This is a mod for 7D2D which does a lot including adding many recipes, working appliances, working plumbing, increasing the traders decorative items for sale and much much more.Don’t worry though… Efforts were made to keep this mod within the structure laid out by the developers. That means you will not need any special 3rd party anything to use it, and if you run a server it is as simple as dropping in a folder and everyone who plays on your server will be uploaded everything they need. No hoop jumping here.
Home Depot Mod — for 7 Days to Die [Alpha 19 Patched]
V1.4 (FINAL Alpha 17 Version) by OrbitalBliss
Thanks to XelaNull for patching it for A18.
Thanks to branjos for patching for A19.
Welcome to Home Depot where, if you can’t buy it, we can help you build it. This mod adds many (most) decorative items already in the game to either your crafting lists, or to the Traders items (at least as a rare Hidden Stash). It also fixes a couple established recipes and Perk walls (and, yes, ‘Fixes’ is a subjective term). But I did try to leave most things the way the Devs made them. One of the main purposes of this Mod is to give players meaningful access to assets in the game that otherwise are trapped in Creative Mode.
This mod is item-centric and kept completely within the Configs (aka; It’s a Modlet) so you can drop it on your server and it will deliver to everyone, no fuss no muss. Your players don’t have to do anything. And, yes, a few of the things this mod does have been done several times before… but like Home Depot, the Home Depot mod is meant to be one-stop shopping. Besides, I kinda wanted to write my own version of those things from the ground up anyhow as I taught myself how to mod. I hope this fills out your players gaming experiences. Have fun!!
In this section we’ve added many (if not most) items that exist in game already, but cannot be acquired. These are added to the Traders decorations lists, with Economic Values and Repair Materials added for those items missing them. Also, slightly boosted the number of Decorative items Traders carry.
This is just a few of the items in this image. There are too many to include them all.
Here’s a list: WallOven, UtilitySink, HungSink, MicrowaveOven, RetroFridge, FridgeStainlessSteel, StoveOld, WashingMachine, TrashCompactor, Mirror, ShowerHead, BathTubEmpty, Toilet01, Toilet02, Toilet03, MedicineCabinet A, MedicineCabinet B, PillCase, Radiator, SchoolDesk, ShoppingBasket, LeatherCouchSofa, BarracksChair, Paintings (x6), CharcoalGrillClosed, CharcoalGrillOpen, GasGrillClosed, GasGrillOpen, BirdBathPlanter, Gurney, HospitalBed, FileCabinetShort, FileCabinetTall, LockersTall A, LockersTall B, LockersTall C, HeatVent, HeatVentIndustrial, LaundryBasket, FancyGarbageCan, Dumpster, WaterCoolerBottle, CoolerOpen, SatelliteDish, SatelliteDishSmall, MetalSlide, SwingSet, StationaryBike, Treadmill, WeightBar, BenchPress, Duffle01, WeaponsBagSmall, WeaponsBagLarge, Purse01, Suitcase, LuggageMedium, LuggageBig, Backpack01, Backpack03, AirConditionVentFan, ConditionVentFanDouble, SignRoadStop, SignRoadStop4way, SignRoadSlow, SignRoadPrivate, SignRoadWork, CommercialBlindsTop, CommercialBlindsBottom
In this section we added recipes for the handyman. A number of reasonably simple items (coffee table) and several related items (most of the cabinets) were added a recipes, many of them requiring Tablesaw and some of them requiring Perk levels.
Here’s a list: CommercialDoor1, CommercialDoor2, CommercialDoor4, HouseFrontDoor1, HouseFrontDoor2, DoorFrameWhite1, DoorFrameWhite2, DoorFrameMetal1, DoorFrameMetal2, CupboardsRed(x1), CabinetsRed(x1), CupboardsOld(x3),CabinetsOld(x3), WindowTrim(x5), DoorTrim(x2), WoodCrown(x2), DecorativePillar(x2), StoreShelving (x3), PewSegment(x3), GarageDoorHouse, Window02, Shutters1Plate, HardenedChestSecure, BookcaseEmpty, CoffeeTable, tableDynamic, WoodCatwalkWedge, MetalPillarTable, Coffin, RoadRailing(x4), ChainLink(x8), CorrugatedMetalPillars(x6), ConcreteBarrier
(of course ‘fix’ is subjective)
We tried to keep this to a minimum, but here we tweaked some existing recipes to (in our opinion) make better sense.
Existing recipes that should have required tablesaw: cntCabinetBottom, cntCupboardCabinetRedTopClosed
Include Snowberry Seeds Recipe (Locked behind LivingOffTheLand 3), and fixed planted snowberries to grow up into Player harvested Snowberries.
Include BloodDrawKit Recipe (Locked behind Physician 3)
Require GreaseMonkey Perk to craft vehicles (not just for vehicles parts) Each vehicle tied to its appropriate GreaseMonkey Perk level.
Include Vehicles in Trader Hidden Stash (Starting at Barter 3) They are also originally very expensive. (we did not change this)
A few items already in the game had either screwy economic values, or repair settings. And a few even have goofy upgrades. I think most of these were simply overlooked. We fixed those.
Here’s a list: cntWaterCoolerFull, cntBookcaseFull, cntBookcaseEmpty, decoPicnicTable, cntMunitionsBox
Added a few more sources for Brass: Destroyed doors with Brass handles give a doorknob, Blass Lamp can be harvested.
In this section we added new items/blocks, which are mostly variations of existing ones, and usually add some functionality to the Player built version. Also, usually, the Player version is locked behind an appropriate Perk wall, and requires the Trader (non-functioning) version to craft. Most things in this section can be easily found by typing ‘Home’ into your crafting search bar.
