Hotline Miami Guide

Hotline Miami: Challenge Runs for Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami: Challenge Runs


Is Hotline Miami getting easy and or boring to you? Then it’s time to spice things up with these spicy challenges that help vary your gameplay experience!

Challenge 1: Scavenger

For this challenge equip the Rasmus mask since it does not grant any gameplay perks. You must beat the levels using only the prespawned weapons laying around. Pick your fights wisely and wish lady luck to be on your side as you scavenge your way through the criminal undergrounds of Miami! This challenge is meant to test your flexibility with the randomized weapons provided to you, teaching you to not get attatched to one weapon.
EXCEPTIONS TO THIS CHALLENGE: If the only available randomized weapon is one that is incapable of killing, then you are only required to use it once and proceed barehanded until you can scavenge a lethal weapon

Challenge 2: Gunslinger

For this challenge equip the Richter mask. Begin each level with the silenced uzi and proceed using only guns. This may sound easy at first, however the amount of enemies in a level can be seen as greatly abundant when they all come rushing down after hearing gunfire. This challenge tests your crowd control and cowardly prowice, gunning down every enemy from a distance like a sneaky rat until the heat becomes almost too hot to handle.

Challenge 3: Super Tony Bros

For this challenge equip the Tony mask. Play the game as you normally would, however in each stage of every level you are only allowed to die 3 times before having to start over. For every time you enter a new stage in a level your lives reset to 3 no matter what number the lives previously were. Value your existence in this challenge and think before acting or else you’ll be blasted back to the start by the shotgun of a mobster.

Challenge 4: Thundercock

For this challenge equip the Richard mask. Execute every normal enemy with your bare hands and use weapons only to kill the dogs, fat mobsters, and bosses. In this challenge toss aside your weak guns and blunt objects and realize that your fists are the greatest weapons to grace Miami.

Challenge 5: Flash! Ahaaaa!

For this challenge equip the Brandon mask. You must beat each level as quickly as possible and never stand still. Until the level is complete you must be in a state of constant movemant, not even a second can be wasted as you destroy the Russian Mafia at the speed of lightl.

Challenge 6: Thief

For this challenge equip the Willem mask. Complete each level only with the weapons you rip and steal from your enemies. What’s theirs in their hands is as good as your’s in this challenge to thieve and murder the Mafia. Your flexibilty will be put to the test as not even the weapons randomly spawned are allowed for you to use, but everything in a Russian’s hands are free game.