Various builds i’ve tried out that are both fun and interesting to play in Shadowrunner HK. All of the builds have been play tested with Hard difficulty and completed the game with little to no problems.This guide also contains alot of basic information regarding weapons, spells, drones, money (nuyen), totems/summons and cyberware.Please note that you DO NOT have to follow these builds 100% right now the game SR:HK is the easiest of the three games and you can beat it on hard with even the worst builds possible.
Table of contents
1. Builds
2. Builds PT2
3. Weapons
4. Cyberware
5. Spellcasting spells
6. Chicasting spells
7. Conjuring spells
8. Summons/Totems
9. Drones
10. Money (Nuyen)
AP = Action point
AR = Assault Rifle
SR = Sniper Rifle
C/D = Cooldown
ArmorP = Armor penetration
RC = ranged combat
Hex for his amazing adept build.
Zagreus for his help adding alot of info to this guide.
Tommy for his helpful tips regarding $/nuyen.
Tamamo No Mae for a fresh conjurer build.
Thanks a ton and your help was much appreciated!
Street samurai
Build 1 (Western Style weapon specialist)
Weapon specialist/Pistols
Race Human or Elf (i chose human)
[link]Starting stats
Body 3
Quickness 5
-Dodge 2
Ranged combat 5
-Pistols 5
Charisma 3
-Summoning 3
Totem choice Leopard (passive 1 armor and 1 movement) or Raccoon (AoE +2 movement buff)
(early armor helps but i think the raccoon totem would be alot more useful as a whole).
Ettiquete – Socialite or Shadowrunner. (Socialite helps you all game except tsang corp and shadowrunner gives you access to fences, unique dialog and tsang corp sales department).
End Stats
Body 5/Cyberware affinity 5 (you can upgrade this to 6/6 if you want)
Quickness 8/RC 8 and pistols 8 dodge 3-4 (dodge is opitonal and if you have karma to spare).
Warning the black text is covered for spoiling reasons.
-The Bloody End (get from geomantic sabotage mission and sell once you get ruger thunderbolt).
-Ruger Thunderbolt
-M79 Grenade Launcher (get this from the gun shop in walled city underground in frust SRHK run)
-Monofilament whip
-Wired reflex
-Cross Dermal Sheath
-Vision Magnification Alpha (Ares) 6% more accuracy
-Auto-loader Cyberarm (optional but if your using M79 Grenade launcher mandatory)
Weakness = Magic damage and strip armor. Geek the mages first!
In shadowrun HK you can unlock disarm at pistols 8. The karma to get 9/9/9 is very expensive and you won’t have the karma to do this while picking up a totem and some cyberware affinity.
The reason for above choices is maximizing the amount of tiles you can move around. The whole point to pistols is High crit chance and flanking your opponents. The monofilament whip allows you to pull things out of cover, so you can rain hell on them with your pistol and the rest of your team.
The M79 Grenade launcher can kill five or more guys at once and almost always crits with the amount of quickness and ranged combat you get. Seriously in narrow hallways your character can solo everything in 1-2 turns with the grenade launcher, haste/aim and wired reflex AP boost.
Build 1 (Immortal Bruiser)
Race Human/Troll/Dwarf
Starting stats
Body 3
Strength 4
-Close combat 4
Willpower 4
-Chi casting 4
Charisma 3 OR put these points to body/cyber affinity.
-Conjuring 3
Fish totem 10% dodge or Bull totem damage reduction +3 (requires 1 AP to cast). Leopard +1 movement and armor is nice too.
Ettiquete – Socialite or Shadowrunner.
End Stats
Body 5
-Cyber affinity 5 (If you decide to go cyberware instead of charisma)
Willpower 8 (9 if you can)
Chicasting 8 (9 if you can)
Strength 8 (9 if you can)
Close combat 8 (9 if you can)
Charisma 3 (If your going for cyberware ignore this).
-summoning 3 /Totem fish or bull or leopard.
-Machete (starting weapon, sell when you get emperor’s sword)
-Emperor sword
-Lazer Axe
-Pheonix sword/Lightning sword/Chinese war sword
(honestly the pheonix sword makes up for its low damage hits with fire DoT and the other swords are up to player preference, alot of disccussion going on about these weapons really).
-Stride – Pain resistance – Mystic Armor
-Martial Defence – Lightning Fist – Counterattack
– Slot out mystic armor or lightning fist for Magic resistance (defense vs mages).
