American Truck Simulator Guide

How Heavy Am I? achievement for American Truck Simulator

How Heavy Am I? achievement


Hello everyone. Today, I will show you how to unlock “How Heavy Am I?” achievement.Before to start, you need “Heavy cargo pack” to realize this achievement. You can buy it at this address -> (that cost $4,99).(Note: This guide can contain some grammar errors. If you see these errors, please report them to me.)

Step 1: Before to take a big cargo, you must buy a big truck.

To realize this achievement, you need a truck (logical). But don’t buy a low-cost truck, because this is not so heavy. You must buy a big truck, and especially a Peterbilt 389 Ultra Cab Sleeper.

Yes, I know, this is expensive. But you have no choice. But there is no modification to do after the purchase, so don’t worry about this.

Step 2: Select a heavy cargo

The next step is select a heavy cargo. And the heaviest cargo of the DLC, the transformer (No, not the film, the object).
You can find it in Phoenix, in Arizona. You find the cargo in the Plaster & sons compagies.

The place where is it

And the cargo

Step 3: after all that, you can go to a Weigh Station (Don’t forget to gas up before)

Do you think that with a heavy cargo and a heavy truck is enough? Unfortunately for you, no.
Why? Because your gas tank must be fill at maximum.
That’s why I advise you to make your weigh in a gaz station. Get your fill at the gaz station first. Then weigh your truck. And finally, you unlock the achievement.

Well, that’s it for me. I hope this guide was helpful. If you have a question, ask it in the comment down below.