Zombie Panic! Source Guide

How to Add Scores / Points when Players Complete Objectives for Zombie Panic! Source

How to Add Scores / Points when Players Complete Objectives


This is a quick guide on how to add points for when Survivors (or Zombies) complete an objective.

1.) Add the Entity

Add an entity to your map.

2.) Change the Class

On the Class Info tab, change the Class to game_score in the dropdown menu.

3.) Name the game_score entity

Name the game_score.

In this example, I’ve named the game_score “Objective_1_Score.” You can also name it relative to the objective, for instance “Basement_Keys_Points” if your objective was to find keys to a locked basement door (think Biotec).

4.) Number of Points that will be added to the Player’s Score

Add the amount of points you want the player to receive for completing the objective.

In this example, the player will receive 2 points for completing this objective.

5.) Outputs

Now, for the game_score entity to work, you must add it to the the Output of the button or trigger that completes the objective.

Go to the button or trigger or logic that completes the objective.

In this example, I have a func_button brush named “Objective_1_Button.” This is the button the player will press to complete the objective and receive 2 points.

6.) “My Output Named”

“My output named” should be whatever causes your objective to complete (i.e. OnPressed, OnTrigger, OnDamaged, etc).

In this example, the player presses a button to complete the objective and earn 2 points.

7.) “Target Entities Named”

“Target entities named” should be the name of your game_score entity.

In this example, Objective_1_Score is the name of my game_score entity.

8.) “Via This Input”

“Via this input” should be have the dropdown menu as ApplyScore. Click Apply.

The End & Reminders

And that is how you add scores or points for players who complete objectives!

Remember, if you have Survivor/Zombie filters (the “filter_activator_team” entity), you will have to change the Outputs accordingly. You can also add the game_score entity to players that are in a certain area of the objective. For example, in Biotec, players that are in the area around the control room should get points because they were hacking or protecting the Survivor who was hacking. You would have a trigger brush over the entire area in the control room and the areas outside the control room. You would tie the trigger brush to the game_score entity with the appropriate Output selections.

Thanks for reading! Goodluck mapping!