Cyberware (If you chose this over charisma/totem)
-Eyes (6% accuracy)
-Wired Reflexes
-Cross dermal sheath
Weakness = Magic damage, spells that strip armor, blind and AP damage. AKA geek mages first. With magic resistance mages aren’t as dangerous but don’t let your guard down.
The emperor’s sword gives you a lightning bolt ranged spell/attack every two rounds. Not needed but a very welcome addition to your arsenal that lacks ranged attacks. Lightning fist because it gives you a nice hard hit that deals 14 damage with 2 armor pen and can crit for 0 AP. Martial defense makes you unflankable and painresistance allows you to block all if not most of the incoming attacks. Mystic armor is just a little gravy ontop that rounds out your build nicely by maxing your armor out at 9 and 10 when you use the active spell.
Counterattack can be used to hit things within melee range with 3 chi onslaughts when your attacked. The trick is to highlight the ability to counter with before you activate counter attack.
When this char is built right he is an immortal tank/DPS that is practically unkillable.
Build 2 (Rail gun)
Starting Stats
Body 3
Quickness 4
-Ranged combat 4
-AR 3
Willpower 5
-Chi casting 2
Charisma 3
-Spirit summoning 3 Totem: Bull
Body 4
-Cyber affinity 3
Quickness 7 (If you can get this higher for hit %)
-Ranged Combat 7 (If you can get this higher for hit %)
-AR 5 (If you can get this higher for crit %)
Willpower 5
-Chicasting 5
Charisma 3
-Spirit summoning 3
-Ares AR
-M79 Grenade launcher (Optional) [Seriously this is my fav weapon :D]
-Auto-loader Cyberarm [Needed for 0 AP reload and FA counter]
-Cyber eye 6% accuracy [Optional]
The cyber eye will help you hit more in hard difficulty but having 5.5 essence = 5 essence because its rounded down. You will lose a spell slot and gain 1 more turn C/D on your spells. You can do with or without i’ll leave that you to you guys.
Since your going to have slightly less dodge because you need alot of karma to get counterstrike and even more to get pain resistance. We will use bull totem instead of pain resistance, It’s AoE as well so this works great. Make sure to always have +2 AP left so you can Highlight full auto and turn counterstrike on.
Build 1 (Cyber Spy)
Race: Doesn’t matter, Humans are great for this though.
Starting Stats
Body 3
Intelligence 5
-Decking 4
-ESP 2
Quickness 4
-RC 4
-AR 3 or your weapon of choice
End Stats
Body 4 or 5
Strength 4/5?
Intelligence 7/Decking 7/ESP 3 or (Intelligence5/Decking 5/ESP 3)
Quickness 6/Dodge 2/RC 6/AR 6 (If you can push Quickness/RC/AR higher then do it).
Charisma 3
Spirit summoning 3/ Fish totem. (OR Cobra totem when the AR bug is fixed).
-Simsense slimcase or Fairlight excalibur
-Ares Alpha AR
-Minigun (If you get the strength to use it 4 or 5?)
This will unlock full auto right from the start, some decent accuracy and competant decking. If your going to get a totem ability i suggest the fish totem because the cobra totem is bugged with assault rifles.
Must have programs
Killer 3, Sniffer 3, Blaster 3, Supression, Duel Boost (40% movespeed), Shield program and Assassin program. Last two are optional but i use them exclusively in tight situations.
Builds PT2
Build 1 (Spellcaster)
Starting stats
Body 3
Quickness 4
Intelligence 3
Willpower 6
-Spellcasting 5
The reason for quickness is for dodge so you can survive in combat. You need intelligence 4 for endgame spells and intelligence 3 for midgame spells. If you want to grab a totem i suggest fish totem or cobra totem.
End Stats
Body 5
-Cyber affinity 5
Quickness 4 (higher if you can spare the karma)
-Dodge 4 (higher if you can spare the karma)
Intelligence 4
Willpower 8
-Spellcasting 8
Charisma 3
Summoning 3/ Totem = Fish or Cobra
Ettiquete – Socialite or shadowrunner.
-Willpower charm +1
-Charisma Charm +1
Cyberware (Optional and you may need to rearrange your karma pool)
-Wired reflex
Must have spells.
Aim 2/3, Heal, Fireball 3, Lightningball 3, Blind (works on final boss), Strip armor 3(works on final boss), Life siphon 2, Flame thrower 4 or Lightningbolt 3.
