Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Guide

Hotline Miami: Mask Stereotypes for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Hotline Miami: Mask Stereotypes


In this s**tpost of a guide, I will procede to tell you all, to the best of my knowledge, why players choose the masks they play as in the Hotline Miami universe and what it might (I SAID MIGHT NOT DOES) say about them as a Russian Mobster Head Collector. Humor and cringe guarantee!


One of the best features of the first (and occassionally second) Hotline Miami games is the ability to dawn the mask of your favorite sex-hungry inner spirit animal and lay waste to all the commies (or gang members) that stand in your way. The thing that many people don’t often understand, however, is that the mask you wear might be saying more about you than what you think it does.

Yeah, an inanimate rubber mask says everything someone needs to know about you. Bet you never heard that one before…

Anyways, in this sh*tpost of a guide, I will elaborate on every mask in the two games and go into “detail” about how each one works and what that mask might say about you as a player. Do you perfer being fast, quiet, deadly or just having some sort of perk to use as a crutch to get that A+ or S grade on a level? Well, this guide is just the thing for you! By the end of this analysis, I can guarentee you that you will never be able to look at your same favorite character again.

For starters, we’ll need to lay out one simple restriction: Any main playable character that doesn’t wear an article of head cover that grants you magical powers (Yes, Son, I’m referring to you and your dead anime obsessed girlfriend’s shades) will not be covered in the guide. This includes:

  • The Handsome Thick-skinned Detective Manny “Go F*** Yourself” Pardo
  • The Pacifist Writer of Baseball Bats and Anger Management Evan Wright
  • The Daddy’s Boy Drug Addicted Problem Child known as The Son
  • That Flame Wielding Freeloading Hippy Dude From The Army named Beard
  • That One Black Russian Dude with a Cheating Wife nicknamed The Henchman

If you are one of these individuals, dead or alive, then I promptly ask you to get out! This guide follows a strict guideline: NO MASK, NO ENTRY!

Now, with that whole ordeal out of the way, let us begin our journey into the madness that lays behind the mask(s). Feel free to use the table of contents if you wish (you impatient f***). Hope you enjoy your tour.

No refunds or “Press R To Restart”‘s allowed!…


ANIMAL: Rooster

Ah, yes, the one that started it all. Before the days of edgy ghost character inserts and the epidemic that are Jackt Campaigns, there was the default Richard Mask. On the evening of April the 3rd, you recieved the haunting mask that would begin your blood-soaked journey into the heart of the series.

By wearing this mask, you prove to the world that you’re a veteran of the game and that you are as tough as tough can get. You plan your attacks precisely and leave no one alive. Not even those floor crawlers that never died in the first game. Or, you know, you just picked up the game for the first time and were told to go to some metro for some bizzare reason.

With the lack of specific perks or abilities, Richard is a mask that allows anyone to select the combat style of their choosing and go along with it. These people will also try to prove themselves as superior to others by completing the first game with an A+ on every level (arguebly with this mask only), which is all fine and dandy, considering that according to statisics, only 2.2% of everyone on Planet Earth has managed to unlock this achievement.

You must feel so proud of yourselves…


Whatever the reason may be, you are a versitiale player who wishes to play Jacket as close to canon as humanly possible and that’s something that I can fully appreciate. In the doctrine of dedicated Richard player’s, their most commonly referenced quotation to other mask mains is:


ABILITIES: Eye For Secrets

Other than being the first jackass you encounter in the first few minutes of the first game, this is the first mask that you unlock after completing the first level of the first game.

The amount of firsts in the first sentence makes me want to shoot myself.

Upon using this mask, players are not so sure about what’s so secretive about it and go on completing “No Talk” without much thought put into it. Unless you’re some sort of conspiracy theroist who has enough money to afford rent in one of the most wealthiest cities in America, then this mask is pretty much a throwaway.

Okay, guys! I have to be quick before they catch me! With the eyes of this mask, you are able to see things that you couldn’t be able to see with your own real eyes (well, you still technically could) but that’s not the point! As you dwell among the blood drinking ruskies and the grand illusion of this evil decade in human history, you might stumble across the hidden secrets within all the maps.

