The game surely doesn’t want you to succeed, but I want you to succeed.
Hello there! I have a few questions for you!
- Is your car spinning out of control?
- Is the game kicking your ass?
- Do you feel like drifting in real life is probably easier than in this game?
If the answer to all these questions were “yes”, keep reading, I’m here to ease your pain.
Getting started!
First things first:
- Swallow your pride.
- Go back to settings and turn steer assist back on.
- Play on medium (somehow playing the game on easy makes the game harder, go figure).
Path to sucess!
Start free roam mode from the main menu and do the all the open world objectives spread around the hub until you reach world 6, enter the area and follow the road until you reach this:
Congratulations! You’ve just unlocked the Hoonivan, this thing is a beast, just saying.
With the hardest part of this guide behind us, there is a couple details which may (or may not) impact your performance on the track.
- Make the car pink.
- Add racing stripes (everybody knows that racing stripes makes the car go faster).
Now that you have access to this wonderful machine, go out there, burn some rubber and conquer those challenges!
Q: “Uncle Anki the Hoonivan sucks!”
A: You suck.
Q: Dude, your english sucks!”
A: I’m trying my best ç_ç.