Primal Carnage: Extinction Guide

How To Admin (Basics) for Primal Carnage: Extinction

How To Admin (Basics)


To help those with being Admin.

Basic Login Info

Being Admin is simple, and is quite easy. Most commands are very easy to remember. This guide will help those who aren’t sure of the commands or just want to know if they are an admin on a server.

So lets break this down. When being an admin you must sign in first to be able to do admin commands. You will need to open console to login, to open console press ” ~ ” and it should open.

Then type this:
AdminLogin (Password)
Very simple. Now onto the commands most used. Changing maps.

Map Changing

To change maps you will need this command:

AdminChangeMap (Map Name)

There are many maps in the world of Primal Carnage Extinction a few that are tricky and I have had trouble with them myself especially with the FR maps.

If you ever want to restart the map just type:

Map List

TDM Maps (TeamDeathMatch)

PC-Downpour (Non-Existant as of Date)
PC-ForestChasm also PC-ForestChasmSnow
PC-UtilityBase also PC-UtilityBaseSnow

FR Maps (FreeRoam)


Testing Map


Survival Maps


GTTC Maps (Get to the Chopper)

GTTC-Ruthless (also GTTC-RuthlessSnow)

CTE Maps (Capture the Egg)


Use the command “!VoteMap *MapName*” to vote for a change of map, if enough players vote for it as well the map will change. Note that some servers disable this function.

Kicking & Banning Players

The other common things you may need to use is kicking and banning players, these commands are easy to remember as well.

AdminKick (Player’s Number)

But wait how do you know the player’s number when no numbers are shown? All you have to do is type in this:


The list will show all the people in the server with their numbers, find the person you are looking for, look at the number next to their name and that’s it. All you will need to do is use the command to kick them with the right number and that’s all that needs to be done. If you need to ban someone because they just can’t take a hint or they are being toxic to the server then you can easily ban them. First get the players number by using the AdminPlayerList command, find their number. Then type this:

AdminKickBan (Player’s Number)

Soon after you type that in the player will be kicked and banned from the server.

Spawning Items Introduction

Spawning things is quiet easy. First login as admin then do the “Admin EnableCheats” command. To spawn classes the command is:


Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PC-PlayerPawn

So if you wanted to spawn a NovaRaptor you would type this,

Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PCNovaRaptorPlayerPawn

Removing Pawns

To get rid of any spare pawns that you don’t want lying around just type,
Admin KillPawns
They should disappear right away.

To remove specific items the command is Admin KillAll “string name”
Ex. Admin KillAll PCAcro

This is a list of the classes you can spawn.


  • PCCarnotaurus
  • PCCompy
  • PCNovaraptor
  • PCSpinosaurus
  • PCTyrannosaurus
  • PCDilophosaurus
  • PCCryolophosaurus
  • PCPteradon
  • PCTupandactylus
  • PCOviraptor
  • PCHuntNovaraptorPlayerPawn
  • PCNovaraptorPlayerPawn_BossAlpha
  • PCAcroPlayerPawn_Boss
  • PCAcroPlayerPawn


  • PCTrapper
  • PCScientist
  • PCCommando
  • PCPyro
  • PCPathfinder
  • PCVeteran
  • PCDogPlayerPawn


It is possible in Primal Carnage Extinction to “possess” a dinosaur and even a human. The code for this is:

Admin Avatar PC(Class)PlayerPawn

So if you wanted to take control over a Hunt Raptor that you just spawned you would just write “Admin Avatar PCHuntNovaRaptorPlayerPawn” and voila you are now the Hunt Raptor you spawned. Keep in mind when using this command it randomly selects which one you choose, so if you spawned seven Hunt Raptors it would choose one at random and go in a cycle.
It is not yet known if it is possible to spawn classes with different skins, eg: Turn a default Novaraptor skin into a Falcon.

Hunt Raptor

The Hunt Raptor is a unique raptor that is half invisible, it was obviously meant for a game mode. Another cool thing you can do is spawn items. I have not yet tried spawning all the items, I will give a command string for the two that I have used and know work. If you really wanted to find out you could try spawning random items such as nets, bullets, or even a flag, but I’m not sure of how many will work for you.