Stay vigilant! Remember, this conversation never happened!


ABILITIES: Killing Punches (NO WEPS IN HM2)

It’s no suprise that people are going to use this mask because PUNCHING!

Though both masks have the ability to punch the spines out of people’s backs, the latter version of the mask restricts you from using any weapons other than your bare knuckles. Hey, at least you’ve got the second Tony masks smartassed attitude to back you up in the face of danger, right?

There are a variety of people that play this style in-game. You have those who like to switch up the methods of killing in order to rack up your creativity score and then you have those who use it as an absolute crutch just to get that A+ or S Grade Score, who are the biggest wooses in the world. I’ve seen players with an Oscar Mask go into the fray and have more balls than these fools.

Finally, you have those who play as him just for the sake of punching people to death and doing house calls for your lazy a** friends who decide to wait in the van outside for you to finish risking your life just so you can get enough money for weed and cheap pizza.

Oh, don’t worry, we’ll get to the rest of The Fans later on in this guide, believe me. For now, though, let us bask in the glory that is Tony the Tiger: a tool that can be both used and abused by players alike.

Aubrey & Martin (BOTH STYLES)

ABILITIES: More Guns (HM1) / None (HM2)

At first glances, the thought that runs through any adrenaline junkies mind is, “Oh boy, more guns!? This is going to be awesome!”

Well, let me tell you right now, buckaroo, it’s not…

As a matter of fact, it’s actually more of a death sentence than a ticket to salvation and a LEVEL CLEAR reading. The idea is that while guns are more plentiful, the way they operate compared to melee weapons puts you at a disadvantage, at least in the first game, where melee was much more of a focus over firearms. Like the animal itself, this is what someone in the words of would be described as a “War Pig” or a player who wears something thinking that they’re better than everyone else and then usually get steamrolled because of their overcockiness.

In the second game, you walk in the shoes of Martin Brown. An actor for Midnight Animal that only get’s one full mission and a very brief intro to associate players with gameplay mechanics. Essencially, he’s just a fat version of Jacket with a slower swing and fewer weapons. While I do say that I perfer this more standardized version of this mask over the first game’s version, it’s mostly something you just tend to ignore after awhile.

I know Australia won’t be forgetting about him…

Don Juan

ABILITIES: Lethal Doors

Doors… Just, doors…

Aside from the fact that this mask has an interesting story that ties in with the first games plotline, that one special word is all that players need to know in order to master this mask. Despite this, there really isn’t anything else that is special about it. Unless you wish to get a D- Grade on a level for just using a fun mask that doesn’t kill dogs or fats with it’s abilities, knock yourself out. Literally and figuratively.

In summary, this comic sums up what players who main this mask do for a living:

Don Juan in a Nutshell[]


ANIMAL: Rabbit

What? Were you expecting something different?


ABILITIES: Start With Knife

There’s a ton of information about this mask with both the people who use it and the history behind it.

For playing styles, it seems fairly tame in comparison to some of the other crutches that you have at your disposal. Players tend to use him specifically for either fast runs to beat your best time or just to be able to kill that one hostile in the corner of the room that refuses to move by throwing the knife in your hands like a soda can at your friends face.

The history behind this mask is more intersting than the players who wield it. Not only is this mask named after one of the lead designers of the game, Dennis Wedin, but it also has the most cameos out of any mask in the Hotline Miami series, though I could be wrong. Below you can see every reference that he makes in both games, to total up to a whopping two times! Two Times!

Seriously, unless you’re a big fan of Wedin’s keyboard playing or the mask’s cameo in PAYDAY 2, put the knife down and learn how to use the silenced pistol in the beginning of “Deadline” properly.


ANIMAL: Giraffe
ABILITIES: Look Further

You’re expecting me to say, “Screw your crutch too!” but alas, no. Instead, I must say that I symphathize with those who wield this mask and for a good reason, at least when using Jacket in the editor.