Spoiler regarding Aim 2, Strip armor 3 and life siphon 2
You can get Aim 2 for free at the museum run by hacking into the cybernet and unlocking the “Deciphered spells node”.
Strip armor 3 and life siphon 2 can be found in the library of Tsang coporation inside the labs.
Obviously you cannot use all those spells as we only got 6 spell slots. For the final mission i ran with blind, strip armor 3, life siphon 2, fireball 3, Flamethrower 4, lightningball 3 so i could kill the final boss in 1-2 turns.
Returns on investment for willpower and spell casting after 8 isn’t that great so its up to you if you want higher or not.
Build 1 (Conjurer/Demolist)
Starting stats
Body 3
Quickness 4
-RC 2
Charisma 6
-Conjuration 4
-Spirit summoning 3 / Totem fish or cobra or raccoon.
Ettiquete – Socialite, Shadowrunner, Academic or Gang.
End Stats
Body 4
-Cyber affinity 3
Quickness 6 (for Haste IV)
-Dodge 3
-RC 5
Charisma 8
-Conjuration 8
-Summoning 3
You may have some spare karma to spend, feel free to put where ever you feel fit.
Academic unlocks interesting dialog, gives you extra money in the restaraunt and unique skill options in the field. Gang allows you to force your way through most of the earlygame encounters with a gung-ho attitude. Socialite does exactly the same with a savvy approach and has more encounters that use it.
-M79 Grenade launcher
-Acid bolt 4
Duel blurr, Armor 3 and Haste 3 or 4.
Situational Spells
Manacharge 2, Slow-mo or slow 3 and Hellstorm barrier.
-Auto-loader cyberarm and Pheromones
What conjurers lack is AoE fire power, this is fixed with Cyber affinity 3 and your lovely M79 Grenade launcher. You can summon environmental spirits but they won’t hit very often, however their spells and presence can come in useful though. (example, splitting aggro, heal, strip armor, armor and damage/AP bolt that bounces off things).
Tamamo No Mae’s Conjurer
Body 4 (5 if you can),
-Cyberaffinty 3 if possible for tailored phermones
Quickness 6 (for HasteIV)
-Dodge 3
-Ranged combat 5
-Pistols 5 [or your weapon of choice]
strength 1
intelligence 1
-willpower 3
Charisma 8
-Conjuring 8
-Spirit Summoning 6
-Spirit Control 6.
Recommended equipment
Fish totem
Grenade launcher
Bloody handgun [Or your weapon of choice]
Acid Bolt 1-4
Duel blurr, Armor 3 and Haste 3 or 4.
Situational Spells
Manacharge 2, Slow-mo or slow 3 and Hellstorm barrier.
Recommended Ettiquete
Security, Socialite, Shadowrunner, Gang and academic.
Spirit’s Of Choice
Fire for fire ball and strip armor, earth for barrier 1-3 and high melee damage and air spirit for AP/damage atacks.
Totem is up to the player. But I will say that Fish + Dual Blur is godly since they stack it’s 45% chance not to be hit.
Security is a must. You need it to get 1 karma during the Bad Ki mission. Plus it helps fast talk your way past guards like it’s nothing.
194 Karma build perfectly possible do to shamans having so many damn etiquettes. My level 6 spirits have 90% hit chance and hardly break away.
Other than the cyber weapons i won’t be listing anything but the endgame weapons and unique weapons because there is too many to list.
Cyber weapons
Shock Hand (covers the unarmed slot)
Damage: Strength + 2 may deal -AP damage on critical hits
Ability: Enhanced stun attack with 2 round cooldown.
Shock glove (covers the unarmed slot)
Damage: ?
Ability: ?
Ares Hand Razors
Damage: Strength + 3 on hit causes 2 bleeding damage and may deal -AP damage.
Yamatetsu Cyberclaw
Damage: Strength + 5 on hit causes 3 bleeding damage and may deal -AP damage.
Cross Cyber spur
Damage: Strength +4 causes 1 bleeding damage and peirces 1 armor but deals no AP damage.
Yamatetsu Cyber spur
Damage: Strength + 6 causes 2 bleeding damage and peirces 2 armor but deals no AP damage.
Monofilament Whip
Damage: 14 Range: 7 tiles Bleeding damage 2-3
Abilities 4
1) Standard whip attack
2) AoE whip attack that hits adjacent targets nearby
3) AP damage attack
4) Heavy armor penetration and bleeding attack
[Will fill in with proper info soon]
Ranged weapons
-M79 Grenade Launcher
Damage: 14 Range: L Capacity 1
Where to get it spoiler
You get this from the gun vendor underneath walled city to the far left of the map near the room where you hack into Bao’s base
The Bloody End (unique)
Damage 11 Range: S Capacity: ?
