Tower 57 Guide

How to achieve the secret ending for Tower 57

How to achieve the secret ending


Simple guide for an obscure feat.


In order to get the secret ending, you need to kill Mother.
But she’s a tanky ♥♥♥♥♥.

This guide will show you how to get rid of her…

Step 1 – Get the hacking tool

This thing:

– Can be obtained by picking the Spy as one of your characters, and either use her or kill her and pick her hacking tool with another character.

– Can also be obtained at Ministry of Rehabilitation by destroying the bench at the very first room you spawn at.

I’m sure there are other spots for it as well, but those are the two from the top of my head.

Step 2 – The route to get the Minigun

This is the ONLY weapon that can take out Mother:

Will melt anything, but due to its low clip size, I only recommend using it against Mother, large enemies, or Rambo style vs small enemies. Medium sized enemies will tend to avoid it, waste your ammo, and make you susceptible to take damage due to this weapon’s windup before and after firing.

So how do we reach it? follow these steps:

#1. After reaching the main hub, kill the enemy spawns that will unlock sector #1. No need to enter that sector yet. The real purpose doing this was to unlock the spikes gate at the top middle of this image:
#2. Hack Sector 3’s door:
#3 Get on the Moving platform at the end of the path:
#4. Go to the sairs on the left after you were taken all the way down:
Note that you may end up taking the left platform all the way back up. If that happens, simply step out and back into it so you can travel all the way down again.
#5. Kill the Tentacle miniboss at the top of the room and obtain the keycard:
#6. Go back to the first moving platform you rode on. This time it will take you up:
In case you took the first one up by accident, simply do the same thing you did in step #4.
#7. After reaching all the way up, head towards the green corner:
#8. Congrats:
#9. Not sure if necessary, but just to be on the safe side – upgrade the Minigun to the max.
You’ll have two chances to do so. One at the Biolab next to the fortune teller, and the second one at the first area of the upper floors. (the very first enemy spawn you’ll encounter):
That’s about it. If you got any further questions or feedback, then feel free to leave a comment.