There is a gamemode (or board) in 5d chess with multiverse time travel called “Focused – Just Queens”. I went ahead and tried to figure out how to always win as white. It was easier than I thought. Queens are a bit overpowered in this game so that’s probably why it was so easy. Anyway I hope this is interesting. I basically just brute forced this one and looked at every move after each move I did. This requires four moves maximum.
The board
What does the board actually look like in the start
The white king is on C1 and the white queen is on E1.
The black king is on D6 and the black queen is on B6.
They are basically on the opposite coordinates in the start.
I just created this section for people who never played the mode “Focused – Just Queens”.
Move 1
So we are white and we always want to win. Well here is the first move for doing so.
This is Qd2 if you are wondering
You give them a check. Obviously now they have to defend against the check.
Because of the check there are 5 possible moves the opponent can do.
Only one lets them live. Let me show all the 4 ones that let you win right after and the one that doesn’t
Possible Move – The queen
This move is the only queen move you could do. It blocks the queen from checking. I think you can already see the problem with this though. We can just respond with this.
This is white Qd4.
You can take the queen with your queen and win.
And get a checkmate as you see.[/previewicon]
Possible Moves – The king
There a few ways you could move your king. Only 1 is safe. There are 3 others that lead to white being able to checkmate.
King move 1. Kc6
[previewicon=20527446;sizeThumb,inline;1, 2 response.PNG][/previewicon] Kc5 and Ke6 can get the same response of Qf4 and be checkmated. Then the last possible and legal (and actually safe) move is Ke5 [previewicon=20527472;sizeThumb,inline;1, 5.PNG][/previewicon] This move actually stops the checkmate for the other king moves because if white does Qf4 the black king can capture the white queen. ———————- So then we move on to the second
Can be responded with this checkmate. Qf4
Kc5 and Ke6 can get the same response of Qf4 and be checkmated.
Then the last possible and legal (and actually safe) move is Ke5
This move actually stops the checkmate for the other king moves because if white does Qf4 the black king can capture the white queen.
So then we move on to the second move (if the opponent does Ke5 of course).
Move 2
So lets move on to move 2.
To clear something up. In some of these moves you might think, “But why can’t they just time travel”. Let me explain. These 4 moves are going to be constant checks so
If you time travel with a queen you will leave the king alone to be captured
and If you time travel with a king you will have the king in the past be vulnarable to capture( in check).
So this stops the opponent from time travelling.
The move for white is Qe2 to check the king again.
Here are all the possible moves for black. Like last time only one lets black live.
Possible move – Queen
The queen can block. A very similar thing happens though like the last time you could block with a queen though. Lets just show the picture
Not a good idea.
Possible moves – King
The king has a few moves it could do. Lets just get to the point. If the opponent moves the king not to d4 you can do this checkmate.
So the opponents only safe option is Kd4 because if the queen moves to do the checkmate it will be captured by the king.
Let me show why Kd4 is the only option
And as you see the king can capture the queen.
So now instead of moving the queen to d3 we are gonna move it to d2.
Remember that we move on to move 3 and 4 only if the opponent did Ke5 and Kd4 because otherwise we would be able to already checkmate them.
Lets move on to Move 3 and 4
Move 3 and 4
So if the opponent did a perfect play and did Ke5 and Kd4 then we have one last thing to finish them off. This is these two moves combined.
Move 3 (for white of course) is Qd2.
This forces the king to move (the queen has actually no way to block here).
Now no matter how they move their king they have no way of stopping this checkmate.I am not gonna provide full notation since there are multiple different notations but here is how I am gonna describe this last move for white.
You move your queen one back in time and one up to d3. It does not get taken since it’s defended by another queen.
There is no way the king can stop this since:
1. It can’t time travel since it’s gonna run into a past check
2. It can’t take the queen to stop it from doing this checkmate.
3. It can’t take the queen after since it’s defended by anoher queen.
So this basically secures checkmate.
Now lets make a little summary.
I am going to summarise some things here.
Lets just first summarise the moves with words
1. As white – Qd2 check.
If they block with the queen take the queen and get a checkmate.
If they move their king not to e5 do Qf4 and get a checkmate
Otherwise if they move their king to e5 proceed with the next move
2.As white – Qe2 check
If they block with the queen like last time take the queen and get a checkmate.
If they move their king not to d4 do Qd3 and get a checkmate
Otherwise if they do move their king to d4 proceed with the final two moves.
3.As white – Qd2 check (yeah it goes back to this square again).
No matter what respond with do proceed with the next move
4.As white –
I don’t know how to notate it so I will describe with words.
Go one step back in time and one up with the king. You will end up on the d3 square.
And win.
How I did this is I found a way for every move but one to not be safe for black. Then with the safe one I proceeded and tried to find a move like that again.
Anyway I hope this was interesting and have a nice day.