Where to get it spoiler
In the 2nd floor of geomantic sabotage run there is a desk with a prototype and computer to unlock it. Requires 4 pistol skill or 6 intelligence.
Ruger Thunderbolt
Damage: 14 Range: S Capacity: 12
Wild One (unique)
Damage 11 Range: M Capacity: 28
Where to get it spoiler
Betray the elf guy in the dna/data retrieval mission from that boat run.
Heckler & Kotch HK227 (smartlink) and no smartlink
Damage 12 Range: M Capacity: 30
-Assault Rifles
Ares Alpha (smartlink) and no smartlink
Damage: 16 Range: L Capacity: 40
Vindicator Minigun
Damage: 20 Range: L Capacity: 42 AoE: 5
Lazer Rifle
Damage: ? Range:L Capacity: ?
Where to get it spoiler
Instead of giving away the lazer prototype keep it for yourself in the ares data sabotage run.
Sandgun (unique)
Damage: 11 Range:S capacity: 3 AoE: 3
Every successful hit tears away 1 armor from your target.
Where to get it spoiler
Betray the asian guy in the mission to get the dna sample from the boat.
Enfield AS-7 (smartlink) and no smartlink
Damage: 18 Range: S Capacity: 10 AoE: 6
My favorite shotgun in all the shadowrun series. This gun adds burst fire for shotguns and has a greater chance to crit. The animation is quicker than two single shots.
Defiance T-250 (smartlink) and no smartlink
Damage: 20 Range: S Capacity: 5 AoE: 5
Throwing Weapons
-Throwing Knives
Damage 4 Range: 10
Damage 6 Range: 16
Has a chance to deal extra -AP damage.
Melee weapons
Ares Mono sword
Damage: 5 Range: Melee
Chinese War sword
Damage: 6 Range: Melee
Emperor Sword (unique)
Damage: 5 Range: Melee
Spell: Thunder bolt 14 damage and -1 AP ongoing damage
Where to get it spoiler
Kill the mummy that asks for help escaping the museum.
Centurion Lazer Axe
Damage: 7 Range: Melee
Unarmed Weapons
-Blood calls to blood
Damage: 3 Range: Melee
Heals 5 hp per round for 3 rounds after each kill.
I’m only going to mention the cyberware that i think are worth using I’ll have most of them on this list but i feel some of the cyberware are not worth using at all.
Datajack Essence cost: 0.5
Allows you to jack into the cybernet.
Toxin Exhaler essence cost: 0.5
AP 1 C/D 2 Damage 10 and 4 ongoing damage for two turns.
Encephlon NEXT Essence cost: 1.5
Passive: +1 intelligence and +1 decking
Encephlon/ Cerebral Booster [Both do the same thing, WTF?]
Passive: +1 intelligence
Pain Editor Essence cost: 0
+1 willpower and -1 Intelligence.
Good for mages because you can still use spells that require 3/4 intelligence and gain an extra willpower out of it.
Brightlight System essence cost: 0.5
2 AP attack that has a chance to blind target. Blinded enemies cannot see or attack for two turns.
Ares Alpha Essence cost: 0.5
Passive: +6% accuracy
Laser designator eyes Essence cost: 0.5
Ability: Mark targets for 0 AP with a 2 turn cooldown
Synthacardium MK2 Essence cost: 0.5
Passive: +1 dodge, +1 throwing weapons +1 movement
Super thyroid Essence cost: 0.5
+1 to all physical attributes (?) [In regards to what physical attributes are i need to do some testing].
Wired reflexes Essence cost: 1
Passive: +1 movement
Active: 0 AP +1 AP for 2 turns and 6 turn C/D.
Reflex Trigger Essence cost: 1
Passive: +1 movement
Active: 0 AP Dodge first attack each round for 3 turns C/D 4
Good for squishy characters but wired reflexes is by far the best body cyberware in the game.
Platelet Factory Essence cost: 0.5
Heals most recent wound on cybered character. IMHO this is not worth it at all there is better options for your body slot.
Cross dermal sheath Essence cost: 1.3
Passive: +1 armor and Active ability that regenerates 6 hp per turn for 6 turns.
Pheromones Essence cost: 0
Passive: +1 Charisma
Auto-loader Cyberarm Essence Cost: 1
Reloads all your weapons for 0 AP.