Craftable Beds that can relocate. — The bedroll was not the only respawn point, but was the only one allowed to be picked up. This adds player versions of the Mattress, Small Bed, and Large Bed that can also be picked up. Players still can’t have more than one respawn, just allows them to use the other ‘sleeping bags’ the same way if they so choose. Mostly this allows you to redecorate your home without having to destroy and rebuild your beds.
Craftable Ovens that function as Campfires. — This adds a couple of ovens, microwave, and some BBQ Grills to craft and function just like Campfires. In the future I hope to tie the Electric oven and Microwave to the Electrical grid (can’t find a way so far).
Craftable Sinks and Fountains that function as Murky Water Sources. — This adds some working plumbing. It also adds a much more difficult crafting item in the ‘Home Filtered Water Cooler’ which requires Purifiers in its recipe and higher Perk levels, but can provide Clean Water.
Craftable Light Sources. — There’s all kinds of lighting in this game… but they gave us a single fixture to work with. This has been fixed, adding almost every electrical light source back into the game. In the future I’d like to fix illumination levels, but this is impossible at the moment.
Here’s a list: ceilingLight01, ceilingLight02, ceilingLight02Brass, ceilingLight04, ceilingLight05, ceilingLight05Brass, ceilingLight07, ceilingFanLight, wallLight01, sconce1Light, porchLight01, porchLight04, porchLight04Brass, deskLampLight, tableLampLight, endTableLamp, streetLight01, streetLightClassic, industrialLight01, industrialLight02, industrialLight02Red, signShopOpen, signExitLight, workLightPOI
In this section we added Wireless (or rather Hidden wires) electrical options. A ‘Home Wireless Relay Block’ that can be built into structures (and painted if you wish), a ‘Home Wireless Switch Fusebox’ and ‘Home Wireless Switch Electrical Box’ which add those models back in and use them for wireless electrical Switches, and a ‘Home Electrical Pole Top Relay’ for power poles. Some of this is not perfect, and I’d like to move where the Power Lines come “IN” to some of these, but that looks like it’s hard baked into the models. Also we matched the power usage, of the few things that cost zero watts, to the 1W cost of normal relays.
In this section we’ve restored access to a couple of textures that were included with the paint brush but hidden (Orange Drywall & Tar Paper). Also, found a few more textures that work decently enough on blocks and included them (Bookcase, Vent, WashingMachine, & Wet Concrete.
Simply download the Home_Depot_v1.0.zip file (or whatever the current release is).
Do NOT just click “Clone or download” or you’ll be downloading stuff you don’t want/need.
Decompress this ZIP directly into your 7 Days to Die install directory.
If you didn’t have a “Mods” folder, this will create one.
You should be ready to go.
Type ‘Home’ into your crafting search bar to see most of the things added.
PLEASE … Always backup your save folder if you are adding mods to pre-existing games.
These are the things I’d like to work out for the mod. [What the issues are]
- Better illuminations levels on light fixtures. [These seem hard baked into the models]
- Wireless items with better visible ‘Line-In’. [These seem hard baked into the models]
- Wireless Timers. [Might be possible, I just haven’t figured it out yet]
- Working Electric Oven and Microwave to need Electricity. [Seems a block can’t be both a Workstation and Powered]
- I’d also consider requiring Electricity on Tablesaw and Mixer if it were possible.
- ‘Home Filtered Water Cooler’ to fill on Right Click, like Mirky water sources. [Might be possible, I haven’t figured it out]
- Limit most Home furnishings to be easily moveable within ‘Land Claim’. [Might be possible, I haven’t figured it out]
- Hopefully I can find some more good texture candidates to include with the paintbrush.
Added in v1.1:
- To Traders: graveStone03, tire, tv, large tv. metalPipe (Corner,Joint,Cap,&Flange), softDucts(Corners,Centered,etc).
- To Recipes: woodWallStud, woodFloorJoist, woodPillar50, woodCNRRound, woodCNRRoundTop, cntCardboardBox, cntLootChestHero.
- To Blocks: For woodPillar50, woodCNRRound, and woodCNRRoundTop the reinforced wooden & metalwood versions needed to be created so they could upgrade through those versions.
- Reduced economic value of Vehicles (so they cost less than 350,000 dukes.)
Added in v1.2:
- To Traders: Bicycle (rarely and low level), Lockers (that were missed before), Control Panels.
- To Recipes: woodQuarter, removed TV and LargeTV recipes (seemed out of place and sold at Traders).
- Other: No new blocks, but removed some stuff we used to fix that they fixed in 17.3. Also, increased Trader swap number and max number to further accomodate the decorative items. And some general code clean-up for more cross-mod compatibility. Added the Read-Me to the Zip file.
Added in v1.3:
- Restored access to a couple of textures that were included with the paint brush but hidden (Orange Drywall & Tar Paper).
- Also, found a few textures that work decently enough on blocks and included them (Bookcase, Vent, WashingMachine, & Wet Concrete).
Added in v1.4:
FINAL Alpha 17 version.
Added repair materials for cntBookcaseEmpty, and cntMunitionsBox.
Fixed Brass harvest from pipeSmallWallValve. To match pipeSmallValve.
Added Brass harvest from Brass Table Lamp (deskLampLight).
Added Brass Doorknob drop from destroying House doors with brass handles.
Well, there you have it.
Hope that helps you in some small way to enjoy the game even more.
If so, please give the Mod a thumbs up.
Thanks to the great 7D2D Community and their great ideas and requests for Modding.
PS: If you find any more strange things in the standard stuff (or the mod for that matter) that could be easily addressed in this mod, like for instance the wierd picket fence upgrading that was fixed here, don’t hessitate to drop me a line.