1. Scope of design is PVE not PVP.2. How to design by SPEC and have a good result.3. I am not an ARTIST so my ships do not look like in the movies. 4. This is my way, as the title indicates, yours may differ.5. My way in playing the game defintely influences the way of designing.6. Constructive feedback is always welcome, I guess there is still a lot to learn. Don’t consider this an EXPERT guide and unfortunately steam does not have a spelling check (or I haven’t found it yet).21st Feb 2021 (Black Market DLC not included)New guide for freighters in the making!
Before doing anything, you should, definitely read the AVORION Wiki.
Of course not at once, but step by step, ideally in parallel to my writings here.
AVORION WIKI[avorion.gamepedia.com]
What did I learn from it?
Well, avorion is considered an EXPERT game.
This is a pro and a con.
A con is definetly if you don’t educate yourself it will have consquences, that,
your design will not met your expectations.
This can result in the following:
- overpriced design
- uncessary high material level
- poor flight mechanics
- poor power supply
- poor gameplay
Also to achieve YOUR GOAL’s you have to WORK hard and long!
You can custom design SHIPs and tune them towards your needs and gameplay.
YOU can determine:
- availability by price
- availability by material
- operating cost
- overall performance
- design
Prior designing you need experience, that, I got for my part by playing the game.
If, you haven’t already, you should do this first.
How to play when you haven’t yet designed a ship?
Download it from the workshop, seek a collection which attracts you and try it!
Mine are:
- Thakard IRONWORKs and Thakard TECHNOLOGY with tested and proven designs in regards to gameplay
- The RepubIic of Thule which is a more recent faction
I don’t know how many playthroughs I made until now, but it should be at least 6.
My game time counts more than 2000 hours.
In order to keep this guide to the original intent, which was a general guide,
I have moved the detailed ship specfic aspects to another guides:
Fleet Design: Build Strategy
When I design a faction, which sizes and roles do I need?
I for my part have come to the conclusion that you need the following 7 types and sizes, as shown in the table blow. Everything else is a bonus.
“Top Material Level” defines when you are in this region you can have this kind of ship, of course material upgrades are required later to stay competitive.
Fleet Design: Cost, Material Level & Ship Size
Economy is a important part of AVORION.
To build a ship you need two things:
- Money
- Ressources
So your designs should consider these if you don’t wan’t to interupt your game flow, because you have to wait for either cash and/or material.
Also consider that you need money to outfit your ship with:
- crew
- upgrades
- turrets
Upgrades and turrets usually cost way more than the ship
So, what are the right sizes and costs related?
ship size ein slots
Design Philosophy
This section basically explains which blocks I like and use frequently and why.
I also explain my design approach.
I design each component in the minium availible material level.
So, I keep generators at a titanium level and armour even at iron level.
I wan’t ships to be accessable as early as possible, even at the cost of relative performance.
Performance is not really lost, since, the ship is availible earlier.
Upgrading to the materials which has the player availible in abundance is easy, even for a non-builder player.
Components might be oversized in better materials, but, I have not yet experienced it as a drawback in the game.
In detail, the generator maybe generating way to much energy and you fly around “dead mass”.
Yet, this is a real life effect.
Maybe, I include already higher material level ships in the workshop later, but, this will be not an addition to the minium material level for game convenience.
Power is really essential to me, since, I dont wan’t to waste a valubale upgrade slot for the generator upgrade.
Thus, if the design permits it, I aim for a max. base power consumption of 50%.
- Milliary ships are build in moste cases completly build out of armour
- Civilian ships use the normal hull with the edges, possible contact areas, armoured to minimize collision damage
Armour defintely reduces accelleration, but you can always boost to crusing speed, so I don’t consider it a major drawback.
The size of the engine determines, accelleration and top “cruising” speed, as well as the “maximum” speed by boosting.
When you exceed a certain threshold of the engine size you will need additional Crew[avorion.gamepedia.com], Engineers.