Admin Avatar PCHuntNovaRaptorPlayerPawn

To toggle cloak (Invisible/Visible) simply write, “Admin ToggleCloak”

Projectiles & Weapon Spawning


Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjFlare
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjNet
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjRocket
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjOrnamentImpactGrenade
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjFlaregunShot
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjMolotov
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjImpactGrenade
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjGrenade
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjSpitBlind
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjSpitacid
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCEgg
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCLargeEgg (Not working at the time)
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCThrownHealthkit
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCThrownAmmokit
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCHatCosmetic
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjHatchet
Admin Summon Primalcarnagegame.PCProjDynamite

Spawning Weapons

Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_StunGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_CarriedEgg
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_DoubleBarrelShotgun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_Shotgun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_NetGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_Flamesaw
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_ SniperRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_ TranqRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_TranqDartGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_FlareGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_DesertEagle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_ DualPistols
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_AssaultRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_AssaultRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Dartgun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_DesertEagle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_DualPistols
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Flamesaw
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_FlareGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Netgun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Shotgun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_SniperRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_TranqRifle
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_AssaultRifle_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Dartgun_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_DesertEagle_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_DualPistols_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Flamesaw_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_FlareGun_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Netgun_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Shotgun_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_SniperRifle_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_StunGun_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_TranqRifle_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_M4
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_SPAS12
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_M9Pistol
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_Machete
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_M4
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_SPAS12
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_M9Pistol
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Machete
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_M4_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_SPAS12_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_M9Pistol_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCSurvivalWeapon_Machete_Mk2
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCTurretWeapon_BasicMachineGun
Admin GiveWeapon PrimalCarnageGame.PCWeapon_lmg

Vehicle Summoning

• Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PCVehicle_Battlehawk

• Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PCVehicle_ATV

• Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PCVehicle_Dirtbike

• Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PCVehicle_Jeep

To ride the vehicle simply type “Use” in the console while standing close to the object.

AI Spawning

Adding AI

The command for adding in AI is very straight forward. One simple command.

Admin AddAI (Class) (Number)

Please note that “Admin AddAI *Human Class String*” does not work. Generally only one type of class from the human team will spawn and nothing else.

Let’s say you wanted to spawn 10 NovaRaptors the code would then be this,
Admin AddAI Raptor 10

AI Options
• Bruiser/Bruisers/Carno
• Spitter/Spitters (Cryo)
• Predator/Predators/Raptor (Nova)
• Tyrant/Tyrants (Acro)
• Flyer/flyers (Does not work at the time)
• Compy

Changing Health and Scale Size

This command only works if you are the admin on the server, and yes other people can see your size. It’s easy just type:

Admin EnableCheats


!SetScale (Player #) (Size)

Now everyone will be able to see your size, remember to login as admin before doing these codes. Be sure to not go too large or else you may crash the server, the limit I was told is 1000 so don’t go any higher then that. Also DON’T do this “!SetScale 344 0.0.3” you will most certainly crash the server for some.

SetScale and SetHealth

First, log in as an server Admin and use command AdminPlayerList,
Type in the console:

AdminSetHealth (player number) (health)

There is also an command to change player’s size, more easy than you can think, simply type in console:

!SetScale (Player #) (Size)


If you want to have a bit of fun with the projectiles you can set bind them, just use the code:

SetBind (Letter) (Command String)

Eg. SetBind C Suicide
SetBind L AdminLogin (Password)


A few fun commands that only the player can see can indeed be used in this game. Commands such as fogdensity and changing sizes.

Note: only you the player will see these size changes. Only admin changesize will show for others.

To change sizes you will need to type this:
(You do not need to be admin to do these codes)

Commands for Non-Admins




Changesize (Number)


For fog density all you need to type is:

FogDensity (Number)

Commands for Admins

Other Common Commands:

Admin Ghost – Gives the ability to have no hit box and is mostly used when play as ptera
Admin Walk – To return hit box and to move around normally


Admin SetGravity (#) (The normal setting for this is -800 or 0)


To teleport just write Admin Teleport, and point to where you wish to go with your cursor.


You can also go super fast with this code:
Admin SetSpeed (#)

Other cool commands where you can net yourself and a number of other things.

  • Admin ApplySpit
  • Admin BurnMe
  • Admin TranqMe
  • Admin NetMe
  • Admin PoisonMe
  • Admin StunMe

God Mode Command

With this command active you will not be harmed by any attacks (besides tranq rifle). Bombs/Explosions could go off around you and you will not lose any HP.

Admin God

Always remember to enable cheats to use any of these codes or they will not work.

