American Truck Simulator Guide

How to Add Music and Online Radio Stations into American Truck Simulator for American Truck Simulator

How to Add Music and Online Radio Stations into American Truck Simulator


This is a guide for beginners on how to add music and radio into American Truck Simulator. When I first got the game, it took me several months to find out how to add music and radio. I learned by testing things out. I am self taught. In this guide, I will give a detailed step-by-step on how you can listen to music in American Truck Simulator. If this is too easy for you, go somewhere else. This is detailed for a reason.

1. Music

We are going to start with just music.

Step 1

Gather together your music files and put them into one file. Make sure they are either a .mp3, .mp4, .ogg, .wma, .aac, .m4a, .amr, .au, .aiff or .wav.

Step 2

If all of your music files are .mp3 with 128 kbps, you can skip Steps 2-6. They cannot be 320 kbps because they will not play in the game. Don’t ask me why, ’cause I don’t know. Just trust me. I tried. Download a free audio converter called VSDC Free Audio Converter ( [link] ). Totally free of charge and viruses of any kind.

Step 3

After you have installed and opened VSDC Free Audio Convertor , click “add files” and select the files you need to convert, then click open.

Step 4

After VSDC has loaded the files, click “browse” under output directory, then select the file you want to save the final .mp3 files to, then click “OK”. Do not save the final file to the ATS directory yet, because they will not play in the game. Don’t ask me why, but trust me. I tried it.

Step 5

Make sure you save as a .mp3. Click “Edit profiles…”. Under Profiles make sure that it is set to convert your files to 128 kbps. Click “Apply profile”.

Step 6

Click “Conversion” and then “Start Conversion”. After VSDC finishes the conversion, go to the file where you saved the freshly made .mp3 files. Copy all of these files.

Step 7

Go to {Documents-American Truck Simulator-music} and paste the songs into this folder. Name the .mp3 files to the name you want them to be displayed like in the game. If there is no “music” folder in the ATS folder directory, create a new folder and call it exactly ” music “.

Step 8

Open the game, select your profile and click the radio icon. You should now be listening to music!

2. Online Radio Stations

Now we are going to add online radio stations into American Truck Simulator.

Step 1

Step 1: Go to either ” [link] ” or ” [link] . They are perfectly safe. Search and look up radio stations that suit your taste in music or other audio entertainment.

Step 2

Download the file with the link inside, probably the .m3u file. Go to the file in which you saved that file.

Step 3

Step 4: Open that file using Notepad and search for the radio link and make sure the link works by opening a browser(only tested Mozilla Firefox) and paste the link into the address bar and click “enter”.

Step 4

Step 5: If it doesn’t work, try another radio station. If it works, go to {Documents-American Truck Simulator}. In this folder, there should be a file called ” live_stream.sii “. If there isn’t a file there going by this name, open the game, go to the radio and click “update from internet”. Then it will be there. Open it using Notepad.

Step 5

Step 6. Go to the bottom of the page. Then copy the last radio link. Paste it right under it. Rename stream_data to the next number. Then paste the radio link we copied earlier. You will see this symbol several times: |. Never delete it or put spaces before or after it. Then name station what you want it to display in the game. Name the genre of entertainment the station is. Then abbrev. the language of the station. Then put 0 for the next 2 slots. If you want the game to display the audio quality, name the second-to-the-last slot the quality number.


Step 6

Step 7: Save and close live_streams.sii. Go open the game and listen to your radio station.

You’re done.

I hope this guide has helped you in any way. If you still need any help with music and radio, let me know in the comments. If you think this guide needs any work or anything fixed, let me know. Please rate. Thank you.
Song used in this guide: Chris Young – Underdogs