So, it can make sense to have a smaller engine to safe crew and their salery and get the required cruising speed by having sufficient energy reserves either by storage (battery) or production (generator).
Also ships mostly flown by bots do not need big engines.
The same applies to ships which ususally move slowly, so pure mining ships.
Usually, I prefer thrusters[avorion.gamepedia.com] over dampners and gyros, as they are more versitile.
Thrusters[avorion.gamepedia.com] can provide rotation and translation (movement), the later comes in very handy when docking.
Gyros[avorion.gamepedia.com] consume a lot of energy and you want to keep the base consumption of your ship as low as possible.
Same applies to dampeners[avorion.gamepedia.com].
However, when your ship exceeds a certain size and you want a certain performance you defintely need them.
My credo is:
Use thrusters first and fix the rest with gyros & dampeners
When you place thrusters and you are not certain whether uni oder directional, use the following guidline. The further away from the center of mass the more you should consider directional thursters, as they are more efficient.
For thruster layout I think there are 2 basic configurations:
And to be complete our “pirate ship”
- pitch and yaw should be same
- roll should have a value equal or greater the pitch and yaw rate
AVOID excessive drift in any case!
Nothing, feels more sick than looking one way and moving the other in circles.
How can this be avioded?
- use enough thruster in up and down and sideward direction
- use inertia dampernes as last resort, they work in all directions
Unfortunately, the is no sideward acceleration value in the builder, so you have to flight test yourself.
Last and most important: fly every ship yourself to check whether it does the things you desired and whether it feels good.
Flight Mechanic’s
For all the mechanically educated players:
Real life physics apply in this game!
- the heavier your ships is, the longer it will take to reach top speed
- the heavier your ships is, the longer it will stay in the motion it was, in any direction
Sideward movement, “drift”, can be pretty anoying. Meaning you look one way and move the other. - the bigger the engine, the greater top speed and acelleration
- decelleration, “braking”, can be achived through thrusters and inertia dampers
- rotation can be influenced by thrusters or gyros
- the further away a thruster from the center of mass, is the more effect it has
So, a thruster far away from the center of mass can be smaller, since it is more efficient - for the gyro the position has to be as closest to the rotational axis as possible, but the formula is not given
Block properties can be found in the WIKI:
Block properties[avorion.gamepedia.com]
Power: Introduction (WIP)
In cases you are still living at your parents place and they usually complain, that, you don’t learn anything usefull by playing computer games, you may refer to this section to prove them wrong.
Power: Generation (WIP)
Generation is done by either solar panels or generator blocks.
For this example I use a 1x1x1 titanium generator block (the red block).
This block generates 82.5 MW or 0.0825 GW.
(subtract 500 MW base generator of every ship).
Power: Demand (WIP)
Basically you have:
- ship base power consumption
- ship upgrade power consumption
- boosting power consumption
- hyperdrive rechargeing
In order to make a good design you should be aware what the values are for the bullets above.
The first two to can be easily read or calculated. The latter have to be measured, at least to my knowledge.
So this is the base power demand of my example.
For the hyperdrive rechargeing you can simply make a jump and take the reading in the menu.
Since it is a constant value, its very easy.
Picture needs correction see formula below
So hyperdrive recharging is approximately 3.0 GW.
Hyperdrive cooldown is 53.1 sec.
During this cooldown time the hyperdrive has the increase energy demand.
1 Joule = 1 Watt * sec.
Accordingly, total energy consumption is ~160 GJ.
(GJ is the unit of the Battery)
To measure energy demand of boosting you have to hit the throttle and monitor the time dependend non-linaer power demand (switch to building menu) and the game is paused.
As can be seen the earlier picture on the left has a significantly lower consumption than the later picture on the right, at the same speed.
Picture needs rework
- The current value of energy in GW demand is a point on the line.
- The area below the line is the energy consumed in GJ.
- The triangle is the engergy demand increase by boosting.
