We Need To Go Deeper Guide

How to access the amazing thing called BETA for We Need To Go Deeper

How to access the amazing thing called BETA


A quick and easy guide on how to become a BETA-Tester and experience some faster/improved connectivity.


So a lot of people have been posting threads on the discussion forum about connecting issues with lobbies. As some of you already know there is a thing called Beta Realm. Today the developers did massive overhaul on the Beta Lobby which has improved the succes rate of connecting to lobbies, which is like heaven for people who want to play this. More information can be found at the “News” tab.
Don’t forget to post any feedback/issues you have on the Beta on the discussion forum so the developers can improve the game
Some people (like me) do not know how to get on the Beta and since there is no Guide (yet) I figured I might as well make one.

Guide to go full BETA

So this is how you get on the Beta and get to play loads of games with your friends:

First go to your library and right click We Must Go Deeper, you then should see the option properties

If you click on properties a small menu opens with a couple of tabs. Select the most right tab which should read “BETA”
When you arrive on this tab you should see a small bar which says NONE- Opt out of all beta programms.
Click on the arrow and change this to beta –

If you ever want to go back to the Early Access like before simply switch it back to NONE- Opt out of all beta programs.

NOTE It is not possible to play “cross-branch” so when you play on Beta you won’t be able to play with a friend who is playing on regular Early Access
There will also be some rewards for those who actively post on the forum.

Hopefully you will find this guide usefull. Thank you for reading.

