Welcome back to the second Hearts of iron IV country review, where I pick a country availible at the start of the game and give it a 1-10 rating. Today I will be look at China with the Waking the Tiger DLC.
1. Starting Position
On January 1st, 1936, The Republic of China is in a tough spot. You are surrounded by Yunnan, The Guanxi Clique, Xibei San Ma, Shanxi, TIbet, The British Raj, Mengkukuo, Manchukuo, Japan, and Communist China. You start with but 2 research slots, 29 Factories (18 Civilian, 10 Military, and 1 Dockyard). You also start with several National Spirits, here are their effects.
German Military Advisors
Provides a +7% bonus to land doctrine research, but Germany can take them away if Japan asks, You can prevent this however by offering Falkenhausen Chinese citizenship.
Nine Power Treaty
While not listing any effects, this prevents China from changing their trade laws from free trade, this can be fixed by revoking it through focus.
Army Corruption
-50% Division Attack, -50% Division Defense, and -30% Mobilization speed. The worst starting national spirit in my opinion. By doing the focuses and decisions to reform the army, this can be solved, but not with out experience in the ways of modern war.
Ineffective Bureaucracy
-35% Recruitable Population Factor. This can be solved by completing the Democracy path of the focus tree.
Incompetant Officers
-70% Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier. This can be fixed by Army Reform Focuses.
Low Inflation
5% Consumer Goods and -5% Factory Output. 1 of 5 possible levels of inflation, currently not too bad but if you do too much investing to fast, it can get out of hand, can be reduced through economic reform focuses.
China Starts with 57 Divisions. 52 Infantry (Mix of 4 Infantry Battalions and 6 Infantry Battalions) and 7 Cavalry (4 Cavalry Battalions). China has a starting deficit of 108 guns and a surplus of 40 convoys. China starts with outdated Guns and Planes being produced. China also starts with 115 Fighter 1933’s. The situation looks grim, and it may take a miracle to survive.
The focuses you can select at the start are Three Principles of the People, which gives 5 Stability and leads down the Democracy, Welfare, and Nationalism Path. Military Affairs Comission, which gives max cp +5 and +0.05 daily army xp, this leads down you army reform. Unified Industrial Planning, which gives 2x 50% bonus for industry and leads down some of your economy tree. And Invite Foreign Investors, which gives 2 Offmap Civ Factories. This leads down your foreign aid tree that all 3 China’s get.
2. Opening Moves (In my Opinion)
Start by researching Infantry Equipment 1936 and Basic Machine Tools.
Select the focus Three Principles of the People, then b-line Subjugate the Warlords.
If Japan selected the focus Purge the Kohoda Faction, then build level 2-3 forts along the south bank of the Zhangwei river.
If Japan went any other path, you are free to unite China and maybe come back for them later.
Have all your factories produce Infantry Equipment, and the Dockyard produce convoys.
Don’t import any materials. Forts > Guns.
Prepare for quick wars against the Warlords.
3. Scenario 1: Second Sino-Japanese War
So Hirohito has decided to wipe the Chinese stain out of the Japanese Carpet. But like that coffee stain on your carpet, you will have to be persistant. Sacrificing some of Northern China is probably nessescary to survive. If you can, take out Mao,Yan Xishan, and Ma Bufang so you can continue the fort line all the way to the Mongolian border. This will be a war of attrition. Japan will lose eventually. Guard your coasts from naval incursions, and keep your navy in port. By the time Japan launches their assualt, you want to have arounf 80-100 fully equiped divisions (preferably the 6 battalion Infantry templates not the 4 Battalions) Holding out long enough will mean that Japan has lost too many men, equipment, planes, and rescources fighting in China to also fight the Allies when they enter the war. Even better is if you can break the Japanese before then and get a peace event. Don’t launch an attack until you can see that the Japanese have broken upon your mighty forts. As for Land Doctrine, I would go for Grand Battleplan for the entrenchment and defense.
4. Scenario 2: Chinese Civil War
Japan has decided it would be more fun to start shooting istelf then to conquer the Pacific. This is great news! this means that you are free to unify China and build your country. Start by subjugating the warlords and taking down Mao, build up to around 200 divisions and get ready for the liberation of Manchuria (unless Japan was kind enough to return it). The war should be easy, with the brunt of the resistance being from Manchukuo, a country that has almost as crippling penalties as you did. After Japan has been dealt with you are free to join World War II and send troops to Europe, or just watch. If you really want you coudl watch both sides weaken eachother while you build Tanks, Planes, Trucks, Boats, and maybe Nukes. Then when both sides are weak you show the world the might of the Chinese Dragon!
5. Conflict and Threats
Country Chance of War Threat
United Kingdom 25% Medium
France 20% Low
United States 25% Low
Japan 85% High
Soviet Union 50% Medium/High
Germany 30% Low
Comm. China 90% Low/Medium
Warlords 65% Low/Medium
6. Verdict
China starts off very weak and it’s future is uncertain but if China survives a war with Japan or is left to it’s own devices it becomes an unstoppable force with a possibility for world conquest. However, China starts with so many problems it can and will take years to fix, potentionally giving your enemies room to strike, not to mention that any warlord might become strong enough to challenge you.
Rating: 7/10 Maybe more enjoyable for more skilled players.