Power consumption while boosting seems to be the follwing:
So, if your engine has a base power demand of 1 GW after 1 sec boost it would consume 5 GW
Time to battery use by boosting seems to be the follwing:
So, if your engine has a base power demand of 1 GW and you would have an idle power excess of 5 GW you could boost for 1 secs until the battery would have to be used
Maximum time of battery use while boosting seems to be the follwing:
So, if your engine has a base power demand of 1 GW and you would have an battery of 20 GJ you could use it for 6 secs.
If, the above stated is true, that the engine boost consumption is dependent on the base consumption of the engine, the following quote from the wiki would gain a little bit more of importance.
Operational Engines have a base power up keep of 400 MW per unit of volume, which is decreased by 5% for each more advanced material they’re made out of.
An Avorion engine consumes 30% less energy than a iron engine, which would result in a 20% longer boost time with the same battery.
Engine power recovery time seems to be equals boost time. So, even the engine does not provide thrust anymore it consumes energy. This energy consumption begins with maxium power demand of last boost and decreases linearly.
Power: Storage (WIP)
Storage is acomplished by the battery (blue), 1x1x1.
The blue battery has a capacity of 0.82 GJ.
So fully charged it could provide the same amount of energy like the generator for 10 secs or 10 times the energy of the generator.
Power: Generation versus Storage (WIP)
Lets take hyperdrive recharing as a example. A fully charged battery would have to have a volume of 195 blocks which is a cube with 6 edge length.
(160 GJ / 0.82 GJ = 195 and the 3rd root of 195 is 5.8)
In order to recharge the hyperdrive you would need a generator of 36.
The equals to a cube of 3.3 edge length.
(3.0 GW / 0.0825 GW = 36 and the 3rd root of 36 is 3.3)
As it can be seen the generator has double the cost of the battery and the battery nearly has double the material requirement of the battery.
A 1x1x1 generator cube costs 600 credits and 50 titanium.
Or 880 credits.
A 1x1x1 battery cube costs 53 credits and 18 titanium.
Or 154 credits.
So, with a titan value of 5.6 credits the following prices are reached:
- 31,680.0 credits for the generator (36 volume)
- 30,030.0 credits for the battery (195 volume)
So the battery is 1650 credits cheaper than the generator.
Which could buy a generator of 1,875 volume which equals to 0.155 GW production (0.0825 GW * 4.9). This generator would charge the battery in 1032 secs (160 GJ / 0.155 GW) or 17 minutes.
Not really convincing so far?
More ship volume required and loading is also pretty awful.
No idea where is is heading just investigating while writing… but I still think batteries have their usefulness in short peak power.
Also mistakes may be still be included
Target Values
This section lists some base numbers which I found usefull in terms of ship design.
I only PVE, thus, I am not aware what the latest PVP trick is.
Yet, fell free to comment, I am curious.
Size does influence performance in Avorion:
- Possible engine thrust gets better with ship size
- Possible agility gets worse with ship size
Of course material level does influence performance as well.
Target Values: Crew
Early on, your relations with factions might not be so good that you get access to higher qualified personel, such as commanders and generals.
Accordingly, you should avoid needing those.
Target Values: Cargo Space
Here you should distinguish between mining and freighter ships.
Miners need less space than freighters.
Why is that so?
Many goods you can produce yourself early on take up allot of volume in comparison to their value, thus to make a profit you have to haul a lot of them.
Freighter cargo hold values are not that fixed as miner cargo holds, since, here you have more variation.
Mining takes a lot of time and a big cargo hold does delay the return of your efforts even more.
Refining is also correlating to the ammount of material you are processing, so oversized cargo holds do not make sense.
For mining the cargo hold values are also connected to the mining techniques such as:
- R-Lasers (the reason you need a cargo hold)
- R-Laser material level (the better in comparison to the rock the more you can mine in a given time)
- R-Mining Fighters (takes mining to the next level, since you can mine asteroid fields quicker due to serveral reasons)
All values below suggestions:
Target Values: Hangar Size
Here you should know that the maximum ammount of fighters any craft can base is 120.
