As i saw people enjoyed my last Bindig Of Isaac: Rebirth tutorial, i decided to show you guys and girls how to deafeat Monstro, it may seem like the easyest boss in BOI:R . but have you ever wondered an easyer way to deafeat monstro in a matter of minutes? no? then follow me on this tutorial on how to deafeat Monstro in an easy fast way!
A useful trick…
A useful trick that will kill monstro fast is, bombs. make sure to atleast have 7 or 12 bombs. when monstro jumps high , you need to act fast and to put a bomb underneeth him. when he will land on it it will explode lowering monstro’s health.
Some good items.
Some good items that will most probably save your life and make you stronger in front of monstro, are down below, but to make sure you are strong enough, you need either Lazarus or Magdaline. In case if you die, lazarus will revive, in case of lowering health, use Magdaline’s powerup.
Useful items: Bombs
Moms pills
Yum heart
Cursed Skull
Rotten Baby
Sister Maggy
and many more.
Final Notes.
Rember thouh, that you need to train. so keep playing n both normal and hard difficulty and see if you can defeat monstro on both difficutye’s, then you are ready to go on your journey to Super-Satan, and deafeat his ”revived” monstro’s.
if i missed something, anything, comment down beeelow.