The ability is to look further past the restricted distance that many other masks provide you with. Those who use this mask are often one step ahead of the game and are usually always in a state of contemplation about what the next move should be. If a level is designed to have long hallways or enemies with double barrels one hundred miles away from where your character is then this makes sense to me in the fullest.

Despite this, though, most of HM1’s levels are small and closely compacted, making this mask just an annoyance to wear. Good when used in the right situation but otherwise, you rarely see anyone wearing this guy.


ABILITIES: Dog’s Don’t Attack

As it sounds, pooches to you are not man’s best friend. As a matter of fact, player’s wearing this hate dogs with a passion and consider them as man’s worst enemy (besides Dodgers because f*** Dodgers). As a result, they breeze through the levels they’re playing, knowing that dogs won’t be able to touch them at all.

Yes, dogs may be a b**** to deal with at times but compared to Dodgers in HM2, dogs aren’t all that bad to deal with. This mask is a crutch simply because you won’t man up and deal with the mutt’s the way a real American man deals with his disobident wife his nemesis: the Red Menance.

Or perhaps, you have what experts call “Cynophobia”:

And to be quite honest, I think Jacket suffers from this thing too:

Jacket’s Phobia Exposed[]


ANIMAL: Elephant
ABILITIES: Survive A Bullet

Hey you. Yeah, yeah, you! Hey, do you hate guns? Do you think that bullets travel too fast? Do you wish that you can play a level in Hotline Miami where enemies just don’t fire any guns at you? Well, fear not, my frightened little woose.

Introducting… this thing!

Just costing you your life and every ounce of dignity you have in your parched bones, you too can show them guns whose boss! Now, you too, can run head long into danger without fearing that the first shot fired at you will be your demise!

But, hey, let’s be real here. You’re not planning on taking off your training wheels from your bike any time soon. Hope you enjoy being handicapped.

Best part about this mask is that it doesn’t even work for you 99% of the time in HM1.




The best part about this mask is that not only does it give you more ammo for your guns but it doesn’t work on all of them. Happy hunting!


ANIMAL: Monkey
ABILITIES: Rip and Steal

Oh, how badly I wanted to pull a Curious George joke with this one but thankfully for you guys, I know my limits when it come to memeing. Maybe.

For the mask itself and those using it, I can sort of see what you’re getting at here with it. We all know that the ability to put enemies in a chokehold was possible in the first game, yet nobody even used it, most often stumbling across the mechanic when you meant to go for a takedown.

Leave it to finding things and have good hand eye coordination to allow you to use this mask to the fullest. Guess people who use this have managed to master one aspect of the first game over others.


ANIMAL: Unicorn
ABILITIES: Quiet Gunshots

Basically, you’re Richter only without his silenced uzi and with the ability to make every enemy in the level deaf without even laying a finger on them. Those who are fans of My Little Re******d Brony unicorn’s are only wearing Peter because they have a fetish for picking up guns whenever humanly possible and shooting all the enemies in the level without touching a single baseball bat or actually using strategy.

According to the legends that the bums behind Beard’s dream convience store tell, the most common place to find these mythical creatures are in the city of Miami, as the water is chilled and the Russian prey is plentiful, usually hiding at the end of a hallway in a drug den after startling their targets by entering a room and waiting for them to come forward for the feast.

People who wear this mask most often don’t take combo’s all that seriously. Prove to me that I’m wrong. This is designed just to add another scoop of satire to the already dark humor sundae that is this series.


ABILITIES: Longer Combo Window

Fans of this mask actually have a good reason for using it. In the first game, combo windows were often very short and on top of dealing with enemies that are more slippery than a hag fish, many players became frustrated with achieving combos.

Zack’s ability to have slightly longer combo windows is a nice cure to this pesky issue. This leads to more of an oppurtunity to reach that desired high that combo freaks want to obtain and as such, play the game like it’s supposed to.