Accordingly, with a maximum fighter size of 8, the maximum hangar space you need on any craft, ship or station is 960.
In additon, for stations, only 20 Cargo shuttles can be used to ferry goods.
The rest will be simply in the hangar doing nothing.
So, if you want cargo only the maximum usefull size for a cargo shuttle bay is 160.
The following needs confirmation:
I have been told fighters can be based by total hangar space, regardless whether all blocks have an exit.
All fighters can exit the ship if at least 1 hangar has an unblocked exit path.
Target Values: Upgrade Power Consumption
The following types of upgrades exist:
- Poor (Gray)
- Common (White)
- Uncommon (Green in colour)
- Rare (Blue in colour)
- Exceptional (Orange/Yellow in colour)
- Exotic (Red in colour)
- Legendary (Purple in colour)
The basic dependency is the higher the tier of the upgrade the more effective it is (example genrator upgrade) or the more energy it consumes.
Of course these are max values and depending on the type of upgrade it hugely varies.
So, these consumption values may be halved for power design.
As a baseline I would sugest the following consumption values by ship type:
Target Values: Battery
Here I would suggest at least 30 sec boost capability.
Remember also that a hyperdrive may also suck a small battery quickly empty.
Target Values: Agility
In genral, I classify the follwing turn rates (Pitch, Yaw and Roll) the following:
Here of course one should destinguish between millitary and civilian what is good and bad.
Target Values: Acc- & Decelleration
I think millitary ships should have at least 50% decelleration of the accelleration.
Unfortunately, there is no sideward value in the builder.
For civilian ships the deccellaration should be doubble, yes, doubble of the accelleration.
The accelleration does not have to be big, that is the exlanation.
Seems to be tripple the normal accelleration.
Target Values: Crusing Speed & Top Speed
Accoring to the wiki Engine Block [avorion.gamepedia.com] the maximum velocity of engine volume is:
Max Velocity = 150 * LN(Volume + 5) – 166.4 of the engine block volume.
What this means is depicted below.
So a top speed of in access of 1000 m/s can be pretty costly.
Remember the Slots per volume as shown below.
So if you would always dedicate 10% of the ships volume to the engines you would reach the following cruising speeds.
14 Points, Slot is Point number +1, last dot is the 15 Slot.
As value
These numbers should help you in specifying the right engine size for your ship.
Is just 4 times the cruising speed.
Target Values: Docking
I have to find an appropriate designation, here I want to give some values for movement perpendicular to the forward axis.
Unfortunately, the builder does not give any values here
Target Values: Torpedoes
You dont loose anything for having more launchers.
Furthermore, launchers are free storage, see further below.
You should have at least:
You should habe at least 30 torpedo storage for each launcher in the late game.
The higher the material level is the bigger the “ready tube” is.
But consider you need to distribute the torpedoes evenly to get a good volley.
24 torpedoes can be/are loaded in 4 IRON launch tubes.
So you can fire 4 torpedoes at once.24 torpedoes can be/are loaded in 1 Avorion launch tube.
So you can fire only 1 torpedo once a time.
However, the ready slots are free torpedo storage as mentioned above.
So, this can benefit you, if you manage to distribute the torpedoes evenly.
See, the pictures below, 0 torpedo storage but loaded tubes (creative mode).
But in order to buy and stow them you need a little storage.
So 1.0+, depending on torpedo size.
Set the autoloader to load the specific type buy and its stowed automaticly.
For early ships this can be hugely benefical, since you don’t need a big torpedo storage.
Target Values: Armour
In the later game there are a lot of weapons which either do more damage to shields or have a chance of completly bypassing them such as:
- plasma weapons
- lightning weapons
- tesla weapons
- pulscannons
Therfore good armour is very important, of course at the expense of agility, yet, with good turret operating angles this ain’t a big problem.
The onboard mechanics also repair the ship slowly, so after a battle give them time to fix the ship for FREE!
This fact I myself ignored in my first game and wasted a lot of ressources this way.
Below you find my recommended armour values.
