STAR WARS™ – Dark Forces Guide

How to Add a Logitech® Game Controller Compatibility to Star Wars: Dark Forces (and other games) for STAR WARS™: Dark Forces

How to Add a Logitech® Game Controller Compatibility to Star Wars: Dark Forces (and other games)


If you want to play this game using a Logitech® Gamepad Controller, then this is a place to be! This easy (and not so time-consuming) guide will cover up everything you have to know in less than 10-20 minutes! So why not stop wasting time reading this and get working!

“Gather Up!” (Getting Started…)

You will need a Logitech® Gamepad Controller of any kind and a Logitech® Profiler. A Logitech® Profiler is a software intended to “map” and edit buttons, POV, and Axis along with the keys on the computer keyboard. Basically, it allows your gamepad to act like several computer keys. “Mapping” means adding, so you’re adding commands to the given buttons and assigning them to different keyboard keys. The download for that software is right here[]. Also, notice how there is a switch on the front side with two letters, ‘X’ and ‘D’. Have the switch be set on ‘D’ if you haven’t already. ‘D’ stands for DirectInput, and ‘X’ stands for XInput. Logitech® Profiler would not work properly with the switch being set on ‘X’.

Recommended Gamepads:

  • Logitech® Wireless Gamepad F710 (Wireless)
  • Logitech® Rumble Gamepad F510 (Wired)

“Now What?”

Open Logitech® Profiler and select “Profile” from the Toolbar above, then click on “New” from the drop-down list. Name it “Star Wars – Dark Forces” (or it can be something else!). Click on “Browse…” and open (as by default) the C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonDark ForcesDosBox folder. Now select the “” application. Just click on “OK” afterwards. You don’t have to worry about picking an icon for your profile.

“What Next?” (Buttons and POV Configuration)

You’re just about ready for the biggest challenge, the configuration! But what you need to know about the configuration is adding “keystrokes”, commands, and cycling commands. When adding a keystroke, go to EditAssignmentsKeystrokes… and select ‘new’. Then hit ‘Record’ and press any key. Hit ‘Stop’ and press ‘OK’.

But we still don’t know how it works or what to do with keystrokes! Well, I’m getting to that part. Let’s just say that the ‘jump button’ is the spacebar. But you want the ‘X’ button on the controller to be “mapped” along with the ‘jump button’. In this case, the ‘X’ button on the controller would act as if it was a spacebar instead of itself. So when you press ‘X’, you would jump.

The other thing you have to worry about is the “cycling commands”. That is a series of commands that just keeps repeating itself over and over as long as the button is being pushed. The “commands” are series of keystrokes that occur when a button on a controller is pushed.

Recommended Controls

Here above is the recommended controls for Star Wars: Dark Forces. Yet all the mapped keys on the right are “keystrokes” (we’ve just talked about it!), including the “New POV”. Now, the SHIFT button makes it to where you can choose more actions on the controller. Yet it is NOT a keystroke. To make this work, you must select any button and click on ‘Assign as Shift Button’. Then click on ‘Unshifted Commands’. Let’s just say here that you wanted to make one of the buttons act as the ‘ALT’ key. So if you want to “Alt-Tab” out, just hold the ‘SHIFT’ key and hit that assigned key. By the way, the “New POV”, as mentioned earlier, has the assigned keys shown below:

The final part are the “sticks”. The left stick will act as if is were a mouse. It will also be used as aiming precision. The right stick will be used to look sideways and up and down. Go to the left and right sticks’ properties and copy whatever is shown below:

Left Stick X-Axis:

  • Sensitivity: 75%
  • Dead Zone: 0%
  • Range: 25%
  • Left Stick X-Axis mapped to: Mouse X-Axis

Left Stick Y-Axis:

  • Sensitivity: 75%
  • Dead Zone: 0%
  • Range: 25%
  • Left Stick Y-Axis mapped to: Mouse Y-Axis

Right Stick X-Axis:

  • Sensitivity: 0%
  • Dead Zone: 0%
  • Range: 60%
  • Right Stick X-Axis mapped to: Mouse X-Axis

Right Stick X-Axis:

  • Sensitivity: 50%
  • Dead Zone: 50%
  • Range: 100%
  • Right Stick Y-Axis mapped to: Right Stick Y-Axis

Now all that is left is the Right Stick Y-Axis axis assignment. Click on Right Stick Y-Axis, hover over to the ‘Select Axis Assignment’ in the drop-down list, and click on ‘New Axis Assignment’. Name it whatever you wish. In the ‘Axis Forward’ section, use the Page Down button. But in the ‘Axis Backward’ box, use the Page Up button. When you’re done, click on OK and launch Star Wars: Dark Forces not from the Logitech® Profiler, but from the desktop or from Steam.

“What About the Other Gamepads?”

I’m not sure about those with their own brands other than Logitech®. But if they could have their own software that can do the same thing as the Logitech® Profiler can, that would be brilliant. You would, in this case, have to use their software instead if you’re using a gamepad manufactured by a different company.

The Extroduction…

Well, this is all that I can cover up. If you find this helpful, good for you. Not only does it work for DOSBox, but it works with other games. If you like it, give it a thumbs up. If I made a mistake during the making of this guide, or if I left something that might be important out, pardon me for doing so. I’ll fix that right away. Anyway, thank you for taking your time reading this! It really keeps my high standards keep high. 🙂