Muscle Augmentation essence cost: 0.3
Passive: +1 quickness and +1 strength.
Shiawese Magnet Arm essence cost: 1
Throws grenades back at the source. Hilariously OP if you purposely bunch your squad together.
Saeder-Krupp skillwires Essence cost: 0.3
+1 quickness +1 ranged
Shock glove Essence cost: 0.5
Shock Hand (covers the unarmed slot) Essence cost: 0.5
Damage: Strength + 2 may deal -AP damage on critical hits
Ability: Enhanced stun attack with 2 round cooldown.
Ares Hand Razors Essence cost: 0.5
Damage: Strength + 3 on hit causes 2 bleeding damage and may deal -AP damage.
Yamatetsu Cyberclaw Essence cost: 0.5
Damage: Strength + 5 on hit causes 3 bleeding damage and may deal -AP damage.
Cross Cyber spur Essence cost: 0.3
Damage: Strength +4 causes 1 bleeding damage and peirces 1 armor but deals no AP damage.
Yamatetsu Cyber spur Essence cost: 0.3
Damage: Strength + 6 causes 2 bleeding damage and peirces 2 armor but deals no AP damage.
Monofilament Whip Essence cost: 1
Damage: 14 Range: 7 tiles Bleeding damage 2-3
Enhanced Articulation essence cost: 0.5
Passive: +1 dodge and +1 quickness
Hydraulic leg MkI essence cost: 1 MkII essence cost: 1.3
MkI active 0AP Increases movement by 3 for 1 round.
MkII active 0AP increases movement by 4 for 1 round.
Universal Omnitech Cyberleg essence cost: 1
Passive: 8 hp +1 quickness and +1 dodge.
Spell Casting spells
Powerbolt 1-4 1AP 0 C/D (level 1 starting at 6 damage and etc).
6, 10, 13 and 15 damage attack for 1 AP. When standing on leylines this attack bounces towards your enemies adjacent of the opponent you hit.
Heal 1-2 1AP
1) Heals all damage from the most recent attack. 3 turn C/D.
2) Heals all damage from the most recent attack. 2 turn C/D.
Aim 1-3
1) Increases accuracy by 8-12% for 2 turns and 0 turn C/D.
2) Increases accuracy by 10-15% for 3 turns and 1 turn C/D.
3) Increases accuracy by 12-18% for 4 turns and 1 turn C/D.
Manaball 1-3 2AP 2 C/D
1) 10 damage AoE 2 ArmorP 2
2) 10 damage and 8 DoT for 1 turn that ignores armor AoE 2 ArmorP 2
3) 10 damage and 8 DoT for 2 turn that ignores armor AoE 2 ArmorP 3
Manabolt 1-3 1 AP
1) Damage 8 C/D 3 ArmorP 2 and 2 turn C/D
2) Damage 12 C/D 3 ArmorP 2 and 2 turn C/D
3) Damage 14 C/D 3 ArmorP 3 and 3 turn C/D
4) Damage 16 C/D 3 ArmorP 4 and 3 turn C/D
Strip Armor 1-3 1AP C/D 1
1) Reduces armor by 2 for 3 turns.
2) Reduces armor by 3 for 3 turns.
3) Reduces armor by 5 for 3 turns.
Blindness 2AP C/D 3
Target cannot see or attack anything for 2 rounds.
Confusion 3AP C/D 3
Confuses enemies into joining your side and attacking their allies for 2 rounds.
Distraction 1-3 1AP C/D 0
1) Reduces target chance to hit by -12% for 1 turns.
2) Reduces target chance to hit by -15% for 2 turns.
3) Reduces target chance to hit by -18% for 3 turns.
Petrify 3AP C/D 4
target loses all action points for 2 rounds and cannot move or attack.
Fireball 1-3 2AP C/D 4 AoE 2
1) Damage 10 and an ongoing -6 hp for 1 turn
2) Damage 15 and an ongoing -7 hp for 2 turn
3) Damage 20 and an ongoing -8 hp for 2 turn
Flamethrower 1-4 AP 1 C/D 1
1) Damage 12
2) Damage 20
3) Damage 25
4) Damage 30
Spell focus: Life siphon 1-2 AP 1 C/D 3
1) Damage 8 and ongoing 4 hp regeneration for 2 turns ArmorP 2
2) Damage 12 and ongoing 6 hp regeneration for 2 rounds ArmorP 4
Spell Focus: Fireball 2 2AP C/D 4 AoE 3
Damage 15 and an ongoing -7 hp for 2 turn
A unique spell that adds +1 to the AoE of fireball but only has the properties of a level 2 fireball spell.