Ship Design: Making a Specification
- Having a clear idea, a definition, what you want, makes reaching your goal easier.
- Having priorities makes it even easier
- Not all theory will end in reality
A word often misused in cooperations, the affected will know.
But this is a game and luckily life is easy here.
The vision is a basic idea which formulates your goal.
For examples JFKs We choose to go to the Moon[en.wikipedia.org] Spech.
However, “Visions” work best if you know or have an idea what could be possible and where to push the/your boundary.
In Avorion let me have this example, my latest Vison which ended in a project was the following:
“I wan’t to build an early game pirate ship”
Well, I thought this will be a fun idea.
For this instance I use this as the baseline example.
So, a pirate ship, how does that have to look?
What do pirates do?
Well, acutally I did not check the wiki but there is actually a guide Know-how: Being a pirate[avorion.gamepedia.com]
For me it was just an relative fast small warship with a cargo hold which should aslo look dashing.
For gameplay enjoyment it should be well powered, and have a reasonable space for upgrades.
It should be a improved design, size and modellwise, of one of my earlier designs the
Furthermore, it should have clearer lines.
To get a feeling what is possible I use the simple block design method.
So playing with bricks back and fourth to see whats possible and where I am heading.
Usually I ignore the effect of armour/hull on inertia.
I estimate the slots by volume and increase by the current values given in the build menu and the values of the Upgrades Section of the AVORION Wiki[avorion.gamepedia.com].
Also consider all other relevant Block Statistics[avorion.gamepedia.com].
This resulted in the following:
Pirate/Raider Ship Specs (EARLY)
After some simple block design I would aim for the following:
1. 4-Slots
2. Top Speed 450+
3. Power 2.5+ GW
4. Cargo ~100
6. All Axis Agility P/Y/R 0.5+
7. All armoured of course
8. maybe 1 torp launcher with -10 torps
You will see that rule No. 3 of the first section will come in effect, but, it doesn’t really matter, this a game and fun is the scope and not meeting a customer specification.
Ship Design: Firing Arcs & Operating Angels
In only distinguish between the following:
- offensive ship weapons
- defensive ship weapons
- Unarmed turrets
Offensive weapons include:
- guns
- torpedos
I for my part aim to mount all offensive weapons forward facing and guns in particular in turrets.
Turrets can be turned, yet, I only optimize the fwd firing arc.
How can you achive a good firing arc?
Mount them:
- in good spots for example hull, pods or wings
- make them superfiring either by hull construction or turrets
Defensive weapons need to cover all arcs. I recongnized two basic principles for hull mounting:
- rhombus
- square
By my taste, I find the square in general more effective, especially on big ships.
Yet, can not really proof that, it is more a feeling.
The hull configuration also matters in this respect.
Excellent firing angles can be achvied by making sponsons.
So you get more with less turrets.
For Example the Blue Phoenix.
Now the really important question:
How many?
- small ships are fine with 2 mounts, for example top and bottom
- big ships need up to 4.
Unarmed turrets are:
- Mining turrets
- Salvaging Laser
- Repair Turret
- Force Turret
All turrets of the same type have should be mounted in close proximity on the ship and forward in the ship, otherwise the AI will not use all of the or will not be able to use them at all due to insignificant range in the latter case.
to be continued
Ship Design: Docks for Ships
So docking offers a lot of new possibilities.
My first thought was:
“lets build a mobile attachable hyperspace drive”
And then I build the blocks for a 50 sector drive and it turned out to be 70,000,000.0 credits.
So much for that.
So range has to come from the upgrades not from the blocks.
So, besides of moving stations, gameplaywise a longboat for storage improvement of the mothership and trading to get materials for quest and turrets and salvaging ships are most likely the best use.
Scouting is also a good use. Remember hyperdrive cooldown depends on ship size.
So using a big ship to get into a quadrant and then deploying the smaller “longboat” and check all surounding green blips is easily possible.
If, trouble appears you always can call in the “big brother”.
If, you have found other usefull applications, let me know in the comments below.