In the second game, while it’s still useful within the level editor, I don’t see it very often and with the increased length to get combos and better hit regeistration with guns, this mask feels more like an actual crutch for combo beginners. Still, it’s good when put to the right use by player’s in the heat.



Oh, what’s that? You beat that level with an A+ as Richard with your bare hands?


I have respect for veterans of Oscar, argubly more than Richard Vets. Yeah, you may have the tendecy to boast about your accomplishment but I mean, showing off your daredevil skills is enough to make the most hardened of player’s cry.


ABILITIES: Good Shot (HM1) / Better Accuracy (HM2)

I really don’t have much to say about this mask. From what I could imagine, player’s most often choose this mask out of curiousity because they had to scroll through the entire mask selection in order to find it.

Unless you were using the automatic weapons in the first game, I don’t see how this mask is really going to support you other than make you become a sniper at the end of “Hot & Heavy”s hallway. Plus, have I ever seen someone play with this in HM2’s editor? No, I haven’t.


ANIMAL: Panther
ABILITIES: Walk Faster

What? Were you STILL expecting something different?


ANIMAL: Octopus
ABILITIES: More Melee Weapons

For starters, I have to say for everyone who has managed to find the damned thing, “How in the world did you manage to find it without the guide for it’s location?” If there was an award for hiding things in plain sight without the player noticing, then Dennaton would have won it for 2012 – 2013.

People who use this mask just hate guns and know that how useless they are in the first game. That being said, this spawns more skull cracking objects that you can use to bash out the brains of the Ruskies that are currently invading your local sushi bar. Kind of a shame really that in the second game, this style would actually become the minority choice of the Jacket Masks.


ANIMAL: Chameleon

I’M SO SORRY. *laughs uncontrollably*
Also, I feel your guy’s pain when dealing with the first game’s A.I. reflexes.


ANIMAL: Poisson
APTITUDES: Traduction Française

Qu’est-ce que tu fais? Pourquoi traduisez-vous cela? Pourquoi prenez-vous du temps sur votre emploi du temps de tuer gens pour traduire ce s***? Vous n’êtes rien d’autre qu’un troll inutile qui n’a rien à faire toute la journée sauf s’asseoir et manger de la pizza, tuer les Russes et
peut-être f *** votre petite amie quand elle’s ne maxing out
votre carte de crédit. Obtenez une vie, vous deadbeat avec les cheveux blonds!


!riah dnolb htiw taebdaed uoy ,efil a teG .drac tiderc ruoy tuo gnixam ton s’ehs nehw dneirflrig ruoy *** f ebyam dna snaissuR eht llik ,azzip tae dna tis tpecxe yad lla od ot gnihton sah taht llort sselesu a tub gnihton era uoY ?*** s siht esrever ot elpoep llik ot eludehcs ruoy fo tuo emit gnikat uoy era yhW ?siht gnisrever uoy era yhW ?gniod uoy era tahW

slortnoC desreveR :SEITILIBA


ANIMAL: Walrus
ABILITIES: Survive Two Bullets

I feel sorry for the man in-game who had to die from such a painful death (see wiki to know why) but I’m having an extremely hard time finding sympathy for those using this. Yes, I guess it’s a chance for new players to use in order to fly through the campaign of the first game much easier but doesn’t that ruin the idea of a challenging game where risk equals reward?


ANIMAL: Alligator

Again, we cannot go any further without bringing up the topic of how Dennaton likes to hide things way out of our field of vision.

As for the gore, that’s the only other reason people would find enough fascination to use Jones. Granted, there’s no real game crushing crutch to lean on, so I don’t see any real problems with being a gator and painting yourself in foreign people’s blood and entrail fluids. It reminds me of cosmetic items in online games; as long as they are purchased seperately and don’t give you an advantage over others in gameplay, then what’s there really to complain about?