Spell Focus: Strip armor 2 AP 1 C/D 1
Reduces armor by 3 for 3 turns, upon successful hit you regain 1 AP.
Lightningball 1-2
1) AP 2 Damage 12 AoE deals -1 AP damage and ongoing -5 damage and -1 AP damage for 1 turns.
2) AP 3 Damage 15 AoE 2 deals -1 AP damage and ongoing -5 hp damage and -1 AP damage for 2 turns.
Lightning bolt 1-3 1 AP C/D 3
1) Damage 10 and does -1 AP
2) Damage 12 and does -1 AP
3) Damage 18 and does -1 AP
Chain Lightning 1-3 AP 1 and C/D 2 [HK new spell]
1) Damage 12 first bounce has range of 8 and second bounce range of 6.
2) Damage 16 first bounce has range of 8 and second bounce range of 6.
Stunbolt 1-2 AP 1 C/D 2
1) -1 AP to target
2) -1 AP to target and ongoing -1 AP that lasts 1 turn.
Stunball 1-2 AP C/D 2
1) -1 AP
2) -1 AP and ongoing -1 AP that lasts two turns.
Dragon leyline special effects. [HK new effects]
Single target and AoE target spells now bounce one time and has a greater chance to hit/crit. Buffs can be cast on multiple nearby allies at once and you gain hp from leylines. Watch out your allies don’t have any enemies infront of them. When you heal them ontop leylines, you will heal your opponents too.
Chi casting spells
Killing Hands AP 1 C/D 6
Passive: Unarmed damage increased by 3
Active: Further increases unarmed damage by 4 for 3 turns.
Stride AP 1 C/D 4
Passive movement increased by 2.
Active: Movement by a further 2 for 3 rounds.
Bonded Spell: Killing hands & Stride
Passive Unarmed damage increased by 3 and movement by 2.
Active: Unarmed damage increased by 4 and movement by 2 for 3 rounds with 6 turn C/D.
Mystic armor AP 1 C/D 4
Passive +1 armor and active +2 armor for 3 rounds.
Martial Defence 1/2 AP 0 C/D 6
MD 1 – Active +light cover for 4 rounds.
MD 2 – Active +medium cover for 4 rounds.
(For those that don’t understand what this does, this ability makes you have a 360 area cover bonus. This makes you unflankable and uncritable, this ability makes your character a tank to be reckoned with).
Pain resistance AP 1 C/D 4
Passive damage decreased by 2
Active: Further damage reduction by 3 for 3 turns.
Counterstrike AP 1 C/D 2
Puts character into a counter stance that can counter up to 3 times.
Lightning Strike AP 0 C/D 2
0 AP attack that can deal 14 damage and 2 ArmorP with a 2 turn C/D.
Quick Strike AP 0 C/D 2
0 AP attack that can deal 8 damage and 2 ArmorP with a 2 turn C/D
Celestial mana fist AP 1 C/D 2
1 AP attack that can deal 12 damage and 8 ArmorP.
Mana fist AP 1 C/D 2
1 AP attack that can deal 10 damage and 4 ArmorP.
Nerve strike AP 1 C/D 0
1 AP attack that can deal 8 damage with a slow and accuracy debuff.
Magic resistance
Adept gains a medium cover bonus to magic spells.
Conjuration Spells
Acid bolt 1-4 1AP 0 C/D
4, 8, 10, 12
level 1 starting at 4 damage with ongoing 5 damage that doesn’t change.
Armor 1-3
1) Gives an additional 2 armor until combat ends
2) Gives an additional 3 armor until combat ends
3) Gives an additional 5 armor until combat ends
Manacharge 1-2 AP 1 C/D 5
1) Creates small leyline that lasts 2 turns
2) Creates medium leyline that lasts 3 turns
Manastatic AP 3 C/D 4 AoE 3
Increases the costs of all magic by 1 AP and lasts for 3 turns.
(This effects your opponents only not yourself).
Haste 1-3 AP 2
1) gives target an additional +1 ap for 2 round C/D 3
2) gives target an additional +1 ap for 3 round C/D 3
3) gives target an additional +1 ap for 4 round C/D 4
4) gives target an additional +1 ap for 4 round C/D 4
Note:Haste 4 does not garentee 100% chance to get +2AP for 4 rounds, it says in spell description it has a “small chance” to give +2 AP on cast.