Ship Design: Making a Sketch
Prior to jumping into the builder and just begining to build you shoul bring your “Vision” on paper.
That is much easier than in the builder and saves you a lot of time in the end.
So, as seen previously this sould be the pirate ship.
Ship Design: Lessons Learned
When desiging the pirate ship I already knew some things, however,
I recently upgraded some old models and was surprised how much impact these can have.
When you download the pirate ship (later) you will notice one thing:
Cargo is one big block.
That might be coincedental with the size of the ship, yet, it was also with purpose.
Cargo compartements are moste efficient, they bigger they are, since they have a certain “dead space”.
See the Cargo (Avorion Wiki)[avorion.gamepedia.com] for details.
same applies to hangars & torpedo storage
TORPEDO storage consumes vast ammounts of ENERGY, when torpedos are stored.
If the hold is empty consumption is 0.
That is a bug and happens only in creative mode.
Firing torpedos:
In this game, torpedos are not launched from the tube forward like in an submarine, they are more “dropped” like from a jet or an old WW2 PT boat.
By the way, did you know?
JFK was commanding a PT boat in WW2 and got rammed and sunk by a japanese destroyer.
You can always fix this by pointing them downwards.
Here see my Dragon, before and after.
The following needs confirmation.
I don’t know whether this is only my problem, yet, a merging operation somehow removes custom turret models from the build.
And I mean not merging two mounts. I happens when you merge to many blocks other than the mount.
patched in the meantime
Ship Design: Evolution
Keep upgrading older models, its an easy way to make nicer ships!
Ship Building: Creative Mode and Methods in the Builder
I guess all the big names in the community can tell you a lot more about this, in particualar all building menu tricks.
So, this is only a short summary of my methods.
This was essential to know for me and took me some time to figure out, so I think this can not be overstated.
How to get there?
Start a new game and check the little box “creative mode”, then you are not limited by credits or materials. I simply have a game called “DESIGN” where I design and test everything.
This method was used for the “pirate ship”
Basically, you fix all important items on framework and replace it, step by step.
Build the ship in sections. Make clear selectable parts and save them even in a sub folder.
Just select them “STRG+C” and go in the sub folder and save them.
So you can recyle them later for anything.
Here I build a corvette the Arrow.
I saved the turret.
And reused it on the quick and dirty Station Ship
When you have a symetrical ship this saves you have the work.
Build it in half and mirror it when close to finish.
But don’t forget to merge the blocks when you have the full model to save computational power.
Example with my Hammerhead (not cleaned to be frank)
Scaling is a good technique to either make a entirely new modell or make a bigger similar version of a existing modell.
The purpose of the small model is to get the porportions right.
Finding the right porportions seems to be easier with smaller modells than bigger ones.
However, consider that properties change when things becone bigger or smaller so you have to adjust some things.
Scaling factors are also important to consider.
What does that mean?
Well, I for my part like to work with the following block base sizes:
- 0.25
- 0.5
- 1.0
So, when I would scale something with 123% and a base block is 1.0 I would get 1.23 afterwards.
That is not a convinient size to work with after scaling.
So, usually I only use 150% or 200%.
Here we have an example project where I used this method. I made a small fighter template the Buzzard, scaled it up and then replaced the big blocks by smaler ones and the Slot 7 cruiser Falcon – Bird of Prey resulted.
Ship Building: Color Selection
Recently I made some quality improvements for some of my older models two CargoMiners, Hammerhead and Winghead.
I wanted to reposition the containers with all the relevant different blocks in one instance.
There this tool came in very useful, so I thought I share it, since, otherwise this would have been a difficult operation.
Ship Building: Integrity Field Generator
For obvious reasons you ship should be projected by a Integrity Field Generator.
See the Wiki for details (Integrity Field Generator[avorion.gamepedia.com])
- Blocks inside integrity fields can now take 20 times as much damage before they explode.
- Block and Ship damage from integrity-protected blocks reduced by 50%.
I have seen multiple ships designs with scattered generators over the ship.
