just there as window dressing. Now your choices are all simplified, since you know crossing to the right side of the puzzle won’t advance you.
Try thinking about the puzzle as shapes instead of a maze.
You can think of puzzle 43 as two rectangles connected by a crossbar. On each side, there is a rectangular circuit with two exit/entrance points, where you can navigate to the other side along either the back or the front of the figure.
When your cube is traveling a path, it will stop at any point in which it can change direction. Plod ahead and see if there are any available paths you didn’t realize were accessible.
In puzzle 24, the uppermost square (if you see the puzzle as an odd cube, this is the top face of the cube) lays “mostly” on top of the other square. This makes it look like your red cube can travel in a straight line (left image). When you test this path, you can see in the right image that your red cube becomes entrapped on the back of the figure and can actually travel in two new directions.
Levels 1-9
If you’re having trouble reading my maps, follow the line from the cube to the hole. When the line is red, the side of the figure that the cube is on is facing you. If the line is yellow, the cube should be on a side of figure that’s not facing you (the back or underside). Arrows are given below each map to indicate what direction each movement is, if it’s easier to follow that way. There may be alternate solutions to some of the puzzles listed, but I will only list one solution each.
Levels 10-19
Levels 20-29
Levels 30-39
Levels 40-49
46-49 Coming soon!
Levels 50-59 – Coming soon!
Levels 60-69 – Coming soon!
Levels 70-79 – Coming soon!
Levels 80-89
Levels 85-89 Coming soon!