Blur 1-2 AP 1 C/D 3
1) Reduces an allies chance to be hit by 25% and increases their movement by 1, lasts 1 turn.
2) Reduces an allies chance to be hit by 35% and increases their movement by 1, lasts 1 turn.
Duel Blur
Reduces yourself and an allies chance to be hit by 35% and increases their movement by 2, lasts 1 turn.
Creates a shadow zone that makes it impossible for you to be attacked and to attack others inside of it for one turn. This zone dissapates at the start of your next turn.
Slow-mo AP 2 C/D 4
Increases the targets AP cost for all actions by 2 and lasts for 2 turns.
Air Barrier AP 1 C/D 2
Creates 5 light cover barriers that deal -1 AP damage to anyone that enters. Lasts 3 turns.
Fire barrier AP 1 C/D 2
Creates 5 medium cover barriers that deal -10hp damage to anyone that enters. Lasts 3 turns.
Lightning barrier AP 1 C/D 2
Creates 5 medium cover barriers that deal -7hp damage and -1 AP damage to anyone that enters. Lasts 3 turns.
Hellstorm barrier AP 2 C/D 2
Creates 5 heavy cover barriers that deal -12hp damage and -1 AP damage to anyone that enters. Lasts 3 turns.
Slow 1-3
1) slows targets movement by 2 for 3 turns
2) slows targets movement by 4 for 3 turns
3) slows targets movement by 6 for 3 turns
Dragon Leyline special effects.
Buffs can be cast on multiple allies that are standing close together. Acid bolt bounces off of your target hitting things nearby and heals you 4 hp per turn.
Haste does NOT get an AoE bonus buff from dragon leylines.
Things removed from SR:DF
-No longer able to summon two elementals from one summon point.
-Not enough cash to keep buying fetishes for summoning elementals every run.
-Summons don’t seem to scale outside fetishes? (will confirm later)
Base attack damage: 12 range: L AP damage: 0
Abilities: Heal wound, Waterbolt 2, Strip Armor 2
-Heal wound (heals last hit recieved)
-Waterbolt 2 Damage: 12 and strips 2 armor on hit
-Strip armor, removes 3 armor for 3 turns on successful cast
Base attack damage 12 , range: L AP damage: -1
Abilities: Fog 2, Haste 2, Static shock,
-Fog 2: Covers area in fog and reduces accuracy by -15% for both opponents and yourself inside of the fog.
-Haste 2: Increases AP +1 for 3 turns
-Static Shock 3:
Damage 14 AoE 3 ongoing -4 hp and -1 AP damage over time for one turn.
Base attack damage ? , range: Melee AP damage: -1
1 (Weak Fire elemental)
Base attack damage 14 , range: L AP damage: 0
Abilities: Singe 2, Mana Charge 2, Fireball 3
-Singe 2 [Damage: 12 marks target on hit]
-Mana Charge 2 [Creates medium dragon line for 3 turns]
-Fireball 3 [Damage: 16 AoE: 3 deals 10 ongoing damage and strips 1 armor for 2 turns]
1 (Weak nature elemental)
Base attack damage ? , range: Melee AP damage: ?
Abilities: ?, ?, ?,
[Will fill in when i know everything]
Sets spirit escape chance to 0% within 3 tiles away from caster for 2 turns C/D: 3.
Active +3 Damage reduction for caster and allies within 3 tiles range for 3 turns C/D: 1.
Active +4 damage for caster and allies within 3 tiles range for 3 turns C/D: 1.
Active heal for caster and allies most recent wound within 3 tiles of caster C/D: 3.
Active +1 dodge for caster and allies within 3 tiles range of caster for 3 turns C/D: 1.
Active +1 quickness for caster and allies within 3 tiles range for 3 turns C/D: 1.
Active +15% accuracy for caster and allies within 3 tiles range for 2 turns C/D: 1.
Active +2 movement for caster and allies within 3 tiles range for 2 turns C/D: 1.
Passive +1 damage and 5% accuracy to ALL attacks.