I also have done this, however the best way to protect your ship by such a generator is one central big block.
One single block of integrity field generator protects more ship volume than for example two seperate blocks of equal volume. The gap shown in the picture below would have to be filled by another generator. Of course ship shape does influence the effectiveness in finding the right shape of the generator.
Meaning you can also save:
- material
- power consumption
by making one big block.
On the left, 2 Blocks in red (1x1x1) on the right 1 block (2x1x1).
The framework bars in blue and green the same length.
Ship Building: Stacking
There is a technique called “stacking“.
Stacking is a method to fit more blocks into the same volume.
However, the ship volume does increase proportionally with the volume also of the stacked blocks (here I was wrong previously, so you gain the benefits of more slots).
Accordingnly, it is a volume saving technique or an abuse, depending on the personal view.
On some multiplayer servers it is therefore not allowed!
And rightfully so!
So, what can be achived with stacking?
- reduction of inertia
- reduction of surface area
- improvement of agility
- improvement of speed and ac- and decelleration
- general improvement of block performence
Important to remember is that the following characteristics also increase porportional with the block densitiy:
- price
- material cost
When people compete there are always people who want an edge over their oponents.
In some real life scenarios it might be appropriate to have a unfair fight, but this a game.
It should be 80-90% balanced.
Personally, I am not very fond of people who outinvest their opponents by:
- knowledge and abusive use of unintended game mechanics
- money
- excessive dedication
It should be all about skill and fun.
To make a expample for avorion what I mean by that, altough, its is mainly a coop-game and this case never happend to me:
Building a 15-Slot endgame ship which has the agility of a slot 1 ship and the hitpoints of an asteroid combined with shielding to withstanding the death star laser multiple times and harssing noobs, wiping all their belongings from the galaxy map which took them 50-60+ hours to build and they don’t have a fighting chance because they dont have stacked ships – is not ok!
However, making a cool ship design and pushing its performance so that it is playable and actullay gives you the right immersion – this is the way!
Ship Building: Overlaping
As I learned recently people distinguish between stacking (putting more in the same) and overlapping.
Overlapping is an overlap of blocks by 30% (?) max and is not considered an abuse.
It allows to create shapes which can’t be made by one block only.
Dont consider this section complete.
I put a picture in when i have one.
Ship Building: Mulitple Turret Placement
In normal build mode, not turret build mode, do the following.
The turret which I placed can be found within Thakards TURRETs.
1. Select all turret bases to place your turret
2. Go to your saved turret designs & select
3. Apply
4. Result
Ups & Downs
Creating something is difficult and takes a long time, keep trying, all beginning is though.
This was my very first ship (just for reference):
Theory and Reality
As mentioned earlier, I am not an artist, maybe I lack patience or talent, or both.
Yet, this should encourage you also to keep going!
So, I list some of my creations below, comparing inital idea and finished ship.
Here the Spec (from the beginning):
Pirate/Raider Ship Specs (EARLY)
After some simple block design I would aim for the following:
1. 4-Slots
2. Top Speed 450+
3. Power 2.5+ GW
4. Cargo ~100
6. All Axis Agility P/Y/R 0.5+
7. All armoured of course
8. maybe 1 torp launcher with -10 torps
And the end result:
Pirate/Raider Ship Specs (EARLY)
After some simple block design I would aim for the following:
1. 4-Slots (achived)
2. Top Speed 450+ (achieved)
3. Power 2.5+ GW (achieved)
4. Cargo ~100 (achieved)
5. ALL IRON (achieved)
6. All Axis Agility P/Y/R 0.5+ (not achieved)
7. All armoured of course (achieved)
8. maybe 1 torp launcher with -10 torps (not achieved)
Uploading in the Workshop and Presentation
Well, this is a “lets make the world better” – section.
I would love to see the following basics with every workshop upload, if they matter:
- Cost
- Stats
People will most likely have a look if they are well informed what the ship is about besides your cool design.
See the pirate ship as one way to do it.