How to beat the entire game. Hint hint, it’s not much of a game, and you should be only bothering to do this if you want an easy 100%…
The basics
Ok, first things first:
The game is an incomplete buggy piece of sht.
Ok, we got that out of the way? Now on to the actual guide:
esc – brings up the menu, sometimes doesn’t bring up the mouse. Once you enter the game, the main menu stops working
w, arrow up, num pad 8 – walk forward
s, arrow down, num pad 2 – walk backwards
a, arrow left, num pad 4 – strafe left
d, arrow right, num pad 6 – srafe right
e – does actions, like picks up items when you mouse over then an the label appears, or completes actions like opening a door, or starting the beacon on the lighthouse, you need to see the label pop up before your input will be allowed to be registered by the game
right click – punches when you have nothing in your hand (punches don’t do anything)
aims downsight when you get the gun (not sure if it works, I was only trying to 100%)
shift – maybe makes you walk faster? Not 100% sure, all I know is I always held shift except when trying to go between the two wolves…
Don’t ask me why there are 3 alternatives, I don’t have a clue…
t – seems to lay down a premade bonfire? Maybe supposed to use the logs you pick up, I don’t know… All I know is it doesn’t work and it spawns a wierd pink thing in front of you
h – when you pick up the rifle from the wooden lookut spot, this will bring it out the gun and put it in your right hand
f – when you pick up the flashlight from one of the houses (there is a flashlight you cannot pick up in the garage) it will spawn it in your left hand, so yes you can duel wield things? Because clearly people can fire AK47s (or whatever rifle you have) with only one hand, fk the recoil and throwback of a gun…
tab – brings up your inventory, which glitches out when you pick up more items than the inventory display screen can actually show, all you need it for is figuring out if you have 5 cans of fuel, also shows the temp, which really means nothing…
How to actually get all the achievements
You can look at the other guides for the specifics, but it’s really simple:
Get attacked by the wolves between the other houses and the lighthouse with the beacon for the “died” achivement.
Find the gun in the tall wooden lookout post for the “at arms” achievement.
Then, find the 5 cans of fuel that look like this:
or this:
Now in order to pick them up, you need to have the label show up, and then you just press e to pick them up. When you gather 5, make your way over to the beacon (on top of the lighthouse), walk all the way to the top, and there will be a machine that you can press e in front of to turn it on.
As soon as you do that, a helicopter will appear and you can get in and get the last achievement, “survive”, to 100% the game.
And that’s it
If anything doesn’t seem to work, just exit the game and restart.
I have noticed that if you try to go back to the main menu from the game, your mouse does not work and if you try to use the menu in game, your mouse does not work either. For in-game, just press “esc” to have your mouse appear. If this doesn’t work, try alt-tabbing, and if nothing else works, alt+f4 to just try again.
There is a village of some sort with some of the fuel cans, then a garage with a tank, and then a house way past the garage heading towards the lighthouse. That one took me forever to find, and it has some glitchy stairs. Don’t try to go up the stairs. You might get stuck and have to restart the game.
If you have any other questions, leave them below, for the time being. I remember where all the fuel cans are, but I most likely will forget their locations in a week or so…
If you are deciding whether to buy this POS or not. Just don’t… sure it’s an easy 100% game, but then you are supporting a dev who will most likely toss more crap like this out on steam. Learn from my mistake and avoid this POS…