ANIMAL: Grasshopper
ABILITIES: Start With Drill

Picture the scene:

You just finished “Push It” for the first time and now you’re loading up for “Crackdown”. The screen brightens up to the mask selection. You scroll through your avaliable options for that new one you found. The moment you see the line, “Start With Drill”, you click on that mask. Approximately two seconds later, you put the bit to someone’s head and pull the trigger, only to have his partner or his door opening dog tear you a new one. You enter PAUSE, go to restart and select a different mask.

That, right there, is the story of people who play as Carl in a nutshell…

Chances are that if you’re not playing on open levels with enemies spaced out far enough or in different rooms, you’re going to have a bad time with Carl. Hope you enjoy that D- Grade, buddy.

On a lighter note, we always have the Level Editor and of course, you can’t have Carl without the Carlmpaign series:



ABILITIES: Raging Bull

This beast is only avaliable on the PS3, PS4 and PS Vita versions of the first game…

He make’s your screen black and white…

Why are we discussing this guy?…

Keep those filthy Console Peasants out of our luxiourious PC Elitest Castle!


ANIMAL: Cobra (A Snake)
ABILITIES: Killing Throws

Oh look, it’s our favorite redneck! How could I possibly not forget about including this incredibly fatf***!?

Where to start with him? Well, his gameplay style is one that can be very useful in times of complete stress, which requires a very small sum of logic to know how to use effectively. Basically, Point A connects to Point B in order to get C. With this in mind, people who tend to overuse his ability at the wrong time may find themselves on the bad end of the deal reinforcing the idea of some skill ceiling for Jake to be his finest.

C’mon, we ALL know why we play as him, right? That’s right! To be as racist and vulgar as we can towards those damned commies to have come to infiltrate our glorious nation and turn it into a wasteland and only Jake can save us. 4Ch*n (thanks Steam Police) would be praising him at his gravestone everyday if he really existed. Until then, we have all the memes in the world to confort us before his grand return to shun those Ruskies with his insightful patriotism.

Oh, you thought that was it for the fatso? Welp…


ANIMAL: Viper (Another Snake)

Who would have thought that our gullible redneck friend had two identities? Even more of a reason to have him institutionalized.

A player’s survivability with this mask depends entirely on thier aim and reflex. The issue, however, is that you’re no Rick. If the user sucks at knowing how to shoot and move quickly, then this mask will be troublesome. To add onto this, of the two maps that Jake’s arsenal can be used in, one is mostly open where you have to rely on gravity and blind accuracy to get you your combo’s while the other is an absolute death trap if you shoot the wrong room.

These people think they’re Rambo but they often forget that Rambo was not obese or used a nail gun to counter ultra intelligent foes. Impractical but assumed that just because it has the word “gun” in it’s description that it’s a tool from heaven.


ANIMAL: Black Mamba (Still A Snake)
ABILITIES: Inner Warrior

“Bow To Your Sensei!”


ABILITIES: Start With Silenced Uzi (HM1) / None (HM2)

Richter (and his player’s) in general are both good and evil in their own ways, perhaps the Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Hotline Miami masks. In terms of the evil that infects their souls, Richter Mains of HM1 start each round out as Peter on steriods. Not only do they want to crutch their way to victory but they do so with precision, like the rats they are. Disguisting vermen!

But then, suddenly, they run out of ammo and boom! They are no more than little Richard angels going about the remainder of the level using only there own hands to complete it. Same goes for those in HM2, who, being trapped as the “Poor Man’s Richard”, would do all that they could to survive and sink their teeth into some lunch.

This Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde switcharoo styled character has me split on what to characterize these players as. It’s a question on whether or not the crutch outweighs the default playing style or vice versa. Nevertheless, these kinds of players all share one thing in common: Memes.



Corey is the quietest and the most tame of all The Fans, usually referenced in the community as the Jacket of Hotline Miami 2. Much like Richard, players who main as Corey rely on the surroundings to complete their quest. The ability: Roll Dodging. This tool is so mathimatically divided by players alike that it has created three distinct categories of Corey players because of it. Actually, two if you really want to be serious.

The first of the three groups of people are what I perfer to call, “Acrobats” and the video demonstration below shows these types of people in their natural enviroment.