Admin EnableCheats

There are not many other commands commonly used for admins in Primal Carnage Extinction. I hope you find this helpful. Goodluck admining!

Site of Reference:

Big thanks to all those who pitched in or have told me these codes in the past.

Huge thanks to Dr.MPQC with most of the codes. As well as Toa Metru 6.

Frequent Questions & Answers

Can I make AI friendly?

I know AI aggressiveness. I like to make friendly AI, I want 6 novas: Addai Raptor 6 -50 most of them are friendly, but one might attack so just kill that mean one.
(You can go with any number I use -50 but you can go -50000 I think the might run away if you go that high though)
If you want more then normal aggressiveness 10 or above.

How do I spawn things?

To spawn things make sure you have logged in as admin and typed this code: Admin EnableCheats (or just Enablecheats if you are on your own server).
Then use the command line, Admin Summon PrimalCarnageGame.PC(class name)PlayerPawn.
You may have to move around a bit because you might not be able to spawn the thing you want where you are standing.

How do I change the game type?

AdminChangeMap (Map name)?game=PrimalCarnageGame.(Gametype)

How do I spawn AI?

It’s quite simple, the code for spawning AI is;
Admin AddAI (class) (number)
So for instance you wanted to spawn AI raptors the code would be, Admin AddAI Raptor 10.

Here’s the list of class types:
AI Options

  • Bruiser/Bruisers/Carno
  • Spitter/Spitters (Cryo)
  • Predator/Predators/Raptor (Nova)
  • Tyrant/Tyrants (Acro)
  • Flyer/flyers
  • Compy
  • Human

Note: If you spawn humans only commandos will appear. Previously it used to be trappers.

How do I posses AI or spawned classes?

You can possess AI by using the command line Admin Avatar PC(class name)PlayerPawn.
This command can be tricky at times and sometimes you will need to respawn the item or yourself for the thing you wish to possess.

How do I become visible with the Hunt Raptor?

Easy, use the command Admin ToggleCloak

How do I kill pawns?

Use the command Admin KillPawns. If you wish to kill a specific item like PCEgg for example just do Admin Killall PCEgg.

How do I change my size? It’s not working!

Alright, so I’ve been getting this question a lot as well as the normal procedures. Everytime you log in make sure you login and enable cheats. (AdminLogin (Password), as well as Admin EnableCheats)
Now for the command.

AdminSetScale (Player #) (Size #)
Ex. AdminSetScale 2190 4

So if you don’t know what number you are just type AdminPlayerList to find your number as well as other people if you wish to change their sizes as well. Just to let you know only this command will work for admins and only admins can change other players size.

How do I teleport other players?

Use the command Admin Teleport to move players around. To do this you need to be in spectator mode or else this will not work. Find the person you wish to move, aim in the direction you want to be teleported then write in the command string. Make sure you are logged in as admin and that cheats are enabled.

How do I fix my setbind?

If you have accidentally setbind and key that is used in the game that does a certain action such as eating or getting ammo there are several ways to fix this.

First this is the list of keys you should NOT setbind:

Also, please note that you cannot setbind numbers, only letters can be bound.

To fix the setbind issue there are two ways of doing this:

1. Setbind the key again to the specific action.
For example f was setbinded to a different command and you lost the ability to roar you would simply put “Setbind f Roar”.

The full list of actions are as follows:
SetBind ” ” GBA_MoveForward
SetBind ” “GBA_MoveBackward
SetBind ” ” GBA_MoveRight
SetBind ” ” GBA_MoveLeft
SetBind ” ” GBA_AltFire
SetBind ” ” GBA_PrimaryFire
SetBind ” ” GBA_RightMouseButton
SetBind ” ” GBA_LeftMouseButton
SetBind ” ” GBA_ChatAll
SetBind ” ” GBA_ChatTeam
SetBind ” ” GBA_Taunt
SetBind ” ” GBA_Reload

An example being SetBind f FBA_Reload. ” ” stands for where you would insert the letter in which you want to have bound to that action.

Please refer to this guide for more information on setbind issues; [link]

2. Redownload the game.
I know many people do not wish to do this but it may be the only way to recover the issue. Several people have confirmed trying to “Verify Cache” and that does not seem to fix the problem. Use this option only when the problem does not seem to be able to fix even after trying to rebind the keys with the actions.

For other questions please leave a comment and one of the guide members would be glad to answer.