Passive 15 extra hp
Passive 10% chance to dodge
Passive +1 armor and +1 movement
Starting drone (2 or more drone control skill)
-Doberman MK2
-Doberman MK2 Assault
Damage: Range: AoE:
Damage: Range: AoE:
Replenishable goods:
-Smoker Mk2
Damage: Range: AoE:
Replenishable goods:
-Strato-9 Mk2
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Strato-9 Mk2 Assault
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Strato-9 Mk2 Sniper
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Sundowner Mk2
Replenishable goods:
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Sundowner Mk2 Assis
Replenishable goods:t
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Steel Lynx Mk2
Damage: Range: AoE:
-Steel Lynx Mk2 Roomsweeper
Damage: Range: AoE:
Money (Nuyen)
They changed alot of things in the 3.0.5 patch. The trick to getting the cash you want is to get all pay data and sell metadata to Maxium law 1k+ worth from him.
First area in game
-53 nuyen credstick in the alley after the three lotus gangers that don’t notice you while pushing that dresser out of the way.
Walled City
-63 nuyen credstick (fight or convince ganger to give the credstick to you stolen from old man).
-68 nuyen credstick
In the room with two hell hounds door code: 5465. You get this code from summoning the spirit near Baos front door guards..
-52 nuyen credstick in a room in baos stronghold.
-Simsense vending machine (steal simsense chip)
Maximum Law
-Sell simsense chip for 120 nuyen
-Tell him about the whampoan elders 450 nuyen
-Museum Heist 200 nuyen
-Nevil Ma 200 nuyen
After your second run you can find dynamite steve infront of the Club 88 … he pays you 75 nuyen for getting his money back, his dealer gives you instead some bliss, which you can sell for 50 nuyen
You can get around 120 nuyen from reliable matthew as delivery fee, but this prevents you from getting 1 karma point from him later
All the unique weapons you can get in game that you DON’T use sell them. Most of them sell from 500 nuyen to 750 nuyen.
-Bloody End
-Wild One [Smg] [can only get this or sand gun]
-Sandgun shotgun [can only get this or wild one]
-Laser rifle
–Emperor’s Sword If you don’t plan on using sell the mummy fetish instead (help the mummy instead of killing it).
When capturing the plastic-face-man go to the mistress – when you bring an drone with you, you can get around 380 nuyen in cash and a doc waggon which sells for 250 nuyen
Don’t buy anything at all until you unlock the endgame gear. That’s right play with your starter kit for 8 missions straight and you can buy anything/everything you want. The trick to this is to make use of the various unique weapons available to you to give you that extra kick in your damage.
Use or sell the three free spells you can get ingame. Aim 2, life siphon 2 and strip armor 3.
Spoiler regarding Aim 2, Strip armor 3 and life siphon 2
You can get Aim 2 for free at the museum run by hacking into the cybernet and unlocking the “Deciphered spells node”.
Strip armor 3 and life siphon 2 can be found in the library of Tsang coporation inside the labs.
Sell all trauma kits and medkits, you don’t need them if you play carefully.
Don’t give people money for information, money is scarce.
Don’t buy drugs, money is scarce.
Always complete optional objectives without failing anything and always choose the options that pay out the most.
Example: Dna sample/Data retrieval mission. Kill both dudes for the biggest payout.
They added pay data to Is0bel’s DeckCon mission and if you pickpocket the guys jacked in the matrix you can get around 750 nuyen.
The fish tank in the restaurant gives you around 500-750 nuyen if you have academic ettiquete. Less if you don’t.
Don’t kill Gaichu, he gives you one more mission to run that is paid at that too. This mission has pay data as well. [Gaichu’s story mission]
in the last mission you can get a fetish from the street shaman if you blackmail him, it sells for 600 nuyen … this can be used to buy the armor 9 outfit he sells (costs 2000 nuyen)
Prosperity tower, say on level 26 that you are here to meet mr. johnson (needs shadowrunner etiquette, works only when you haven’t equipped the maintenance uniform). this way you can meet the VP and can hack into his terminal. you get around 2100 nuyen for this. but to keep it you have to fight.
From the same terminal you can also get the infos for kindly cheng – you can sell them to her in the epilog for 5000 nuyen. if you try the barter with her, you can get an additional 1000 nuyen. could be useful for the upcoming mini-campaign.
Prosperity Tower, the lab security room has a control pad that can be used to get into the equipment room. This room is full of gear your runner can use or sell.
-Remington 990 (Smartlink) [Shotgun] Damage: 16 Range: S Cap: 8 AoE: 6
-Steyr AUG-CSL [SR] Damage: 15 Range: L Cap: 34
-Renraku Flasbang Grenade x2
-Phosphorus Grenade x1
-Advanced Medkit 2 x2
-DocWagon Gold trauma kit x1