The second group of players are known as, “Roly Polys”, mainly because when they shrivel up, they don’t make it out of their fights in one piece.

And lastly, the third group of people are the… uhh… [INSERT TITLE HERE]

Poor Zebra Girl Never Stood A Chance[]


ABILITIES: Two Machine Guns

The dopest and most chilled of The Fans is the largest cheat of them all and it’s not just because he would steal your pizza slice when your back is turned.

In a sense, Mark is very much like a fat version of Richter, say he goes in guns blazing rather than through stealth and precision. It’s all fun and games for the first few minutes that you’ve got those guns blazing in different directions and most often than not, you feel like this:

However, as soon as both of your MP5’s go *CLICK*, that’s the moment you realize that your power play is crumbling with each passing second and you resort to the ways of a 7 foot tall bruiser who will likely be shot off screen by a rogue Russian coming to avenge his fallen comrades.

To sum Mark player’s up in a nutshell: Shoot, die. Shoot, kill, die. Shoot, kill, reload, die. REPEAT UNTIL PERFECT.

Ash & Alex

ANIMAL(S): Swans
ABILITIES: Chainsaw & Guns

Easily, the evilest and most cold hearted of all The Fans. These two are the shining example of how parents should not raise their kids. Thing 1 and Thing 2 out to kill you.

Despite this being the third playable character, many people will automatically go for these monsters because they have two abilities smashed into one: Chainsaw’s and guns. Much like how history repeats itself with it’s flaws, these two can’t escape the clutches of critisism.

People who go for these two for the first time often do so for the combo alone, without taking into account what problems may arise from them both. You’ll likely see them using the ol’ baiting methods because they either waste Ash’s ammo too quickly or don’t know that Ash can pick up guns if you’re patient enough. To add onto this, their aim is that of a 10 year old shooting his first pistol. Also, because Ash suffers from mental re********n, he will get himself stuck in walls very often, usually when users need him the most to help his sister.

The flip of the coin will reveal those who are absolute beasts with these two and will tear through every Fans level on Hard Mode without breaking a sweat. In a silly way, I salute them for their service because of it. As such, it all comes down to experience but most often than not, the chart below applies to at least 90% of player’s using them because… mechanics…

Biker [BONUS]

ANIMAL: None (He probably hates them)
ABILITIES: Cleaver and Throwing Knives Only

“Wait, why is this coward in the guide?” you may ask. Allow me to explain.

While making the image used in the Introduction chapter of this guide, I forgot to add him into the picture because apprently, I’m an idiot. Due to this error, I’m throwing him into the carnage of fighting animals. Deal with it!

Biker is one of those styles of playing in the Hotline Miami series that you can’t help but to play as once in a while. People who professionalize in Biker’s traits are often very witty and fast on their feet because of their lack of combat choices. Of course, like some of the other masks on this list, Biker is split between those who are absolutely amazing as him and those who bait and wait all day long. He might be hard to work around with but those who are good with him are very defensive when it comes to proving that he requires skill to use. Considering the fact that you can’t pick up thrown knives that are lodged deep inside enemies skulls.

Then, like our friend Corey from above, there are those who like him for different reasons other than just gameplay. Some for the memes:

And some for… yeah…[]


Oh joy, you’ve survived all the way through! Fantasic!

Well, I at least hope that you’ve got something out of this extremely long sh*tpost of a guide. Like I said back in the Introduction, before the end of this guide, you might not be able to look at your favorite playing style the same way again, well, maybe I’m right…or horribly mistaken…

As such, I don’t know how else to end this “guide” besides asking me in the comments about how you felt about this work and if you have any possible suggestions yourself to leave them down below for me to read through. Who knows, maybe, if good-will comes in contact with the interdimensional black hole that is my soul, I might add on your comments about specific masks in the near future if they fit in well enough. Then again, that depends. So, keep subscribed and share with firends and others so this can reach it’s upmost potential.

In the meantime, with the information that you’ve absored here today, ask yourself this question in the context of your mask of choice: